Talking Point: What Improvements Would You Like To See Made To The Xbox Store?

The Xbox Store (or the "Microsoft Store" if you want to call it that) is a place that we're constantly browsing on a near-daily basis here at Pure Xbox, and it's obviously a crucial part of the console (and PC) experience for all players.

This is the place you go to buy new games, buy them on discount, check out the Free Play Days offerings every week, subscribe to the likes of Xbox Game Pass and Ubisoft+, download apps, look for free-to-play titles, and so much more.

And for the most part, we think it works well - it's even been getting updates as recently as this week:

However, we've definitely spotted some room for improvement over the years. One of the big things that we'd love is more visibility for the likes of Free Play Days games, free demos and free trials. It's hard to find any of these as things stand (you really have to dig around for them), and free trials aren't even properly categorised anymore.

The user review system surely needs some work as well. We've talked about this in the past - there's so much spam on there, so many pointless reviews... you have to weed through a lot of silly and sometimes offensive comments to find the constructive stuff.

So yeah, those are just a couple of improvements that we'd like to see made to the Xbox Store going forward, but what about you? We'd love to hear your thoughts - and hopefully Microsoft might take the feedback into account!

How Happy Are You With The Xbox Store Experience Right Now? (185 votes)

  1. It's fantastic, I have no issues at all!3%
  2. It's pretty good, I'm happy enough23%
  3. It's alright I guess?30%
  4. It's not great, definitely some improvements needed37%
  5. I think it's a terrible experience actually!7%

What improvements would you like to see made to the Xbox Store? Tell us in the comments down below.