Microsoft is reportedly planning a digital Xbox Series X console launch very, very soon. According to outlet eXputer, we're set to get a white digital Xbox Series X this summer, with a June or July release date currently outed.
The rumour originates from insider eXtas1s (Twitter), who speculates that the console could also be "$50-$100 lower" than the normal Series X, considering its all-digital nature. However, the report is keen to note that pricing info isn't known at the time of publishing.
Other enhancements are set to include "an improved heatsink" and "an upgraded Nexus card" over the base Xbox Series X - improved internals would make sense considering the original system is almost four years old at this stage.
Now, this is all rumour at the moment and should be treated as such - the report even mentions that there are "chances for a slight delay" on that current release window. Microsoft announced last week that it had plans for hardware announcements in Holiday 2024, so we'll have to wait and see if this reported white Series X is part of those plans.
Would you be tempted to pick one of these up if true? Go ahead and discuss this report down below.
[source exputer.com]
Comments 71
So adorably all digital was correct then?
Just white instead.
Final they have caught up with PS5 digital.
Should have been there from the beginning day one. Should sell for about £350.
If it’s more than PS5 digital then it’s a waste of time.
They really need to start aggressively promoting and advertising series consoles hard.
Let’s not forget half of game pass subscriptions are on Xbox consoles.
As I have always said sell a console sell a game pass subscription. It’s not that hard.
Absolutely agree, @OldGamer999, Microsoft not only need to massively publicise the console, but ideally they want to undercut the PS5 digital model (the pro one at the very least) and be prepared to go lower still if Sony further reduce the price of their consoles.
Off topic, but is there a reason you have 999 to your user name?
It should replace the Series S and next generation release two identical consoles, one of them digital and the other with a disc reader or a disc drive sold separately.
Now you're saying something that I can agree with, @Banjo-... 😂
Removed - trolling/baiting
@Banjo- I agree they should next generation.
But currently I think they should keep the S. it’s a good console, and perhaps a cheaper way to get more people into the ecosystem ready for next gen
I want that a lot !
Forest green would be better or a mirror chrome style
If they price this right and advertise it, then it could sell. Is Microsoft capable, though? They will need to do much better than how they have handled both the Series X and S so far. Let's hope they have learnt from their mistakes...
> Other enhancements are set to include "an improved heatsink" and "an upgraded Nexus card"...
What function does the Nexus card have?
have we learnt nothing with recent random rumours? jeez
Hopefully with no disc drive the price will come down either way by June I'll be upgrading to series X 100% hopefully I can get the white one though fingers crossed
999 when I created the name oldgamer it kept saying no as I added each number
So I got fed up and put 999 and it worked. 😂
It’s ok I’m not 999 years old just yet.
Right behind you, they need to get their console, game pass and games advertising in full swing.
Xbox has so much potential and it’s all there right now as a package, just outside of gamers, the general public no one knows.
My nephew got a series x 8 years old, and he knew a little about game pass but his parents had to have me explain it all etc and then they got him game pass. They said they had never heard of it.
No disc drive. No interest.
@OldGamer999 Isn't that what the Series S was?
@TheSimulator You can buy one those vinyl wraps Microsoft sells that probably just overheat your console.
Absolutely not, it’s a less powerful console.
The PS5 disc and digital are the same power.
The series s to me should have not been done and they should have gone all digital series x from day one instead.
Poor xbox developers have enough to deal with making games across many devices the series s added another one.
So it’s an inferior version of the current Series X.
Looks nice, but I won’t be buying it. Actually, I’m hoping Sony comes up with a streaming service that lets me stream their games catalogue to any device, much like Game Pass, and I won’t ever buy any more consoles/hardware. A tv with native Game Pass/PS Pass will be enough.
So this is the hardware that they are releasing later in the year to compete with the PS5 Pro? I know they plan to jump into the next generation by 2026 but that's two years that Sony can claim they have the world's most powerful console!?
I think at this point Microsoft has had more rumours swirling around this year than new controllers and it’s only mid February.
Used to love this website but it’s incredibly negative especially the comment section it’s all doom and gloom.
If it comes with the rumoured 2TB internal storage, it will, in fact make it a superior version. All Microsoft has to announce is the optional disc-drive add-on...I'm hopeful ☺️.
I can't be the only person wondering what a nexus card is. Anyone able to enlighten me?
Day 1 buy to go with my white, all digital ps5
@OldGamer999 Exactly, they need to line up their ducks in a row and promote it properly.
Game pass is still the best deal in gaming currently. As you said with your nephew, once he has Game pass he's all set to go.
For me with little time for gaming, all I have to do is keep my Game pass subscription going and I get the odd game now in a steep sale occasionally. It's a cheap way to access many games going forwards.
Looks nice in all white but not something I am interested in as a current series x owner and physical game owner.
@Tecinthehead Who cares? what is a "pro" version of either of these consoles going to get? Games play the same even though the series X is the most powerful. It's only a talking point when it's Playstation like the PS4 to Xbox One. When xbox is most powerful it's just has to be that way becasuse they are in 3rd place. so lame.
