It feels like we're constantly hearing from people at Square Enix about their desires to bring more Final Fantasy titles to Xbox, and although it has happened in some ways recently, we're still waiting on a few of the big ones.
Take Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth, for example. This Game of the Year contender (which launched back in February) seemingly only had a three-month exclusivity window, meaning a potential Xbox release could be just around the corner. Who knows if that'll be the case, but the game's director clearly would like to bring it to another audience.
Here's what Naoki Hamaguchi had to say about this in a recent interview with GamesRadar:
"In terms of Final Fantasy 7, there's nothing really we can say at the moment, but certainly I do want to bring Final Fantasy 7 and the Remake series to as many players out there as possible..."
As you can see, Hamaguchi didn't just reference Rebirth here, but the "Remake" series as a whole - which includes the Final Fantasy 7 Remake from 2020 along with the planned third entry in the Remake series that's still to come.
If that wasn't enough, he even talked a bit about Xbox! Giving his "personal opinion" on the brand, he praised it as a "great hardware platform" and revealed that he owns one himself. Come on SE, let's get these games on Xbox already!
When do you think we'll see Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth on Xbox? Give us your thoughts in the comments.
[source gamesradar.com]
Comments 32
Can’t see the point of bringing out Rebirth (part 2) without Remake (part 1). I’d be more interested in Remake or FF16 personally.
I knew that the other Square Enix titles would be ported to Xbox before Square Enix "rebooted" their business strategy, stopped signing Xbox exclusion deals and became multiplatform. Now, I'm guessing that Xbox is getting FF XVI first and then the VII remakes, but they said they are prioritising the development of the third part, so it's likely that Xbox will get the trilogy after that.
@MeanBeanEgg I was referring to the Xbox exclusion deals that were leaked during the ABK acquisition that specifically excluded Xbox and that motivated Microsoft to acquire other publishers. I've never approved any deal that means paying another company to prevent another platform from getting their games. That's just on your imagination.
I gave up waiting and picked up a PS5. 8h into remake and loving it... hopefully these games come across eventually though!
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@MeanBeanEgg "But since you think that, I bet you don't like Stalker 2 having that too. "
I haven't said anything about the exclusivity of Stalker 2, you are the one bringing it up.
@MeanBeanEgg the industry isn't allowed to operate as it has since the 80s if it means Game Pass doesn't get a game day one.
Might as well drop the whole trilogy when its finished. I would certainly buy it.
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Sounds to me like someone is eating a sandwich in the kitchen and complaining because the bedroom is the room with the comfy chair, the tv, the pc, the game console, the stereo, the nice view, the air conditioner etc.
Stop trying to bring the tv and everything else into the kitchen, and Take. The. Sandwich. Into. The. Bedroom.
I honestly don't expect Final Fantasy VII Remake trilogy to be on Xbox until after at least 1 year after the final game is released.
Something tells me that, while FF7R trilogy can be released on PC, Sony put a deal in place that none of the games in the series can release on another console until after the trilogy is complete on PlayStation.
I can't decide what makes more sense for SE with FF7: drop the twin pack in 2026/27 on Xbox to drum up hype for part 3 (and make that one as close to day one as they can), or release as a trilogy only later on.
I'm here for it either way, but hoping for the former.
@MeanBeanEgg um, the ENTIRE POINT of the deal was to exclude xbox. Let's not play dumb.
@GamingFan4Lyf that’s a good theory, and very savvy from PlayStation if true given how long modern dev times have become!
Exclusive deals have existed since the NES era, let's not play dumb.
I'm not even excited for it anymore. In 2021 or 2022 I'd have paid full price on the remake (and I'm not one who usually does it), but now all I feel about this game is "meh".
I'd still buy it one day, sure, but on a huge discount.
@MeanBeanEgg @TeiGekiLord @Banjo-
I think the issue is that we actually don't know if Xbox is specifically singled out of the deals Sony made.
What we do know is that there are games Sony has made deals with that also released on PC, but not Xbox. But what we don't know is if Xbox is specifically mentioned in the language or if it's just other consoles all together.
It's possible that Nintendo is excluded as well, and Sony proposed a "console exclusivity" deal.
But if Xbox is specifically named in these deals, that isn't normal - and, honestly, I have no idea how that's something that would even fly with regulatory committees.
It's one thing to pay a third-party to make a game for your console and only your console or to have a set window where said game is available everywhere after the agreed amount of exclusivity time expires.
It's a whole other thing to pay to have a timed exclusive to your console and allow all but your direct competitor to get the game when that window expires.
Sony Paid Studios to Discriminate Xbox - Official Confirmation
Phil Spencer Revealed Sony Paid to Ensure Final Fantasy 16 Skips Xbox Consoles
Come on SE, let's get these games on Xbox already!
