Comments 897

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Gets More Nominations Than Any Other Game At BAFTA Awards 2025


I enjoyed HellBlade, but it mostly made me wish there was more.. it. It's an incredible universe but the gameplay is by FAR the weakest element (note that it wasn't nominated for any gameplay-related awards). With a varied combat system and better puzzles you'd have something arguably better than the new God of War games. It's fine as is, like I said i enjoyed it, but it could be much more.

Re: Xbox Has Officially Delayed Fable Into 2026


I'm actually fine with this. For one thing, i expected it (what's a big xbox release without at least ONE delay?), and Secondly, for once there seems to be a lot of games releasing this year. Finally, I'm fairly certain this delay is more about GTA 6 than anything, so I get it. I wouldn't release my game anywhere NEAR that game.

Re: Xbox's New Strategy Is 'Right' For The Business And Needs To Be Embraced, Says Former Exec


I think, depending on the financials, that next generation will probably be the last xbox console. It won't be as bad as it sounds, in ten years streaming will probably be almost indistinguishable from native, so Xbox will essentially be a storefront you play from. Sony will probably be motivated to make a Playstation 7, but we're officially at a point where the two companies have very different business models.

Re: Soapbox: As A Huge Forza Fan, I'm Fine With Horizon 5 Going To PS5


Let's do the economics:

Forza is going to drop onto a Playstation that is probably at least 2 years away from releasing a new Gran Turismo. It is going to make a mountain of money. Later, the MCC is going to release onto a Playstation that has nothing to compare to it except for....COD, which Microsoft also owns. A second mountain of money. Third, really.
This will happen again with Gears. Microsoft is going to make BILLIONS of dollars with this strategy. Sony is already doing this with PC, but they aren't likely to make as much money as Microsoft (thus their recent pivot towards live service).

Sony is selling more plastic boxes, but they and Microsoft both know that the economics of the industry have changed.

Re: Xbox Is 'Evolving' Rather Than 'Losing' Its Identity, Says Phil Spencer


A lot of people are pretending that Microsoft is alone here, but Sony is doing pretty much the same thing, sending many of their own games to PC. if Microsoft makes a lot of money this way (hint: Microsoft is going to make a LOT of money this way), Sony will follow suit. No? Why did the most recent Horizon game also launch on Switch? That was Sony's toe in the water. This is the way forward.

Re: Xbox Series X|S Sales Estimates Show Consoles Lagging Far Behind Last-Gen


I've owned every xbox console, but i honestly can't think of a reason to buy the next one. I say this all the time....but we didn't ask for any of this. Didn't ask for Xbox games on other platforms, or $70 billion acquisitions, we didn't even ask for Game Pass. We wanted Microsoft to make good, compelling games that come out in good shape and on time. That's it. And they haven't come close to delivering that. They're now spending who knows how much on their next machine, a machine that MIGHT sell 20 million units because who has faith in xbox at this point? If they care about the brand at all (they don't) it's a good idea to dump Phil and change direction...

Re: Yes, The Outer Worlds 2 Is Another Xbox-Developed Game Heading To PS5


This is becoming a non-story, really. Both Sony and Microsoft have transitioned to an age where they release their games on their home console, then to a wider audience. Game Pass is the reason to choose Xbox if you want. If you don't that's fine too, you can simply purchase at full price. It's a win for everyone except for the various console warriors, and to hell with them lol

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Expecting From Xbox At The Game Awards 2024?


-Phil will give a short vague speech about how great this year was and thank the fans everywhere for blah blah blah

-an announcement of a game finally coming to Xbox (the game has been available on ps5 and/or Switch for a long time). There is mild excitement, but not as much as if the game had released 1 or 2 years ago.

  • CG trailer announcing new game. Looks interesting. No gameplay is shown, nor is a release date given.
    Sarah Bond! She comes out and gives the stats on how many players blah blah blah.
    short sizzle reel


Re: Talking Point: What Do You Want To See From Xbox In 2025?


Same answer for the last 10 years.

Games. Good, high-quality games released at a steady pace, in good shape and ON-TIME at launch. No more revealing games 5-6 YEARS before they're done (do you ever think about how ridiculous that is?). Microsoft has a million studios. We want games. It's all we've EVER asked for. Literally none of any of the other nonsense xbox has done did we ever ask for. We just want xbox to produce games.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Stalker 2 On Xbox Game Pass So Far?


I'll try it again after a few (dozen?) Patches.

Either there is no one at Microsoft whose job it is to say "this game isn't good enough to release" or whoever they are they're completely incompetent. This game is an absolute MESS. obviously there has to be some grace given considering the conditions the team faced, but I'm not going to pretend this game is better than it is. There's a LOT wrong here.