Been on the fence about Resident Evil 4 Remake for a while, but saw it reduced to £12.49 earlier today so picked it up. Can't really go wrong at that price.
@NintendoByNature Nice, how does it fair compared to Secret of Mana which is one of my favorite SNES games. I have played other Mana games in the past Legend on PS1 and Children on DS only to be really disappointed by them. Visions does look alot closer to Secret but still I am hesitant about getting it and then being disappointed by it.
RetiredPush Square Moderator and all around retro gamer.
I recently picked up Elden Ring’s DLC, Shadow of the Erdtree. I was going to start it the day I bought it (the day after Christmas), but Stalker 2 refuses to loosen its grip on me. It’s such an incredible game, and I can’t stop exploring every nook and cranny.
I just bought Assassin’s Creed Syndicate (the complete edition; DLC and all) for five dollars. I’ve heard great things about this game, and since it received a 60 FPS boost recently, I decided to try it out.
@oliverp I couldn’t tell you the charm either. I’ve played 1 & 2 but didn’t like them. I then played Origins (got the platinum for it) and Odyssey and loved both of those. I played Valhalla and beat it but I didn’t like it too much. I think with Syndicate, the setting is what interests me, along with it being a lesser open world compared to the last three entries.
@olverp@Kraven My daughter gave me AC Mirage for Christmas which is supposed to be less of an open world game too. For me, the main appeal is the gameplay - I really like stealth games.
I didn't mind the first AC game, but really liked the Ezio trilogy (AC2, Brotherhood, Revelations) which I pretty much played one after the other on PS3 back in the day. Unsurprisingly, I got a bit burnt out with AC after that and didn't play another until Odyssey last year which I also liked a lot.
I've picked up most of the others in various sales over the years too, but haven't got around to playing them yet - don't want to get burnt out again. I think Syndicate and AC3 are possibly the only ones I don't have at this point. Is Syndicate the one set in London? I always get it and Unity mixed up - one is London, the other is Paris I think.
Keeping on-topic, apart from AC Mirage, I also bought Resident Evil 4 Remake in a sale recently. Not normally something I'd buy, but it seems to have reviewed really well and was really cheap in a sale, so can't go wrong.
I’ve just bought Hogwarts Legacy for Series X for £16 from CDKeys.
I have a Samsung QN95C that has 120Hz and VRR. While playing HL in Fidelity with Raytracing I’m averaging 100fps which sometimes drips into the 80s and 90s and also as high as 120 in some cases. Is this normal because I thought it was supposed to be 40fps with VRR?
Topic: Your Latest Xbox Series X|S Purchase
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