There's been a lot of speculation over the past few days about the possibility of Xbox bringing Hi-Fi RUSH to another console such as PlayStation or Nintendo Switch, and now there's talk about Sea Of Thieves being a candidate as well!
Giant Bomb's Jeff Grubb revealed this on the latest Game Mess Morning podcast earlier today, where he mentioned that when the discussion first began, he assumed everyone was talking about Sea of Thieves rather than Hi-Fi RUSH:
"Sea of Thieves, right---I'll say I've heard that is one that might be coming to other platforms. When I first started hearing these rumors, I was like, 'Oh this is probably about Sea of Thieves, because I've heard that could come to Switch and PlayStation.' And maybe that might be the kind of thing where like, actually all of this stuff is happening, and Microsoft is kind of trying to rejigger its strategy."
Following this, Stephen Totilo over at Game File also reported that Microsoft has been looking into bringing Sea of Thieves to PlayStation, although he hasn't heard anything about Switch. Totilo isn't sure whether it's still an active plan for Team Xbox, but he believes that an early 2024 release might have been on the cards at one point.
From our perspective, Sea of Thieves would be particularly interesting considering it's an online-focused title, so we're curious to see if a PlayStation and/or Nintendo Switch port crops up in the coming months. Only time will tell!
What are your thoughts about seeing Sea of Thieves on PlayStation and Switch? Tell us down below.
[source youtu.be, via gamefile.news]
Comments 48
This is the beginning of the end, if it happens.
Assuming it would feature cross-platform play, do it! I'm on PC but I have friends on PlayStation who I reckon I could rope into playing Sea of Thieves with me 👍
@OrfeasDourvas It's a live service game, even Sony are likely making their new ones multi-platform.
If anything it'll act as a brand ambassador and maybe bring people across to Xbox
Ah yes Jeff Grubb. Mr grain of salt himself.
Do you actually think this means Xbox are genuinely heading toward just being a 3rd party publisher then and dropping consoles altogether? I just can’t see how that would be good for gaming as an industry. It would just leave PlayStation on its own
It good mean Xbox going software only or a more deeper strategy.
Get Xbox games on other consoles, then when the sequel releases make it Xbox only, which could get gamers to buy an Xbox console as well or gamepass on PC and other devices.
So say put Gears 5 on other consoles then release gears 6 only on Xbox and hope gamers follow over to the Xbox eco system in some way to play gears 6 as they really enjoyed gears 5.
@OldGamer999 Interesting point and something I hadn’t considered.
I can’t see Xbox exiting the console business and if they do I think the games industry is in trouble as you would be left with PlayStation out on their own and Nintendo doing their own thing.
1) You still have to buy the games on PlayStation/Nintendo, while on the Xbox ecosystem you can play them much cheaper with Game Pass.
2) This will help Microsoft's case for future acquisitions against organisations like FTC as they can use these games and more in their argument that they won't make acquired IPs exclusive to their ecosystem.
3) This will overall help make Microsoft's older games more popular. Just like how Sony has been bringing their older games to PC. So play their new games first on Xbox or wait to play them later on other systems.
Either way, I don't really see anything negative about this. The more people who get access to these games, the better. Both for consumers but also for Microsoft. It's all part of a new long-term strategy for them.
Yes I hope Xbox doesn’t leave the console hardware market. I think the series x is the best and most powerful console and has great GUI features. And game pass is great as well.
But Xbox need to learn they have to make amazing games to go with that, that capture gamers and the general mass market with pure excitement and also advertise and PR very well.
Xbox is not a brand that can just sell its self, like maybe Nintendo and Sony can get away with for a while.
Makes sense. For live service sh**e you want as many players as possible to buy those micro transactions.
I said the same when Sony announced their intention, the only way to compete is to have it on multiple platforms.
@OldGamer999 I think that releasing games on other platforms and then making subsequent sequels exclusive would have the opposite effect and bring a lot of hate to MS/Xbox. Out of all of the exclusive games that have been announced following acquisitions the only one that doesn't sit well with me is Hellblade 2, precisely for that very reason. Making it a business strategy wouldn't be a good look.
Not surprising at all. As I've stated before, probably not next Gen, but likely the Gen or two after that Microsoft will be transitioning to software only.
With how big a hit gamepas is, why bother spending the R&D funds to design and manufacture hardware, then warranty it after, when they can let other deal with that whole raking in game pass cash?
