Last week, Xbox's Phil Spencer shared his bemusement about Sony's Helldivers 2 not being available on Microsoft's platform, and now a bunch of Xbox fans have managed to make a petition about this go viral overnight!
The petition is called "Bring Helldivers 2 to Xbox", and it has almost 25,000 signees at the time of writing - most of which have signed at some point over the last 24 hours. Interestingly, the petition doesn't just focus on the game itself, but also highlights a desire for Sony to provide a "turning point in the ongoing console wars".
"As fans eagerly await the sequel, Helldivers 2, there's a resounding call for inclusivity and accessibility to extend beyond platform boundaries. This plea not only heralds the arrival of a beloved franchise on new platforms but also signifies a potential turning point in the ongoing console wars.
The significance of Helldivers 2 extending its reach to Xbox cannot be overstated. It symbolizes a departure from the exclusivity-driven mentality that has fueled the console wars for decades. Instead, it embraces a vision of gaming that celebrates diversity and collaboration across platforms. By making Helldivers 2 available to Xbox players, PlayStation can take a bold step towards dismantling the barriers that have long divided the gaming community."
Looking at the responses to this petition, they seem to be divided between people who simply want to play Helldivers 2 on their Xbox console, and people who also see this as a key opportunity to change the so-called "console wars".
"Helldivers 2 would be an excellent cross platform experience. Bring the community together. This isn’t the kind of game that needs to be exclusive. Can understand single player experiences but with games like this it would be amazing to bring to Xbox."
Of course, we now know that Xbox is planning to bring four first-party games to PlayStation and/or Nintendo Switch in the relatively near future, so it's understandable that we'd like to see some of their first-party games make the jump to Xbox in return. That's not necessarily how it works though... the ball is in Sony and Nintendo's courts!
For what it's worth, Phil Spencer does understand why Helldivers 2 isn't on Xbox yet, pointing out the "legacy" of exclusives and the tradition behind them, but in his view, the lack of an Xbox version doesn't seem to help anyone.
Do you think we'll ever see Helldivers 2 on Xbox? Let us know your thoughts in the comments down below.
Do You Think We'll See Helldivers 2 On Xbox? (1,912 votes)
- Yes, and it could be fairly soon
- Maybe, but not for a long time
- Not a chance!
[source change.org]
Comments 139
I don’t think they will anytime soon.
It’s by far exceeded expectations, so really they have no need to release it on Xbox.
However they should have done it on release. All live service stuff really needs as many players as possible.
While I think they should have done it and everybody deserves to be able to get their own dosage of democracy, Phil knows why it's not on Xbox. Same reason he is taking 4 old and on decline live service or smaller games to PS5, not heavy hitters at their peak.
Was there this same level of interest in seeing Palworld on Playstation? This is a 2 way street.......
@CallMeDuraSouka yes BUT that is more a PS thing.
PS don’t allow early access games (I don’t know why) so Palworld was always only going to come at a full release 1.0
Plus Helldivers is different as it’s a Sony owned IP and they helped develop it.
Probably not coming to Xbox, but i'd LOVE to see it... and a reduction in the walled gardens around consoles. That said exclusives absolutely still have their place and are an important differentiator in deciding which ecosystem to embed into. I don't want to get rid of them entirely, just reduce how many there are.
Ironically, the best chance of this game appearing on Xbox would have been had it flopped. At which point, nobody would be asking for it.
As it is, I don’t see it coming to Xbox any time soon. Currently the game is performing so well that it’s suffering from connection issues and server capacity is getting completely hammered. The developers are struggling to keep up with demand for just pc and PlayStation so there really isn’t any need to expand it to other platforms right now.
It could come to Xbox in the future once the pc and PlayStation player base starts to drop, but at that point Sony might just decide they’re happy with its lifetime performance to date and would rather not invest in porting to other platforms. Especially in light of the fact that timed exclusives rarely perform as well when they eventually release on other platforms.
I’m also aware of the data supporting the fact that software attachment rates are lower on Xbox than PlayStation (the number of games sold per console), probably due in part to the value proposition of gamepass. I don’t know how this impacts mtx purchases, but it will also factor into the chances of Sony porting the game to Xbox.
