Comments 630

Re: Microsoft CEO Says ActiBlizz Deal Helps Xbox Become 'A Good Publisher' On All Platforms


@OldGamer999 This is a huge part of the issue. They are saying games will go multi format but that is alienating a lot of Xbox fans. Even some of the most ardent fans on social media are saying they will just move to PS if this is where Xbox heads.
What is needed is clarity but right now it looks like Phil Spencer isn’t in control of anything at Xbox and that’s for be of concern when he is undermined by his bosses.

Re: Microsoft CEO Says ActiBlizz Deal Helps Xbox Become 'A Good Publisher' On All Platforms


I think what this does is just muddy the waters all over again. If Xbox was to go 3rd party, then Xbox as a console is dead. There would be no reason left to own one and that would be gutting.

It would also essentially leave a one format industry as Nintendo will continue to hog the handheld arena. A one format industry would be a disaster.

Also you would need a brand change. You can’t have Xbox with no Xbox. It would just have to take on the Microsoft Gaming name full stop.

Having games multi format is of course great but if you take away exclusives, you kill creativity, competition and any kind of real identity.

Xbox going fully third party would be a tragedy for fans and all of gaming in the long terms.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Releasing Acclaimed First-Party Title On 'Competitor System' In 2024


I keep saying that Xbox won’t go 3rd party only but maybe I’m trying to convince myself too much?
If we are left with just Sony PlayStation - Nintendo will plough their own furrow - then gaming is dead. There will be zero competition in making games.

Maybe it’s time that Spencer came out any put these rumours to bed because it’s actually destroying the faith in the Xbox brand.

Re: Starfield's Recent Review Rating Has Dropped To 'Mostly Negative' On Steam


It’s all about opinions. But I don’t really understand the level of dislike for Starfield.
It’s expansive , loads of exploration and the battles are some of the best I’ve played in over 33 years of gaming.
It looks amazing and the soundtrack is Star Wars esque. Very John Williams.

It’s not for everyone of course but I can’t quite get my head around how much it has been blitzed.

Re: Here Are The Top 10 Xbox Games Of 2023 According To Metacritic


When I read that Xbox has no games I just find it baffling. I did have a Nintendo Switch, PS5 and Xbox Series X but sold the PS5. It sat collecting dust.
It’s been an awesome year for gaming on Xbox and made even better since I got the Logitech GCloud which has led to me gaming more than I ever have before!!

Re: Soapbox: Xbox Play Anywhere Is Fantastic, But I Wish It Supported More Games


It will grow and grow but could do with more right now. I’ve noticed a real sea change in Xbox recently though. Much more marketing of Xbox and games and I think 2024 will be an amazing year - let’s face it, despite what some may say @fraser 2023 has been an incredible year for gaming on Xbox!
Think play anywhere, Game Pass and more will grow and grow.
Anyone who thinks Xbox is about to die is very wide of the mark!

Re: Xbox Would Like Game Pass On 'Every Screen' Including PlayStation & Nintendo


@Sol4ris Xbox will go cloud only. In the next 15 years I doubt we will be able to buy Xbox consoles.

Although it would kill all physical Xbox media so it would be a huge change to make and would probably lose them money. They need to decide what the strategy is because right now it feels like they have too many chefs at the pot and they all seem to want different things.

Xbox comes across as being a total mess tbh.

Re: Xbox Would Like Game Pass On 'Every Screen' Including PlayStation & Nintendo


The long term goal is clearly to exit the console market and become a 3rd party dev on all consoles.
I think we will see one more generation of Xbox consoles but that will be the end of it for consoles.

Getting more players playing Xbox games is the goal and the fact they don’t even see Nintendo or PlayStation as competitors anymore is telling.

That said, I doubt PlayStaion and Nintendo see Xbox as competitors really any more when it comes to console sales.

I would not be at all surprised to see Game Pass on the next Switch. Would not be surprised at all.

I would be hugely disappointed if Xbox as a console does cease but I cannot see it ending any other way and they are now being very clear their goals are about games on all systems.

It will kill competition though and that will be bad for gaming in the long term.

Re: Reaction: Should We Really Be Surprised By 'Declining' Xbox Console Sales?


Sure, the console sales are not good but Xbox wont be stopping making consoles anytime soon. As for GamePass on PlayStation, I cannot see happening. Think about it, would Sony want cross platform games being part of GamePass on the PS? People would play and potentially not buy -that would hit fit with the PS business model.

Sony want to be an exclusive club and they have worked relentlessly to achieve that goal. Their brand is now so strong that fans would buy a paper bag for 50 quid if it had the PlayStation logo on it. It is so powerful. The loyalty has blinded many to the fact that they are now anything but consumer friendly.

For me, Xbox is the better console, GamePass is brilliant and I love the experience.

Whilst the focus is no doubt about cloud and gaining more players overall, Xbox won’t bow out of consoles anytime soon and as for anyone thinking that Xbox will leave the gaming market altogether, that just is not going to happen.

Xbox leaving would be bad for gaming. Interestingly, we hear lots about Xbox wanting to dominate gaming yet it is PlayStation who have been the most aggressive to achieve that aim.

We still need competition because it is that that makes gaming better for all of us.

Re: Talking Point: Overall, How Successful Has 2023 Been For Xbox?


Look at the sales. You can’t call it anything other than really poor.
Some great games but sales and Game Pass subs have got nowhere near where they need to be.
Worryingly they don’t look like picking up either.
Personally I love Xbox and Game Pass and I worry about how they are going to keep up because sales in Europe as well as other territories are flagging.
The lack of marketing in the UK is also bizarre. Watching TV you would think that Xbox didn’t exist here.