Comments 2,979

Re: Hypercharge Unboxed Devs Blown Away By Success Of Xbox Launch


Been having a huge blast.

Between the four player split screen, humor, and a fun, retro feeling, campaign with level selects, the game has just about everything I wanted and expected.

The brand references are amazing as well. You have ones like the "OP" brand with the tagine "NERF THIS" all while being presented in nerf colors.

Even the multi-player has been going great with plenty of servers to hop in across the several game modes.

Definitely a great game to buy.

Re: Xbox Series S Under Fire As Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Tech Specs Revealed


@Widey85 You mentioned running. If either of the mentioned games launched on Playstation or Xbox it would have been dragged through the mud.

The Switch builds are totally different builds. Like how back in the day the N64 version of a game and PS1 vediaon of a game, were totally different despite sharing the same name.

The Series S coykd easily be holding back a traditional build. Especially since we know of Microsoft's parity requirements that they only waive in very specific situations.

Funny you should mention the PS5. Why would anyone need to optimize for it? It is the lead platform on any hardware intense game. The PS5 has a unified memory pool at 16GB running 480GB/s. Oodles faster than the Series S. Though a bit slower than the Series X's fastest.

Not having to manage different pools in itself is an advantage. That combined with the larger install base on Playstation results it in being the defacto lead platform for development. So anything in excess of what Playstation offers generally just smooths things out a bit.

Re: Xbox Series S Under Fire As Kingdom Come Deliverance 2 Tech Specs Revealed


@Widey85 On Kingdom Come the Switch struggles at 720p when docked and drops all the way to 540p when in handheld. All the while regularly dropping to frame rates in the 10s when anything aside from walking through a field is occurring.

And, yea, Hogwarts Legacy works on Switch. At the cost of one of the biggest features, a seamless, open, world. Instead the Switch version is a collection of areas you have the load through each time.

I would only ever advise someone that only has a Switch to get it there. Because it is a pretty awful port.

They simply get passes because they're on the Switch and nobody expects it to be able to run things reasonable. Myself included.

Re: New Free-To-Play PVP Shooter 'Marvel Rivals' Locks In Xbox Release


@oopsiezz Why do you seem to have a personal vendetta against Hypercharge? It is one thing if the game had issue. But your sole complaint is that it didn't launch on Gamepass.

I can say for 100% certainty I will not be touching this free to play shooter at all. Meanwhile I have the founder's edition with about a dozen hours in Hypercharge already. And it has 4 player split screen which already makes it a ton better.

Re: Hypercharge: Unboxed Is Out Now, And It Has A Special Launch-Day Discount On Xbox


@oopsiezz I guess you missed the part where pre-orderable games have been getting pre-order discounts recently.

You seem to be extremely salty about it not being on Gamepass. That's a you issue. Not every game has to be and that's fine. The model doesn't work for everyone and that's fine.

Marvel Rivals isn't even targeting the same demographic as this so it won't have any part. But it also cute you think another free to play shooter is going to have any staying power. Rivals is just gonna be another tax write off.

Re: Review: Hypercharge Unboxed (Xbox) - A Slick, Silly Shooter That Stands Out From The Pack


I am not a pre-ordering person. But this game stuck out enough, and the repeated dev streams on TikTok gave me confidence to go ahead and pull the trigger on it. Can't wait for release.

@Kieduss Would have been wild of this game had blown up enough to be able to license real action figures and brands from back in the day. Flashbacks to Toy Soldiers is the exact reason this game calls to be so much lol.

Re: FSR 3 Provides 72% Frame Rate Boost In First Xbox Series X Test


@dreadful I agree with you for the most part. Start with 60fps as the goal and work out from there.

However, things like VRR, freesync, gsync, DLSS, FSR, 120/144/288hz etc. have always been a premium features as it requires specific hardware.

Even something like having to buy a new screen for higher resolution to take proper advantage of modern hardware hardware.

