Update: Just to confuse things further, Xbox boss Phil Spencer has told Windows Central this week that there are "no plans to bring Game Pass to PlayStation or Nintendo". We've covered this elsewhere on Pure Xbox:
Original story: Xbox is constantly talking about making its games more accessible to players around the world, and with this in mind, the company's CFO Tim Stuart has reiterated the company's "mission" to get first-party releases and Game Pass on "every screen that can play games".
During the Wells Fargo TMT Summit, he explained how this goal even included platforms like Nintendo and PlayStation. It's worth noting, that there's nothing serious in the pipeline right now, but it's something Microsoft would supposedly like to achieve in the long run:
"That means smart TVs, that means mobile devices, that means what we would have thought of as competitors in the past like PlayStation and Nintendo."
In the lead-up to its recent acquisition of Activision Blizzard, Microsoft offered 10-year Call of Duty deals to its competitors and expanded Xbox cloud support. It's mentioned on a number of occasions as well how it won't be cutting support for existing game communities on other platforms.
Earlier this month, Phil Spencer also mentioned how Microsoft will think of Nintendo and PlayStation as "part of the Xbox community" going forward.
What are your thoughts about Xbox getting Game Pass on every screen it possibly can? Tell us in the comments.
[source gamespot.com]
Comments 108
Microsoft should work on getting Xbox Cloud Gaming on smart TVs, in Retroarch as a "core", etc. That's a bit more realistic, at least.
They have been upfront about them wanting their games on all screens that play games. They have large IP’s now that span player bases from all consoles and PC. It would be hugely bad PR to not bring those games to those players not to mention the money they would be leaving on the table. I do think they need to make sure there is a reason to own a Xbox, but i see it as the way they view windows. MS makes Windows and surface PC’s. Surface PC’s don’t outsell Dell and HP so they bring their software and services to them. They are looking to do the same with GP. I do think they will continue to make Xbox’s but it just won’t be the only place you can play their games ever again.
Please don’t give up Xbox consoles, it’s certain that Microsoft with ABK already is a gaming juggernaut but honestly I don’t see them caring at all for the console market, if they give it up it’d be a huge loss since I’ve invested a lot in games, I don’t want a PC or to rely on the cloud and Sony being the only ‘high-end’ console available would allow them to be extremely abusive to console gamers, they already are since they are selling consoles are at almost 3:1 ratio currently, Microsoft certainly needs to compete better.
Oh, and how they'll gonna bring it? Are they gonna port all of their games on PS5 and Switch? Or it would be a cloud thing? If it would be a cloud, then it's completely useless thing. I don't want to use a Game Pass especially in cloud.
@IOI I think that it just unavoidable. Xbox сan't offer enough people for Game Pass. It's like a anchor on Microsoft's neck right now.
Put it on Switch and just crush Sony.
If it’s on Playstation, would I get Trophies or would I get Achievements? Both at the same time would probably splat my insides with dopamine.
But seriously don’t do this Xbox, just… be yourself.
Cloud is ok and streaming and all that.
But I want the top prime experience and a top powerful Xbox console to play my games on like my series x.
I have no Interest in owning a Sony or Nintendo console to cloud stream Xbox studio games what so ever.
My new Samsung QD-OLED TV has Xbox cloud gaming built in and I have no interest in playing that way.
I want the full 4K HDR Dolby Atmos all bells and whistles experience when I play as the developer intended, that my series x gives me.
Just going back to TVs QD-OLED is amazing you get the OLED deep blacks, but also the screen brightness and the punch in those colours.
@OldGamer999 I think they'll just make a Xbox app for smart TV. So you don't need PlayStation or Nintendo console or ever console for playing Xbox games on this TV. You'll need just a gamepad.
If it's virtual machine based (so plays locally) or streaming reaches a level it's virtually indistinguishable, what becomes the point in Xbox consoles?
I can then buy a PlayStation or Nintendo and get their exclusives plus the Xbox ones via Game Pass - so even less people buy Xbox consoles and even less third parties port their games to it, so even less reason to own an Xbox console...
I think I'm not the only Xbox owner not feeling a lot of love from Xbox at the moment...?
To those thinking they are going to drop out of consoles, probably don’t need to worry. We already know they have plans for new consoles a gen ahead, I believe 2028. And of course the slims next year. A lot of their gaming revenue is made up from their ecosystem sales. Not to mention the subs thrive on Xbox. What I do see probably happening is console sales dropping even more next gen as they introduce cheaper alternatives like streaming sticks not to mention the cloud gaming aspect on other mobile devices becoming more viable over the years. The Xbox consoles will be more of a “premier” way to game. I doubt Sony will be far behind on this strategy once Xbox starts taking off more and more into the cloud and mobile markets.
You are correct just over 50 percent of game pass subscriptions are on Xbox consoles and that’s against all other devices remember so that is a big percentage.
If it was not for the Xbox console subscriptions game pass subscriptions would easily be 50 percent lower and not looking that good.
Xbox console sales being a far bit lower than the competition is down to Xbox not promoting and advertising like say Sony do. Also they don’t sponsor many third party games. If you see the adverts on tv for the new Avatar game you would believe from the advert it is PS5 only, like an exclusive and that’s what the general public see.
Sony are dam good and clever with this type of sponsorship advertising.
If had a subscription service that had over 50 percent membership on Xbox consoles against all other devices world wide, I would sell and promote more my consoles, they have gone to the trouble of designing and making the series consoles they just need to advertise get some third party sponsorship advertising rights and advertise like Sony and Nintendo do.
It’s so simple and common sense.
@MasterTanookiChief The concern isn't so much that they stop making consoles, it's that they do so little to promote them / make them worthwhile buying over other games consoles that not many sell.
A smaller install base = much less reason for a third party to port games to it, so we start to reach the point of "what's the point, I'll buy a PlayStation / Nintendo or upgrade my PC" when more and more games skip the console.
I've seen almost everyone I know either give up and go PC, or swap to the PS5 (if they weren't already in the Sony ecosystem) - many also have a Switch but few have anything Xbox apart from an old Xbox One or 360 now.
I'm the only person I know with a Series X, and I know one colleague who has a Series S - everyone else I know has either PS5, PC, Switch or old Xboxes / PS4s.
Sales numbers support this too - I honestly thought the Series + Game Pass were going to lead to a fairer market share this generation, but if anything the PS5 is dominating more than the PS4 did, likely helped by the cult-like status of Sony now and Xbox having the quietest ever year for games in 2022 (and marketing too, I suspect as part of trying to get ABK over the line).
If they're not planning on leveraging ABK to get consoles out the door (it seems more they may use it as leverage to get Game Pass on more devices) then the silence due to the acquisition has instead just harmed Series console owners as our small number means fewer ports of games.
I suspect the 2022 "no games" year will go down as almost as bad as the Xbox One launch for killing a generation, as they had a real chance to steal some players from Sony while the PS5 was still struggling for enough stock...
BTW I am actually looking forward to many of the Xbox Game Studios games, but they need to have put some serious controls in place to improve output and reliability to prevent a repeat of 2022 - and make some big announcements at the Game Awards.
We need to know what the "big game" is from them for the next quarter and potentially the one after that (given "E3" is over 6 months from their last release) - and hopefully some big Game Pass drops like Baldur's Gate 3 and some ABK games.
