Update []: Kadokawa has since confirmed that it has received an "initial letter of intent" from Sony, "but no decision has been made at this time". Here's the full statement, as shared by VGC:
“There are some articles on the acquisition of Kadokawa Corporation (hereinafter “the Company”) by Sony Group Inc,"
“However, this information is not announced by the Company. The Company has received an initial letter of intent to acquire the Company’s shares, but no decision has been made at this time. If there are any facts that should be announced in the future, we will make an announcement in a timely and appropriate manner.”
Original Story: The big story doing the rounds in the gaming world this morning relates to a potential acquisition that's in works at Sony, with the company apparently in discussions to acquire Kadokawa Corporation within the next couple of weeks.
FromSoftware and Spike Chunsoft are both part of the Kadokawa group, meaning that the likes of Elden Ring, Dark Souls, Armored Core, Danganronpa, AI: The Somnium Files, and various other series would be affected by the deal.
Here's a direct quote from the Reuters report that broke the news earlier today:
"The talks between the two sides are ongoing and, if successful, a deal could be signed in the coming weeks, the sources said."
Of course, if the deal does go through, then it remains to be seen how things will change. If a potential Elden Ring 2 is on the cards, would PlayStation get timed exclusivity rights? How about full exclusivity rights?!
Don't go panicking just yet, as nothing is set in stone right now - we don't even know if this takeover will come to fruition. We'll keep an eye on it though, as it could end up having a big impact, especially for FromSoftware's titles.
What are your thoughts on this? Let us know down in the comments section below.
[source reuters.com]
Comments 132
This is horrible news for me I love these games since the original dark souls if Sony do buy from software hopefully they keep it multiplatform I don't like any other souls like games none come close to the fromsoftware games for me!
Terrible news🤮😭
I'm no financial expert guy, but is Sony in the position to make an acquisition like this? They spent over $3 billion on Bungie (which was inarguably not money well spent) and lost anywhere between $200-400 million on Concord. Again, I'm no financial expert guy.
Two things: if Sony buys this group they only have a controlling share in FromSoft so wouldn't be the same as a 1st party studio, and also even Sony are moving towards multi-platform now.
Nothing for Xbox owners to worry about, debatable if the next Xbox even uses a proper console model at this point anyway!
Given the poor management of their recent acquisitions, notably with Bungie or the closure of 5 studios this year, it would be surprising if they allowed themselves to be bought out like that, or at least not without major concessions and guarantees. Elden Ring and Dragon Ball, for example, have been huge successes in terms of multi-platform sales. And when you see the sales flop of recent PS exclusives like Until Dawn, Concord, the latest FF games, or even Astro Bot, which sold only 1.5 million copies despite all the marketing around it, Kadokawa shareholders will never accept an exclusivity policy.
Besides, I’m not sure that’s what Sony wants either; I think they’re taking the same direction as Xbox with a hybrid policy that mixes exclusives and multi-platform. This is what Sony’s management declared not long ago, leaning more towards multi-platform, as they need to adapt to the market’s evolution.
@freddones @Markatron84 Their profits are still up, beating their estimates even. PlayStation 5 is doing really good and had quite a few gaming successes this year: Astro Bot, Wu Kong and Helldivers. I remember some Sony exec saying that the Wu Kong success alone made up for the Concord loss.
@fatpunkslim Astro Bot was made with a fraction of the budget of the other games you mentioned. It was a hit for Sony, not a flop.
@Markatron84 @freddones Looking at their latest financial reports, despite Concord and other public failures Sony made record profits last quarter, the quarter Concord released.
Their Games & Network services division (i.e. PlayStation) made 138.8bn Yen in profit last quarter alone, that's around $900 million, which was up a staggering 183% YoY. While Concord was a huge flop, no doubt, you also can't win them all, but they had far more success than failure overall.
Regardless I think it's unlikely they buy FromSoft and make games exclusive which is the concern from an Xbox perspective.
EDIT: @Herculean SNAP! posted at the same time. Quite right about Astro Bot, it was a team of around 70 and in development for 3 years. Small budget and not expected to sell 5+ million units.
Been a rumour since 2021. Hope it never happens. No doubt tho if sony do aquire Kadokawa, they will want fromsoftware to make a live service version of souls. Sony have had so many opportunities to do something with bloodborne and demon souls but have done nothing.
Also worth noting that a large part of this deal is likely about Anime, Kadokawa makes a lot more money off Anime than Games and Sony is growing their Anime portfolio.
After wasting my money on the emperor’s-new-clothes experience that was Elden Ring, FromSoftware are never seeing another damn penny of mine, whoever owns them!
