Following recent rumours that certain Xbox exclusives may be moving over to PlayStation platforms, the team behind critical hit Immortality has announced such a move. The story-heavy FMV title, which was on Game Pass before its departure last summer, will be heading to PS5 later this month.
As for the exact date, PlayStation players will be able to go hands-on with Immortality from January 23rd. Here's what director Sam Barlow said about the move:
"From the inception of this project, the goal has been sharing Marissa Marcel’s life and work with as large an audience as possible... So I am thrilled to bring IMMORTALITY to PlayStation gamers and bring them face to face with a lost legend."
We must admit, PS players are getting a bit of a banger here. Immortality earned an "Outstanding" 10/10 score in our Pure Xbox review in 2022 - we absolutely loved this weird and wonderful adventure when it landed on Xbox Game Pass a couple of years ago.
As for those other Xbox exclusive rumours; we've heard nothing yet on any additional games making the switch. Both Tango Gameworks' Hi-Fi RUSH and Rare's Sea Of Thieves have supposedly been discussed for other platforms, but nothing official has been announced at the time of writing. Another indie hit, As Dusk Falls, has been announced for other platforms though - the title is making its way to PlayStation this year.
What do you make of this announcement? Go ahead and discuss your immortality down below.
Comments 32
This is just a third-party exclusive that I never expected to stay just on Xbox. Heck, it also was already published by Netflix on mobile months ago. Not on the same level as a first party being ported to other platforms so don’t know why it’s being written as if it is a big deal. It’s not.
@awp69 we don’t know if this is the title that was mentioned. Hi-fi rush has been rated for the Switch in Australia so that’s probably another exclusive going elsewhere.
@Friendly Yeah, this is not the title. That’s what I was trying to say. This is just regular business from a third party.
@Kezelpaso This article is as blatantly pointless and click-baity as the last time Pure Xbox reported on a third-party former Xbox exclusive game coming to PS5. In fact, even more so given the current rumours going around. I said it then and I'll say it now: this didn't need to be reported here, as I doubt anyone who reads this site cares whether Immortality is releasing on PS5 or not.
@Markatron84 tipical nowadays on this site to create this non-sense clickbait fueling the plastic box war.
Not really xbox news that playstation is getting a 3rd party game.
@BacklogBrad It is when you word it this way to get clicks after yesterdays articles! Well played PX, well played
@CharlieChooChoo We're not trying to "drum up console wars". There's nothing in here that says "wah, wah, we're unhappy that PlayStation is getting our Xbox game".
We just wanted to share the news that an 10/10 Xbox exclusive (in our estimation) is also now heading over to another platform... it was interesting to us, so we thought it'd be interesting to others.
We'll take everyone's feedback into account for the future though.
It wasn’t ever a real ‘exclusive’ we just got it first. Likewise, nobody expected Tunic to never launch on anything else even though we got that first too.
lol. Non story. I suspect this is just games being played. Although maybe PS5 fans think this is the start of the end they so long for!!?
@ValkyriaProfile This was hardly a game anyone would notice going elsewhere.
Pure Xbox are usually better than click bait.
Non story. Next.
@Markatron84 Straight off the back of an article yesterday applauding an AEW wrestler for saying console wars are stupid. You can’t say console wars are stupid and then have the strapline “another one bites the dust” on a non-article about a third party game arriving on PS. Bizarre double standards.
@Friendly it hasn't been rated in Australia for other consoles , the post that says it is was put up in Dec 15th 2022
Here's the page.
And that site also has redfall as coming out on SD card and usb and nintendo ds lol
@GeeEssEff The strapline was "Another one bites the Dusk" in reference to As Dusk Falls which recently made the jump to PS5 as well. It was meant as a bit of fun... nothing more.
@FraserG apologies I misread. Still failing to see the point of this article though. It has absolutely no bearing on Xbox whatsoever.
@ValkyriaProfile Xbox will have exclusives and big ones indie and small budget games like this is nothing gears or halo won't be sent to PlayStation anytime soon
@GeeEssEff Fair enough, as I say we'll take the feedback into account. We just found it interesting and wanted to share it.
@Martsmall you’re correct. I got my news from https://mynintendonews.com/2024/01/09/hi-fi-rush-rated-for-nintendo-switch-in-australia/
I shouldn’t trust any newssite other than the ones run by Hookshot media…
@Friendly that’s been my takeaway with game journalism the past 10 years.
NintendoLife, PushSquare and PureXbox are great news sources with a lot of fun soapbox, joke and lighthearted articles.