The servers can't even cope with ps and pc at the minute , with Sony owning the ip and the success that it is , not a cat in hells chance is it going to xbox, they wanted a successful online game , they got one , there will be some heavy back patting at Sony hq
@CallMeDuraSouka palworld is pure garbage though
Microsoft didn't make Palworld. Also I could care less about another live service game coming to the Xbox
This is SO stupid. No one gave a crap about this game when it was announced (I played the first game, and it was pretty fun), but as soon as it releases and is good, suddenly there's a petition? I agree that the console wars are dumb, but this just comes across as desperate xbox gamers.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I honestly forgot it was in Beta, and I know it's not an exact 1-1, I just think the crusade is a tad silly.
25000 doesn't sound viral to be honest. No one is going to care with that number.
Ugh. Port begging. Lame is all I can say.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I'm not sure where they myth about PS not allowing early access games came from as there have been quite a few early access games on PlayStation in the past few years. Most notably one of their own first party games, Dreams, launched in early access and Wayfinder is a game that is currently in an early access period on PS.
It'd hardly be a turning point in the "war" Sony already have The Show on Xbox, I know its not there call but if that aint doing the numbers why would they bother with Helldivers 2 on a platform that doesn't really shift games?
@ZuneTattooGuy it's not really a live service game , it's not free and although there are microtransactions, they're not needed, as all the extras can be earned by just playing the game.
Even in the event it did come, the next thing that would be screamed would be “PUT IT ON GAMEPASS”
Premium currency
Premium Battle Passes
Repetitive missions to grind and loot
Sure sounds like a live service game
This is so funny it hurts...
These are the same people that threw their toys of the pram when they thought MS might release Starfield on PS......
I bet they think irony is is like brassy but made of iron..
Sony has no incentive at all to bring anything to Xbox.
I wonder how many of the people signing that petition were celebrating when Bethesda’s new releases got yanked off PlayStation Or gloated over the ABK deal. Phil saying he doesn’t know who it helps keeping it from Xbox is the most hypocritical thing you will hear this year.
How about just go and grab a Playstation!
Novel idea I had: get an equally good exclusive.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner idk, saying they have no need is a bit much. I think adding them into another ecosystem with 50+ million more potential buyers is a big deal.
I have a PS5 and have zero interest in this game. Who cares if it's not on the Xbox. Lol. Good Lord, move on people. There are plenty of games on the Xbox to play. We don't need this crapfest. Everyone needs to go play Halo multi.
@Romans12 claims has both consoles… check
Calls succesful game on ‘rival’ console a crapfest… check.
Has a posting history slating said ‘rival’… check
Our system find you to be an unreliable source of information.
Jokes aside man, if you like Halo MP then you should definitely give this a try.
Haha not a chance.
@ZuneTattooGuy it is a live service game by the definition of the term and that does not mean it is bad (although the chance of a live service game being bad is always high in the recent years). This game is so good I could not stop thinking about it since it launched. The community around it has been very good, so that is a big factor for the success I think. Helldivers 2 is pure fun and it is a shame Xbox players cannot enjoy it. Luckily I play both platforms and can have the best of both worlds.
This is pathetic, and indicative of where the Xbox community is right now.
I am not a big fan of repetitious grindy games
Got no real desire to buy the game on playstation despite the hype....seen several reviews that basically say it's nothing special.
@StylesT that’s the impression I got after playing a bit. Fun for sure. But seriously just BARELY worth the 40 bucks.
@Jenkinss a petition by a bunch of gamers to get a game they want is pathetic? Please explain.
@Grippie it would only be around 25million. (Then remove those who own both consoles or a Xbox and pc) that number drops. And porting costs, MS cut etc etc.
Like I said it should be on Xbox, but as it’s over performing expectations it’s not like they ‘need’ to rush to get it on.
Man this is sad. I get that now Xbox are liberal with their games the community wants it both ways, but starting a petition, that’s just cringe.
I don’t have PlayStation plus right now so I’ve not picked Helldivers up and I think it looks like it’ll get boring fast anyway. I think they released this at the right price point and people are having fun with it so all good. Wonder how it would have performed at £70….
@ZuneTattooGuy “I am not a fan of repetitious grindy games”….don’t you love the new Forza?
Sony doesn't put their IPs on other consoles, simple as that.
For anyone that bring up MLB The Show, that is not a Sony IP. It is owned wholly by the MLB, and said MLB forced Sony to put it on other consoles upon their last contract renewal.
