Comments 1,131

Re: Starfield Modder Blames Lack Of Support As Elder Scrolls Project Gets Cancelled


It was too ambitious. They was talking about recreating multiple massive AAA games in a mod that was probably going to be decade of work with nothing to show now (even more so when the the other single game ones haven't launched).

Maybe I'm "old school" now* but wasn't modders driven by passion or single minded "I can fix your mess" stubbornness. Is support code for "patron cash"?

I think building Nirn as a planet that OTHER teams could build on would have been a better start.

*now excuse me whilst I turn into dust.

Re: PSA: We're Officially In The Last Month Ever For The Xbox 360 Store


I have such strong memories of the 360 era. Me and my friends playing 4 player farcry after school, co-oping Gears of War and Halo with my brother, co-oping Saints Row with my best friend, and many others. Plus it's where things changed. Online gaming became standard, the arrival of indies, and more games getting more content after launch and AAA experimenting that games still largely follow today.

Unfortunately my 360 completely gave out just after the X1 launched. So there isn't much point in me buying anything from the store.

Re: Pick One: Which Dead Rising Game Is Your Favourite On Xbox?


Not 4.
More specific? Hmm 3 is the better game and I feel like it found a hood balance with the timer but I prefer 2.

3's tone felt off like it was trying to be grim and camp?

3's also feels generic compared to DR1's mall, DR2/OTRs psudo Vegas strip.

Again 3 plays better but when I close my eyes and ask myself to play 1 DR game its two I go for.

Re: 'Project Tamriel' Is A Mod Aiming To Bring The Elder Scrolls To Starfield


I expected this to be announced soon enough. There's always a "bring X in to Y" mod for their games and with Starfield giving us whole worlds it was only logical to extend that tradition to a whole planet.

@Bobobiwan In theory. From what I can tell Star Wars Outlaws is structured similarly to Starfield but is hiding its loading behind that animation (like when characters shuffle through tight spaces), It'll be doing that dynamically to support your ship and the planet you're heading to.

Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, How Do You Feel About The Future Of The Brand In 2024?


I'm largely where I was before. I like the look of the games that are coming and assuming the quality is there "yay". Xbox is at the point it has to start delivering on all those purchases constantly, both in terms of the rate of releases and quality.

But the whole no-exclusive talk still has me rattled. If Nintendo brought their games to Xbox, I wouldn't have a Switch. As much as I love it it is simply cheaper to have one less console. If I'm thinking that as a proudly multi-format gamer, what must those who can only have one or worse yet third-party publishers be thinking? (obviously, if there next-gen console is some sort of dual boot Console and PC then all that goes away)

TLDR. I want MS to deliver some quality games and clearly state some red lines on their multiplatform policy.

Re: Pick One: Which Game From This Year's Xbox Showcase Are You Most Excited For?


I don't know...
There's a bunch that I'm really excited for but for different reasons.

Expedition 33 stood out for its presentation.
I can't wait to see how State of Decay evolves with 3.
Perfect Dark looks like a hi-tech Dishonoured.
Atomfall is intriguing, I suspect its more Bioshock and Fallout.
Mixtape looks interesting (assuming I get to skateboard)

And so on, there's no one that makes me wish I could play it before the others.

I do however remain slightly concerned about Indy. That cinematic was great but if all them are that long... it's very MGS4 Kojima.

Re: Starfield Is Getting Review Bombed (Again)


For me I have two issues with starfields "creations"

1. Mixing creations and mods is messy in the UI.
2. Unlike creations in Fallout and Skyrim there isn't a minium level of quality and it seems only the Bethesda made stuff doesn't disable achievements (whereas both skyrim and Fallout it's all paid creations was treated as DLC).

(I'm not against creations in their current form with modders having to opt in and not just Bethesda going "that costs now" and that they can't port existing free mods.)

Re: Report: Xbox Is Working On A Halo Remaster, Also 'Considering' PS5 Release


Expected something like this to pop up, things had been getting almost getting positive around Xbox Land lol.

Halo on PS5 would be perceived as waving the white flag. Regardless of what messaging around it, confirm a new platform every day of the week, even if they never released another game on PS, people will "consider" that when deciding what console to buy.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Planning To Bring More Games To PS5, Despite Some 'Unease' At Microsoft


The second is something like Halo, Forza, or even Fable hits PS, Xbox as hardware is done. It doesn't matter how they frame it, what claims of new hardware they have or even if it's confirmed they won't release any other games on PS afterwards, it won't matter the consumers will just see "All Xbox exclusives will come to PS"

Doesn't have to be true, just has to be convincing enough and Halo on PS5 is pretty convincing.