In the meantime, I'm shopping around for graphics cards - I'll be playing much more on my PC and less on my XSX so I can play more of the games skipping Xbox, as since the decent-but-not-amazing releases of Starfield and Forza Motorsport I'm a bit dejected by Xbox at the moment...
Totally get where you are coming from on both your posts, I’m in UK.
I have a series x and it’s like almost Xbox brand doesn’t exist in the UK.
But I do have hope as surely Microsoft haven’t gone to all the trouble buying Zenimax and ABK to now sit back and let the other two rule Europe and the UK.
Surely now they have all the tools to push and promote Xbox consoles and gamepass before in the UK and Europe they become obsolete and a geeky console after thought.
Xbox consoles have over 50 percent of the total of gamepass subscribers against all other devices.
If they lose the Xbox console will game pass on other devices be enough or anything special I doubt it.
When and if that happens, their hardware division is over.
I just wonder what happens to all our purchases.
Will they at least let us migrate them to PC?
@Widey85 it feels like you said about me. I still have my Xbox 360. But in previous generation I chose to buy PS4 first. I planned to get Xbox One latter, but I changed my mind after Scalebound was canceled and they decided to put Game Pass over Xbox console. So, it's my second generation without Xbox and it's...great. I didn't feel that I skip any games, cause I can play Xbox games on my PC. And I still can play all Xbox 360 games. Series S/X owners can't do that.
Tim Stuart has reiterated the company's "mission" to get first-party releases and Game Pass on "every screen that can play games
I'm perfectly fine with that.
No wonder they can’t sell consoles with these messages getting out with other things.
Microsoft have done almost zero to bolster consoles promotions and sales. And the daft arses from their own data shows over 50 percentage of all game pass subscriptions are on Xbox consoles against all the other millions of devices worldwide.
Taking it harshly that means with low console sales and low game pass up take on other devices Xbox are failing tragically in both areas.
@Widey85 yeah that’s my concern too. If first party Xbox games start showing up en masse on PlayStation then I can’t see how it won’t be the start of an irreversible death spiral for the Microsoft consoles. There would be less of a reason to choose Xbox over PlayStation, the playerbase would thus continue to shrink, games would become even less optimised for the hardware as a result, and an increasing number would skip the platform outright (which is already happening with games like Kena Bridge of Spirits).
And if Microsoft lose interest in the hardware business completely then it leaves anyone who has invested in a sizeable games library over the years completely out of luck. Chances of them allowing Xbox gamers to transfer their digital libraries over to PC if the console business is shut down? One in a million I’d say. That’s why news like this worries me. I don’t see how Xbox consoles can be a sustainable business endeavour with zero exclusives.
If they lose the Xbox console will game pass on other devices be enough or anything special I doubt it
Looking at the sales disparity between consoles from Sony/Nintendo and Microsoft its clear that people don't find much special about Xbox either. Microsoft will pursue the avenues that make financial sense, if Xbox does not, than they'll just make GamePass work on some other form(at).
Sadly this feels like the beginning of the end for xbox as a console...
Can you imagine the queues? Starfield alone had people waiting 15 mins up to several hours to play.
I believe cloud can work for the masses who don't care about fidelity, frame rates and latency as much, but they won't put up with queuing like that. The Cloud infrastructure is clearly just not there yet for mass rollout.
And just like that Xbox went completely 3rd party.
Seriously though this is a pipe dream and them repeating this statement over and over just reeks of desperation.
The long term goal is clearly to exit the console market and become a 3rd party dev on all consoles.
I think we will see one more generation of Xbox consoles but that will be the end of it for consoles.
Getting more players playing Xbox games is the goal and the fact they don’t even see Nintendo or PlayStation as competitors anymore is telling.
That said, I doubt PlayStaion and Nintendo see Xbox as competitors really any more when it comes to console sales.
I would not be at all surprised to see Game Pass on the next Switch. Would not be surprised at all.
I would be hugely disappointed if Xbox as a console does cease but I cannot see it ending any other way and they are now being very clear their goals are about games on all systems.
It will kill competition though and that will be bad for gaming in the long term.
I just want Xbox to have xbox consoles like my series x when moving forward.
And they should be promoting Xbox consoles more and getting more in the Xbox eco system this way and growing Xbox brand momentum to the masses.
Remember and I keep saying this on here.
OVER 50 percent of game pass subscribers are on Xbox consoles against all the other billions of devices out there.
Xbox need both mass console growth and game pass growth to stay relevant.
@BaldBelper78 Why does it have to be Either/or. I believe they can put out BOTH a console for the enthusiasts and a cloud service for everyone else, and the enthusiasts on the go. I don't see this changing for at least another 10+ years and probably longer.
@Sol4ris Xbox will go cloud only. In the next 15 years I doubt we will be able to buy Xbox consoles.
Although it would kill all physical Xbox media so it would be a huge change to make and would probably lose them money. They need to decide what the strategy is because right now it feels like they have too many chefs at the pot and they all seem to want different things.
Xbox comes across as being a total mess tbh.
I does not help Xbox when they come out with statements like the below:
A great example is that internal review MS did of TLOU 2. MS in that review stated they can't pump out that kind of quality in a game.
I have no interest whatsoever in cloud gaming unless there's no lag whatsoever but I prefer an xbox console than that
Old news ,of course this is the end goal, Phil spencer as said as such many times, the only way ps or Nintendo will consider this ,is if ms get out of the console game and become a publisher, it will happen eventually,just a matter of when.
Cloud streaming is nothing to me.
Give me a console for full effect and no internet concerns, especially with my 6m/sec.
Xbox issue is they are trying to jump to phase three of the plan that is out in the future.
Whilst at phase one here today, they are losing brand recognition and momentum and slipping down every chart and graph sales wise in the console industry and not doing great with other devices game pass attachment rates.
If they keep going this way in phase one and two the time they get to phase three.
It will be Xbox who???
Especially if the other two have good growth, brand and product recognition.
It doesn’t matter with game pass being on all other devices including Sony and Nintendo as right now on all other devices game pass is tiny subscription wise. You have to make the games and brand recognition and momentum that the masses want.
And sorry fellow Xboxers they are just not doing that.
The masses are buying up and into Sony and Nintendo eco systems and Spider man and Mario and Zelda.
Definitely not Redfall, Starfield and Forza.
That’s the fall down of Xbox the games, the lack of clever main stream advertising that the other two have. They are losing shelf space in shops to the other two and are far more less promoted on the high street and in TV advertising.
Microsoft have their way of doing this to get to phase 3 but it is not the right way.
@Widey85 It felt more like a domino effect to be honest which started with the Halo Infinite disaster when the full launch happened in December 2021. The November 2021 beta was fun for a beta and there was a lot of hype surrounding it but when it turned out the beta was the final product, that's when things started to go wrong.
Halo Infinite disaster -> 2022 game drought -> Redfall disaster -> Starfield being just average -> Forza Motorsport disaster
I just want Xbox to have xbox consoles like my series x when moving forward
Well its a shame Microsoft are not willing to indefinitely invest billions in console R&D only to see zero returns on hardware and be outsold by the competition 3:1 or more. Right?
And I say this as someone who wants Microsoft to be involved in Xbox consoles for the foreseeable future.
Xbox need both mass console growth and game pass growth to stay relevant
Is Xbox really that relevant though? As someone who regularly posts about the abysmal Xbox console sales you should know all about relevance. There is a reason Microsoft went a acquisition spree, its their plan B, I.e. GamePass on as many devices as possible, including streaming.
