Comments 1,131

Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, Are You Still Enjoying Halo Infinite In 2024?


I enjoy playing Halo infinite, but half the time I'm in lobbies with people taking it way more seriously then I am. Had a teammate in a big team battle about my weapon choice because it's "ttk was too high". I'm just looking to have fun not seeking some meta.

@AshKirin19 I knew I was done playing online FPS when it became nessirary to screw around with settings to produce zero recoil optimised auto aiming.

Granted that's a CoD thing but it speaks how online FPS community has changed over the years.

Re: Phil Spencer On Porting Exclusives: 'Every Decision We Make Is To Make Xbox Stronger'


I suspected the "fall of consoles" as the "primary" form of gaming was going to happen, I just expected consoles to limp on for a few more generations until Xbox and Sony go "We're cloud first, hardware is for the hardcore". I wasn't expecting Xbox to basically hand Sony the market on a plate.


I really hope Microsoft isn't expecting us to keep buying Xbox consoles as Game Pass machines.

Now assuming they don't manage to convince Sony to ALSO drop exclusives or future Xbox are also PCs

It goes like this. Xbox drops exclusivity, console sales stall, third parties don't want to invest in Xbox versions of their games as PS sales increase, Xbox user base shrinks, and third-party game pass support dries up, leaving only Xbox-made games on gamepass, which according to spencer is looking to be, what, 4 games (plus a couple of smaller ones) a year? Imagine if Disney+ of Netflix announced we'd only get 4 films and 2 TV shows for the entire year?

That's the same doom spiral that nuked the Wii U. Sales slowed, third-party support dropped, huge gaps in the lineup as it basically fell on Nintendo to supply all the games, and the sales dry up.

Re: With A 'PS5 Pro' Now Rumoured For 2024, Where Does That Leave Xbox?


I think the extra power isn't much of a problem here. It'll suck that Xbox is behind there but the upscale worries me more.

Frame rates have been a bit damming this gen. You can have Ray tracing or 60fps, you have have nice graphics or 60fps, you have full resolution or 60fps.

Having a PS on the market that says "why not both?" Is gonna look real bad. (Yes I'm aware it's not "real" performance, but from a sales point it is)

Re: Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Producer Defends Lack Of Xbox Series X|S Release


This seems like the sort of thing that's "technically true" but isn't actually what happened. I've never heard a Dev say "We would have made a better world if we didn't have to make different ports".

They could have picked any other aspect like performance, fidelity, gameplay, polish, or even budget and my first response would have been "Fair enough" but "content vs porting" just instantly feels like the response of someone who really doesn't want to say "because money".

Re: Talking Point: Do You Make Use Of Cloud Gaming On Xbox Game Pass?


I'm not "out and gaming" that much, if I'm out odds are I don't have time to game, if I have time to game I'm more likely to take my Kindle or drawing book.

That being said I do use "with some frequency" at home. Playing games in bed, when the kids are using the Xbox or screens, that sort of thing. It works really well with my 1GB internet.

The primary "limit" for me using cloud is hardware, ironically. If I use my phone/tablet I need the controller, the android console I have has a small screen that makes anything involving text awkward, the Quest 3 works really well also needs the controller. The bedroom TV doesn't have the GP app and that would mean taking it away from the wife.