Removed - flaming/arguing
I like this move. Then for next gen the Series S will be the rumored handheld with a dock at lower specs and the X will be the under the TV console we all know. This is a better approach to the 2 SKU in my opinion and could be really fun. I would buy the handheld for only handheld use and the X for the TV experience. I may snag this series X digital and sell my X to a friend on the cheap. I have not bought a physical game in a decade or so.
@Grippie Oh snap! Steam sells movies?!? I didn't know that. Wonder if they good deals on movies time to time?
Don’t worry guys this generation will start after we get another new console whose power won’t be used at all I’m sure.
Time to upgrade this summer 😎
No Green?
The black has some!
I have no idea what a Nexus Card is, no what an upgraded one does!
And with that Xbox eliminates about half of the potential customers in North America. Yet nobody can figure out why Xbox market share keeps shrinking.
@Savage_Joe I expect the disk drive version will get discontinued. Not too mention Xbox using 25gb and 50gb disks instead of 100gb or heaven help them if they use 2 discs. Just more bad looks from the bad looks company.
@Savage_Joe Because that is the Xbox Phil Spencer wants. Its what they do not what they say.
It’s good to have choice, but it seems too little, too late. Price will be crucial.
I still think if they go all digital on the consoles that they will release an external optical drive as an accessory. There are quite a few BC games that aren't available digitally. The external drive would fix that issue on the all-digital consoles, while still allowing those BC game to be played by those who wish to. albeit for extra money. MS filed a patent for this about 2 years ago.
OldGamer999 wrote:
Series S has outsold Series X between 2:1 and 3:1 according to the two sets of figures we’ve seen (74.8% Series S in the mega ABK leak and Microsoft predicted Series S percentage would reduce to 64.9% in April last year). Based on that why do you think Series S was a mistake? Without it Xbox would likely be struggling.
I get that for enthusiasts like us it’s not the console model we want, but we are the minority, most people care about price more than graphics. Choice is good. Other than a handful of high profile examples (like BG3) Series S doesn’t hold back Series X in reality.
I agree. Should've been like this from the start, there should've been a Series X Digital Edition and Disc Edition. I was literally saying this the other day, charge 100 less without the disk.
I'm new to Xbox this series, no game discs from earlier gen, also can't tell you the last time I bought a movie on physical format, for sure 5+ years ago, so I feel like the disc feature was wasted money. I would rather have had a cheaper digital only Series X, glad the choice is coming, but too late for me, not enough of a change to worth switching/upgrading.
With shrinking physical sales, makes sense to have option to be able to buy a digital only Series X.
If it's gonna be all digital (something I figured they would do since PS5 digital came out) then they should really add 2 ports for memory cards.
I have a 1TB memory card in my Series X, and I wish I went big n got a 2TB card but they are a bit too expensive still... I did seen another 1tb card on sale for cheap but there is no where for me to put it in my Series X...
So with this one being digital only, they really should have 2 ports for memory cards.
Maybe a cheaper white 1TB version and a black 2TB version at the same price as the disc version? Seems reasonable to me then.
Anyway they should release an external disc drive that also works on Series S. It's no wonder Xbox doesn't sell much physical games anymore when 75% of your customers bought the cheap box.
No disc drive no buy. Even my PC has a disc drive still. The moment Xbox does away with the disc drive all together is the moment I go back to just using my PC.
That said, give me the new controller with gyro already. Tired of using a controller that is still behind the times even compared to the Wii and my TV remote.
I think they changed that percentage number during the ABK thing and said it was more 50/50
The series s got lucky because of series x shortages and unfortunately the Covid pandemic a bit like the Switch did during covid.
Either way at the end of the day Microsoft have done a terrible job of selling and promoting their consoles. However there might be a little change in attitude as we know during ABK numbers came out that just over 50 percent of game pass subscriptions are on Xbox consoles. That is a staggering percentage consider the Xbox console is up against billions of other devices gamepass is available on.
Nooooo. WTF is with everyone and ***** white this gen? Just give a black Series X with 2Tb internal. I don't care if it has a disc drive or not. It should've been ***** done by now. and why doesn't Xbox have a 4TB expansion yet???
Is it a replacement for the regular Series X, or will it happily coexsist? If its the latter, there'll be 4 base Sku's
Regular Series X
Digital Series X
Regular Series S
1tb Series S
Potential customer confusion incoming!!!
Spencer: "we're not giving up on physical"
Also Spencer: "here's another Xbox console that has no disc drive"
Doubt chief.
@101Force its a small circuit board that relates to things like the on off button and other basic functions. The one in the current model is know to break quite easily. This should prevent that. It also has a name which sounds far more exciting than it actually is.
@Grippie "Games play the same even though the series X is the most powerful"
Can't argue with that 🤦 you almost forget the X is the most powerful, no one is taking advantage of the extra power including Microsoft.