Perhaps they will allow from soft to operate as they already do (as was part of the bungee deal) hopefully they do, ER/AC deserve to be everywhere.
But yeah it’s more for the anime side,
@freddones You do understand Sony can lend money right? Many companies use debt for financing acquisitions… also you should look at the free cashflow that’s available instead of looking at the loss of concord (which Sony can use as tax write off thus lower taxes and Bungie als generates money so the 3 billion you refer to can also be recovered)
I’m pretty certain my playtime of From Software games exceeds all my other Xbox games combined. If this goes through then Xbox is dead to me. You can have all Game Pass you want, but it means nothing to me if the platform lacks From Software. I’ve built up a digital library of purchases and save files over the years, it would be a disaster to be forced to abandon this. I truly hope this does not come to pass.
So from online services and mobile games back to one-player games makers?
@Cakefish I'm with you on this hopefully if Sony buys them they keep the games multiplatform don't want to jump ship!
@freddones Similar to Microsoft, Sony is still a big enough company in its own rights regardless of how well Playstation is doing. And similar to Microsoft they might be seeking to grow gaming as a business even when consoles aren't growing. Whatever happens it's gaurenteed PC releases aren't affected. Really I'd be surprised if any releases are. Sony seen the same stalling console numbers. I don't think they could justify spending the type of money an aquistion like this would take and then cutting off revenue from publisher they just bought. Especially seeing as there's more penny pushing going on at PS than ever now.
That’s the issue, microsoft want to share and make love with all devices.
When the competition doesn’t and wants to exclusives there is not much you can do.
I would have still preferred at console level Microsoft to the battle to Sony with Xbox exclusives staying exclusive on consoles including COD.
Microsoft could have easy lowered the Sony console sale and increased Xbox console sales and game pass. And needed up at the top of consoles again.
Yes do all other devices but not other consoles and make your console the one to own with great exclusives, gamepass and great advertising.
They could have done this.
Whew, glad I game on both Playstation and Xbox (if only via cloud). That said, I hate soulslikes and I won’t lose any sleep over it if true.
This is where Xbox and PS differ. Sony will keep the games as 1st party only.
If none of this happens, what would be the point of this article? Pretending to be busy?
True. I realise not everyone can afford to own more than one console (I have a PS5, Switch and use xCloud a lot). I also agree that those who can only afford one sometimes become diehards that get upset a game they might want to play will not be available on that particular platform. However, I think it’s just the vocal minority. Most gamers just game on their platform of choice and don’t care about tribal wars in comments sections on websites like Push or PX.
This was always going to happen more once MS was greenlit for the biggest aquisition in history. Anyone who was cheerleading for one side was naive if they didn't think it would push others to follow suit.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I may be remembering wrong but don't Sony also own or have a big interest in Crunchyroll? Which would make sense if they can take more of the anime market.
@MjJmediablogger how much did they spend on Bungie to not make it first party exclusive? Sony and Microsoft differ a lot less than the former wants you to think. Especially in worsening margins and dealing with skyrocketing costs while primarily being in a gaming market that is the most sector of the industry not growing.
@PROPS #dontbuythesun
@Ilyn Sony completely owns funimation and crunchyroll. It was actually after following them owning both that they folded Funimation into Crunchyroll. I don't actually know how much of the anime market that gives them though. AFAIK it does give them near total control over distribution and how most people consume anime at least in the US (and I assume the west if not globally), but there's still all the Japanese based animations studios and Japan has its own way of distributing anime. Like if you're in Japan you 1) can't access crunchyroll at all (you'd need a VPN) and 2) notice services like Disney+ and Netflix with brand new anime streaming shortly after release on cable with massive anime content libraries. Services in general have their anime libraries but for the most part at least in the US you just aren't seeing that level except on Crunchyroll whereas in Japan it's kinda just everywhere.
Kadokawa only worths 3B so Sony can easily buy them. Buying them doesn't mea from software becomes 1sr party. Anyone saying Xbox is dead for them if this happens are just being childish
I assume there's no rejections as all the gloating and praises of consolidation was fine when it was MS gobbling up two massive publishers?
@demian How many XBox games has Insomniac made since Sony bought them? Go ahead, I’ll wait while you look it up. I’ll give you a hint: zero.
Sony buying them doesn’t NOT mean their software becomes 1st party only either. It’s a case by case basis. Sometimes it’s a Bungie, sometimes it’s an Insomniac. If the majority of someone’s playtime is given to From Software titles, it isn’t “childish” to say Xbox is dead to them if future titles go first party only. It’s a fairly rational response.
