Comments 1,131

Re: Reaction: Xbox's Push Towards 'Microsoft Gaming' Looks More Drastic Than We First Thought


I've said before how we imagine gaming as consoles and PCs will end, MS has been preparing for it as far back as play anywhere. But I really wasn't expecting it be so... "deathy" I expected it to pitched as "xbox ecosystem being freed" and not what expecting them sacrificing customers, studios, and games to do it.

I love Xbox (had one part of my set up in every generation they existed), I Love gamepass, and MS is now in control of many of my favourite IP and I REALLY doubt, one way or another next gen I'll have an Xbox (gonna need some more hard drives to back up my digital library.)

Re: Xbox Fans React Angrily To Closure Of Bethesda's Tango Gameworks


I just don't understand this one. They have spent decades trying to get anything in Japan and they finally get it.... then poof.

The only thing I can come up with is that they don't "need" Japanese games anymore. Shifting more and more to a third party footing means they don't have to cater to niches outside their own any more.

Re: Talking Point: Would You Like To See Xbox Focus On A New Fallout Game?


I think ES fans would actively mutiny if Fallout 5 got bumped up.

Remasters and remakes of Fallout 3/NV wouldn't require much work from the core Bethesda team and most of the work could be done by another studio.

They could also expand the Creation Club concept and approach modders like those working on Fallout London (or the Play Fallout _ in Fallout 4 mods) and worth with (and pay) them to make an "official" version of their mods as standalone Fallout releases.

Re: Fallout 4 Next-Gen Update Now Live On Xbox, Here Are The Patch Notes


I like that this has a "lower resolution, higher graphics and higher FPS" mode even if it's weirdly consigned to a weird auto setting.

Sidenote: I would like games that offer different performance modes actually explain/show the difference beyond "game go 60" and "game go pretty" I really don't want to have to dig up comparison videos everytime I load up a game.

Re: 8BitDo Unveils Budget-Friendly Xbox Controller With Hall Effect Sticks


I just wish we could have a wireless version of Xbox, I get Xbox not wanting that.

I'm not a pro gamer or a "hardcore" PVP player so I don't need the milliseconds of improved latency a wire provides but I am a 30+ gamer who has the trauma of consoles going flying with wires stretching across the living room floor, and my own kids are easily 5x as chaotic as my siblings was.

Re: Rumour: Destiny 3 Is In Development At Bungie Under The Codename 'Payback'


I don't think I'll be all that interested unless there's some shake ups. I'm just not interested on yet more destiny. I think I tapped out of Destiny 2 just before they started vaulting stuff.

Maybe if they did something like Helldivers (not so much the GM thing, though that might be cool) but having the players be taking part in an evolving story. I mean these games are unplayable offline and can and will remove content they might as well embrace that.

Re: The Fallout TV Show Debuts Today, And It's Getting Very Impressive Previews So Far


I want this to do well because A) then we get more Fallout and it sounds like we aren't getting that in game form anytime soon, and B) I want this "spin-off in a different medium" approach to be standard when adapting "choices matter" RPGs like Mass Effect and Baldur's Gate. I much rather see a different story from their worlds than weird "best guess" canonised versions of those game's stories.

Re: Xbox Reportedly Testing The Waters With Sea Of Thieves PS5 Release


As I've said before my concerns aren't "Ps FaNs No PlAy OuR GaMz" my concerns are the continued existence of Xbox consoles, the ability to access my digital library, and handing Sony a hardware monopoly.

If the "important" Xbox exclusives aren't exclusive then why buy an Xbox? Gamepass? but if console sales are bad why would people put games on Game Pass or even make games for Xbox as a platform when everyone is "belt-tightening"?

Obviously, IF Sony also starts sharing exclusives the problem goes away, or if future Xbox consoles can also play PC games.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Prefer Shorter Or Longer Games In General?


"It depends" a whole stinking lot of "it depends".

Like horror games require a certain level of suspense and you just can't pad that out. So shorter is better than longer.

Conversely wouldn't want a monster hunter game that took 10 hours to finish.

I don't like a game to drag or feel like it's gone in a flash.

Re: Rumour: Gears 6 Could Appear At The Xbox Showcase This Summer


Man it's been ages, I can't wait for a new Gears. I'd also take another Gears Tactics in the meantime. I hope they aren't working on a Gears trilogy remaster, simply because that can be outsourced.

It boggles my mind that MS has, what, 30 studios and theres just 3 confirmed games coming this year (excluding COD and existing Acti-bliz projects). At this rate MS would have released more games on PS5 and Switch than they did on Xbox this year.