The official Xbox app has now revealed the second batch of games that will leave Xbox Game Pass in December 2022 (the final set of removals for the year), and it includes the likes of Outer Wilds, Scarlet Nexus and Tropico 6.
Xbox Game Pass: Leaving Soon (December 31st, 2022)
Date | Game | Platform |
December 31 | Embr | Console, PC |
December 31 | Gorogoa | Console, PC |
December 31 | Iron Harvest | PC |
December 31 | Immortal Realms: Vampire Wars | Console, PC |
December 31 | Outer Wilds | Console, PC |
December 31 | Scarlet Nexus | Console, PC |
December 31 | Secret Neighbor | Console, PC |
December 31 | The Pedestrian | Console, PC |
December 31 | Tropico 6 | Console, PC |
As always, Xbox Game Pass members can get a discount of (at least) 20% on these titles before they're removed. Some of them are also included in the Xbox Countdown Sale 2022 with even bigger discounts.
We're still waiting on Microsoft to announce the next batch of new Xbox Game Pass titles for December, and we're assuming we'll find out about these over the next couple of days. Probably Tuesday... we'll keep an eye out!
Any of these you might try out before they leave? Let us know down below.
Comments 36
Oh no! Outer Wilds ...
Has anyone played Embr? Looks a bit chaotic.
Outer wilds has been in and out of game pass a few times.
I can't recommend Scarlet Nexus highly enough, it's fantastic and severely underrated.
@ParsnipHero Gorogoa, Outer Wilds, and the Pedestrian are all very good. I recommend them all.
Embr was ok to me. It’s what I would call a “generic, silly Gamepass sim.” It’s like firefighter simulator, but with goofy visuals and aesthetics to it, but it’s about experiencing the physics. It’s fun for a couple hours, but nothing exceptional. It’s fun for what it is, but there’s plenty of similar games on Gamepass (or games that have been on Gamepass previously) that are arguably better too.
I really need to get around to playing Outer Wilds. Missed it the first time round and so the challenge is on!!
Outer Wilds is one of the greatest games ever made. The perfect antithesis to all the hand holding current games give. If you haven't played it just buy it.
Enjoyed Gorogoa, Pedestrain, though need to finish the later.
Not going to get round to Scarlet Nexus. But not the end of the world, can be had for less than a tenner if I ever want to get round to it.
Two games on here I downloaded when I got my Xbox a year ago which I still haven't played. It's a nice problem to have, but I never get to everything I want to play on Game Pass!
Tried a couple of these games but never got into them scarlet nexus was big deception for me , and outer wild too strange , maybe I should try pedestrian before it leaves .
@armondo36 i liked it, I did not love it tho, I played once and did not really care much enough to play 2nd route, and I did have quite high expectations for it. Ofc that’s very subjective. I’d advise anyone to at least give it a shot
Decent list of games, but also constantly on sales.. so I'm not as worried.
Would be nice if additions followed similar quality.
@munstahunta if you like puzzle games, pedestrian is pretty clever, it got repetitive for me though. I liked Gorogoa more, just more interesting and better art.
@YessMasster which route did you play?
@mousieone kasane
@YessMasster well her route spoils Yuitos anyway. The game didn’t need multiple routes as much as shifting narratives more in line with Fatal Frame.
I'm going to have to get a move on in echoes of the eye, my own fault for buying dlc without buying the main game.
@themightyant Scarlett Nexus is worth it. I didn't actually finish it, such is the nature of endless backlogs, but I was near complete. Combat is complex enough that getting back into it wouldn't be easy though. It's one of those games that so different to what you expect from it you're not sure if you like it, and then once you get into it realize there's not much else like it and start sequel begging
(I bought it the first decent $40-45 sale. Worth the price )
outer wilds i just dont get whats good about it i was annoyed and frustrated what a waste of my time
It's remarkable, but I never tend to miss any game that's being removed from Game Pass.
Bit annoyed how remove 20 games and provide a lot less each month. This has happened last couple of months. Game pass needs to be better considering how week games with gold is. I have a years subscription but will review whether i do that again.
@NEStalgia Thanks, Scarlet Nexus is on my radar just a little down the pecking order.