That is because they need to advertise like the other two do with theirs consoles and games and also of course game pass on series consoles.
They won’t sell to the masses sitting back and not letting them know Xbox is here.
Also Xbox need to TV advertise as well including third party game advertising sponsorship.
On TV in UK yesterday the new Avatar game was advertised it looked like a PS5 exclusive as Sony have the advertising rights, the masses will believe it is a PS5 exclusive and get a PS5 consoles.
Microsoft have it all in front of them and how to do it and also from their xbox360 days experience.
It’s not that hard, Xbox own enemies are Xbox.
@OldGamer999 I'm just curious, what platform you'll choose after Microsoft's quit from console market? PC or PlayStation? Will you stay on Xbox till the end?
I don't think that this will be the last or the second-to-last Xbox console like many keep repeating. Two generations in the future, Xbox could be the strongest platform with the strongest software line-up and Microsoft is the only of the three that makes hardware anyway, not just consoles but PCs, laptops, tablets, hybrids and smartphones. Microsoft still needs to make Windows, the same OS that their consoles use! There's literally zero reason to think that Microsoft will drop hardware.
If you wonder why Xbox is available on other platforms, then you haven't understood Microsoft's strategy regarding software sale and subscriptions.
I mean Xbox did sell a good few consoles at the end on Black Friday weekend and might end up for that in November just in front of Switch. But the massive gap that keeps growing is against the PS5, they sold god knows how many across all my stores. And still are today with the release of the PS5 slim, it’s a bit slower now though at full price.
But that will be it from Xbox and the console will be in left until next Black Friday, they need to do this all year round not just for one week.
I most definitely hope you are correct.
I play the full visual package on my series x and that’s how I want to play.
I’m not a young man and will probably not be capable or dead by the time that happens 😂
On a serious note, let’s see what happens, it’s definitely exciting to see what will happen in the gaming market over the next tens years or so.
But the rest of this generation and next generation in say five years time will be very similar to right now.
@OldGamer999 Believe me, if they still make smartphones, they are not going to stop making consoles. Remember also that in two generations, Microsoft will have the strongest software line-up with all the studios they own outputting games. Xbox has invested all their budget in video games studios. They're not going to stop making consoles as long as there is a PS or a Nintendo in the market.
Also, remember that Microsoft still has to make Windows anyway, the OS that Xbox consoles run on. Xbox consoles aren't going anywhere.
It's very easy for gamers to forget that MS is a software company, first. They keep doing software company things, so people shouldn't be surprised when they hear comments like these.
That’s is my hope as well, I can’t see all this investment and studio buying they will drop making consoles, not for this and next generation anyway.
After that all the companies might stop making consoles and we will have chip brain gaming implants.
@OldGamer999 It doesn't matter if they sell fewer consoles, that can easily change next generation. Remember Xbox 360? It outsold PS3 in hardware and software terms (until additional PS3 cheap revisions were sold during the next generation). I also remember some Assassin's Creed games selling more on Xbox One than on PS4 in UK, even though most people had bought a PS4 because it was cheaper and smaller than Xbox One.
I know you tend to exaggerate the "failure" of Xbox but objectively, Series S|X sales are 24.33m. PS5 sales are 45.37m. PS5 has sold 1.8x more times, not even twice as much. Let's wait until the end of the generation and see the final numbers and not focus on PS5 sale peaks, right? Series S|X bundles with Call of Duty? How much could that sell? How many high-quality first-party games could the next Xbox consoles have? How strong the first-party line-up could be after the acquisitions? Xbox is playing a long game, but they will succeed.
Not referring to you specifically, but I must be the only one that finds odd the overwhelming negativity about Xbox even on Xbox sites and that cares to write something about it.
@OldGamer999 tlou2 is a masterclass in game design and gameplay ,take away all the nonsense with Abbie etc its truly something special, there isn't many studios capable of this type of quality.
They aren't far off going full third party developer seeing as they seem less and less interested I'm making exclusive games that sell their own hardware. They have become more of a publisher that happens to have hardware on the market. The thing is I have found their cloud gaming service to actually be poorer than Sony's and I will get more frequent drops and pauses in steam. That is over several different pieces of hardware so I imagine even on TVs it's no different. If they want to be streaming on everything they need to have a much better streaming technology first.
"It’s not that hard, Xbox own enemies are Xbox"
Clearly Microsoft are finding it hard enough, but what do I know 🙃.
I try not to be negative, I just think they could advertise more and get some third party game advertising deals as well, like Sony with the new Avatar game.
It’s sort of like Sony and Nintendo cover all bases to maximise market penetration and get the masses on board and brand recognition and momentum.
Xbox on the other hand seems to focus on one or two ways of doing this and not reaching the mass markets for better penetration and brand recognition. Sale’s definitely indicate this.
In simple terms. Xbox go get it and advertise etc and stop doing a half baked job. And letting the competition just walk it all.
Chances are that doesn't necessarily mean that they would totally give up the Console market. Being able to play games like Starfield or Forza on Playstation via 'Game Pass' would more likely be a 'streamed' version (much like to a TV) but games like CoD & Minecraft with a 'Native' PS version, could be 'downloadable' and of course 'sold' too through PS store so Sony benefit too...
If they did it this way for example, then you'd still have a 'reason' for Xbox Consoles to exist as Gamers may want to play Xbox games natively on Hardware rather than stream to another platform/device.
Long term, who knows if making Consoles is 'Sustainable' with all the costs, raw materials/plastics, shipping/distribution and of course manufacturing in 'millions' of units. 10m Consoles, each with 1TB SSDs, is 10m TB's of storage required - enough to store EVERY game ever built (probably) and be accessible on a server instead. Same with all the CPU/GPU/RAM that could be built into 'super-servers' to run games at much higher quality & performance than they could on 'console' hardware.
At the moment, Streaming is somewhat in its infancy and only slightly 'better' than Last gen (from a Console gamers perspective). XB1 users can play Starfield or Forza for example at better visual/performance metrics than 'native' would allow and nvidia's streaming is on a 4090 GPU which is better than a lot of PC's can offer natively.
@OldGamer999 I have noticed more deals and advertisements for Xbox since the acquisition stuff finished up - especially on streaming service ads (US-based here).
It seemed like Microsoft actually had decent Black Friday deals this time around (especially for Series X) - though I didn't follow them that closely since I already have a Series X. But I did notice there was actual Series X deals rather than being a sole Series S focus like previous years.
My guess is that the marketing machine took a back seat for a while due to all the ABK stuff.
That’s what I think maybe they went quiet for the ABK deal.
Now what I’m expecting next year around COD time is the following big advertising campaign.
Bundle deals for consoles including special console packaging etc and deal prices.
Game pass COD deals etc.
Special edition controllers.
Masses of TV and billboard advertising.
If they don’t then what is the point in my opinion.
You can buy all the studios you like, but at some point the buying is for selling your product and brand.
Xbox will definitely still manufacture consoles if they actually manage to accomplish this. They make a ton of money there off of digital purchases if 3rd party games. They simply won't abandon that.
It is also a big if on whether or not they actually get gamepass on either platform. Gamepass is still not available through Steam even though both parties have expressed interest. Imagine the troubles if the other party is not open to the idea like nintendo/sony aren't.
@OldGamer999 Call of Duty will be the meal ticket.
