Update: Xbox Engineering Lead Eden Marie has advised that Wishlists should now be returning to normal:
Original story: Over the weekend, you may have noticed that your Xbox Wishlist went from displaying tens if not hundreds of games, to suddenly displaying nothing like in the image up above. If that's the case, you're not alone.
We've seen countless reports of this from Xbox users over the past couple of days - and that's despite the official Xbox Status website suggesting that Wishlists have been working normally. Clearly, that's not quite right!
As suggested, it seems likely this is just a glitch that will be resolved by Team Xbox in the coming hours / days, so we'll just have to sit tight. It's probably not worth building a new one in the meantime either as it'll just keep disappearing.
If you're not even sure what we're talking about here, you can access your Xbox Wishlist by going to the "Deals" section of the Microsoft Store and then scrolling down the tab on the left until you hit "Lists". Games can be added to your Xbox Wishlist by finding them on the Store and then hitting the little love heart symbol with a '+' icon next to it.