Not gonna happen at least until 2035, Sony are not exactly famous for short or medium time exclusivity deals 😉. But yeah, this is just Squeenix with their usual MO on FF7R & Remake when journalists are pestering them with Xbox questions....
@Banjo- Without seeing the documents, though, do we really know if it's written in the language to single out Xbox?
I mean, sure, we know they are only on Sony's console and can release on PC. But are Switch ports on the table (assuming the companies want to try to port the game to the console)?
The problem with these articles is that there is no link to the evidence pointing to that exact language saying where Xbox itself is excluded. I would think these documents are public record.
If it's just language that says the games are to only be released on Sony console and mobile/PC, then, while it sucks, is more of a normal exclusivity deal.
Phil Spencer can claim that Xbox is getting unfair treatment, but what we don't know is if Nintendo is also getting the unfair treatment.
I'm not saying you are wrong and the others are right. I just want to see the actual evidence, not just Phil's interpretation of the evidence.
Removed - trolling/baiting; user is banned
@GamingFan4Lyf What more proof do you need than a sworn declaration and games being released for PC but not Xbox? Nintendo was not part of the questions and answers because Sony and Microsoft didn't consider Nintendo as competition in the high-end market. Anyway, I'm not here to convince anybody. Each one can believe whatever they want to believe.
@Banjo- It doesn't matter if Nintendo is considered competition or not, what matters is whether Sony put wording in the contract that says "anything but Xbox" or not. Are Switch ports on the table (despite being incredibly unlikely)?
Sony could very well have had a blanket "home console exclusive" agreement excluding any and all closed ecosystem home consoles that may exist out there - no matter who made it (are there any other closed system consoles beyond PlayStation out there other than Switch and Xbox??).
The wording is the important part we don't know.
There are plenty of games out there that release on PC, Switch, and PlayStation that don't get released on Xbox. So, if there are these exclusionary practices going on to directly target Microsoft, they need to be brought to light - with actual documentation stating as such.
Just because Phil feels like Sony is discriminating against Xbox by paying for console exclusivity, doesn't mean the contract actually states that only Xbox is being discriminated against - Nintendo could also be excluded in that contract.
That changes the term from "Exclusion Deal" to "Console Exclusive Deal" in my book.
I bought lots of FF games, Kingdom Hearts collectio, and Crisis Core on Xbox just to support the Xbox getting those versions. I have a much more powerful PC but I put my money where my mouth is...
It's about time, and I'm sure it'll be a while, but, hey, nobody bought the game on PS yet either, so everyone's waiting for a trilogy together.
I'm still waiting for that PC port that's more inevitable than the Xbox one and still not anywhere near announcement...
Hold on, so 3rd party provider actually wants to sell games on xbox and sees it as a profitable venture? Insiders were telling us about lack of 3rd patty support for the whole year. I told you guys any insider doom and gloom xbox rumor you can divide by at least 2.
This is live proof that xbox sales ARE enough. They less than competition - true, but they are enough for MS and 3rd party to keep going.
I hope “terrible xbox console sales” and “lack of 3rd party support” narrative die out soon.
It will come eventually. Do people not realise exclusives have been going on for years and years... Like anything, it will come eventually.
I hope it does come. Though considering how pixelated performance mode looks on base PS5, it’s one of the blurriest games this gen, I’d be concerned how it would look on Series S in particular.
The "I m not a sony funboy" guy doing his part again I see... And with both his accounts no less 😂. Good thing his comments are finally getting removed for flaming... Good job guys! Now about the article, personally I am bored of waiting for SE to bring their GOOD games on xbox... Xbox's relationship with SE is "better than ever" and yet the only FF game they gave us is pixel remaster... Games I can even play on my mobile...
When all of SEs current and previous gen games come to Xbox the better, hell even Switch 2 if the hardware can handle it.
I'll only double dip if there are physical releases. Waited and waited for FF Pixel Remaster to get physical on Xbox, still no word. Bit the woot deal for $45 PS4 disc. Still wanting a disc for Xbox & SE.......
Much of the reason why FF7 did get a X1 release was due to the VCR X1 model which did have limitations but likely they could of been worked around. But SE didn't want to spend the extra time to get the game to work. I have played FF7 remake on the ps4 and don't see any reason why it couldn't be developed, I think it was simply SE didn't have time to create a X1 version. But it seems that the series Xbox is much more popular with developers who seem to find it easier to work with, given the ever increasing number of titles getting series Xbox versions.
@TeiGekiLord who said Sony invented them? Maybe you're not playing, my apologies.
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