@Coletrain "also even Sony are moving towards multi-platform now"
Except Sony is putting some of their games on everything except Xbox, so yes Xbox players should be worried if this is true. Phil of course would react accordingly and put even more games on PlayStation!
Kadokawa is more of an anime and mange company, and Sony is kind of in a monopoly type position when it comes to the distribution of anime world wide. This would definitely be highly scrutinized by regulatory bodies if it happened elsewhere in the world because of Sonys position in anime, not to speak of gaming.
Given everything with a screen is an Xbox 8soon at least) this should not be a concern for anyone regardless if it happens and Sony should make the FS games exclusive, which I dont think they will.
Surprised by the comments in here when no one said anything last week when Phil announced they're not done with acquisitions.
Kadakawa makes sense for Sony given their big presence in anime. And they already had a share in FromSoft.
@mac_da_man How does everything being a Xbox help if Sony make fromsoftware exclusive to just playstation if you're just on Xbox and you enjoy fromsoftware games what you said makes no sense ha!
@mac_da_man “Everything with a screen” being an Xbox is only useful if you’re willing to play cloud games.
When Xbox bought Zenimax and ABK, I was mostly ok with it because I love Xbox and they were way behind Sony as a brand before all that, and I was afraid the brand couldn't keep up. Those 2 acquisitions balanced things a bit.
And I'm also ok with Sony making moves to keep on being a healthy business. Competition is essential, I want all major actors to keep thriving.
One thing that turns me down though is platform exclusives. FromSoft games being exclusive to PS would be as much a disappointment to me as Elder Scrolls being exclusive to Xbox. These games have great and wide communities, across all platforms and that would be a true shame to prevent anyone from playing them.
Haven't enjoyed one single game from them, so I wouldn't care at all.
@dskatter or if you are willing to use their launcher. My PC is a PC, its no more an Xbox than it is a Playstation just because I can play GoW on it.
The whole "This is an Xbox" marketting push won't do great imo
@Ricky-Spanish Its obvious, you get a Playstation to play Xbox games. Or Switch 2. Best option is a PC.
@Juanalf Xbox owners should only worry if FromSoft became 1st party. The deal isn't for FromSoft, it's for a firm that has a 70% stake in FromSoft, so not quite the same.
Shareholders don't generally want to put products in limited ecosystems.
In terms of your comment more generally though, yeah Phil would defo respond that way haha!
@mac_da_man Where did you get your magic ball mate?
It's a bit late for it. FromSoftware was a big deal when Demons Souls released on PS3 at its time. Xbox wasn't the least bit interested and turned it down but Sony was adventurous at the time and open to experimenting with new things. It wasn't until FromSoftware had proven itself that Xbox was even interested. So, like everything else on the industry, loyalty goes out the window and so, apparently, does Japanese honor. The most disappointing is Konami, and more specific Kojima who really wouldn't be where he is today without PlayStation, not would Kojima Productions, but he's had no issue selling out to Xbox that, again, had no interest in him while PlayStation carried him along.
So, to my point, FromSoftware has released enough on Xbox and the way PlayStation has, themselves, shown signs they don't have much faith in their console porting to PC while Nintendo is showing zero signs of slowing down keeping all their software exclusive to Nintendo, Nintendo is apparently the very definition of exclusive. Xbox just gave up and Sonys getting cold feet now, but Nintendo while their library is severely lacking, you have to really respect the fact they're holding their ground, firmly. So, what's exclusivity going to do for Sony at this point? They managed to hang on to Demons Souls and Bloodborne, but FromSofts games are so much the same, that whatever they develop exclusive to PlayStation, their next game is pretty much the same thing, but with a new coat of paint and a new name, the guts or engine is the same as the exclusive previous so.....
It's too late and with the apparent cost of games these days and how slow Sony is to get them out, by the time you acquire From and then pay for the game development, who knows in five years, Froms Souls-like could be dead, just like they thought Concord was gonna hold, even though the fanbase told them they were idiots and they didn't want it.
I wouldn't bet on it and it's not smart at this point, even for Kadakowa, especially with Sonys dictation, which is contrary to their views during the PS3 and PS4 era and could meet the same fate. Sounds like a bad idea for both parties to me. PlayStation can't afford it, and if Hulst remains in the driver's seat, rather than how Tretton, House, and Layton did business, From will crash and burn as well
@Coletrain Sony already own 15% or there abouts in the company already as it stands
@neoxmahi It only looks like a new coat of paint between games if your not into them every game is a evolution of the last
@Ilyn yes they own crunchy roll, own a share (small) of this company.