My trouble is committing to 25-50+ hour games. I know what i'm like, i'm slow - add at least 25% to HLTB - and more on the completionist side anyway. If I was going to play something of about that length it would likely be games like Sekiro, Disco Elysium, Nier: Automata, Tales of Arise, or finally finish Ghost of Tsushima. Backlog is long.
Instead I spent the weekend on shorter games, and those leaving Game Pass, like Nobody Saves the world, The Gunk, The Pedestrian and Olija.
Seems like a few of the predicted games are going to be removed after all.
Shame. I haven’t been able to get into Outer Wilds so was hoping to give it another go at some point. The Pedestrian is really good.
@themightyant Hah, yeah, that sounds like my pacing (I still have P5R ahead of me! Bought it 3 times now.... still unplayed. Like Skyrim I only got so far 3 times... ) And I'd also confirm Tales of Arise comes first, that's a once a generation gem right there.
I also haven't finished Automata! I got reasonably far, shifted off it, and never quite picked it up again. Plus I have to be in the right mood for "downer" settings like that.
Sekiro....I think I saw the first boss once.... maybe. Did I mention I suck at Soulsborne and Nioh? Because I do. Did I mention I added Elden Ring to the backlog on the sale? Because I did....
And I also have to finish GoT as well. Same thing with "downer" setting. I play it stealth so I play it really really slow, I was playing it last year, making good progress, took a break, and then just never felt like going back to burning body parts hanging from trees and just never got back to it.
I do have to finish HzD to get onto HFW, but that probably won't be this year because P5R will devour this year I'm sure.
The only one of those leaving games I played was The Gunk. It was good...I think it falls apart near the end a bit but the rest is solid.
I actually think I might own Outer Wilds though. I think it was one of the givaways for watching Xbox's E3 event via Mixer when they used to have the mixpot giveaways.
@NEStalgia I didn't buy P5 for a third time, but i'm guilty of doing it twice, never got round to it yet either. For that completionist, or at least slow, mindset I know it will be 150+ hours which is a hard sell at the best of times. Might have to wait for the worst of times and Covid 2: The Sequel for that /jk
Sekiro has to be soon as I love soulsborne and want to play Elden Ring... but everything in the right order... and they are a serious undertaking, damn I hate my brain sometimes
I really liked The Gunk, agreed it tailed off towards the end, but being short it got away with it unlike...
GoT which was excellent... but then it just went on and on repeating the same thing ad nauseum. After about the 30th fox shrine and 100th random stand off encounter I just got bored, put it down, and never came back. A classic example of less being more. If I go back I might have to try and simply mainline it but that's just not natural for me and know before long i'll get distracted by all the side missions.
At the moment just enjoying shorter, often simpler games, that don't outstay their welcome. While they may not be as polished they have just enough to say to stay interesting. e.g. I also played Scorn over the weekend. While it has it's flaws and definitely isn't for everyone it will stick in my mind for a long long while. Game Pass is simply amazing for this. As Dusk Falls, Tinykin, Somerville and a few others upcoming next.
@themightyant I'm fully expecting that, really, but I may still have to do P5 before then maybe.
I agree with GoT. I mean, it's basically a Ubisoft style game, that's what SP does best, but I agree, I do thing the repetition of really doing the same thing kind of got to me too. I liked the unique side quests like the fox shrines and all, but the random standoffs and such eventually just grind me down, and, it seems best as a stealth game, but stealth games can get tedious even without repetition in them. I WANT to go back and finish it, and yet any time I think of it, I think of the mood and the tedium and put it off again.
That said, I still haven't finished HzD or GoW18 either. HzD it's because I really WANT to play slow, and GoW it's because I was so freaking bored by the second lake trip that I just didn't want to play anymore. The sequel looks to remedy that possibly from things I've seen, so I have to get myself to finish the first before getting to the second. But I know I'll end up finishing Soul Hackers 2 and Star Ocean before ever getting to it!
But my backlog is so huge between things partly started, things never started....P5 ,P5S, then like half the Trails series and Yakuza series, all 100+ hours each....... I haven't even followed most of the small games. Tinykin might have the make the list though. May have to try cult of the lamb too.
