Comments 1,131

Re: Talking Point: What Would Convince You To Use Xbox Cloud Gaming More Often?


Outside of using it to complete reward objectives I use cloud when I'm "out and about" but obviously how effective that is depends on what signal I'm getting.

Which is kinda the bane of the whole cloud concept, no matter how great the tech is there is just so much outside the company and the customers control that makes it hard if not Impossible to play.

I tend to play turn based games over the cloud as it limits the problems like input lag.

Re: Xbox Ultimate Game Sale 2023 Now Live, 700+ Games Discounted


Pretty much every game I was hoping to be in the sale was but only the super duper editions or worse the deluxe editions, and all of them cost more than the RRP of the base game.

The super duper editions I get, those do usually represent some sort of actual savings. Sure I get that I might not buy the DLC if they just discount the core game but I'm certainly not buying the DLC if never buy the core game

But the deluxe editions, those really bother me If didn't want to pay the full RRP for the game, I'm not going to more than the RRP of the core game for a few throwaway cosmetics.

Re: Microsoft Is Expecting Two New PS5 Models In The 'Near Future'


There's just no way MS would let's a ps5 pro exist unchallenged.
It would mean spending the rest of the entire generation in a PR black hole of every release being compared between the series X and Ps5 pro.

A comparison that's only going to get worse as more and more game either don't have performance modes or performance modes that constantly fail to meet their targets.

Re: Jim Ryan: Publishers 'Unanimously' Do Not Like Xbox Game Pass


It's a shame he sent only prerecorded stuff because I really want to know how PS+ is different ir which publishers.

Maybe it's because of bluray. I mean Sony spent decades losing format war after format war and it finally wins with Bluray and Netflix almost single handedly destroys the home media market and sony's cut. There is gamepass openly calling itself Netflix of games.

Re: The Elder Scrolls 6 Is At Least 'Five-Plus Years Away', Platforms Still TBD


I don't think it will be quite that long.
There has to be people whose work on Starfeild and its dlc is done. Take a random example, the environmental artists or writters Starfeild + DLC work would be over years ago, putting them over to Elder Scrolls makes more sense than sending them home.

Don't get me wrong between expanded dev time and the size of their games it's bound to be a while

Re: Microsoft Announces Price Increases For Xbox Series X And Xbox Game Pass


I doubt this will effect subs much. We hear the same thing everytime other subs raise their prices "that's it their doomed, moat of us won't pay that" and then nothing... the price goes up subs remain basically the same.

It's like the Netflix password sharing thing, everyone was certain it would damage them and it didn't their "stunt" had a massive posertive effect on their numbers. (Not saying this will boost numbers, just that Internet noise is just that noise)