Helldivers is wholly owned by Sony and won't be coming to any other consoles.
It should be on XBox over PS ... we play multiplayer games ... unlike the blue guys
@InterceptorAlpha yeah exactly and that’s okay, it’s part of the reason they’re dominating the console market. I’ve always been pro exclusives, they’re what define and sell a system and it makes the discourse fun. I’ve always found it bizarre over recent years how fans on all sides seem so anti exclusive at times.
@Fenbops Exactly. The only reason I own every console are their associated exclusives.
The moment any one console stops having exclusives is the moment I am no longer buying their hardware.
It is literally a Sony owned game. And they seem to be wanting to play enough to overload the servers consistently.
By this logic I should be able to see Mickey and goofy at universal, get a whopper at McDonald’s and a bucket of kfc chicken at Taco Bell, because inclusivity and accessibility are what’s it’s about. We shouldn’t have to go two places or buy more then one thing right?
@tigersden98 PlayStation players play a sh*t ton of COD, that’s why Sony were filling their trousers at the thought of MS taking it away. It’s a myth that they don’t play multiplayer games.
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Won't happen as Sony have zero reason to release games on Xbox.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I don't think it will it will come to Xbox anytime soon or possibly ever. However, these platform holders are struggling to create growth and certainty in the market. Playstation has pivoted to Live services and more consistent PC releases.
We see with Xbox acquiring ABK, they will be a larger 3rd party publisher. That has apparently sparked the question, "Why not bring over other games?" Critically-acclaimed-yet-lesser-performing titles have been selected, along with live service games that need a sustainable community. How long until the suits come back to ask, "Why are we not trying ports of the more popular games? Why not port sooner?"
Both platform holders are looking for places to milk their completed games further.
Genuine question to all these "Switch/Xbox/PS" multiplatform players, are you playing this PS game or are you here just to remind Xbox readers that nobody plays Xbox games [EDIT: and that Sony's games are better 🤣]?
PS players have not been disclosed and the known number of players is for the PC version exclusively. Don't fool yourselves, this game is a hit mostly because of PC players.
Another question, how do you know that Sony won't publish anything on Xbox if Sony themselves said the following, just days ago, "In the past, we wanted to popularise consoles, and a first-party title’s main purpose was to make the console popular. This is true, but there’s a synergy to it, so if you have strong first-party content – not only on our console but also other platforms, like computers – a first-party [game] can be grown with multi-platform, and that can help operating profit to improve, so that’s another one we want to proactively work on."
Now that I see comparisons between Xbox and PS subscriptions once again, typically bloating the PS numbers and lowering the Xbox numbers, it's worth reminding that the last official number for PS Plus Extra and Premium was 14.22 million, before the major price increase last year*. Game Pass, Game Pass Core members not included, is way ahead of that.
PS is struggling and the new CEO knows that. I'm not saying that Series S|X is where most players play, that's PC, but I find so jarring that there are more PS fanboys on PX than on PS lately.
(*) In addition to updates on sales for its PC ports and PlayStation VR2, Sony has provided figures on PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium subscribers as of March 2023. The first ten months of the new tiers garnered 14.1 million subscribers.
@DennisReynolds Sony definitely has reasons to games on release on Xbox, they're just stubborn. Look home clumsy they are about PC releases. PC is the DMZ in the "console war."
Sony's model is the old Nintendo model of holding games hostage, whether you made them or not. I don't blame them; I think Xbox should be extremely careful about porting games.
First off I'm pretty sure a ps fanboy started this just like a xbox fanboy started the starfield petition. Second let's just keep it a buck most xbox gamers also own a Playstation or a pc. Most are already playing.
@ZuneTattooGuy so every game is a live service game if it has any kind of microtransactions? The missions aren't repetitive at all, there heart pumping , epic cinematic experiences, never played it, you can't judge, you're entitled to offer an opinion, however wrong it may be.
@Romans12 but this is far better than halo though , one of the best coop mp games for years
Yeah if you really want to play it on a Microsoft platform buy it for PC, it's got cross play and you don't need xbox gamepass core or PlayStation plus to play online. If you have a decent PC rig there's literally no reason to purchase a console version
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Console wars are childish
Asking for all games to be on every system is in my opinion a bad thing. What reason does Sony or Microsoft have to strive for better without competition?