Anyone else tends to clickbait and rely on negativity.
Although the big 3 aren’t save of clickbait either obviously.
EDIT: I don’t play on PC anyway and NL, PS and PX cover games big and small equally well so as a multiplatform console gamer these 3 satisfy me.
@Friendly it's so easy to be sucked in with these bs headlines , I couldn't say who to trust anymore , they all seem to be in it for the clicks / followers
Just think of Xbox as a console that will most likely never have exclusives and you'll be ok
As someone who owned every Xbox console since the original black slab, I agree.
. We should leave the man-child bickering about true console exclusives to the PlayStation crowd😅 ...
@Kaloudz this is not a standard FMV game. The unique gameplay/mechanic and story within story (not to go too spoilery) - it is worth a shot even if you generally shy away from the style. At least, for me it was, maybe you already know the game and still isn't your thing, in which case, ignore me 😀
@Kaloudz I think it is the same dev as Her Story, but I have not played that one (not sure if that answers your question). I "played" Immortality for a while, realized I was missing something, looked online, went back and got really into it. Once you start to see the second layer, I found it very interesting. But again, I know there are folks out there who just did not like it, so personal taste and all that, but I'd recommend giving it a try at least until your first ah ha moment to see if it's for you
@Kaloudz Ha, right, I saw that post in the resolutions thread! If you do try it, hope you enjoy
@Kaloudz, I was the same but I gave it a go due to all the hype and It's agood game for it's type.
I'm sure some folk will enjoy it on the Playstation.
@FraserG just to add some contrarian feedback - this article seems completely fine to me!
Funny tag line, factual and not entirely irrelevant in my opinion. It's just about a timed exclusive expiring. Probably worth highlighting both for the tag line and the review score alone.
I'm normally hyper sensitive to click bait and I have detected none (or very little) here.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
Who the ***** cares about interactive movies?
@FraserG here's how I see it, and this is my personal opinion based on me being on the outside looking in, nothing more:
Non-articles like this do a disservice to the site's readers, to the site itself and to the people writing for it, yourself included. Since Pure Xbox (re)launched, it seems that out of itself, Push Square and Nintendo Life, it's PX that has the least resources given to it and the least people contributing articles. Look at the Staff pages on PS and NL and (disregarding the Management portion, as it's the same company-wide) and compare them to the Staff page for PX. Look at the amount of actual articles and news stories that have been published on PS and NL compared to PX. In both regards, the other sites utterly dwarf PX in comparison. And the majority of articles that get posted on the regular on PX are:
Don't get me wrong, I don't doubt for a second that you and the rest of the PX team work incredibly hard, but It seems - and again, this is from someone on the outside looking in - that there doesn't seem to be a desire for Hookshot at large to actually grow Pure Xbox. It seems like Hookshot is quite content to just let Pure Xbox keep plodding along mostly relying on SEO centered around Game Pass to get people onto the site, when it could be directing more resources and (more importantly) staff at the site to really get a good cadence of reviews and actual news going. But they don't 🤷
I could go on and on, truthfully. I just wanted to give some constructive feedback. I know that this non-article was posted in good faith and was in no way intended to drum up dissent (let's face it, that's Sammy Barker's job at Push Square; sorry, but that man couldn't be objective and unbiased even if his life was on the line) but if this is the amount of support/staff/resources that Hookshot is willing to give Pure Xbox, then maybe they should consider merging all four sites into one?
@Markatron84 Everyone's entitled to their opinion and I'll happily listen to constructive feedback whenever it's offered up.
That said, I think you're being unfair. As someone on the inside, Pure Xbox has grown substantially since it relaunched just a few years ago (remember, we didn't even exist as recently as February of 2020, whereas Nintendo Life and Push Square have been around for much longer), and the reason you often see Game Pass-heavy news on the website is because those articles are proven to be the most popular with our readers.
Also, what some might consider "fluff" pieces or "non-articles" often end up being some of the most popular content we publish, so it's a balancing act - we can't always please everyone.
At the end of the day, we're doing our best to provide the most interesting and engagement-driving Xbox content that we can. Everything is done with our readers in mind, and although we can't always get it 100% right, I think we produce a lot more hits than misses. And of course, I'm always very appreciative of everyone who has helped grow the community here since our relaunch.
@FraserG That's fair enough. I apologise if I sound like I'm being overly harsh and/or critical; I just wanted to give you and Hookshot as a whole one reader's opinion/impression.
@Markatron84 Yep, that's absolutely fine 👍
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