Regular Series X|S bundles with COD and 3 months Game Pass will be a great place to start!
Never having a Call of Duty commercial with the blue PlayStation banner at the end will certainly help as well - though I don't think Microsoft can do that until the current marketing deal with Sony expires.
I wonder how difficult it would be for Microsoft to get the Activision made Spider-Man games via BC. 🤔
Somehow, I don't see Sony allowing for that license renewal (it really sucks that Marvel's own IP is in a weird licensing place with Sony, I wish Disney would pony up the dough to buy it back completely).
I literally posted about this a week or so ago. Microsoft will be the largest 3rd party in gaming bar none and having Gamepass on PlayStation and Nintendo will be their next major goal to their endgame. As a PlayStation gamer, I will be more than happy to subscribe to Gamepass on the console I play mostly on, it will just be like EA Play, only there will be a lot of games I want to actually play.
There are plenty of other super hero’s to look into game wise.
@OldGamer999 Oh, I agree! But it would be fun if PlayStation wasn't the only place for a Spider-Man game.
I personally want Microsoft to do a Deadpool exclusive game with Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool.
I could see a trailer that makes it look like a Spider-Man game is coming to Xbox:
Have enemies all wrapped up in webbing. People getting beat up. Then it pans to Deadpool playing with a websling toy and being fascinated that it actually worked - and of course making the audience feel like idiots for thinking Sony would actually allow "him" to be on Xbox. 🤣
The marketing would be genius!
@Banjo- I'm one of the ones who's usually pretty positive but is currently feeling quite negative about my XSX.
I think it's just the forever "next year will be our year!" feeling is starting to wear thin as I see PS5s selling out everywhere, everyone I know seeming to be buying one and I'm literally the only person I know with a Series X (I've one friend with a Series S and a few others who have older Xbox systems still).
In the 360 era Xbox dominated the UK, and even in the PS4 era the steep discounts on the One digital and some big Game Pass promotions appeared to be cutting through - then we had radio silence for 2022 and it feels like PS5 now the stock issue has been sorted is overwhelming the Series consoles here and in Europe.
Starfield and Forza are decent but definitely don't live up to the hype (and I say that as someone who has enjoyed both) and we don't know when the next big release us - I'm hoping my spirits will be picked up by some Game Awards announcements maybe.
It's just a bit dispiriting in the UK as an Xbox gamer - PlayStation is quite literally the synonym for games console like Hoover is to vacuum cleaner, and even complete technophobes know what it and Nintendo are.
During the 360 years, the 360 had that name recognition (and so did Xbox to some degree) - and while stupid naming conventions probably haven't helped, it gets frustrating having to explain to someone what your Xbox console is as all they ever see on the TV is PS5 and Switch...
(Saying that, I have started to see some advertising - but it's mostly on the odd bus and a few Smart TV / website banners, very few actual TV ads, while Switch and PS5 you can't move for their adverts absolutely everywhere in the run-up to Christmas)
We always think up of great things for Xbox on here, be it game ideas and advertising etc.
They should take note and pay us well 😂
@Widey85 just remember, that "It was a good year for Xbox and the next year gonna be a lot better". Repeat it every year and it'll be OK
@OldGamer999 @Sol4ris
‘Well its a shame Microsoft are not willing to indefinitely invest billions in console R&D’
Microsoft is making their own in house custom AI Chip Maia for Azure cloud AND ….. the rumor is will they use it in the next Xbox that was leaked to have AI and cloud computing power. It is well underway that MS has its next gen console lined up and they hope to release it before PS6. So the internet gamers are once again not understanding what is happening and just going off negativity from not being able to comprehend the plan. Sorry not picking on you two, i just seen some of what you were saying.
What was being explained here is what MS has said all along. They want gamers to be able to play their games on whatever screen they have. Sony has to sell PS5’s cause thats their ecosystem, VR. Portal it all needs a PS5 to work. Sony is good at selling consoles so it makes sense and they are doing well there. MS’s plan is winning also cause it is about player numbers and engagement with their software on any screen and making money. Soon MS will have the most money per month every month coming in with the ABK merger. PS5 and Series Consoles are trying to do 2 different things, so we neeed to stop thinking they are playing the same result goal. Sony is in debt, their games aren’t very profitable and they can’t turn to mobile and PC to much cause it would cause players not to buy a PS5 and they can’t afford that with their current strategy. Let me finish with this, MS still makes good money off the Xbox , why would they just get rid of that when they now finally own some of the biggest IP’s in gaming? We don’t even have COD on GP yet and gamers are saying Xbox is done after series X????? Surface Pro isn’t the leader in PC sales but they sell that cause it’s makes business sense. I look for Phil to clear some of this up in the coming weeks and months and the internet needs to hear from MS yet again they already have the next gen Xbox worked on and the big question is do they stick with Zen core AMD, or turn to their new ARM custom chip with AI power?
The whole thing is incredibly depressing for someone who has spent so much time and money on the Xbox ecosystem…
The thing that makes me mad is; Outside of a dozen games sporadically released over the last decade, what’s so special and earth shattering about PlayStation? Nothing, it’s just brand power. And the Xbox brand damage is practically irreversible at this point. I’m more than unhappy at Microsoft for letting Sony walk all over them and continuing to do so. Especially in marketing, as others have pointed out. In the UK the Xbox is a non entity, that is no exaggeration. I could easily just place all the blame on Don Mattrick for the Xbox One, but it’s not all his fault…
My PS1 and PS2 got a lot of use in their day, but my PS3 and PS4 were always secondary to me, I’ve always thought Xbox was a better place to be as a consumer. My only hope now, as things get bleaker, is that some day my library will remain intact and can be played on some other system or device. Whether that’s some other console or that streaming gets better to the point it’s indistinguishable from the real thing.
@HonestHick The danger of that is what happened with the PS3 - if you make a custom CPU / GPU that can't be easily ported to, it becomes a millstone around your neck.
PlayStation had the cachet after the best-selling console ever, the PS2, to force developers to cope with the Cell structure.
I don't think Xbox has the same power - admittedly, through Windows they could perhaps force the issue but that's highly unlikely given Windows and Office are the geese that lay the golden eggs.
So while a part-local, part-cloud console definitely has some interest to me - MS Flight Simulator proves the amazing possibilities there - it would still have to have a standard structure to some degree with a recognisable CPU / GPU that games could easily be ported to.
As for AI, the current leap is revolutionary in many ways, with its integration into everything - but it's still poor with context or further understanding, and that's potentially going to take a decade or so to iron out. The only way I can really see AI being a big leap in console gaming is some AI cores to help with DLSS-style optimisation, generative tech and maybe NPC dialogue...
However you have a point - if Xbox were to launch "the next generation" with say the next level AMD chips and some clever AI / cloud tech that devs can use, and get it out 12 to 24 months ahead of the PS6, then with the CoD juggernaught amongst other things they might have a chance of stealing the lead in the next generation (particularly if they learn how to do marketing!).
It worked in the 360 generation - I was going to get a PS3, but it wasn't out till after Christmas so I got a 360 instead...
It’s cool, as you can see from some of my other posts.
I just want a next Xbox and Xbox now get motoring on promotion and advertising all things Xbox and get the games out etc.
@OldGamer999 i agree buddy, i am just here saying it’s to early into this new game plan for us to be saying the end is near 😊
No end of Xbox consoles is near not this or next generation.