Is basically whatever console is leading will be the default specs for everything else. At least with the PS5 pro releasing we will finally see the rest of the X's power!
This it what I mean about Sony advertising
Xbox has a massive chance to advertise this year but they continue to remain annoying absent in the Xbox general public brain.
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@old-dad Phil Spencer would be just as happy if Xbox players were buying physical games if it meant they were making money. The thing is, PS and Xbox are showing people that gamers are buying way more digital games than physical. So much so, big box stores are starting to not want to use the floor space for physical media in any form and are already planning what to do with that space. Physical media is dead, gaming has just been behind the trend of other entertainment formats. I am fine with physical existing for those that want it, but then buy it and buy it at full price and not want for a sale, otherwise the stores are moving on and likely so is Sony and MS.
@HonestHick I'm just tired of seeing physical devolving into code in a box ***** like PC did and a bunch of incomplete discs that are worthless without the servers anyway. Physical needs to be done properly or die with dignity. I just want the companies to pick one and get the ***** on with it instead of forever trying to coddle the plastic hoarders.
@NoLifeDGenerate i agree with that. Physical media is a license on a piece of plastic at this point. I mean the box art is cool and all, i miss that. But it just seems like physical games will never be able to launch with everything needed. Tech moves on and advances and leaves lot’s of things in the past that we once liked. I see this as no different.
@HonestHick Physical media is dead on Xbox and they helped kill it plain and simple. That is what they wanted in 2013 and nothing changed.
Say what you will about Sony or Nintendo almost all of their games are shipped complete and ready to be played day 1 without a patch of 50gb because they simply chose to use a 25gb disc.
I had to settle for the S a couple years ago when you still couldn't find any X's in stock, this would be a good chance to finally upgrade
@old-dad most companies want you buying digital, higher in profit. Sony is no different, but you have to be smart on phasing it out. Also Horizon Forbidden West had a ton of post launch patches that wasn’t on the disk. Most games just don’t have the full game on disk anymore. Be it DLC, updates, extras etc etc. which is fine if the player is ok with knowing they have box art and a license on disk mainly. I am still happy physical is there for players that want it, but those players need to be real with themselves and realize it is a shrinking category.
This is just a guess, but I think they're making a digital series x along with a pro version with a disc drive.
@HonestHick I think they'd rather physical disappeared. as if gaming went fully digital then they can use the new EU rules on walled eco systems to get everywhere. I think that's why there slowly releasing games on PlayStation & Nintendo hardware now.
@gollumb82 if Xbox goes all digital. Sony could take advantage of the same EU rules on walled eco systems that Microsoft is using to get an Xbox store on Android & IOS.
Should've done this and only had a disc and discless version of the Series X from the start IMO.
@cragis0001 The EU rules are ridiculous and just going to make gaming worse. There's already too many ***** accounts beyond the platforms. The platform owners need to make it policy that every game bought on the platform is playable without being forced to make an account with the publisher. Let the ***** do all the OPTIONAL accounts they want. No more mandatory ones. The only account I should need on Xbox is my Xbox account. Likewise for PSN, Steam, etc.
@Banjo- I feel like this is how they'll "Continue to support physical games." Being that next gen could be (maybe even likely?) all digital with the optional external drive to play your already existing physical library. It's going that way eventually, and I feel like we're really only a gen or gen and a half until physicals are no longer. Other than those like Limited Run that'll put out... well, a limited run.
@NoLifeDGenerate I'm sure there is nothing stopping you just using the Xbox store with only your Xbox login when they go all digital. I don't think it will be as bad as you make it out to be as one of the rules in the MDA is that Microsoft would have to share there data with publishers when requested. Some publishers require you to register before play already. But having choice will push down the price of digital games also.
@cragis0001 Have you missed the past few years entirely? Literally everyone is demanding accounts. I'm even skipping Bethesda and Activision games because MS won't scrap those ***** accounts now that they own them. I don't want an account with Activision, EA, Bethesda, Rockstar, 2K, IOI, Ubishaft, Warhammer devs, and or whoever the ***** made Second Extinction. I've skipped a lot of games in recent years because of this *****. Actually refunded Second Extinction when that screen popped up demanding I create an account.
@OldGamer999 The 4K Blu-ray player I use heavily and these movies look better and crisper than on my standalone blu-ray player.
@NoLifeDGenerate If Microsoft is made to allow developers/publishers to collect & share the same data they "might" not need you to sign up with every game.
@cragis0001 There was NEVER a ***** need. There are plenty of games that have crossplay without needing an extra account (WWZ, Remnant FTA, Chivalry 2), not that I even want crossplay to begin with. I don't need cross save *****, that's NOT a valid excuse to force me into making one in spite of the Diablo IV dev's opinion. These accounts NEVER should've been tolerated. People screamed bloody murder when Bethesda required an account for the retro DOOM games but they still didn't remove the requirement from Doom Eternal, Wolfenstein Youngblood or Redfall.
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