The team over at Digital Foundry have taken a good long look at Evil West on current-gen consoles to see how the game performs on Xbox Series X, Xbox Series S and PS5. Both of the more expensive consoles offer two performance modes, while Xbox Series S currently delivers just one 30FPS mode, but all versions seem to have some drawbacks right now.
Overall, DF recommends sticking with the 60FPS mode on Xbox Series X and PS5, due to inconsistent frame pacing at 30FPS on all consoles. Sadly, that means Series S users are stuck with this problem unless we see a patch in the near future.
"The 30fps modes do suffer from intrusive frame-pacing problems... I think the game is otherwise well configured for a smooth 30fps experience, with plenty of motion blur and responsive animation but the broken frame-rate cap really needs to be fixed. It's especially urgent for Series S, which lacks a 60fps mode to use instead."
"If you have the option, I think the Performance modes on Series X and PS5 are definitely the way to go for now, though all modes on current-generation consoles could use some work... The experience can look a little murky at 1080p and the quality modes on PS5 and Series X don't deliver the sort of image clarity we're used to seeing from 30fps games on the premium current-gen consoles."
Still, the team does throw quite a bit of praise Evil West's way, calling it an "excellent shooter". The video also shows off some great environmental variety, which is praised by the tech review, and the frame rate targets are generally hit successfully, aside from the aforementioned frame pacing issue.
"If you can overlook [the] problems, this is a very enjoyable title - but with a little bit of extra attention and a few patches, Evil West could really shine."
On our side of things, we found Evil West to be just okay. We thought the game felt dated throughout, despite some fun action sequences.
How are you finding Evil West so far? Let us know what you think!
Comments 20
Wait what? If they were complaining about the Series S then that surely means they made the game run perfectly on the other consoles, right? Right?
XSS is the worst offender here. The rest of the pack (XSX and PS5) seem to provide a decent, if not current-gen, experience while targeting 1080p.
We should all stop buying games that are sub par.
And make developers realise we want dam QUALITY.
I am beginning to see over the last two years and now the game industry has serious quality issues creeping into their products and productions.
In all honestly, what it seems happened is that a new generation of consoles was released BEFORE it was actually needed. A large group of people seems to be happy playing games that would be right at home on XOne or even older hardware (of course if optimized properly).
XSS is the worst offender here. The rest of the pack (XSX and PS5) seem to provide a decent, if not current-gen, experience while targeting 1080p
No! The worst offender here would be/are the devs for not optimizing the game for s**t even On Series|X, PS5 and then proceed to throw the Xbox Series|S under the bus (shamelessly I might add).... I guess its just easier to scapegoat than own up to failure/shortcomings .
Well what a surprise, not even the Series|X and PS5 can properly run this game. I wonder if the Series|S bashing mob turn up and say it as it is: A poorly optimized game just that: poor.
... but the Series|S is holding back gaming, blah, blah, blah etc😂
@Sol4ris That is how it always has been. The weakest console in a generation is always blamed for holding things back. Even when it clearly wasn't the case
Microsoft has just seen fit to almost always have the weakest console when compared to Sony. 360, Xbox One, Series S.
In this case Microsoft just actively chose to have a SKU that was weaker, for affordability purposes.
This was on my radar for quite a while, but sadly the pre-release news that it was only 1080p on XSX/PS5 put me off buying it. I’ve also heard that it has a strong motion blur effect that can’t even be turned off. Hopefully all the negative feedback will prompt the devs to optimise the game further, by which time it’ll probably be cheaper too!
I don't know I'm having a blast with it myself. It's a classic, no nonsense action game with all killer no filler. I personally think it looks perfectly fine at 1080p 60fps. Honestly I think I like it better than Ragnarok at the moment though I haven't finished Evil West yet!
Interesting that some people are in denial that the Series S is drastically weaker than the other 2 current gen consoles
The only interesting thing is that you are now make things up to suit your narrative. We all know here that the Series S is less powerful than Series X. However, that should not be used as an excuse for releasing poorly optimized games on it and just blame the power discrepancy as an excuse. This game looks a blurry mess even on the mighty PS5 🙄.
And for those blaming developers & "poor optimization"...just be prepared to use that complaint off & on for the next 6-8yrs...this problem ain't going will only get worse
No. We will use our right to criticise the developers who think it is alright to release games running like a s**t and use the Series|S as a cop out. Is that OK with you?
But thanks for dropping by to impart your unbiased views...
They should have scrapped the Series S & instead launched a digital Series the original Series S price point...(yes, this would have meant Microsoft had to subsidize the Series X digital WAY more, but money is the 1 thing Microsoft doesn't have to worry about)
Sure. In a world where Sony rised the price of its consoles, makes perfect sense for Microsoft to actually make an even bigger loss with the Series X|S than they already are. OK.
The game isn't mind-blowing in terms of visual fidelity. In my opinion the game feels really last gen specially lighting and shadow feel outdated. And Flying Wild Hog has really delivered some good looking game than this previously such as shadow warrior 3. I'm a bit disappointed because it's a linear game. But all things aside gameplay is a blast. Everyone should give it a try. And on the consoles it has frame pacing issue which From Software still hasn't figured out how to solve. So a AA studio gets a pass in my opinion.
That's fine...just be prepared for future games optimized well on the Series X & PS5 to still have drastically worse results on the Series S...Cant wait to see who you blame then
I'm not sure if you are purposely obtuse or just wilfully ignorant.
Let me be clear : Nobody expects the Series|S to have the same results as Series |X or PS5 for that matter. What Series|S owners expect however is a well optimized game running within the parameters of the consoles Capability and not a cop out bulls**t excuse ...Jesus it should not be so hard to understand.
Yeah because $1 - $2 Trillion dollar Microsoft couldn't afford to take a bigger loss
Oh, you mean unlike the $95 billion ragtag Sony that ACTUALLY rised the price of their consoles 😅.... For you its always about Sony v Microsoft.
Man, with you it's like shouting at clouds on this, it really is 😁. But at least we can keep it civil, have a good evening.
@Savage_Joe I really don't want to participate in these arguments, I was just stating a fact that XSS performance was below what should be acceptable for a dedicated console.
Switch is a separate story, it's mainly a handheld, and people who purchase Switch for TV play of third party games primarily "are doing it wrong".
@InterceptorAlpha I thought the 360 had better specs than the PS3?
@Would_you_kindly Nope. PS3 was fairly superior. It just took developers a third of the generation to figure out to make games for it because of how complicated the architecture was.
@InterceptorAlpha I always thought 360 games looked better than PS3 tbh & I thought Bethesdas excuse for oblivion being crap on PS3 was that it wasn't good enough
1440p60+ amd fsr2.1 should be mandatory this gen
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