Reaction: As A Huge Forza Fan, I'm Fine With Horizon 5 Going To PS5

Well, we've officially moved into the territory where one of the big three Xbox franchises (Halo, Gears, Forza) will no longer be console exclusive - as Horizon 5 plans its PS5 course this spring. I've been preparing myself for this moment for a while now, especially with all of the rumours going around, so this doesn't really feel like a huge blow as an Xbox fan. In fact, I'm totally fine with this three-year old racer moving over to another console — it deserves to get more players at this point — but I'm not sure I'll feel the same way about a day one release.

And, this is where my mixed feelings on this whole multiplatform push come into play. PS5 fans getting older Xbox games doesn't feel like a huge deal, especially in a world where we've enjoyed them on Game Pass for years before they move over. Of course, there's the argument that Microsoft's core franchises could still be kept as Xbox exclusive, and that's a valid argument - but I ultimately fall in the 'more players is a good thing' camp when it comes to titles like FH5.

However, this announcement does feel like it's moved the needle a bit, and it's still going to take time to get used to this new future we're all living in. Yes, I know, Phil Spencer has dropped these "no red lines" comments in recent times, but it definitely feels a little different when something like Forza actually starts to move over. And, I may need a bit more time to get used to a Forza game potentially launching on other platforms day one, which ultimately feels like a real possibility with Horizon 6.

Look, by the time Forza Horizon 6 is real and actually launches, I may have a much different mindset - free from the shackles of console exclusives and happy to see the game reach more players. Still, I can't admit that the prospect doesn't feel a bit weird right now, especially as a huge Forza fan since the very first title on OG Xbox. What Turn 10 and Playground have built over the years has always been a great reason to visit the platform, but we're probably going to have to get used to PS5 (and potentially Switch 2) being an option for these games as well.

At that point, we'll still have Xbox Game Pass to shout from the rooftops about, which is set to become even more valuable now that Microsoft is becoming such a huge video game publisher. Getting all of these titles day one on GPU is nothing to sniff at, and that definitely provides value as an Xbox customer - I'll just have to get used to not being able to champion Forza Horizon as a fantastic reason to buy an Xbox console. PS5 players, you're getting an incredible racer with FH5, and it'll be interesting to see what world we're living in when Forza Horizon 6 comes to town.

Do you have mixed feelings about Forza going to PS5? Or are you firmly in one camp or the other? Keep calm and discuss all of this down below.