Xbox squandered the success of the 360 and hasn't recovered still.
Instead of begging for ports, consumers should have demanded better of Xbox. I feel like they just haven't cared since the XBox One reveal.
Xbox just used their bottomless pockets to try and recover by creating GamePass which subscriptions seemed to have hit a plateau, and it's not a service for everyone.
Xbox should have used the last decade to cultivate talent and create studios that could make games but I feel they simply do not care enough. That's why we have GamePass, Xbox purchasing major publishers for obscene amounts of money, and now the likelihood of bigger Xbox games coming to Playstation or Nintendo because Xbox needs to recoup those billions somehow.
Xbox can act like they're looking out for gamers all they want but they're not. They're trying to save themselves from their arrogance and mistakes.
Sony could have been in a similar situation when they showed their own arrogance at the PS3 reveal.
"The PS3 is for consumers who think to themselves 'I will work more hours to buy one'. We want people to feel that they want it, irrespective of anything else." Anyone get a second job to pay for theirs?" - Ken Kutaragi of PlayStation.
The 360 is tied with the PS4 as my favorite consoles, and it's been disappointing that Xbox has fallen from the heights of the 360.
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Why is Halo not on PS5? Why is Mario not on Xbox?
Sony funded Helldivers and they own the IP. Xbox isn’t bringing over its exclusives day one to PS5, why the expectation that it happens in the other direction? Especially when Helldivers 2 became a huge breakout hit and there are already multiple ways to play (PC and PS5).
Exclusives aren’t going anywhere for now. I understand not everyone has the money, but if you do you there’s so much benefit to getting all the consoles. Especially if not getting to play a game is this upsetting.
I wouldn't say love but it is a fun car simulator
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Xbox might be generous with its "when everybody plays we all win" motto but Sony follows another strategy... one fanatically focused on ruthlessly placing games and game content within its exclusivity hell.
0% chance of Sony ever allowing Helldivers on Xbox. Like Square Enix and the Genshin Impact devs, Sony will keep muscling for gatekeeping games within its walled garden.
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@TheLastHarbinger yeah spot on , it's not like xbox do exactly the same thing at all is it , all companies are guilty of it ,game pass is full of Indie games that aren't allowed on ps until the contract runs out.
It is sony we are talking about.
It won't be on Xbox.
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Will Microsoft allow the Elder Scrolls 6 on PlayStation when the time comes? Didn't Sony have to fight Microsoft just to guarantee Call of Duty comes to PlayStation for a couple years? Why did Microsoft buy up multiplatform studios just to have them make games exclusively on Xbox? Why doesn't Phil just shut his mouth and stop fueling the toxicity?
“console wars” in 2024 is absolutely ridiculous ,
@Kang81 Xbox will recoup the ABK money through ABK games and services. Those titles (definitely the highly popular ones) will remain multiplatform. Porting other games a year late won't bring in comparable profit. What will do is make the console less and less attractive. Lower console sales (what got us here in the first place) means lower Game Pass subscriber growth.
The notion that putting Xbox games on PC will make people more interested in Xbox is...amusing. Porting those games will only further disassociate them from Xbox, undermining the console and core ecosystem.
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I think the Until Dawn "remake" (being generous here) has a better chance of launching on Xbox than HD2.
@Shushibda 100k PS5 players was just based on an estimate that was worked out from the servers being capped at 450k players so the Steam concurrent players at the time meant there was roughly at least 100k PS5 players accessing the servers at the same time. There actual sales will likely be much higher due to players that couldn't access the servers, of just not being online at the time.
I don't really care about it personally but it would be nice for those that do.
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@Dusk_Actual Probably because they can just buy the platform it's actually on.
Meh...but since we now debate wishful thinking, I would chose Shenmue III over this every single time. I'm also aware that we are talking Sony here, so my chances of winning the lottery are greater than Shenmue III on Xbox 😁.
No Sir, only the first two games are on Xbox (sadly) and more or less Dreamcast ports. Shenmue III was developed by Ys Net, and published by Deep Silver. If memory serves, it was announced on the same stage (time) as FF7R, I might be wrong though.
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@Kevw2006 oh without a doubt , the games sold like hot cakes on both ps and pc , a great success story from a small indie dev , now they just need to sort the servers out and make all their updates free, Sony will swoop in no doubt and acquire them I should think.