I think this is more a case of it just happens to have fromsoft in the umbrella.
Again though I hope they keep FS multi plat
@themightyant I'll take your word for it. I had a look at the financial report you linked to, but the combination of my visual impairment and my autistic brain just saw a massive jumble of numbers and I noped out of there pretty quickly 🤣
@OldGamer999 I don't want Microsoft making love with my devices.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner Yeah I would also hope FS stay multiplat as the games deserve to be played by all regardless of the long history they have with Sony machines.
You dont need a magic ball, just listen to what Big Phil says and more importantly doesnt say, along with the other execs.
But I hope Im wrong in my prediction.
If Sony acquires FromSoftware, you can bet the games will never reach Xbox ever again. PC, sure. Switch 2 if it's a viable platform to run whatever future games FS makes. But Sony will definitely single out Xbox from releases because that's Sony's strategy.
Bungie was a very different acquisition because Sony's hope was to continue milking that live service cow across all platforms.
The biggest problem is that people praise Sony for putting its platform first - but people need to be careful what they wish for when Sony chokes competition out completely and runs circles around its customers because it can.
Microsoft may be one of the biggest publishers in the world now, but it's not restricting others to be the only publisher in the world.
@Ricky-Spanish yeah, sorry you're right. It's still not the same as full ownership, but I suppose with Sony you just never know what anti-consumer move they'll try to make next.
But, the success of Elden ring as a multi-plat product wouldn't get underestimated. From my first comment on this post, it seems doubtful that the next Xbox will even be a traditional console. Maybe we will be playing Elden Ring 2 on our console/pc hybrids!
This has been a looming threat for years. Regulation won't be an issue for them. Needless to say, this would be a horrendous outcome for gaming. We have to wait and see.
It's only a positive outcome if Sony get screwed over and MS gobbled up?
@Markatron84 You are right about the big picture, though. Sony's sales haven't been great on PS5. Third-party exclusives (e.g., Square Enix) don't sell well on PS5 and only 6.8% of the PS5 sales in the last quarter were first-party. They have also closed five studios lately.
I love the back and forth in the comments, now that the shoe is on the other foot. Sony wants Kadokawa and the manga/anime/film, and FromSoftware just happens to come along with that like a cherry on top—just like a certain other company wanted King and all its mobile prowess, that happened to come part and parcel along with Call of Duty. And guess what? This deal will be just as bad for everyone.
Just like all the fools who posted here in the months leading up to the ABK buyout pontificating on all the amazing things Microsoft could do with all the IP, people are now speculating the same over on Push Square about this possible buyout. And just like the ABK situation, nothing will change. Sony won’t remove subsequent souls games/entries from other platforms (excluding those that already are exclusives). They won’t revive dormant IP. They won’t drastically change much of anything at all. It’ll be business as usual, the only difference being they now collect the checks.
TL;DR: No gains for gamers, just like the ABK situation. Unless you’re the type of person who rents their flat, leases their car and has no problem paying-to-rent instead of buying-to-own , in which case I suppose the addition of stuff to gamepass might mean something. Sony might shovel a bunch of FromSoft titles into PS+ I suppose, which again means nothing to the die hard gamer who should already own every Souls entry.
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@Ilyn Stuff like this kinda solidifies my series X being my first and last XBox, sadly.
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Sony already have a 15% interest in fromsoft. The companies portfolio of anime and media align with Songs own properties so the buyout makes sense and funding would not necessarily come from PS and instead be spread across some divisions.
If this goes ahead, I think it's likely the software arm making souls games will remain operating independently despite a Sony controlling interest. It's extremely unlikely that it will become a playstation studio, and I suspect it will continue to make multiplatform releases.
But hey, never say never right?
@Balaam_ well said. I'll freely admit that I myself speculated about things like IP revivals and such, but the year post-ABK acquisition should be a cautionary tale for anyone speculating about what cool things Sony could or would do if they do acquire Kadokawa.
@GamingFan4Lyf Lets be honest, If the situation was reversed then Microsoft would do the same and do everything in their power to strangle PS out of the market. The only reason they are starting to walk it back is because they are in a much weaker position at present so multiplatform whilst focussing on being a publisher makes sense. If they had the market lead then they would be doing PC / Xbox only and holding everything back.
@Ilyn Of course they would, and it would probably force Sony to change its strategy and we'd probably be having this same conversation with the name's reversed.
Neither one are angels.
All of this, though, is going to crumble and the "age of exclusivity" will end. Either because gaming is just too expensive to hoard to one platform (as Square Enix are now seeing) or because a platform exclusivity is getting too big and regulatory boards start to dig in (like we are seeing with Apple).
