Comments 2,846

Re: Halo TV Star Sends Blunt Message To Fans About No-Helmet Master Chief


@Moby We're not talking about new characters. We're talking about things like the titular Master Chief having a totally different origin story than in the games. They never had implants that suppressed emotions either. Spartans have emotions, they're just not controlled by them.

Cortana was rewritten too. She was originally an AI clone of Haley's brain made to help her with with research that ultimately chose John as the Spartan she wanted to work with

Soren isn't even remotely the same character. He was one of the unfortunates of the Spartan program and was disfigured beyond even looking human. And was relegated to a desk job with the UNSC before having an Ephialtes arc later on in the series.

The Covenant never took human prisoners either, let alone raise one, as the prophets were scared of them undermining their Great Journey.

I can go on all day, but I won't. None of this is a surprise though as the show runners admitted to never playing the games or reading the books.

Re: Halo TV Star Sends Blunt Message To Fans About No-Helmet Master Chief


@BrilliantBill I would definitely use "adapting" loosely here. Kinda of how the Eragon move "adapted" the book. Reach being destroyed was a small portion of the book.

Still have the non sensical Covenant adopted human. Still rocking the Spartan team from wish instead of Blue team proper. The thought of getting them axed on screen would be nice. Though I'm willing to bed their contracts are signed for more than 2 seasons which would prevent that. I will give that the cinematography looks a bit better. And no hints of that horrid CGI you saw when Cortana took over Chiefs suit in the first. But that's about it.

@Moby It takes no energy to point out the short comings of a half hearted TV show. You're not even getting a deeper look at the characters. You're getting a look a wholly original characters, some of share the same names with characters int he games/books.

Re: Halo TV Star Sends Blunt Message To Fans About No-Helmet Master Chief


you don’t like our show.

Why yes, yes you're right. But not because of the helmet. Because of the poor writing, and completely ignoring the plot of the games.

Only having the helmet on for a cumulative 20-30 minutes for the whole season is just an added negative.

If all they did was adapt Fall of Reach, not only would you see his face countless times, but fans would have been over the moon. But instead they gave us fanfiction that seems like some horny, 14 year old, wrote.

Re: Palworld Dev Explains Why Xbox Updates Are So Much Slower Than PC


@kihaennem I personally disagree. As someone that does a PC gaming a significant amount, the benefits of not having to deal with certifications outweighs the benefits of having to.

ESPECIALLY when time after time Microsoft has proved their "certification" process review is anything but. Countless times they've let game breaking patches through. Then you had to again, wait, for certification, for the hot fix that would resolve the issue. Way more of a hassle than it is worth and causes issues for games that could otherwise be cross play.

Re: Palworld Dev Explains Why Xbox Updates Are So Much Slower Than PC


@kihaennem Odd statement about an Early Access game.

The only ones crying are the people playing it. The developers were simply providing an answer, likely falling in deaf ears.

This has been an issue since the 360 days of certifications holding things back. Still remember when some cross play games back then were broke for a short bit on 360 because of a patch being dropped on PC but waiting certification with Microsoft.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Palworld On Xbox Game Pass So Far?


@oopsiezz having followed crafttopia, I don't remember them saying anything of the sort for that game.

What games have the abandoned by the way? Overdungeon(a 2019 game) was updated in August 2023. Crafttopia(2020 game) was updated in December 2023.

AI: Art Imposter is the closest thing to "abandoned", and that is due to Japanese legislation regarding AI art, a core part of the game.

Do you have anything to back up your claims?

Re: Hellblade 2 Will Be A Digital-Only, Cheaper Release On Xbox And PC


Definitely disappointed. Had plans to own it as well. Guess that won't be the case and will be a "play on Gamepass and delete" type of dealio.

Hopefully this isn't a sign of their future releases. If they want to go digital only, I might as well just go back to Steam primarily. I trust Steam with digital only purchases way more than I'd ever trust Microsoft.

Re: Ara: History Untold Officially Arrives For PC Game Pass In Fall 2024


I get that Xbox is no longer just a console, but does anyone else get a little annoyed when a Xbox game show, shows things that that have no current plans for console release?

I have a gaming PC, but I guess I just still expect things at a Xbox show to, you know, release for Xbox. I can't think of any of my PC friends that are even bother watching this. Anecdotal as it is.

Kinda feels like watching an Xbox show and they announce something for the Switch or PS5. I'm watching Nintendo and Sony shows for that kinda of info, not an Xbox show.

Re: Hands On With Palworld: The New 'Pokémon-Like' For Xbox Game Pass


@oopsiezz They already announced that they are planning a function to transfer your save to to dedicated servers. Though if Xbox is going to get dedicated servers is yet to be seen.

That said, I prefer it as is. I have borderline PTSD from people wanting to play games like these on dedicated servers, Ark, Valheim, etc. Only to abandon the server and stop paying on it resulting on dozens of hours lost.

Not only is the game early access, it is only $30. And if you have Gamepass, you can play it through that

Re: Indie Dev Says Optimising For Xbox Series S 'Benefits Consumers Immensely'


That's awful easy for a developer that makes games that could run on pretty much anything under the sun. Of course it would be easy to optimize something, that would already run on the S without optimizations, for it.

BG3 is pretty resource intense game.

But when you're saying things like:
"If the developers always keep the slowest platform they are targeting in mind, first and foremost, then the other platforms should be easier to deal with,"

We've gone back full circle to platforms like the Series S holding games back.

Re: Starfield Teases Its 'Biggest' Update Yet, Here's What You Can Expect


@Raw_Dawg People also complain about not being able to aim on Halo or CoD on Reddit so....Same thing here.

Again, I am one of the most critical people of Starfield. But I call out actual issues. Not issues that are the results of someone not being able to aim.

You get ammo in droves on Starfield.

Starfield gives so much ammo there are mods to reduce the amount of ammo you get so it is a bit more challenging.

When someone goes out of their way to make a mod to reduce ammo spawns, you know it isn't because there's too little. 🤣

Re: Limited Run Gets Brutally Honest As Xbox Misses Out On Two New Ports


I can't even begin to account the number of times I've commented on here mentioning the install base making it not worth while for a lot of ports.

When you have a smaller install base, especially to the level Xbox has, you have a smaller potential audience for a game. As that is a fraction of the overall install base. So why risk going negative? You're guaranteed profits elsewhere.

Re: Xbox Sets Target Date For Baldur's Gate 3 Deleted Saves Fix


@InfamousOrange This is an issue that stems from the new way Xbox started handling saves starting with the Xbox One.

I've lost multiple saves across multiple games. Hell, I've even lost a save on Starfield recently. But I lost saves as early as Battlefield 4. Also lost saves on Shadow of Mordor, Rare Replay, Halo 5, Quantum Break, and others.

My best guess is an issue with authenticating. If you're connected online it pretty much exclusively uses cloud saves. So if there's a hiccup in the server, it creates a new save which overwrites the previous on file.

Worth mentioning is we're past the days of selecting "New Game" etc generating a save. It is generated the moment the game is started and the hand shake process starts thereafter.

Re: Poll: How Often Do You Buy DLC Packs & Expansions For Your Games?


Depends on the game. Something like Borderlands for example, I just skip the game entirely until they do a GOTY version with all the DLC bundled.

Something like Assassin's Creed? Never.

Things like Halo and Elder Scrolls, always bought the DLC day one.

The former stopped DLC so they literally get no money from me anymore.

We'll see what Starfield's DLC looks like. If substantial I'll get it for sure. But not any of these "OH HERE'S ONE DUNGEON" type things you see commonly on Japanese games.