@GeminiReign oh I remember the cbm64 and spectrum arguments "the commodore graphics look like lego" " the spectrum can only do one colour" ha ha good times , forbidden forest on the 64 was class, remember playing archon with my mate on his 64 after school and his mum made us salmon paste butties ha ha thanks for the memory jog mate.
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@Zochmenos 😂
@GeminiReign madness when you think about how much memory they had, 20 min to load 48k on the spectrum, hoping that it wouldn't crash.
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@GeminiReign ha ha yeah I did that
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Seeing as it wouldn't be on Gamepass, I don't think it would do well enough on Xbox to justify them porting it
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@Banjo- erm, the last ps subscripion numbers as of March 2023 where just over 47.4 million. Not sure where you pulled 14.1 from.
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@Cikajovazmaj sot has 30mil players i think its way more worthy stuff than helldivers
@Banjo- best comment ever... So many times here wondering if i visited the wrong site with so many comments of people saying they hate xbox games, xbox consoles, xbox gamepass ect on an xbox site! Omg!
@Weebleman I think he is comparing extra/premium to GP. Last figures on these show around 14mil, 33mil on essential.
But still it’s not apples to apples as GPU is including PC numbers. Whereas it won’t on PS.
So his figures are correct (approx a year old).
GPU has 34mil with core included. Even though the number has grown, it appears to actually be lower in total than the previous figures (around 2mil).
So yeah both companies just announce what they want and try and hide the details.
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@GeorgeKal SOT is a 6 year old game that has HAD 30million players log into it at some point. Comparing those numbers with a game that has been out for 2 weeks is just plain silly. It would be more interesting to see the concurrent players of both in a few months time when the hype has died down a bit but the wording of your comment makes it sound like 30million people are logging into SOT regularly which just isn’t the case.
@Stocksy Yeh it’s not that he doesn’t like live service or grindy games…he doesn’t like games that are on PS.
@GeeEssEff its a 6 years old game with a huge player base because they put new content constantly. Unless they do the same with helldivers 2 the game will be dead in 2 or 3 months the way it is now.
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Lol so anti-Sony conspiracy theories and acting like anyone who praises Sony are fanboys are fine but saying how it is gets your comment deleted, incredible stuff.
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It's just incredible lol, look at certain users above who have nothing but anti-Sony comments or praise for Lord Spencer but apparently my comment is worse because I say it exactly how it is with another user.
@GeorgeKal I've not seen anyone saying those things , mentioning ps in here in a positive way, is like throwing holy water on Linda Blair.
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It's fine for Microsoft to consolidate the industry but timed deals or funded games are a blight!!
@GeorgeKal Maybe, that’s why I said it would be interesting to see after the hype has died down. I think Helldivers has probably resonated more than SOT with a certain age group though. You don’t need to regularly get a group of friends together to have fun on it, you can just dive (yay pun) in for a quick 20 minute session or play solidly for 3 hours.
You are right though the ongoing success of Helldivers will depend entirely on its future support but it’s got excellent core gameplay, nothing is locked behind a paywall and it has an interesting global objective system. While you seem to think it’s bad, many gamers and critics are really enjoying it.
It would be Game of the Century material if it had an Xbox release, lets be real here.
I think there is a chance that this will come to Xbox but I can't see that happening for a long time. The devs if they've not built it for Xbox can't just spin that up quickly.
It's a Sony IP, it's not coming to Xbox.
@PartyMarty that will be upto Sony not the devs, they own the ip , it will never happen, it even says ps studios when you load up the game, which I thought was weird as arrowhead aren't....yet
@ShadowofTwilight31 pretty much yeah
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@ShadowofTwilight31 @Mephisto2869 the game MLB the show is also PS studios.. it loads on my Xbox with that logo at the beginning so never say never
Just curious, do Xbox users think this is a smoking gun or something?
It has been confirmed dozens upon dozens of times that this wasn't a Sony owned licence and they were forced to put it on Xbox, this is an entirely different case than Helldivers 2.
@Mephisto2869 Dude, please watch out. I got into an argument with a certain individual on this website which almost got me perma banned. It’s also the reason why I don’t comment as often on either pushsquare or purexbox anymore… It’s very funny that both websites publish these console war articles without thinking: hmm what sort of people would this attract. I think Nintendolife is the least going for clicks imho
Came back to read some comments here, man what went down 😂 so many deleted.