Also after that so about 12 ish years in total maybe no one will be making consoles.
Everyone forgets that.
@OldGamer999 i agree, I believe MS would love to see the end of consoles sooner than Sony of course. But i think they stick it out until consoles aren’t needed cause it would be huge bad PR for the brand, plus MS is still making money on the Xbox and soon with all these games coming will be making even more. I do wish Phil would come out and put a nail in the coffin of this internet chatter. But there is larger at play things for his time and i want to see what they have at the awards. I seen Colt Eastwood say Gears of war collection with a Gearss 6 teaser. I don’t think it will happen but i would nearly pass out with excitement if true. 😊
Yes watched Colt on that yesterday.
If he is correct I will be extremely happy.
And you know what it is about time for the coalition to give us gears 6 next year.
@OldGamer999 that would be a huge boost and i think the collection would hold a lot of player off also. I mean Xbox has a lot of great content coming and what do we know of for the PS5? Jim Ryan wanted service games and Sony has no history with those titles and that seems to be a nothing burger online that Sony might be starting game development over. Adding even that much more money to projects and months on end with no first party games. Throw in the fact that financially Sony isn’t doing well as a company and it’s not like there isn’t thing to be concerned at over at PS. I ain’t saying they are going out of business or that PS5 will never have some great games, i am just saying before everyone is ready to just throw Xbox away and assume they are going 3rd party and Sony will be there to carry the load. That is not the case for those of us willing to look beyond console sales, which means very little these days.
Sony should really just let the gamepass come to their console already. Playstation fans have been begging Sony to get the gamepass to their console for year after year, but Sony is so embarassed to admit that Xbox has beat them, so they try fight back with their embarassing try to copy gamepass Playstation plus. Kinda sad that Sony cant get their ***** together, they are ruining gaming for their fans (I wonder how long they will have any fans left anyways at this rate, even those who keep defending their average at best exclusives, are starting to regret their console choice).
@Widey85 for all the reasons you mentioned is why i am concerned if they did that plus losing all the BC work. From what i have read it seems they are still testing and not sure if they will use Maia or go with AMD. ARM will run the world at some point. Many things run ARM now and even more are switching to it. I am not sure if now is the time for Xbox to try it. However it is time for MS to launch a console with its own flare and feature set that set’s it apart from the other 2. So i am torn on what they should do and rumors have it they are as well, but i am interested to see where the story goes. MS has the money, infrastructure and now IP’s to be dominant in the games business. Once they start to get all this rolling i am excited and a little scared to see where it all goes. But one thing I will not back down from is MS is far from throwing in the towel on Xbox
Do people not realize that Gamepass on Playstation would bankrupt Sony? Think about it. Sony sells their console at a loss, and their first party games make (relatively) little money in the grand scheme of things. Sony makes their money on third party game sales and whatever their online service is called now (PS+?, PS Now?). Gamepass would eat into sales as their players pay Xbox subscription fees instead. And Gamepass Ultimate includes online (Xbox live), if CoD starts showing up there, PS is essentially left with only the unprofitable parts of their business.
If Xbox could put gamepass on other consoles, then they absolutely should bail on their own console. It makes incredible business sense. I wouldn't like it, as I prefer Xbox, but it's hard to argue with the logic behind it.
@101Force I believe they're already on Samsung tvs.
@Onlyboxmatters Agree totally. And I have a PS5.
@InvaderFromSpace Think it would just be first party games, with multiplayer included I guess and maybe PS Plus required too to please Sony?
Sony would make their money from their cut and from the usual third party, first party and MTX mix - they already allow EA Play etc so the only difference would be if GP was the cloud version.
However given the similarities between the XSX and the PS5 (same AMD architecture) I doubt MS would have too much difficulty porting their games to run natively - in which case it becomes just like EA Play with Sony getting the multiplayer and MTX money...
There's many ways it could work well enough for Sony if third party stuff is removed - and MS may want it bad enough to go along with it.
My concern then is wanting them to refund us Series owners, given we'd have just got screwed having zero exclusives we may as well just go Sony so we can play theirs and Xbox's...
This to me would mean exiting hardware, no? What would be the point
@Widey85 that is a legitimate fear for sure. But if they are expanding their ecosystem past just consoles/PC that would alleviate a lot of those worries. Just depends if it works or not.
It would be quite nice to being able to play Halo on Playstation.
@K1LLEGAL I was thinking the same thing. I think if it were to come to Playstation, the games would have to have trophy support for me to be interested.
Well it's already all over my home screen. Even though I'd prefer it wasn't ha.
@Onlyboxmatters but the most people that regret their console choice is Xbox users. It's sad, but it's truth. Xbox is pretty unpopular right now. I saw many comments on Nintendolife and Push Square about Game Pass on Switch and PlayStation. Their users strongly against it mostly. They can accept and maybe buy Microsoft games if they'll be ported on their platforms. But they'll never accept a Game Pass. Especially it's cloud version.
@Widey85 The radio silence was because of the ABK acquisition, too much money was on the line. I don't know anyone in real life with a Series X, but I don't know anyone in real life with a PS5, either. PS sells more because, as you said, it's recognised easily, but since it was released, it's not like it has much more to offer software-wise than Series S|X and, personally, I find the Xbox library more appealing, even though I started playing on Xbox later than on PS. PS5 is not that special, but PS is brand power.
I'm sure that the Xbox has a bright future ahead simply because of all the studios they have now, their expertise to create excellent hardware and controllers and because, despite what some people here claim, their Xbox store and Game Pass revenue is healthy and high. Those people still have the SNES/Mega Drive mindset.
My comment is mostly because the most negative people about Xbox is the most vocal here and they tend to exaggerate. It's not proportionate. The total ratio is 1.8:1, but people are loud about 7:1 ratios and such. PS5 sales are 45.37m. Series S|X sales are 24.33m. We don't know the final numbers until the next generation, but Xbox is multiplatform and has more premium subscribers than Sony. You read these threads and you'd think that nobody is playing on Xbox, nobody is buying games for Xbox and nobody is paying for Game Pass.
There is this tendency to always be looking for negative things about Xbox but not about Nintendo or Sony: fewer Rewards points (that still are better than Nintendo's and Sony's), technical limitations of the game engine (Starfield, right after praising Tears of the Kingdom), cross-gen graphics (in cross-gen games like Halo Infinite), 30fps (after praising a 30fps linear PS game). I have read that the success of Hi-Fi Rush was due to being hyped as a Game Pass title, but that it's just a 7/10 game. I have read comments stating that software doesn't sell because of Game Pass on the same site that reported that the paid early-access version was a commercial hit (Forza Horizon 5, Starfield) and that Game Pass boosts software sales overall. The number of examples is almost infinite. There is an obsession with twisting the plot and make Xbox look like a total failure. At the end of the day, the reality is quite different.
Yeah, the Mega Drive/SNES mindset doesn't work here. It was leaked that Game Pass reached 30m subscribers this year and before the record that set Starfield later in September. They earn a lot of money via the store and Game Pass. From now on, they will be ahead of Sony in gaming revenue. That's a fact.
On top of that, let's remember that Microsoft makes PCs, laptops, tablets, smartphones and Windows and that Xbox is a PC optimised for gaming running Windows. Side note, Surface Laptop has won the best laptop award several years on several sites. Microsoft won't stop making consoles, but consoles may evolve. Microsoft loves hardware.