@Balaam_ I hope your right
@Ilyn Do you mean if MS had the lead in console installed base?
Let's be real — Microsoft's approach makes far more profit either way. Do you really think selling 15 million more consoles would be satisfactory to them? Thirty million? Most people owning those units sold don't buy a ton of games or from a wide variety.
Sony presents the alternate reality case for us. Sixty-five million consoles shipped and that does not bring in sufficient profit. Hundreds of millions spent to hobble the library of Xbox, annually. If Xbox sells more, that means PS sells less --according to the media, who beats us over the head with "the market isn't growing" gospel.
Sony are just psychopaths about exclusivity and the old Nintendo model. If anything, Sony is in a better position (regarding risk to console sales) to port their games to Xbox, Nintendo, and PC.
@GamingFan4Lyf What's baffling suppose the FFVII remakes (and other SE games) sold twice as well on PS under exclusivity, would Square not realize there's far more profit to be had by going multiplatform? That does not change. Maybe they were cash-strapped near the end of last gen and signed their rights away.
@GamingFan4Lyf I really hope Sony don’t with hold it. It shouldn’t be.
But reading on it, it seems that Sony appear more interested in the anime part, and it just happens to be that the parent company owns fromsoft. Doesn’t seem to be a play to just get FS. So hopefully to get the deal signed it they have to include some sort of multi platform release for FS games.
We can live in hope right?
Elden Ring Remastered coming soon. Will win Game of the year 2026.
If Kadokawa group goes to PlayStation that's much bigger blow than Activision going to Microsoft in a 3rd party state.
Likely means no From games on Nintendo or Xbox again.
Thank goodness I absolutely, completely, utterly, totally, despise, all forms of souls like games.
This has zero impact to me.
There are some truly wild comments in here.
@theduckofdeath they just reported their highest earnings across their division with increases of 180+% and you think they are struggling.
That's as bad as the other chap saying 3rd parties don't sell on PS.
Acquisition suck regardless of who makes them, but the arm chair statistics being thrown around that can quickly be proven wrong by googling are insane.
Well market trend goes away from exclusivity. Especially from console exclusivity as pretty much all is on PC.
If sony acquires from soft i just hope they keep it multiplat. But I guess depends on their goals too. Are they still in the “war” with xbox or not really.
@TeiGekiLord No platform holder should own or control FROM software, ideally. That has been my stance for years. Not that we have any say in the matter.
We have borne witness to what happens when Sony has any control over third-party publishing. Just examine the cases of FROM Demon's Souls being trapped on PS consoles and its cellmate Bloodborne not even get a remake or remaster.
@Weebleman I don't know which statement you are referring to.
Just Activision and Zenimax that should be controlled by a platform holder eh?
Both Demon's Souls and Bloodborne are Sony's IPs, they can do what they want with them.
@Weebleman As "the other chap" you referred to, I will clarify the three things I said. Firstly, I was referring to Square Enix as the main third party doing PS exclusives until very recently, that reported that sales weren't good on PS5. So, it's not a guess of mine. Secondly, I mentioned that only 6.8% of the PS5 sales in the last quarter were first-party, which is telling since Sony fans believe that PS exclusives are what sells PS5s. The third thing I mentioned is that they have closed studios recently which, again, it's no secret.
I don't know what's "wild" and "insane" about it because I just mentioned three facts that were news everywhere (including Push Square) and the three facts all tell the same story. I hadn't even said my opinion, just answering someone that referred to Sony's struggles this generation and why they are reluctantly becoming multiplatform. They are shipping lots of PS5s (no one is denying that), but that's no longer enough, especially considering their massive debt and, before someone says that many companies have massive debts, Sony's increases yearly and PS is not enough to fix that, which is why they tried the service games business, the mobile business and the PC business. Sony's net debt is $239.40B, 11.34% increase year-over-year, twice as much net debt as company value (106.90B).
The problem with Sony is not as simple as that their exclusives are expensive to make, which is a problem for every big publisher except Nintendo, but that they don't sell enough. 6.8% of the PS5 software sales last quarter is a very low figure, considering the marketing, the amount of shipped PS5s and that Sony's games are pure exclusives until they are ported to PC.
@TeiGekiLord Or Bungie, Insomniac, Naughty Dog or the Spider-Man and X-Men licenses? MLB?
The NFL and NFLPA licenses? I could not resist tossing in an old EA grievance...
