It's now been almost two weeks since Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League made its debut back in late January and early February, and to be honest, we feel like we haven't heard much about it since then.
Looking at the "Top Paid" Xbox charts, KTJL is doing fairly well - sitting in the eighth spot in the US and tenth spot in the UK at the time of writing - but it seems to be struggling to crack the top five as Warner Bros. might have expected.
Then again, we've all seen the controversy about this game over the past few months. Kill The Justice League simply isn't what many Rocksteady fans wanted from the studio's next release, and there were fears prior to launch that it was releasing in a poor state as well. Fortunately, we didn't find that to be the case, awarding it a "Great" 8/10 score in our PX review, but its low Metacritic average of 60 means plenty of reviewers clearly didn't agree with us!
Anyway, we're interested to know what you think of Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League so far. Forget the reviews and the discourse you might have seen on social media - do you personally think the game was worth the money?
And if you haven't bought it yet, we'd love to know why as well! You can tell us in the polls and comments below.
What Do You Think Of Kill The Justice League So Far? (349 votes)
- It's fantastic, I'm loving it!
- It's pretty good, I'm enjoying it
- It's not bad to be fair
- It's pretty disappointing
- It's terrible, sorry!
If You Haven't Bought It Yet, Why Not? (229 votes)
- Just haven't got around to it yet
- Too expensive at the moment, but I'll probably get it eventually
- Still not sure whether I want it
- I *was* interested, but the bad reviews have scared me off
- It just doesn't look very good!
- I never had any interest in it...
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Comments 16
I've not played it as it doesn'treally appeal to me, though I have followed its progress out of curiosity. On PC it seems to be basically dead, with Arkham Knight having close to double its players as I write this.
It just seems that fans of the studio and DC aren't excited by this game
Dont have it myself but played it with friends. Fun game, not the best but its fun.
Super hero games need to be seen as RPGs. People buy spider man games to be spider man for a day. People buy arkham games to be batman for a day.
In this game, you could swap out any suicide squad member with anyone else - Harley Quinn w/Cat Woman, Deadshot w/Redhood, King Shark w/Lobo, and Boomerang w/Peacemaker - it wouldn't change anything outside of a few soundbites.
As cringey as it is to say, this game doesn't make you "feel" like any member from the suicide squad.
price has to drop tremendously for me to try to it , but im interested. i hate the games aesthetics though, and pretty much hate this new trend of every game having to be crayon colors bright. i thought this game would look more detailed and like the arkham games, but it looks like playdoh
Shaping up to be the biggest disappointment of 2024 and this is just the second month.
I’m waiting for a single player version as I’m not a big fan of multiplayer….
The treatment of Kevin Conroy's Batman alone, just tells me to stay away from this like the plague 😔
@BBB considering Batman's treatment in-game, that commemoration is rather too little too late 😕
i don't get the super hero craze. but i thought the movie logan is one of the best movies made. thats the extent of it for me. and deadpool.
@BBB tbh I was trying to avoid mentioning spoilers - but his death scene; insulting is putting it politely 🙂
Honestly the game itself ain't so bad, for me it's around 6-7 having already finished it, however it's definitely not what anyone could've expected from the same studio that made the Arkham Trilogy.
@BBB ok - good to know! Thanks for the info…
@GeminiReign Why are your consoles off line? Genuinely interested
And most publishers don't account for people in your situation,I'm very much an advocate for offline gaming too, unfortunately we're in the minority
Everyone is entitled to their opinion, for sure, but as far as I'm concerned, I'm freakin' loving this game so far.
The graphics are really, really good, the gameplay is fun and addictive as hell, and the cut-scenes / general acting is just stellar. I'm playing this as a DC fan, and it makes me want to watch again some DC films as soon as I'll have completed the game.
As for the Live Service thing, it's all on Warner, not Rocksteady, and I don't bother as I play this game solo (and a real offline mode is coming soon, so we'll be able to keep the game if / when they shut down their servers).
I'm lovin' it.
Edit : Hell, it even made me buy Gotham Knights, cause now I want to give this one a chance, too. And I'm sure I'll enjoy it also.
It sucks that these polls are so frequently ruined by people who have not played the game voting their uninformed opinions. The View Results button is right there people.
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