@NEStalgia Cult of the lamb, another great shout (Adds to list) add Rollerdrome too.
Can't understand getting bored in GOW2018 but we're all different. Personally I think one of the things that game, and it's sequel, does so well is it's wide-design rather than full open world. There's always a degree of keeping things under control, they never let you get completely get swamped with hundreds of map markers, side quests etc. they dole them out slowly and curate the experience, but also give you the option to mainline it. Once again an example of less being more.
Yes both Horizon & GoT have some ubisoft style elements, but I think they do things a lot better on the whole. I'm completely Ubi-ed out - I haven't played an AC since Origins, despite playing absolutely every game before, similar with Far Cry, and yet H:ZD and even more so H:FW did enough to differentiate themselves from that model. GoT a little less.
Saying all that I do want to finally get round to AC:Odyssey, it's been almost 5 years since my last AC, but again it's a 100+ hour adventure if you play like I do naturally, no stone left unturned, so it will have to wait.
Trails is series along with Tales of... I think may have passed me by. I did play Yakuza 1-3 back in the day on PS3 but haven't played one since. Want to get back into it, but who's got the time...
@mismattia Wasn't that games with gold game? Think shows I own it. But never purchased it.
@themightyant My issues with 2018 are that the wide design isn't quite wide enough, it feels like an on-rails PS2 game. Which I technically don't mind, I actually prefer the old GoW series to 2018 by a fair margin, mixed with bland puzzles that take too much time to search for Waldo, and a severe lack of combat variety. It's basically repeating the same combos, and the annoying shield/healer enemies drag combat out far too long for each battle. The early gameplay video from ragnarok I saw looked a little more like "classic" GoW in that regard, so I'm hoping the sequel is a bit more fun to fight in.
Yeah, I happen to be a general fan of Ubisoft design (though I still have the previous 2.5 AC games in the backlog!) but I've always felt that SP is basically a "better Ubisoft". Horizon is too, but SP has a history of being a "better Ubi" with inFamous too. Though they may have gone a little TOO Ubi with GoT. Horizon definitely does its own thing to a degree. Part of that own thing is that being in the "open" world is really dangerous. As in, not a good idea, and you have to go around the periphery a lot. It's not always meant to just dive into every corner of the world. AC doesn't have robo hunter-killer T-Rexes if you go from Alexandria to Thermopolae via the direct route.
But I 'm in the same place with the series. I really WANT to play through Odyssey and Valhalla....but I always have to choose which 100+ hour game I want to play and so far P5, Trails, Yakuza (OMG I have so much ground to cover in those two) keep winning
At least I feel better that I'm stuck on DIFFERENT time sinks than you. Tales of is a series of decently long but very manageable sized games. I mean I spent like 1.5-2 months on Arise, it was manageable. Same with Vesperia.
But no wonder you have free time for other games, you're not stuck in the Yakuza and Trails series. Yakuza games, if you're doing everything, which means the minigame economy games are required, are easily 100 hours each (I have 120h into 0, and I'm still wrapping up the cabaret game, there's still a lot of actual game left. I have probably 800 more hours of Yakuza to go. And double that for Trails/Legend of Heroes. That series is like what 12 games of 150 hour length? Amazing series for JRPG fans, just amazing, but there are times I want to throw it in easy and just cheese bosses to get it to move on because it is just so long.... But it's a once in a lifetime kind of series, too.
@NEStalgia I think i've bought 8 'Tales of' games and only ever put a few hours in. Thankfully they've mostly been in deep deep sales. Berseria was only £3.19, hard to say no! But should have learned by now it's wishful thinking I will ever get round to them. My PS3 is still under the TV in part due to these games. Probably need to face facts and stash it away!
That said I eventually sold my unopened Game Cube copy of Symphonia for more than I paid for all the others combined, quids in!
Arise needs to be my first proper entry I think.