Sony is playing the closed ecosystem game, but it's not sure either and is testing the water with late PC releases. Now they're open to develop more first-party VR games and games as services. To be honest, it's PS5's future what I find more, not going to say bad but different: PS Portal, PSVR2, games as service... How many The Last of Us, God of War and Spider-Man will keep PS high? I'm sure that their fans aren't going anywhere, but I also know that most gamers are not die-hard fans and that most PS4 players were casual.
It's true that Microsoft has been quiet, but that's because of the ABK acquisition. Once they're able to use Call of Duty as they please, imagine how popular Game Pass will be. Imagine console and Call of Duty bundles, owning the Call of Duty brand.
@Banjo- i agree buddy. The internet loves bad Xbox news. It sticks around longer than anything PS. This is all just a bunch of people wish for no competition and not even taking into account Xbox makes MS money and now finally has the chance to make a lot more money with the IP’s they can leverage to it. Again i sound like a broken record with this, but we still don’t even have COD on GP and people are saying it’s over. Thats just so dumb to me when I see someone say that.
I wonder if MS would ever consider making gamepass natively available for us Linux users, or Mac users. I have no interest in streaming games.
@Banjo- Yeah I'm very aware of the "stick the boot in while they're down" brigade love to pick on Xbox players, and I really am hoping that Xbox come out swinging at the Game Awards and next year.
I know a few too many people with PS5s now, and in Europe including the UK the PS5 has been bumping out so fast since the stock issues were sorted that I unfortunately think those numbers are significantly out of date - the mindshare at least here has been doing my head in.
It's just frustrating that Starfield and Forza were a chance to blow the by-the-numbers Spider Man sequel away, but instead both were just OK while as usual Sony's games get across the board acclaim (I loved the first SM but advertising the second as having more of the rubbish slow mo scripted bits in doesn't sell me on it), and they've not yet told us what's next (which seems silly with Christmas so near).
That can all change at the Game Awards, and Sony are in a similar position, but it does feel so often like Xbox miss chances to level the playing field and I'm getting a bit sick and tired of us either being skipped by third party games, getting them late or having less features because Sony have paid for exclusive stuff.
Xbox need to stop playing the nice guy all the time - don't give Sony anything but the games under the CoD deal, ensure CoD has Xbox marketing everywhere, is on Game Pass ASAP and start to buy some third party marketing exclusivity, or even actual timed exclusivity and extras.
It sucks being an Xbox player too often - my partner and I both got Hogwarts Legacy, but they've got an extra shop, mission and cosmetics on their PS5 despite us paying the same.
They've been able to play FF14 and FF16 despite us both getting to play 15, they can try Genshin, and if they want to play an Xbox game just boot up their PC - and they don't usually have to check a game's announcement to ensure it's coming to PS5, while I always do...
Guess it's just starting to rub, to the point I'm looking at graphics card upgrades so at the very least I'll be able to play some of the games not coming to Xbox for a while...
@Widey85 I'm afraid that you'll be disappointed because I can't imagine Xbox giving any mind-blowing news at TGA. I agree, with you about many things. Microsoft should stop playing the good guy, but to be fair they had to for two years. Poor Phil, I heard him at the leaked trial. The patience he had... but he won eventually.
It's very difficult to fight Sony regarding third parties, they are willing to pay just to remove third-party games from Xbox, something that is completely illegal in other businesses. All Microsoft can do is acquire the publisher if it's worth it (ABK) or let the publisher decide (Square Enix). They are not paying for third-party exclusivity like on Xbox 360. Why Microsoft didn't acquire Crystal Dynamics when Square Enix sold it is beyond me! It's the studio that is saving The Initiative. Phil is too hands-off and some of the Xbox studios are not efficient. Phil is probably too nice, in real life. He's wasting precious resources.
The last video game drought that affected me was on Wii U because I was Nintendo-only. That was when I bought a PS4... and then an Xbox One. My backlog is huge, not just purchased games but Game Pass. Of course, I want all games to come to Xbox for me and everyone else to have the choice. I'm sure that Microsoft wants the same, but it's difficult dealing with somebody that is willing to pay to remove games and/or content from your platform specifically. Those are dirty exclusion deals, some of them revealed during the acquisition of ABK. Phil said it, "No, they didn't pay for Final Fantasy VII Remake being exclusive on PS, they paid for keeping it away from Xbox."
Microsoft's strategy is not doing the same but acquiring publishers until they are able to compete with Sony on level ground. They did it. They're on level ground now and ahead of Sony in gaming revenue (ABK). Let's hope that now independent publishers like Square Enix start appreciating the Xbox user base a bit more. Let's hope that Warner won't accept Sony's money for removing features from Xbox. Most importantly and what we all are waiting for, let's see how Microsoft behaves now that they don't have to pretend so much 😉.
@HonestHick You have to repeat it because 90% of the comments on every thread of an Xbox site are based on lies and describing the supposed meltdown of Xbox, because they're not written by Xbox users. You're one of the few posters with common sense.
@Banjo- hey you made my day with that comment friend. I’d like to say if I didn’t have common sense i wouldn’t have any sense at all HAHA JK. But seriously thank you. Look you know me by now. I own all 3 consoles. I support them all to some degree. But i make no bones about saying i prefer Xbox due to controller, Gears of War and the Ui all tho they still have to many ad’s. But it’s not like i am over here Xbox fanboying. The logical sense is a $2.5 trillion dollar company didn’t just spend a year in court systems around the world to get ABK and leave the console space a year or 3 later.
We don’t even have COD on GP yet. We don’t have the next exclusive from Blizzard yet tho rumored to be far along and maybe ready in 2024 or early 2025. The list of things they can do with all these IP’s has barely even begun and they are just going to say nope Sony win’s they can have it all to themselves? Like come on guys and girls!!! Be better than that. Sorry not trying to take my rant out on your post and i kindly appreciate you saying something nice about me cause i know there are plenty on here and Push that would love to see me and my comments go away and much like the Xbox platform we are here to stay and continue to enjoy the many great years of entertainment the big 3 have in store for us. 😊
@HonestHick I feel lonely as an Xbox player on an Xbox site many times! My conclusion is that Xbox players are... busier? Anyway, as you can see, there are also nice conversations to have sometimes. If my previous comment was not enough, I also have noticed that you're the same on all sites, something that some "neutral" multiplatform players can't say about themselves. You are genuine.
I have a PS4 but I'm not ashamed to say that I have zero interest in PS5. Why? Technically, Series X is better. I'm not a fan of Sony's exclusives and I like the Xbox controller and UI more. I find Xbox games more gamey and more fun. I've been thinking lately that I also feel happier and more respected as an Xbox customer. With Sony is like there's always something fishy around the corner, like I can't trust them. Perhaps it's just my experience with their customer service. Finally, I dislike many things about today's Nintendo, but I'm always curious about them because I grew up with SNES, N64 and GC and I'm always willing to find that part of the magic that they haven't lost yet, e.g. Pikmin 4.
@Banjo- So there is a lot to unpack here. I will start with the quickest one and that is Nintendo. We are likely around the same age as i to cut my teeth on Super NES. I have the SNES and the 360 as my two favorite consoles of all time. Nintendo just will not give me what i want and thats the GameCube 2.0, i loved the GameCube so much. They did so much with their core IP’s on that console it’s insane. I play my Switch for Mario games basically at this point cause i don’t care for the direction Zelda is in.