Sony has proven to be a poor custodian of FROM Software IP. Intellectual property not born from their intellect. However, I suppose they paid the price to abuse those properties, as you say.
Panic? Absolutely nothing to panic about. Elden Ring 2 would never be a Playstation exclusive. Lol. Bloodborne 2, yes. But never Elden Ring 2.
@theduckofdeath The weirdest thing about it is that they pay for the third-party game and even for the whole studio to get those exclusives on PS5, but then they port their own games and even remaster and port them again. "Psychopaths about exclusivity" is the best definition about it that I have read so far. 😂 Like you said, there are games and studios that they don't redeem, it's all about building an audience around the IPs they think will sell best (Horizon, Spider-Man...). If this rumour is true, I guess that the newest and shining Elden Ring is the reason.
Can't win on the publisher front so you start naming smaller developers and deals that Microsoft declined eh?
Naughty Dog has been very happy under Sony and so have Insomniac. Bungie also remained independant and actual developers in the company pleaded for Sony to become more hands on.
Just admit you're a hypocrite man.
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@TeiGekiLord You are going to constrain the acquisitions of a $3 trillion megacorporation to those of a $100 billion corporation? Why don't you spend money like a paperboy, you show off? Microsoft's valuation swells and contracts by the degree of all of Sony from week to week. They bought ABK for 3/4 the valuation of Sony, in cash.
Part of Xbox's issue last gen is that MS would not give them the latitude to buy studios and exclusive publishing deals in the 360 era. Nobody saw Bethesda coming (although that one is a fitting marriage) and certainly not ABK.
However, here's the most pertinent issue this afternoon; you seem to be lost. Maybe you misread the sign on the way in. I'm not sure if there's a pureplaystation.com out there, regardless, please; go find it or something thereabouts.
I wouldn't be so sure. Of From's catalogue Sony have exclusive rights to both Demon's Souls and Bloodborne and they remain locked on PlayStation with no plans to release elsewhere. If Sony acquire From Software then the possibility of them locking all future Souls-Likes to PlayStation in a bid to push people over to PlayStation hardware is a very real possibility.
As I said, just admit you're a hypocrtie already my man. You claim that Sony shouldn't be allowed to buy FromSoftware but you lot gleed at the possibility of exclusive Activision.
You can't be anti-consolidation when it's Sony but pro when it's Microsoft.
"There are some truly wild comments in here"
You're not wrong. Some people need to, what's the popular phrase at the moment? Ah yes, 'go outside and touch some grass"
It's just video games after all. 🤷
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@Banjo- The problem with your arguement is that you are focussing on 6.8% and assuming that figure correlates exactly to the opinion you have formed. People are very capable of buying a console for 1st party exclusives, but also buying more multiplatform games overall.
@Dalamar73 yeah, you're right you wouldn't put it past them, but it made more sense with the publishing rights to lock those two down at the time. They fit in well with Sony's exclusivity strategy (which I'm still not convinced on given that the top selling games are never those ones.)
Now that prices for hardware have rocketed and stayed high, it's a much less viable strategy because software is the better revenue stream. That's why I'm not worried about it.
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Man I’m glad I stayed out of this one. The whole industry is a joke.
@Ilyn "The problem with your arguement is that you are focussing on..."
The problem with your reply is that you have not read everything else I posted describing the big picture. I'm not focusing on one single fact.
Topic update: Kadokawa just posted that Sony has issued a letter of intent to acquire the company's shares, but no decision has been made at the time of writing. Thus, it's now confirmed that Sony wants to acquire Kadokawa.
@freddones What games are we talking about here?
Concord was a disaster. Astro was excellent. Which one am I missing?
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It's a pretty good site overall, but as it's centric to one specific console you're always going to get fanboys of one type or another in the comments. You're never going to have a fair and/or reasonable debate with these people. Thankfully they're in the minority and can be easily ignored. Everyone else just gets on with discussing the pros and cons of their pastime, irrespective of platform.
Yes you make a good point with regards to the two titles. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
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Just ignore it, that's my advice.
My concern, as I've stated above, is should the acquisition happen Sony lock From Software's Souls-Likes to PlayStation - based on Demon's Souls and Bloodborne. I haven't invested, or intend to invest in a PS5. I'm a PC gamer with a Series S and an aging PS4 also kicking about. I'm not buying a PlayStation just to play the next Elden Ring etc. But I'm probably concerned over nothing. However, if it were to be the case then that's just the way it is. No point wasting spending one's days crying about it.
I can see it still launching on PC but if Sony did change how they operate then yeah, Xbox releases are likely to go away.
If future releases get a PC release then fine. Probably have to wait a little, but I'd rather wait than receive nothing at all.
