Comments 472

Re: BioWare Co-Founder Recalls 'Moronic' Xbox Advice That Potentially Ruined A Franchise


Jade Empire was an ok game. People love to wear the rose colored glasses for this one. I was riding high off of KOTOR and reserved the Special Edition of Jade Empire. Bought it day one, and beat it in a few evenings, and was extremely disappointed. The game wasn't nearly as good as KOTOR, and simultaneously was never going to have the mass appeal that a Star Wars game did. They have no one to blame but their own ridiculous expectations.

Re: Xbox's First New Controller Of 2025 Is The 'Pulse Cipher' Special Edition


I stopped spending the money on first party controllers after my third one got stick drift. Not sure what MS changed, but their controllers used to be solid AF. I still have X360 controllers that are 20 years old that work like a dream.

I started buying PowerA controllers for $25 and will continue to do so until MS starts putting hall effect sticks in their controllers.


Re: GTA 6 Raising Prices To '$80 Or Even $100' Could Cause Industry To Follow Suit, Says Analyst


Games were $50 and $60 back in the 90's when the game industry was so niche that selling 500k copies was a success and selling a million was ****ing amazing. Fast-forward to today when game companies whine that they can't make a profit when the market is literally hundreds of millions of people and they don't even need to print a physical product.

Also GTAO made like, a billion dollars last year.

Re: Talking Point: A Year Later, What Do You Think Of Forza Motorsport?


Still waiting for like, 90% of the tracks I enjoyed from previous Forzas, so no. No it hasn't.

Still waiting for Mount Panorama, Fujimi Kaido, Burnese Alps, New York, Monsterrat, Prague, Miami, Rio de Janeiro, Amalfi Cost, Dubai, etc.

I would have loved to see some throwbacks like the Pacific Shipyard or the Tokyo Circuit from the original Forza. Or, i dunno, maybe some NEW locations we've never seen before?

As it is, all they have put in are licensed tracks that you can get in any other racing game. They haven't included anything to set it apart. I have always preferred FM over GT, but GT7 had a much, much better variety of tracks.

Turn 10 dropped the ball in the creativity department this time around.

Re: Xbox Fans Plead With Microsoft: 'Don't Forget About Us Physical Gamers'


A few vocal holdouts. They'll either need to get with the program or just be forever angry.

Here's the reality. I grew up with physical games. They do not last forever. Disc drives fail. The discs themselves degrade over time. Having a physical copy might mean you "own" the game, but it don't mean you'll still be playing it when you're 90.

Cartridges last longer but aside from Nintendo I can't see them ever being a viable format again. Even the Switch's days are number, in my opinion.

Re: SEGA Delisting Multiple Xbox Games This December


Yeah, de-listing so they can re-list as a new package. Nothing is lost, these games are readily available in one form or another. In fact I think I have all of them on a Switch cartridge.

EDIT: Oh, hah. That's the one they're de-listing. I thought it was the old ones from the 360. Carry on, nothing to see here lol.

Re: More Crystal Dynamics Remasters Could Be On The Way


@InvaderFromSpace GOG has the original Legacy of Kain and is on sale right now for less than $2. In fact, it has all the LoK games except for the first Soul Reaver.

However, none of the games services have Soul Reaver. Square Enix pulled it from stores for whatever reason a while back, then sold them off to Embracer. So it's essentially just been in limbo on PC until somebody at Eidos/Crystal Dynamics or Embracer decides to re-release it.

Hopefully this rumor is true.

Re: Talking Point: Has Your Gaming Slowed Down As You've Got Older?


That's not a simple question; When I was younger, games were simpler and shorter. They didn't demand your time nearly as much. On top of that, when I was a teen, pagers were barely even a thing-- no internet, no cell phones. So if you wanted to socialize, you had to actually GO OUT AND SOCIALIZE. So I wasn't home as much. Gaming was done in small chunks here or there. Sometimes we'd get some friends together and have some NBA Jam tournaments or Bomberman 2 sessions. Maybe rotate through on some Street Fighter 2. But it was always just "something else to do" and never a core focus.

I have more disposable income as an adult, so I can afford to splurge whenever the Steam or Console sales come around. My backlog is gigantic, but honestly, yeah my gaming has slowed down considerably, in the sense that I don't beat games as quickly as I used to. I game in spurts of an hour or so, instead of the all-night marathons I did in my teens/early 20's once the Playstation and Xbox rolled around.

I have challenges in my job and life every day, I'm not looking to be challenged in my gaming. That's my wind-down. My relaxation. So while I do enjoy Souls-likes and multiplayer shooters, I rarely finish them or put significant time into them. And if there's an Easy or Story mode to an RPG, I'll choose it every time.