Onto PS4-PS5: Thank you for noticing i am fair and honest with my takes on both Pure & Push. I didn’t love my PS4. The Controller while better than the PS3 controller which is saying next to nothing as that thing was a piece of trash. They just copy and pasted to much over the shoulder Action adventure titles for me. Sure they are well made games. Sure they have my respect for craftsmanship, but they didn’t excite me, they didn’t grab my attention to play them. I will admit PS5 for me, is the best PS since PS1-PS2 in the sense i can tolerate the controller and the hardware is well built but the games are just not really there for me yet. Next up Xbox:
Xbox: this is home to me, this is where my true friends in life play. This is where i have a spot in my heart that makes me still love the industry, i love the controller to this day, the Ui minus the Ad’s is better than PS. You and everyone on this site that is committed and loves Xbox makes me happy, i find the hardware to be better since One X, the 360 was like my happy place in that part of my life. Gears and beers online with my closet friends in real life. The list goes on and on. Throw in the fact i have been a digital buyer since the beginning of last gen, so i love the return policy on Xbox that PS don’t have. I will close with this cause this is long and someone will complain tomorrow to me that they had to scroll past it. Whatever platform brings someone happiness and speaks to them in a way they will remember years and years later, i support that system in a sense that it did that for you and while i might have owned it and not made it my main platform i respect that it’s special to you. The second someone mentions that console was a Xbox for them, let’s just say you aren’t met with that same respect and that needs to change. Banjo you have been here along time and i hope you never leave. These forums are to meet good like minded people and share good thought’s together and i enjoyed this today more than you know.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
Nintendo: Gamecube was a technological beast, full of high-quality games, with some of Nintendo's best output ever, like Twilight Princess and my favourite Mario 3D game, Super Mario Sunshine. Years earlier, I remember my older cousin had the SNES and I always asked my father to give one to me, and he did. I couldn't wait for Christmas or my birthday, so I "worked" in the house and he bought me one. I will never forget that and the good times I had on it, especially with the Donkey Kong Country games that I replayed indefinitely, Super Mario World and the proper racer (unlike Mario Kart Party 8) Super Mario Kart. I don't care about the new direction of The Legend of Zelda either, in spite of buying and playing Breath of the Wild on Wii U at launch and upgrading my Switch (from Lite to regular v.2) for Tears of the Kingdom. I understand your love for Xbox 360, I wanted one for Rare's games but I was Nintendo-only until PS4 and Xbox One.
PS: I had a PS4 almost since launch, before Xbox One, after feeling that Nintendo was not enough for me any more. I never got used to the controller. I fantasised about throwing the controller out of the window every 15 minutes when playing Metal Gear Solid V (I beat it completely). My PS4 heats up, has a random video blackout about half a second long and eject discs randomly even after removing the rubber over the button. My experience with Sony's customer service was awful. If PS "10/10" exclusives were really awesome, I would have forgiven everything, but they are mostly interactive films. As a horror fan, I was especially disappointed with The Last of Us. Sony's games have good graphics (although I think that Crystal Dynamics were always ahead), animation and voice acting, but the gameplay is rough and bad. My favourite Sony exclusive ended up being Wipeout Omega Collection. I don't care how many 10s their games get and how much their fans praise Sony and Sony's exclusives, I haven't found any modern PS exclusive that I consider a great video game but just a somewhat entertaining linear adventure.
After that bad experience with Sony, I bought an Xbox One and that's when I started to feel happy as a player again, kind of when Nintendo was really awesome, but better value and more connected to the rest of the players. The Xbox One X was too good to not upgrade and then the Series X had to be pre-ordered. As you said, Xbox players are disrespected even on Xbox sites and that needs to change. I'm not an Xbox fan because I'm an "xbot", but because after being a Nintendo and Sony customer, I found out that the best platform to play on, with all its shortcomings and imperfections, is Xbox and I only realised that last generation. The Xbox library is more "gamey" and diverse than Sony and even Nintendo's. The free and enhanced backwards compatibility is priceless. The hardware is very well built, the controller is easy to use and the UI and system menus are comprehensive. I have found that the people that hate Xbox don't really have an Xbox and they just hate it because it's supposed to be Sony's enemy or because it's a "PC for shooters", unlike Nintendo's quirky consoles that are revered in spite of the first-party games struggling to run on them, mostly on Switch.
Thank you very much for your words, I really appreciate them and I really appreciate you 😊.
I think anyone with half a brain, or that actually follows this stuff, knows what they are talking about. If people actually looked at the entire interview and didn't pick out quotes/snippets to try and run with something we know what the end goal is here. It's not really that confusing if you've been keeping up with it. Xbox hasn't been spending all this money and have playstation ect specifically sign a deal that only includes call of duty to put EVERYTHING on all platforms. It's always been a case by case basis and looks at MMO/free to play as a jumping off point. I mean, MLB the show, destiny, marathon ect will be everywhere so we know what the thinking is.
Some critical thinking can go a long way.
@Banjo- to be completely honest, I've been gaming since the NES back in the late 80s and every PlayStation game i fell in love with was 3rd party. Castlevania games, Final Fantasy, other JRPGs ect. I usually pick up a Playstation later on in the gen for Final Fantasy and now will for Spider-man but don't care for much else.
@Banjo- so i agree about Nintendo. After the GameCube my interest in them is less. Not gone and i still like to play their games. But the Hardware is so in the way of the enjoyment that i find it harder and harder to consider their next console. Sure Switch 2 will be more powerful, rumored to be around a PS4 and while i think Nintendo will do some amazing stuff with that power that will still leave 3rd party titles on the platform fairly lackluster. I loved the GameCube controller so much and the games were just so much fun.
PS & Xbox, well again Sony is that company that i support with PS cause you at times have to if that makes sense. Like with PS1 and PS2 you almost had to have one. But then came the 360 and for the first time in while I didn’t have to rely on PS. Did i own a PS3, yes but i used it for their exclusive’s only and sometimes didn’t even turn it on for months. Xbox one had the PS on the ropes at least here in the States. To launch Xbox One the way they did was just beyond stupid. However i loved the One X hardware. It was powerful, looked good, silent and very reliable. Series X is by far the best hardware they have built. Now they just need to load it with top notch games and they should be good. Heading into next gen they should have way more momentum and fan base interest then they came into this gen with. I truly want all 3 to do well. I would not go around and say i want PS to go 3rd party, i don’t even ask for Nintendo to go 3rd party and their hardware is weaker than a iPhone 6. But the internet as we know loves to have someone to pick on and it’s Xbox and MS at times does a good job to draw it to themselves. Let’s hope in 2024 the news is GP is rocking with COD and many other AAA games. The awards are coming up and i think it’s a great time to show something off that builds some hype and excitement around Xbox. Thanks again for your kind words. I truly mean when i say it’s people like you that make coming to the comment section fun and make gaming feel like a brotherhood and not just to rag and make fun of people or the industry. I’ve been telling you this for a long time now but darn it, i hope you get a new amazing Banjo game on Xbox. 😊
@J_Mo_Money My cousin was all about PS but look at his games: FIFA, Tekken, Final Fantasy... Not a single Sony exclusive. He doesn't even care about Spider-Man games...