Personally I don't really care coz I don't Iike soul games... I don't think they can actually aquire them. They are at their prime, making lots of money so if they are gonna sell it isn't doing to be cheap...
@TeiGekiLord ok I'm not going to prove why more than half of your points are untrue stories or half the truth that you either made up or some other fun boy did coz it isn't worth it... Just one question. Why you and so many other sony funboys try so hard on every article here to justify everything your favorite company does and to prove how great they are or how bad xbox is on a site that is "pure" not about that company? Do you feel the need to make sony look good to the people who don't agree with that? Do you want everyone to like what you like? What is it? You can always go to pushsquare and get the applause you do desperately need and everyone will agree with you there! Problem solved!
@freddones you are VASTLY underestimating how much money Sony has. Also this wouldn't likely be a cash sale.
Look at articles, these have been proven so cope harder.
You lot gloated and gleed at the Activision thing but now are super anti-consolidation because Sony are interested in a merger, you're hypocrites, simple as that.
I have no favourite company, I don't even want this to go through because then I'll likely need to wait for Souls, lose Spike Chunsoft in general and Sony get a bigger stranglehold on anime.
Go ahead and prove them wrong, I forgot that only Microsoft tell the truth while Sony are liars.
https://gamerant.com/playstation-portal-sales-update-july-2024/ - PS Portal is a success for Sony
https://www.gamespot.com/articles/ps5-sales-outpacing-ps4-while-xbox-series-x-s-falls-behind-xbox-one-in-us/1100-6524789/ - PS5 outpacing PS4
https://gamerant.com/game-awards-2024-nominees-list-announcement-goty/ - Sony has a GOTY contender
https://www.purexbox.com/news/2024/07/sony-playstation-regrettably-outspends-us-says-xbox-emea-marketing-boss - Crying that Sony has better marketing budget
https://www.gamesradar.com/games/ps5-is-sonys-most-profitable-console-gen-ever-after-just-3-years-beating-ps4-by-over-dollar36-billion-in-sales/#:~:text=The%20slide%20reveals%20that%20between,most%20successful%20PlayStation%20console%20ever. - PS5 is the most profitable PS ever
https://steamdb.info/app/553850/charts/ - Helldivers 2 peaked at 458,709
As I said, you're more than welcome to prove me wrong, I'll gladly admit I made a mistake but not seeing where so far.
Unless you're talking about the quality of State of Play and the PS5 itself but those are subjective opinions, you can't tell me my opinion on those are wrong because they're opinions and everyone has differing opinions.
The closest one to being wrong is Hellblade 2 being forgotten because that did get nominated for a couple of awards so fair point, I'll admit I'm wrong on that front but then again, so is saying that people have already forgotten about the LEGO Horizon game.
I believe Sony already have quite a large share in the company already (14%?) so it's very possible.
You may not like Souls-Likes, but a hell of lot of people do. It's one of the most popular genres out there and From are leading the pack.
@TeiGekiLord sure you don't 🤣🤣🤣 pls tell me how the Activision deal was anti-consolidation genius? If you want to play were you used to play you still can but you can also play with a sub on console, pc or cloud without an expensive hardware. Why instead of putting links don't you try to counter anything I say on my comments? Afraid you gonna be a joker as you just did? And by the way I don't need waist my time to prove you wrong no one cares if sony is successful or not on a PURE xbox site... We are here for xbox news. Except you ponies of course...
@Dalamar73 yea sure no argument here. Just saying I don't personally care and I don't think it's happening thats all
I literally did because those links have the evidence that you're claiming isn't true, are you going to deny them?
I already did refute your claims, you claimed I'm a "Sony funboy" yet I said why I don't want this to go ahead, you sound like an "Xbox funboy" sir.
the action or process of making something stronger or more solid.
"the permanent consolidation of peace"
the action or process of combining a number of things into a single more effective or coherent whole.
Someone doesn't know what consolidation is it seems.
@TeiGekiLord clearly you don't 🤣
Ah, he starts the ponies garbage now, safe to say he has no point or clue what he's on about, was hoping for more.
P.S haven't used my PS5 since Astro Bot and before that, Rise of the Ronin as I'm primarily a Switch and PC gamer.
Microsoft took Activision, made them part of the Xbox Games Studios team and did it to strengthen their portfolio. That is consolidation as they took an outside entity and made them part of a bigger organisation.
Just because they're porting all their games to other platforms doesn't change that fact.
"No one cares is Sony is successful" - half the comments are trying to prove that Sony is bust and can't afford buyouts or that Sony products are flops, amazing stuff.