Re: Xbox's 'Slimy Platform Things' Comment Draws Attention Of Former PlayStation Boss


@Fenbops I don't believe that for a bit. He's been around a long time and he's been pretty genuine. And that has come back to bite him in the ass a few times. Everybody hangs on every little phrase he says. Everybody takes their own interpretation of his words. The dude has to clarity and re-clarify and say things as bluntly and plainly as possible, so that there's no room for interpretation. The ABK acquisition put a spotlight on that. So yeah, Phil has become pretty corporate in his PR fluff speak. But you can't blame him for that. You can blame the media and us, though.

Re: Square Enix Announces New Dragon Quest Remake For Xbox Series X|S


If there are any games that deserve to be remade, it's Dragon Quest 1 & 2. I've recently started playing DQ1 on NES and man it's rough. Not even talking graphics, but weird difficulty spikes and outdated, hardcore gameplay mechanices (like having to travel all the way back to the castle to save your game, and losing half your gold if you die because of said weird difficulty spikes).

I realize they got "remasters" of sorts with new artwork on Switch, but from what I understand they kept the core gameplay mechanics and they're just as brutal as the originals.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Actively Avoid Xbox Games With Massive Download Sizes?


I come from a day when we used to have binders full of 5.25 floppy disks. Downloading a 5 MB file meant tying up your phone line for three hours.

Today, I have about 30 TB of storage spread over several hard drives on my PC and a 1 TB expansion card with a 5 TB external hooked up to my Xbox. I pay for fiber and can download a 100 GB file in about an hour. Sometimes less.

I will download any damn thing I can get my hands on. It's wonderful.

Re: Talking Point: In Your Opinion, What Made The Xbox 360 Era So Incredible?


The generation had some great games, but there was also a ton of innovation and experimentation at this time. The 360/PS3 era was a time when there were a lot of "firsts" on console.

True wireless controllers, that could turn the system off and on. Integrated party chat that allowed anyone to talk to anyone else no matter what they were playing. Gamerscore and trophies were introduced in this gen. An integrated, unifying store that you could browse. This generation also introduced digital downloads, disc installs, custom profiles and avatars. It also saw Xbox experiment with several different dashboard styles, some great... some not so great.

We got to play around with the Xbox Vision Cam and Eye Toy, putting photos of ourselves on our driver licenses for Burnout Paradise and mapping our face to our character in Rainbow Six Vegas and NBA 2K.

We got the Kinect and the PS Move.. and while they weren't as successful as we would have liked (it was commercially successful for MS) it was still an experiment in pushing gaming forward.

Xbox Live became much more stable, netcode got more competent and people's internet overall was much better by the time the Xbox 360 rolled around. Games were playable now. I loved the early days of XBL but let's be honest, most of them were a laggy mess.

Social media and digital streaming were really starting to become a thing at this time as well, and while that's not directly related to Xbox or Playstation, it did impact our enjoyment of the generation, as our social reach was beginning to expand and we were communicating in new ways.

No generation will ever be as memorable as that one, because for the most part, technology has gotten faster and better, but innovation has stagnated. We are at a bit of a impasse when it comes to "new" experiences. It will be a case of increasingly diminishing returns until the next big step forward comes about, whether that is VR, AR, or something we haven't even thought of yet.

It's not about just great games. Because there are great games now, too. But they don't or won't have as much impact because they're not "new" experiences.

So congratulations, youngin's. You now understand what nostalgia is and why us old people yearn for the good ol' days.

Re: Toys For Bob Is Becoming An Indie Studio, Leaving Xbox And Activision


  • MS buys Activision, which includes a studio that had basically been a CoD support studio
  • MS sees that since they were a CoD support studio, they have absolutely nothing in the works
  • MS doesn't want to pay a small studio of people to literally start something from scratch, that won't see completion for three or four years.
  • MS gonna shut them down, but agrees to let them go indie, with a stipulation that whatever they make comes to Game Pass.
  • Toys for Bob gets a new lease on life. MS looks like a good guy for letting them go.
  • MS gets game either way.

Re: Star Wars Battlefront Returns To Xbox With 64-Player Online Battles This March


These games were cool back in the day, but the netcode was terrible and people's internet connections as a whole were pretty poor. The lag was the one thing that kept these games from being a blast. I'll probably be taking a look at them. I do hope they launch into one service or another though, because I don't know how long a mulitplayer game like this can survive on just nostalgia alone.