There was a time in 2023 when we thought that nothing stood a chance at beating The Lord of the Rings: Gollum to the "Worst Game of 2023" award, but in recent weeks we've seen two possible new candidates crop up on Xbox.
The first of these was Skull Island: Rise of Kong back in October, and now we've got The Walking Dead: Destinies in November. The latter released just a few days ago, and although its Xbox rating isn't actually that bad (we'll talk about that in a minute), the game has been going viral for all the wrong reasons on social media and YouTube so far.
In general, there seems to be a consensus that the idea behind The Walking Dead: Destinies at least had a lot of potential, but ultimately it's been executed poorly. That said, the game actually has a 3/5 star rating on the Xbox Store right now, so it definitely still has its fans - we'll throw a positive and negative example down below.
Slyfox2001 on Xbox: "I am disappointed in this game not only from a TWD fan perspective, but as an avid gamer. Barely 2015 graphic tier, very mid-leaning to low tier combat, and BAD voice acting for about every character. I mean come on you could have gotten someone that at least somewhat sounds like the actual show. Second star for skill tree and choice-driven story, otherwise prepare to have your mind blown with disappointment."
Diondasher on Xbox: "If you are a big fan of TWD, this game will be enjoyable even if the graphics and gameplay is outdated. I have encountered some bugs, but nothing game breaking. The whole concept for this game is a great one and anything TWD can hold up as far as story and characters. But with the available tech of 2023, this game just feels like it came out 15 yrs too late."
There are no official reviews for The Walking Dead: Destinies from any outlets as of yet, but we're assuming it'll get some low scores when they arrive. That said, it'll take some beating to surpass Gollum and Rise of Kong as the "Worst Xbox Game of 2023", and we feel like Destinies may have just enough to avoid that moniker.
Have you played The Walking Dead: Destinies yet? What do you think of it? Tell us down below.
Comments 22
Kinda makes you nostalgic for the days of awful tie-in games, though this is worse because they're awful without the excuse of needing to hit a deadline by an entire other product (aka no film).
And of cause sometimes those tie-ins were far better than they had any right to be.
Wow! Looks one step up from that asset-flip TLOU 'clone' doing the rounds, but with a licensed IP attached.
I wouldn't actually mind that the 'cinematics' were just static 3D models if the rest of the game was good, but the bits i've seen and read about are hilariously bad, under cooked and unpolished.
They put out the equally bad Cobra Kai licensed games.
I bought the game with some pretty low expectations and my thoughts were pretty much spot on.
My biggest complain would be that it plays like a highlight reel of TWD moments and skips a lot of the narrative in between that makes those moments make sense.
@Kevw2006 Please explain what compelled you to spend actual money on this.
Wow, a game that looked shockingly bad when it was announced turned out to be shockingly bad? Shocking.
If GameMill and Microids collided, we would find out just what happens when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object.
@Goj Curiosity mostly. I'm a big TWD fan and thought the concept sounded interesting.
@Markatron84 Gamemills website is worth a look. It is an excellent segway into what to expect from them. I've seen coffee shops with more professional websites
@CallMeDuraSouka oh my god yes. My wife and I were looking at their website the other day. I don't know where the budget for their games ends up, seeing as it's not spent on the games, but it's definitely not being used on the website 🤣
With the amount of coverage given it is clearly better to be the worst than it is to be a 6 or 7 out of 10 game.
Why do we give them incentive to make games worse? I picked up Lord of the rings Gollum for $10 hoping that i get a laugh out of it so i guess I am part of the problem. I have a hard time believing it is actually as bad as people say so I am looking forward to playing it.
I dunno i'm playing Alan Wake 2. Last night Saga called someone a "white-*****" and then i spent 20 minutes doing an interactive segment detailing what a boss chick she is. Ranks up there with the worst for me
@PureXbox Can’t say it’s a potential mess without reviewing it!
With all the risk aversion to making bad games withing the industry for quite some time now, I'm surprised that any of the businesses in charge of the rights to these tie in games even bother.
I'd bet the vast majority of licensed games are abysmal games, and that's in the entire lifetime of licensed games being a thing.
Why even bother wasting the time and money on something that is so low effort it can only be a sales flop.
Oh well, it's not my money.
I will eventually get the walking Dead game and I'm sure I will enjoy stuck with the show so I'll give it a go on sale ha
There were a handful of good toe-in games, even a few great ones, I can't think of a single one at the moment though.
It's been quite some time since I've even noticed a movie/TV show toe-in game, a long time in fact.
@Reptilio I've heard mixed reviews on AW2 so decided to wait for a sale, but think I'm gonna skip it now 👍
The most popular Walking Dead games were interactive comic books. How is this any worse?
@Reptilio If white character would called African American a "black-hole" . There be an insane uproar and backlash.
Double standards are just so obcene in today's world.
Was it made with slave labor?
why this nameless componies get huge name to make a terrible games? like this and the Kong game....
!i really dont understand, there are tons of quality indie studios!
@GuyinPA75 I saw a thread on reddit about it and probably 80% of the posters were defending the game and what she said 🤔 Like you said if it was the other way around the game would get destroyed and that part would probably get edited out....
@GuyinPA75 Exactly. And the majority of people buying this game are white dudes it's ridiculous
@MagicCat Good call man. Wish i would have now
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