Microsoft CEO Commits To Producing 'Great Quality Games' As Xbox Expands

Following up on yesterday's announcement of Muse AI, Microsoft CEO Satya Nadella has been talking about Xbox's commitment to gaming in a new episode of the Dwarkesh Podcast - noting that the team has to produce "great quality games" to be successful in this field.

Basically, the discussion about Microsoft's current business ventures led to chatter about Muse AI, and how Microsoft tries to utilise lots of its different products and ideas across multiple disciplines. While this is the case with Muse — which could have much wider implications at Microsoft than just Xbox — Satya makes it clear that to be successful in gaming, you have to focus on great games - and not just products like this.

"Gaming has got a long history at the company, and we want to be in gaming for gaming's sake. I hate to be in businesses where they're means to some other end. They have to be ends unto themselves,

For example, cloud gaming is a natural thing for us to invest in because that'll just [...] expand the ability for people to play games everywhere. Same thing with AI in gaming, we definitely think that it can be helpful...

As the world's largest publisher this will be helpful but at the same time - we've got to produce great quality games, you can't be a gaming publisher without first and foremost being focused on that."

As longtime Xbox fans question Microsoft and its current strategy shift, this is great to hear from the company CEO himself. As we mentioned in yesterday's Muse post, the future of AI in gaming is still uncertain, but if Nadella & co. understand that high quality games come first, we should be in good hands as Xbox fans.

For more on Microsoft's Muse AI announcement, we'll throw a link to that news post down below - alongside comments from a former Xbox boss who'd perhaps have run Microsoft's gaming division a little differently in recent years.

Talk to us about these fresh Satya comments down below.