@InterceptorAlpha I feel like that would be a terrible strategy. It gives PlayStation even more dominance in the market, plus, would Game Pass existing solely on Nintendo and PlayStation consoles be good? Because, think about it, if GP did come to those consoles, in what world do Sony and Nintendo let the service exist in their ecosystems unless it solely comprises Microsoft games? And in my opinion that would severely cripple the value of Game Pass. There's no way in hell I'd pay for Game Pass if it didn't include the wealth of third party titles it currently does.
That's how I see it anyway.
I think there will always be an xbox console. They make a ton of money by selling 3rd party games like Elden Ring, hogwarts legacy and GTA on their console. There are plenty of people who are committed to the ecosystem with large digital libraries, friend lists, achievement scores. There will always be an audience for an xbox (not as big as sony/Nintendo but way too big to ignore).
Even if it gets to a point where someone else is making it, I believe there will always be an xbox branded system. Whether it is a pc tower, handheld or a dedicated console box that they licensed to someone else, I think they will be putting the Xbox OS on some kind of device for as long as consoles are a thing.
@Markatron84 Gamepass is already on TVs VR headsets, and PC. I personally know half a dozen people that strictly have Gamepass for cloud gaming and don't even own an Xbox. If I alone know that many, there are tons more. On top of that you have the Gamepass dongle that supposedly in the works.
It would be no different from how you can have your Paramount, Hulu, etc, all through your Amazon prime streaming. They could do the same thing with Gamepass.
And given how small a marketshare Microsoft holds compared to Sony and/or Nintendo, they would be increasing their audience a great deal. All the while saving on R&D, manufacturing, advertising, and distribution.
Just because you don't want it to happen doesn't mean it unlikely as you think.
Maybe not, was just thinking outside the box and who knows with Microsoft.
@InterceptorAlpha according to Wall Street Journal, game pass makes roughly 15% of xbox revenue. Why would they abandon that other 85 percent?
Phil Spencer admitted that it has flattened out on xbox so putting game pass in other places makes sense but I don't think it makes sense to abandon the dedicated gamers where xbox makes like 30% of each Fifa, Madden, GTA, etc purchase they make.
I think there will always be a physical microsoft console if there are Sony and Nintendo consoles.
The Government is licking its lips right now anticipating the sales tax and revenue tax its about to pick up
"Just go third party already so I can sell xbox and keep Playstation"
What a terrible idea. You have no xbox digital or physical purchases that you wouldn't mind losing access to?
I've got over 450 digital games I don't want to lose access to when my current xbox comes to the end of it's life and no new xbox hardware to play them on.
Which headline comes up more often?
"Xbox will be 3rd party, Microsoft is just a software company"
"Xbox reveals a new special edition controller"
I think this would be cool. I'd love to be able to play some Xbox games on my Playstation.
Why not bring both? Neither are essential to the exclusive portfolio.
Add it to Game Pass Core, MS!
If all this turns out to be true then it looks like Microsoft is maybe doing so to butter up both Nintendo and Sony to eventually let MS/Xbox have Game Pass on their consoles/handhelds. It most likely won’t happen but I don’t see why not as long as it’s just Microsoft published games on the service, they won’t be losing out on 3rd party game sales.
Sea of Thieves will go multi-platform the same day that Skull and Bones finally releases.
All 7 of the people that have been hoping for this to happen are going to be really excited.
@NintendoByNature The thing with him is that he talks sooooooo much that every few months... or years, he is right.
So it's not hi-fi rush makes sense if it's this big online world of pirateness no difference to Minecraft being on other consoles
@Banjo- exactly. Anyone remember that "big zelda blowout direct" he predicted? I sure don't. I never listen to a word he says
This is very true. Well, part of it is. I said that in my opinion I didn't believe that Microsoft ditching hardware and solely bringing Game Pass to competitor's platforms was a good idea; nowhere did I say that I didn't want it to happen. I play solely on PC, so I'm getting the Xbox exclusives, the PlayStation exclusives (later) and the third-party support. Hell, if Nintendo would get off their high horse and port games to PC, I'd truly be living the dream. So trust me, it's not a case of me not wanting it to happen, because it doesn't affect me either way. I don't have a horse in the console race. In fact, I've stated numerous times previously in this site's comments sections that more games (from the big three) should be available in more places; Nintendo, Sony and Microsoft should put their games on as many consoles as possible, cut the exclusivity nonsense out and actually innovate in other areas in order to make their consoles more appealing, rather than propagate the endless d**k-waving contest they are now.
@BacklogBrad Exactly that. There will be an Xbox as long as there are consoles. It makes zero sense to stop now. People forget that they also make desktop PCs, laptops, tablets and smartphones and that they earn millions with Xbox alone. It's just getting bigger now with ABK. Besides, stopping now would mean that millions of gamers invested in the ecosystem would be incredibly angry. 0% probability of that happening.
