Well, who had this one on their Gamescom bingo card? Peter Molyneux, the famous creator behind Xbox's Fable franchise, is back (again) - this time with his new 'god game' Masters of Albion.

Announced for PC so far, Masters of Albion is exactly what you'd expect from Molyneux if you've followed him all these years. This time though, the game at least looks quite far along; assuming that's real gameplay we're seeing in the above trailer.

Anyway, here's Peter's introduction to his latest ambitious project; Masters of Albion:

"The story of Albion is one of power and consequence, a rich and deep narrative set in a world full of quests and moral choices. Navigate your way through intrigue and plot – kings come and go, lords shake you by the hand then stab you in the back, and the people work like dogs and are treated no better.

Gifted god like, ancient powers, you face an enemy the likes of which have not been seen in hundreds of years. Magic is returning to the hills and halls of Albion, threatening to tear down the the very foundations of society.

Unravel the mystery of the mages, defeat the enemy that lurks in the night and conquer a sorcery that could kill us all. Some are born with power, some achieve power, and some have great power thrust upon them."

Come on then, who predicted this one? Tell us what you make of Masters of Albion down below.