@Banjo- The PS1 is still my favorite PlayStation generation of all time, Final Fantasy 7-9, tactics, Symphony of the Night ect all some of my favorite games of all time. I simply don't care about their first party outside of Spider-Man. GT doesn't interest me, Horizon is good but not enough for me to get one now for; Infamous, GoT, even God of War don't really interest me, and I've played Uncharted and Last of Us both. Frankly, they didn't do anything for me. Good games, but I can do without. Having 3rd party Exclusives like Final Fantasy and some others is what I would be interested in but NOT their first party. I've never been interested in their studios, personally, aside from Insomniac now.
@J_Mo_Money I bought Ratchet & Clank for PS4 and it looks great, but I didn't like it as much as others. The biggest disappointment was The Last of Us. I'm a horror fan and friends recommended it to me because of that and it was a massive let-down.
@Banjo- I'm not into zombie stuff too much, movies or games. Resident Evil is probably exception, but haven't enjoyed much else so I'm not surprised. I also prefer Tomb Raider to Uncharted.
@J_Mo_Money Right! I have been saying that for a whole generation. The Tomb Raider games have better camera, better graphics, better controls and better gameplay than the Uncharted games.
@HonestHick Thank you!😊
I am a life-long Nintendo fan and still would like them to become an independent publisher or, even if they still make hardware, release software for other platforms, but the latter is much less likely because they use their software to sell their hardware, currently. It's not like when some people are wishing for Microsoft to stop making consoles, that doesn't make any sense, but in Nintendo's case, it makes sense to wish so even if you are a Nintendo fan for two reasons: the really weak hardware and the poor customer service regarding digital rights and how they handle remasters (like Sony). On the other hand, Microsoft is offering excellent hardware, free remasters and the best customer service. The people that wish for Microsoft to give Xbox up are people that just hate Xbox.
I bought almost all the consoles last generation: 3DS, Wii U, PS4, Xbox One and Switch. The only one that I didn't get was Vita. This generation, I only have a Series X and Switch, which is last-gen. Nintendo released three consoles last generation with no cross-buy, except small exceptional discounts between 3DS and Wii U. Do I need so much Nintendo hardware and buying the same games over and over?
Xbox has become my favourite platform because you upgrade the hardware and keep your purchases. When some people complain so much about Xbox, I wonder what is Xbox doing so bad that they should get out of business and what is Sony and Nintendo doing so right in comparison? As an Xbox customer, I can only complain about them being too hands-off with Xbox Game Studios and that includes Phil and every one managing the Xbox division. That's why Crystal Dynamics had to save The Initiative and why 343 Industries needed external assistance after an infinite budget to make Halo Infinite whole. Why didn't Microsoft acquire Crystal Dynamics when it was on sale? I can complain about many things regarding the studios management and the software they make, like the abandoned Rare's properties and that some games were not polished at launch, but then I look at Sony and see more of the same cinematic PS4 stuff that I wasn't fan of but fewer games overall. Even Ratchet & Clank is some kind of linear adventure and most of the gameplay is shooting. I look at Nintendo and see my whole life as a gamer but I also see overpriced Wii U ports that I bought ten years ago and hardware that struggles to make their own software look nice and run properly. I see very safe sequels on Nintendo and PS and overpriced games and ports on both. Because I don't think that Sony's exclusives are that great, I can live without them but I wish I could play Nintendo's exclusives not blurry and better than at 20fps in an official way.
@Banjo- so you hit many nails on the head there. If Nintendo had an amazing controller and a console that ran like a Xbox or PS5 in power level it would be my dream. I could play Diablo and Mario Kart on the same system, done deal. NEVER going to happen. So i threw that dream out of my mind 10 years ago, so i am stuck with do i want to pay full price and know this game is going to look 10 years old in performance and tech. The answer is normally no minus like Mario Odyssey and a Metroid Prime remastered. Which i only got cause it was priced right and a GameCube memory of me and my friend racing each other to the end of the game and compare of percentages.
Xbox Haters: this one is an easy one. I can tell you why Sony fans want Xbox to go away. Fear, and what do i mean by fear? They fear MS is the only company that can put pressure on PS, maybe even take it down a level or two with the spending and Services. Fear of if PS someday isn’t the biggest name in gaming they lose the ability to come online and brag about sales numbers and that is their true favorite game to play. It’s not God of War or Last of US, it’s telling everyone they choose the console with the most sales. When that goes away what is PS, a big budget movie game that has to many quick time events and limited gameplay. Cause in point Spider-man is a great game, Horizon is so so, but both of them are limited in where you can go and what you can do. Hell in horizon you can’t even climb unless there is a yellow indicator. Fear, they would just be happy knowing Sony would have no one there that can last forever cause they are rich and truly are invested into being a bigger platform.
Xbox is doing nothing wrong outside of not having enough blockbuster AAA games and could cut way back on the Ad’s on the Ui. Otherwise i find they are doing great. They have a digital refund policy. Something Nintendo and Sony don’t and that is a large reason i don’t take chances on games there. Sony ain’t trying to give none of the money back to a game you simply don’t want. MS lets you play it for 5 hours or so and say nope this ain’t for me. Thats huge and something i wish more players would ask for.
I agree with your points and am so glad you are here on team green to enjoy your passion for video games.
@HonestHick I agree, my man. The digital rights are very important to me. The few Switch games I buy are physical. On PS4, I was afraid of that same policy, so most of my games are also physical and I have sold some of them. Nintendo's digital pre-orders were not refundable! It is illegal in Europe (EU and UK) so they had to change that. On Xbox, you can try a game a bit and ask for a refund. On top of that, I know that my purchases will be playable on future hardware.
The Sony fans that are Xbox haters because they live in fear having nightmares about their console of choice not ruling supreme don't realise that Sony would become even less consumer-friendly, if that is even possible. A real monopoly by Sony is what they should be afraid of.
I'm also happy to have you here. What's your Xbox gamer tag, if you want to share with me? You can delete it afterwards.
Same as on here. I have a few i use. Yeah Sony is for sure not nearly as pro consumer as Microsoft and why should they be their customers don’t ask them to be or give them any push back. Look at the PS portal. Remote play has been a thing for years, no one cared and when Sony puts a 8 inch screen between a dual sense all of a sudden remote play is this great thing. Sony fan’s need to ask and show they want a different PS and unless i am missing it i don’t see it. We all know how much we ask MS for change. That’s 60% of this whole site. No one is afraid to ask them for change here and thats a great thing. I am getting ready for the award show. I really hope MS shows up and has a great showing. Meet you back here to discuss. 😊
@HonestHick I had missed this message. You're right, 60% or more of the comments here are either criticising Xbox or predicting its doom, pseudo-neutral users most of the time, but people with common sense reading this wonder why aren't they complaining about Sony or Nintendo, when they are outputting fewer games than ever and have the worst customer service and hardware, respectively? They might also ask themselves, why do they spend so much time lurking here that they are always the first users to comment?
@Banjo- simple answer is bad news travels faster than good news and since the Xbox one launch Xbox has been the easy prey to pick on online. That is what MS has to erase and make it to where it don’t even make sense to say certain things negatively about XBox. My thing is even if i don’t like a game or a console or a studio. I tend to keep my dislike in check to a degree cause i respect the industry and companies that are bringing out these forms of entertainment. So i don’t want to make the industry a worse place. It’s ok to dislike something or disagree with something but a lot of people are taking it way too far.
@Onlyboxmatters Lay off the crackpipe dude
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