Earlier this week, Sony unveiled its own version of Xbox's Adaptive controller - a device built to enable anyone to game comfortably and effectively. While we don't know all of the details on Sony's version — 'Project Leonardo' — just yet, Xbox boss Phil Spencer is already liking what he's seeing.
Microsoft's Head of Gaming has praised the device, welcoming its arrival into the PlayStation ecosystem:
Sony's upcoming device is "built to address common challenges faced by many players with limited motor control, including difficulty holding a controller for long periods, accurately pressing small clusters of buttons or triggers, or positioning thumbs and fingers optimally on a standard controller."
However, the Japanese company is yet to address how compatible its new controller will be across the industry. As Phil himself has pointed out this looks a great addition to the PlayStation ecosystem, but whether the controller will work with as many devices as Xbox's effort does, remains to be seen.
Either way, there's no doubt we all welcome Project Leonardo's announcement and upcoming release - Xbox boss included!
What do you think to Sony's new controller? Let us know your thoughts.
Comments 39
Really wish he would stop praising Sony at every opportunity and concentrate on Xbox. We have been waiting long enough for exclusive games.
Why should it be praised anyway Sony should have made an accessibility controller years ago like Microsoft. Sony didn't offer any praise to Microsoft for it either.
Here we go again, get them a room 😂
This is the only time I think the praise is well deserved. Problem is, we've been seeing praise for Sony at every oportunity so we're kind of tired of it already.
Phil loves Playstation!! He has a Playstation duvet an wallpaper in his bedroom!!! He wants a job there!!! 😂😂😂😂
@Lup agreed, this should be a case of justified praise. And it is a bit sad Sony did not mention MS when they released adaptive controller.
However, it has to be said, MS is really not giving anybody a lot of material to praise lately.
No one should have a problem work this, outside of console fanboy warriors. Sony and Microsoft have both made giant strides with accessibility in their games and hardware, and that means more people get to play videogames.
That’s a great thing for everyone.
A new year, the same old Mr.Faekpencer praising Sony while not delivering on his promises to his consumers.
I see nothing has changed.
Mf'er, let Sony do their thing and post an update on Gamepass already.
Seriously, this guy thinks he works at Sony or something?
Phil works for the wrong console manufacturer. 🤣
This is just basic decency guys, the accessibility controller is good for gamers and gaming. Not sure how you can take it any other way. Some of you seem tied to war.
No one said the praise THIS TIME isn't justified, all we want is for him to focus on his console, his company, his consumers, his mismanaged to hell studios.
"but whether the controller will work with as many devices as Xbox's effort does, remains to be seen"
Probably not. Sony does what's best for PlayStation. That doesn't negate the good work that was put into this, but I am willing to bet it won't be a solution for other platforms.
@Eslam three of the top 4 comments are all negative on a goodwill story.
Perhaps you have them blocked and are seeing something different.
You are right it’s a goodwill and great story.
If Microsoft were delivering on Xbox then it would be fine. The real issue is that Microsoft are not and still quiet on Xbox, whilst the other two are gearing up and telling plans for 2023.
@GamingFan4Lyf It's not really a direct competitor to the Xbox adaptive controller, that can already be used on a PS5 with a third party adapter.
What it does offer is an alternative for people with DIFFERENT needs, especially many who struggle to use a joypad but maybe don't need something entirely bespoke either. I can see this being very useful for a lot of people with RSI or other less extreme impairments and disabilities who can't use a standard controller for long periods.
Yet it also has 4 / 8 (as a pair) outputs to 3.5mm attachments just like Xbox to allow for custom inputs for more bespoke solutions.
It's good to have the option for both. Hopefully there will also be a way to make this work with Xbox, PC etc. and make Xbox's offering easier to use on PS.
@Dezzy70 Yes I want Xbox to be doing better but that doesn't mean I can't take a great story like this separately.
But are Xbox silent about 2023? We've just heard Redfall is targeting May, reconfirmed Starfield for first half of the year. We know Persona 3, 4, Monster Hunter Rise are all coming in the next few weeks. I'm optimistic 2023 is going to be pretty good here for Team Green
@themightyant I am not knocking the device at all. Glad Sony did it! I am just simply saying "don't hold your breath" if you expect it to be used outside of PlayStation - that's what I meant regarding "versatility".
