Comments 518

Re: Soapbox: Elden Ring Is My GOTY, But It Was Incredible Indie Games That Kept Me Playing In 2022


@BBB pretty much my experience with Elden Ring. Not sure what all the fuss is about, but since everybody seem to love it.. I guess I'm just too old.
Anyway, topic of the day, indies are great, but I love myself some AAA games. Also, there is this tiny little company called Nintendo doing all these fun and experimental AAA games. So it's not like nobody risked through 2022 it just wasn't MS or Sony (predictably).

Re: Review: High On Life - Bland Shooting Action Meets Stoner Humour That's An Acquired Taste


@Doublecell it's not, as you do pay for it. Hook for players was that they would get more quality content for less money.
Actually, the selling point for developers is that people will pay for their game, even if it wouldn't sell on the open market because they blindly prepaid for it.
There is an overlap between the two. It's just that I don't believe bunch of junk counts as "more" or "anything" really, if I ain't gonna enjoy it.

Re: Phil Spencer: Sony Wants To 'Make Xbox Smaller' To Protect PlayStation's Dominance


Phil is starting to sound ridiculous to me with these "they made me miss class and shoved me in my locker" beggings. You are sitting on top of gaming division in a Top 5 richest software company, trying to close 70 billion deal. You ain't no underdog, no weakling, you are not being bullied. You are just in a dirty business race, you yourself made as dirty. And people are actually eating this up (just as they did great 2020/2021/2022 year for exclusives on GP).

Re: Xbox Fans Left Disappointed With Lack Of First-Party Reveals At The Game Awards 2022


Very disappointed by lack of any first party MS content.
My guess is they are holding out for their own show, wanting to do MS yearly announcements event. Wouldn't surprise me, MS has seen what works and copied it before (with great success).
Would be poor form move though, as they buddied with Geoff while it made sense for them, and this year just ignored his show completely. We'll have to wait and see I guess.