@TeiGekiLord as I said no one cares (and no one believes your crap) and I already told you (from the very star) I'm not gonna bother proving you wrong I just asked why it is so important to you to prove your favorite company's greatness on an site that no one cares about it? Also you accidentally replied with the same account both times don't forget one is for the likes only if you try to reply with that you you may get exposed like you just did 😅
You're not going to prove me wrong because you can't, you can not dispute evidence that has been posted.
Lol, you're so deluded that I somehow have a favourite company despite the PS5 barely seeing use in general since I have a gaming PC and love Nintendo's IP's most of all.
You're also now doing conspiracy theories about two accounts, someone is upset huh?
As I said mate, you are very very welcome to prove me wrong and I would love for you to do so, it'd be interesting to see why evidence previously provided has now changed.
Imagine being a grown man and arguing with somebody you will never see in person online. LMAO these MFers are pitiful boy
I just found it funny being accused of being a fanboy and got into it lol, I'll drop it now cause some people aren't worth it.
@TeiGekiLord I'm not because I don't care that's what I'm telling you all this time 🤣. My hobby is gaming not arguing with funboys so I'm gonna play stalker 2 now you can stop replying now 😅
@HeavyHoggJP dude you re unfair I don't even try to argue from the very first comment but he keeps replying and trying to prove a point even tho I keep saying no one cares 😅
Man when I saw this the other day I knew people we’re gonna absolutely lose there minds over this one 😂
@YeyoFairy I spent about 10 mins reading all the comments besides doing other tasks at work and this was a great laugh in my office for sure. I needed this
Anyway I'll leave it here.
Sony want to buy Kadokawa and even if you dislike it, your opinion is irrelevant in the matter. If Microsoft are allowed to buy publishers then it's only fair game that Sony be allowed to do it as well.
"If Microsoft are allowed to buy publishers then it's only fair game that Sony be allowed to do it as well."
Unfortunately not everyone sees it like that, irrespective of which console platform they choose to champion. Yeah it's dumb, hypocritical even, but it's just one of many things "fanboys" like to argue over - and neither will ever back down.
Can't say I've the energy for it myself. The whole platform warrior/corporate shill mindset seems exhausting. 😅
Nothing of value lost for me personally. I hate Dark Souls.
Well first of all there is only talk. And secondly there is a big chance that Sony will do exactly the same as with Bungie. Let's see if it will happen at all. And besides, Microsoft was also allowed to do it with Actibliz so where is it bad if Sony does it? And if MS had the chance to make CoD exclusive they would have done it right away.
@kuu_nousee Why not? We don't know yet what Sony is planning. And they're really not doing it just for Fromsoftware. Kodokawa has a lot more that fits perfectly within Sony. Anime is almost the largest provider in Sony. So that fits perfectly. And the games will probably just remain multiplatform. Experience has shown that that yields a lot of credits. And both Microsoft and Sony love that.
@Kieduss Same. When I saw this my thoughts were the Jeremy Clarkson "Oh no! Anyways..."
That's to miss the point somewhat. You personal view of Soul-Likes is irrelevant when you factor in that it's one of the most popular genres out there. If Sony decided to lock From's catalogue to PlayStation then literally millions of non-PS gamers would miss out.
@Dalamar73 The part I don't get is why I should care about some games that other people like.
You don't care, but care enough to troll? 🤔
Why are you even partaking in this thread if you don't care? I mean, you haven't brought anything of value to this discussion or offered a valid viewpoint.
There are several clown shoe wearing commentators in here. 😅
@Dalamar73 How am I trolling? I would advise you to learn how to cope with contrary opinions. They're just video games. People should be free to express their opinions on them. It's fine if you're a fan of whatever you like, but don't expect everyone to side with you. It shouldn't be considered some sort of offense to simply express discontent. These comment sections aren't supposed to be an echo chamber. The entire purpose of them is to allow the public to express their opinion on the article's subject matter. Who says they must contribute to your preferred discussion within it as you see fit?
@dskatter it's childish like the majority of online whining. If someone's majority playtime is from fromsoftware then they should have bought a Playstation and saved us the whining. Buying an xbox to play mainly fromsoftware games is dumb.
@True_Gamer1 I said in my post that exclusives turn me down. I'm ok with the fact that buying studios brings cash in in the long term, so it makes your business healthier, I'm just not ok with exclusives. It's not all black and white.
@True_Gamer1 @True_Gamer1 I want from software games on Xbox so it's bad news for me my personal take on it so it's literally impossible for it to be terrible you just think different mate
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