@PartyMarty completely different scenario , may as well beg for uncharted it has more of a chance.
Twilight and Mephisto no need to get so on the offensive, I'm busy playing the many good games on Xbox thank you very much. No begging needed lol!
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@Sanquine thanks for the heads up
So not going to answer the question, typical.
Sony currently have little incentive to put games on the Xbox. This does not mean that it will never happen. They are already pushing their games on PC. In the near future we might see them release games on PC closer to their initial release on PS. We might even see them release some of their older titles on a Nintendo console (if they do not perceive it as direct competition). Unless something happens we might see them release PS games on XBOX, but that is still some ways off.
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The further you go down the messages the more seem to have been deleted. Do we really need to argue over why the plastic box you play games on is the "best"?
Games don't have to be multi platform at the end of the day if they make enough by being exclusive on a single console. Like it or not when Xbox brought Bethesda they were banking on some of those games they chose to keep exclusive to get more people buying a console to play them but it hasn't panned out that was as Bethesda games have more value being on as many platforms as possible since that is how they got their value to begin with.
Sony is under no obligation to port any of their games to other systems because some of those games are coming to PS5. The only exception is the MLB game which was in the contract to have it available to as many players as possible.
@CallMeDuraSouka Palworld isn't a Microsoft first party title. Helldivers 2 is published by Sony. Though at least it isn't Sony exclusive as it is on Windows, just not Xbox consoles. Pocket Pair who develops Palworld is open for a possible release on PS5.
@InsaneWade Interesting. I actually don't have a problem with the requirement of a PSN account. We already do that for Ubisoft, EA, or other publishing company accounts to cloud sync game information. Though if the game were on Xbox I could care less about Sony trophy integration and would hope for some Xbox achievements, it wouldn't be a deal breaker for me.
It's just another shooting game, so not needed. Plenty of shooting games to go around. What xbox needs is final fantasy 7 remake, and part 2 for PC.
Anyone can play Helldivers. All they have to do is go out and buy a PS5 and that's that. You can buy a used console for like 350 bucks. Pick up the first Helldivers game while you are at it.
Exclusivity is important for these companies to distinguish their brand and move units. That's why they have always existed.
I'm really not trying to fan the flames of any console warring, but this game is fun. Don't know if it will have "staying power", but it is the best PvE multiplayer I've ever played. Matches feel like an insane epic-scale battle and it evokes the same feeling I got from playing the old Star Wars Battlefront games on PS2. Just pure chaos, but it's manageable with a good squad. Props to Arrowhead for this, it's a quantum leap over the first game but keeps the core ideas in place.
Dislike people coming in and trying to play it like it's Call of Duty and blowing me up with an airstrike, but in all fairness there's a bit of a learning curve to it and it's fun to guide people along as they learn the mechanics.
It isn't even that good FFS. Half of us are capped or near capped on everything after less than 2 weeks, and the weapons mostly feel like *****. I'd rather have EDF come back to Xbox. It's ***** Namco has been cockblocking Xbox ever since they took over D3Publisher.
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@Sifi As much as I agree on the pointlessness of petitions like this there is clearly an appetite from many people to play the game. I mean most of the "plenty of issues" you mention have been directly caused by how wildly popular it has been so it must be doing something right.
Stop port begging. It's making Xbox gamers look like simps just like ps gamers looked when they were begging for pal world. Both consoles should have exclusives or there's no point in both existing especially because Sony steals every idea Xbox comes up with that would otherwise set Xbox apart from PlayStation. Things like achievements and gamepass amongst other things would have been a cool differentiator but Sony copy's everything
Apart from achievements, what did Microsoft introduce that wasn't already done by another company?
Online Play - SEGA
Subscriptions - PS Now
backwards compatibility - existed since the Atari days
I'm honestly struggling to see what they introduced that wasn't already done elsewhere.
@ShadowofTwilight Yet, they've done each one better. PS Now was a ***** streaming service. XBL ended up a very solid online setup. BC is debatable, but Sony and Nintendo aren't doing ***** in comparison for recent gens. Nintendo even delisted their own ***** (Mario 64).
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Was a very easy platinum I enjoyed my time spreading democracy
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