@themightyant Zesteria and Berseria were kind of a low point for the series. Not that they're bad games at all, actually I need to get back to them myself, they're also only partway played, they're good, but they're just a little flat, especially when compared to how high the high notes of the series hit. Zesteria gets panned, unfairly I think, Berseria is the prequel, that people praise a bit more. Vesperia is just classic. Some pan it, but I think that's more about not being able to get into old-school action JRPGs and the cliche formats. It's a PS2 style game that was an XB exclusive at launch. Personally, I say if you haven't played Vesperia you owe it to yourself. And Arise really matches that high note (but is a lot more modern in game design.) I have so many '00's era JRPGs including their '10's era remasters and remakes, I probably never need to buy another game for the rest of my life....but I still keep doing it...
LOL, lucky for you, Symphonia remastered launches in exactly 8 weeks (including on Xbox though this site would never make you think so ) ....you don't have long to wait to buy it again for deep discounts after cashing in on the sealed copy before it was too late!
I'm still hoping they remake Abyss. That game was really good, very dated now, hard to deal with, but a really good game and story, and it's just crazy that it's trapped on PS2, and the only remaster is on 3DS.... Since they're going through the back catalogue and remaking things hopefully that one comes out in the coming years.
Normally I'm against the modern world of just releasing remasters of old games, but this series is worth it, there's good games and good stories trapped on ancient hardware with incredibly dated gameplay. It'll rarely be a true GOTY contender, or compete with XC or Trails/LoH for combat depth, but for JRPG fans, they're almost always a fun, very memorable game.
After Arise others (except Vesperia) will be a let down, I think, but it's just such a worthwhile game, I can't recommend against it first! Like Gunk it does kind of fall apart in the final act IMO. There's a lot of buildup that just kind of falls on its face, where the last act feels more like post-game content dragged out. It's a monotonous dungeon crawl with mostly big miniboss enemies as the only enemies and only one checkpoint/fast travel mid-dungeon, with some ridiculous OP minibosses at the end to unlock another fast travel at the final boss, and it feels like the main story is already mostly wrapped up. There's no actual post-game, and during this time you can travel to other places and do optional superboss "postgame" type quests before finishing up the actual final dungoeon which just returns you to the save/new game screen when done. And the actual ending is just kind of....there? That's a shame and keeps it from 10/10 maybe, but everything up to that point is so worth it it's forgivable. Just keep in mind MOST of the threads are resolved, if you do all the side content, before you actually go into the "final" dungeon, and your story is basically done at that point, while the final dungeon and boss resolves the "main" thread, just think of that place as the post-game with a few story riffs attached. Tales does tend to do that sometimes.
@NEStalgia You know Vesperia is on my Steam list, since getting a Deck, despite having on PS4 as I think i'm more likely to play it there. Perhaps third time IS the charm. P5R next. lol.
@themightyant LOL!
It's dated, but I just find the story and characters so charming and memorable. And Yuri is one of the best anti-heroes of all time IMO. At least in the anime sphere. His audio is a little weird in the remaster. They added voice lines but for some reason didn't get Troy Baker back, even though he wanted to do it (cost maybe? He was a nobody the first time, that's the game that put him on the map.), so it's weirdly jarring where some lines have a mismatched voice.
3 Personas, like 6 Yakuzas, and who knows how many Trails/LoH games I have pending......I don't even have time to eat with this list!
@NEStalgia I remember reading about that, Baker was as surprised as anyone as he’d never even been offered the role again and was told by a fan this had happened on social media AFTER the game came out. Tried his best to be professional and not throw Bandai Namco under the bus but it was clear he was shocked/disappointed.
It's weird as though his rates will have gone up considerably he still does plenty of smaller work - cartoons, smaller roles etc. - so his rate can’t be ridiculous or he just wouldn’t still get hired for those smaller roles. Just one of those things. A shame.
@themightyant Yeah, I really have no idea what might have happened with that. They got the rest of the cast, and just never even bothered asking him. And it's obvious he'd have done it even on the cheap. I guess they either didn't want to spend the money on a big name, or just assumed the money would be too much without actually checking. So weird, and such a shame, it definitely stands out. I didn't actually know about all that when I played it, and just kept thinking they did a bad job on the recording because it sounded like two totally different recordings between lines. Then found out about the whole actor swap.
Already bought scarlet nexus when it's discounted, so I'm safe 😃
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