@BBB Not really. Especially in the case of the Series S, with how under powered it ism. At 30fps, with FSR boosting frames to 60fps, you're essentially getting a fancier version of turning on "smooth motion" or whatever your TV's equivalent is. All it is doing is blending every other frame with the frame before and after. Looks pretty awful IMO. And lends to that Soap Opera effect.

For things like FSR the more information you have, higher frame rate in this case, the better FSR will work. Ideally you want somewhere in the high 40s for 60fps reconstruction.

Re: Talking Point: If Halo Infinite Is Finished, Where Should The Franchise Go From Here?


343i has had 12 years to put out a competent game. Yet somehow squandered that over 4 releases.

They even somehow botched the RE-release of games as old as 13 years old at the time of release.

Even with Halo Infinite, that was supposed to be THE Halo experience, they launched with broken multi-player. Plagued by bugs, hit detection issues, and desync. The latter of which only recently has shown any improvement, though still way too high to be acceptable.

It is mind blowing to see how Microsoft has let Halo flounder in 343i's hands. Then again, we also see how Microsoft handles studios and their IPs in general. So not much surprise.

As much as it pains me, I think it is time for Halo to die along with all their other IPs they've allowed to.

Re: Hellblade 2 Developer Ninja Theory Thanks Fans For 'Incredible Response'


@Grippie What is getting old? People blindly defending a company, Microsoft, that doesn't care they exist? Or Microsoft having a rich history of closing successful studios like FASA, Ensemble, Lionhead, Press Play, DA, Aces, etc.

And that's to say nothing of countless hardware divisions they purchased, canabilized, then shuttered, thereafter.

@Sifi Ninja Theory is one of my favorite studios. Your comment seems to be aimed at someone that dislikes Ninja Theory. Not sure why you're brining up Sony though. I have several decades of investment in the Microsoft ecosystem, not Playstation. Couldn't care less what they do. Yes I have a Playstation, but at the end of the day, nothing Sony does really has an effect on me.

@AverageGamer Who is joking? Seems like you're conflating a cynical prediction, based off historical examples mind you, with a comment made to create a laugh.

I'm not laughing.

Re: Mad Max Dev Takes Offense At 'Nonsense' Criticism Of The 2015 Video Game


Avalanche are the one of my favorite developers. Been as such since I played the first Just Cause on the OG Xbox. The checked out the 360's next Gen version there after.

What he says here lines up with a lot of the same issues I heard about movie tie in games back when pretty much every movie got one.

I am guilty of having never played their Mad Max. I may fix this after I finish my first run of Fallout New Vegas.

Re: Starfield's 60FPS Update Results In Huge Player Boost On Xbox


@BigBobEnerG Couldn't disagree more. I took a break after 250 hours because of absolutely how much there was to do. I burned myself out chasing every new thing I found. Never eveven went through the first playthrough despite all those hours. And that is with only having finished 2 factions.

@NEStalgia I'm know it was a joke. But this is something so misquoted it hurts.

The games ran at 60hz, matching the refresh of CRTs so you pretty much never had screen tearing. But not always 60fps. And less so as you moved from the Nes to the SNEs then to the N64.

Quite a few games even rendered into to 10s. 3D games running at 60fps, on consoles in the 90s, was extremely uncommon as well.

When it came to 2D games they were only 60fps by technicality. Due to the interlaced nature of the screen, it used even lines to draw one picture, and odds to draw another. Ultimately this either doubled the same frame, or have you two different frames at half the resolution. IE 640x240 instead of 640x480.

I still have a Panasonic Tau CRT that does 1080i and even has a HDMI input. I use retro consoles on it all the time and it is wild how much this gets misquoted.

Re: Report: Call Of Duty 2024 Will Launch Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@OldGamer999 I'd extend that so far as back to the beginning of the Xbox One days.

All it was was bad press, reversals, and no clear direction aside from "game box with XBL subscription".

The only direction they had was removing the Kinect(should have sold Kinect SKU only, and at $100 cheaper.)

Then putting out the One X to keep up with the Joneses.