Comments 630

Re: Microsoft Announces Plan To Sell Activision Cloud Gaming Rights To Ubisoft


Let’s face it. In ten years time game pass will be all Xbox offer and it will be on all consoles and PC. They can’t remain making consoles much longer as they are losing money and the gap to PS is just huge in console sales. Xbox will become a streaming stick and app only soon enough. PS5 sales have just risen by 244% in Europe. Xbox can’t get anywhere close to their numbers but can get game pass on more places to make sure the brand lives on but console wise, it’s clearly not sustainable for much longer.

Re: Talking Point: What Would Convince You To Use Xbox Cloud Gaming More Often?


Since I picked up the Logitech G Cloud, I have played cloud games a lot as well older system EMU’s for offline gaming.
I have found that xCloud runs really well at home and even with a strong 4G signal I have had some great gaming sessions on the go with xCloud attached to my phones hotspot.
I totally understand why it might not be popular for many and not a 1st choice, but when you think that you can potentially have some great gaming experiences for little outlay - if you play via your phone or tablet for example - then for those on smaller budgets it is a great way to game.

However, the fact it is so unpopular is worrying for Microsoft and Xbox when you consider that Cloud is the main aim for them in the long term. They are already way behind in the console arena, so if they are already losing money in the cloud arena, they could be in a bad position with gamers if they don’t sort it out and make it more accessible for more people. In the UK, one huge issue is that broadband and 4G and 5G performance is based on luck and where you live which is not acceptable but that’s an issue for BT who own most of the networks infrastructure via Open Reach.

But for me, I am very happy to play via the cloud when necessary.

Re: Xbox Game Pass: All Games Coming Soon In July 2023


@FraserG Cheers mate. Would be grand if it happens. I’m out and about a lot so it would be a great addition and shouldn’t be too tough for Xbox to sort.
All the best for the weekend and thanks for keeping the news and information coming.
Very much appreciated.

Re: Phil Spencer: Sony Uses Revenue From Our Games To Reduce Xbox's 'Survival In The Market'


The best thing for gaming as a whole would be for both Jim Ryan and Phil Spencer to just go away. Ryan is aggressive and Spencer has basically said that Xbox is only buying devs so it can survive. Neither of them are acting out of creative desire or acting to make gaming a better space.

It’s pathetic, it’s time to put a stop to the ego driven nonsense and get back to gaming! Because all of this is not about gaming. It’s about 2 big headed narcissists playing games.

Both need to go and let creative minds run the gaming space. That will be better for everyone.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


@Somebody The whole deal has been full of lies and more lies. Xbox are not wrong about being behind in console sales- they will always be third best unless Nintendo do another Wii U cock up next time round.
Sonys claim about only being profitable due to COD was and remains hilarious. How they even said that with a straight face is funnier still.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


@themightyant There are so many different reports it’s hard to know which or who is most accurate. Whatever the full reality, Xbox is never going to win the console sales. As I’ve said before, Sony could create a new PS tomorrow and it will sell just because of the name. That’s where Sony are at, hence their complacency.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


@TommyNL They have both lost sight of gaming for gamers tbh. Nintendo focus on games and gaming which is why they still give directs that are streets ahead of PS and XB. There was more to get excited about in Nintendo’s 40 minute direct than at any time during either the Xbox or PS directs - Starfield perhaps being the slight exception.
The term next gen needs ditching as well. When we went from 8bit to 16bit etc - that was next gen. Now we just get incremental upgrades.
Both PS and XB need to stop looking for the next big thing and focus on quality gaming experiences! It really should be that simple but Jim and Phil both seem to be more bothered about cat calling and playground spats - it’s become unseemly and frankly at times, pathetic

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


@Kaloudz There’s no danger of them dropping out the market. I just think that ultimately they will focus on cloud arena. They are never going to close the gap to PlayStation now. This gen was the perfect chance to do so and they’ve blown it big time so cloud and streaming has to be their focus.
Streaming boxes and sticks will their future and by 2027, I doubt they will even make consoles any more.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


The thing with this whole ‘competition’ argument is that Sony are so far ahead, they will dominate for decades! They still have around 80% share of the worldwide market! That’s not a war nor is it a competition. It’s a rout. Xbox needs to focus on closing the gap anyway it can. But PlayStation is so far ahead and Nintendo are operating in a different way that Xbox needs to sort out what it wants and stick to it.
Sony could make a PlayStation 6 tomorrow , have no games at all for it and it would sell tens of millions. That’s where we are at. Xbox are having to work extra hard and are still nowhere near closing the gap.

Re: Microsoft Is Literally Now Saying That Xbox Has 'Lost The Console Wars'


@Lastatopiny neither have had that much to crow about. My point is more that PlayStation could sell millions without doing anything at all because the brand is now that strong.
Xbox want to get people on GamePass and in the ecosystem for the long term and they are doing that well.
Xbox and PlayStation are focused on different paths and that is fine. Variety is good for gamers.