I guess I should make that more clear in my comment.
@GamingFan4Lyf Out the box probably not, just like Xbox's effort which only works on Microsoft's platforms (Xbox and PC), but i'd imagine it is possible with a third party adapter just the same.
Ideally both companies would work together to make them both work better out the box. One area where it truly would be better together.
Phil Spencer favourite Xbox exclusive is Praising PlayStation.
In all seriousness, It's nice to know they're making controllers more accessible.
I’m right behind you I really hope it is.
But those are sort of rumours about Redfall and Starfield. Not from Xbox.
Say like BOTW2 release date and PSVR2 just as examples.
Yes GP is looking good at the start of this year
Especially if atomic heart and Wo Long are very good games.
Why does this even need to be an article? It seems Phil Spencer farts and PureXbox feels it’s news worthy. More and more this website is just turning into Actiblizz non stories or “Look what Phil said today” and all it does is rile up the toxic fanboys. We come here for actual Xbox news, not for what Sony is releasing and how it’s affected Phil’s life. Jesus
@GeeEssEff 😂😂😂😂
Phil loves Playstation, ya can’t blame him!! It has the best games!! 😂😂😂😂
Another Phil/Playstation article. Pathetic.
@Dezzy70 I wouldn’t mind him congratulating the competition all the time…. If he was doing his job and actually providing competition in the other direction with first party games.
It’s become a meme at this point and that’s sad 🤣
Trouble is the business nitwits at Xbox have cornered themselves now.
With the Activision deal. The second they move with a big AAA game, the anti deal gang will swoop and use it against them.
Now some may blame the anti deal gang, but if Microsoft didn’t have the business foresight to see all this coming about the deal then they don’t deserve to be in the business.
He praises everything he sees he is an easy man to impress. I don't think it is news anymore.
@themightyant You know that Xbox is hitting a new level of success when the fandom starts emulating Nintendo's fandom and spends more time attacking their own brand than the competitors, lol
There’s nobody here saying that Phil shouldn’t praise Sony or any other company for that matter that releases a device to help people with a disability to play games. The problem is that we have an article about Phil praising Sony near enough every month and theres no reason for him to do so at every chance he gets. Pure Xbox should create a live updates article on his praises to Sony to reduce how many they need to post.
@GamingFan4Lyf Sony has made efforts in the past to make their controllers work on PC so this will likely also work on PC one way or another. Even if Sony does not incorporate it directly, maybe Steam will.
@Techno92LFC "There’s nobody here saying that Phil shouldn’t praise Sony ... theres no reason for him to do so at every chance he gets."
This sounds terribly contradictory. And for the record: the industry needs more of this, not less.
It's time for Phil's replacement.
@GamingFan4Lyf well the dualshock / dualsense is compatible with pc / android & IOS devices can use them on my switch aswell with an 8bitdo adapter so I don't see why this would be different
@Tharsman He can praise Sony as much as he wants but it’s my opinion that he does not have to do so at every chance he gets. They’re still direct competitors so doesn’t make much sense to me.
@Techno92LFC this industry is angry and hateful enough as it is. The more these guys are nice to each other, the better IMO.
We need more moments like this one in this industry. The player base is already too hateful against each other over choices of stupid pieces of plastic. Let people be nice to each other.
Relax, people. He takes 30 seconds to make a tweet commending PlayStation about something every now and then. That doesn't mean he's not focusing on Xbox.
It's crazy how many people expect the public figures to play their dumb and petty console war games.
Phil Spencer: sends a tweet
The Internet: "why can't you just do your job this is why we everything is delayed".
I would like to say how refreshing it is to have a Phil taking the time to highlight and promote a positive attitude towards great games, accessibility and gaming in general regardless of the platform. Some folk just love console wars and it really irks them that the chief is not leading the line.
@GamingFan4Lyf the Xbox one can’t be used outside Xbox!! Without a 3rd party adapter. This will be the same.
Providing tools for people with disabilities to enjoy games is great. This is beyond console wars. Phil seing the bigger picture here
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