MaccaMUFC wrote:
Microsoft played nice with Nintendo and didn't get anything in return. Regarding Sony, well, they don't even want third-party games to be available on Xbox, so...
I can see it working well. You can already find servers with controllers only. They have the new friendly realm. They have guilds now too. Game is a blast and if people want to enjoy it on their console of choice and Xbox can make it happen it all good to me. They already bring games to pc day one. They’ve talked about their interests in game pass on competitors..
@Scummbuddy Feb 16th then ?
All these games that are rumoured to go to Nintendo /ps. And not one official announcement like the so called insiders can't be wrong
Amazing how lots of ppl now heard rumours since the first one
Let me know when /if Microsoft actually announce it
@Phantasystar77 if you actually look at the Australian board website the page Ur talking about is from 2022 and that site also has a page for redfall on ....USB and SD card lmao
Edit here is the graphic links
Here is the full page for hi fi rush
As you can see 15 December 2022 so no it's not true ,it's yet more bs posted on twitter that ppl believe cause hey if it's in twitter it must be true
The fanboys will cool down on this just like they did for pc releases. Sony is currently in that stage of numbing their audience to the eventual day 1 pc releases. They will probably be in this stage in a few years.
Hopefully Nintendo will be right behind them and realize a good way to combat switch emulation and increase profits is to make their games available to purchase on pc.
@Phantasystar77 @Martsmall Another leaker came out said Starfield is getting ported as well.
There's an article over on Twisted Voxel about it
Jez Corden from Windows Central commented there's no smoke without fire and his trusted sources told him Xbox have been looking to port some of its back catalogue over to PlayStation and Nintendo for a while. He says it's still unconfirmed but he thinks it will actually happen.
@MrMagic oh a leak it must be true ,the same rumour being going round since before starfieldcame out and yet still no game on ps
In fact there is a twitter post saying starfield and elder scrolls 6 is ps exclusive ...must be true
@Martsmall I don't use Twitter never have.
It may just be a rumour that's been blown out of proportion but all these leakers seem to backing each other up and saying they've heard the same thing and nobody is discrediting any of their claims, for the moment at least.
@MrMagic it all started on twitter ,this is the thing one person says so then everyone else jumps on the bandwagon I heard that too etc etc
which only reinforces the original bs cause they don't want to say no I haven't heard that in case it turns out to b true and they miss out on clicks , look how many games have been mentioned in the last few days that are going to nin/ps ,they even got posts saying halo is going etc
When ms comes out and says so then Ill accept it until then we are going To hear every game possible is going To ps/Nintendo
Look at my post above with the link for hifi rush ,ppl are saying it's real cause I read it etc no, I've read Elvis lives down the street it don't make it true lol
Edit oh and if it turns out to be not true how much u wanna bet the next headline will be oh Xbox changed their mind due to fan feedback ?
I genuinely yearn for that day.
@LuciaThicc The approval came from the owners of the IP and film rights. Nintendo lost the exclusive publishing rights in 2017.
@Martsmall Exactly that. One person says it on Twitter and every day after that we are getting "leaks" and rumors from "reliable sources" because "there is no smoke without fire." Internet rumours are exactly that, smoke without fire. Then, when nothing is announced, they will say that Microsoft cancelled their plans but that the ports were developed, indeed. It's like Microsoft getting out of the console business, something repeated ad nauseam based on absolutely nothing. When Microsoft announces their next Xbox console, it will be "the last" and the story will repeat itself. The people that started these rumours with zero evidence are probably sour after the ABK acquisition went through. After Microsoft acquired Zenimax, the rumours were all about Bethesda's games being on PS5 day one, Starfield included. They were very, very loud about these games not being Xbox exclusives. Let's not forget that smoke.
@Banjo- yeh the old Microsoft can't afford to make starfield exclusive as they won't make money etc etc ,the problem is when there are rumours ppl just jump at em like it's gospel and everyone becomes a genius on business lmfao
@Banjo- If Microsoft just offered first party games on Game Pass for PlayStation then Sony can’t say anything to counter that proposition. It’s not like they wouldn’t get any benefit of having Game Pass on their console because Microsoft would offer an annual or monthly fee.
@OldGamer999 xbox has made amazing games, they just have to remake it, they don't have to learn it, just do it just like the xbox360 era, og xbox
I totally agree the Xbox 360 days where the glory Xbox days for me.
This would be amazing. I love SOT and I am also a Pirate Legend. Having this go to PlayStation would increase the player base significantly! This is a great move! and no this would not be the end of Xbox LOL!
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