Xbox Series X|S Passes 20 Million Sales According To Latest Estimates

Microsoft rarely chooses to share information about hardware sales these days, but according to the latest estimates from the folks at VGChartz, it looks like sales of the Xbox Series X and Series S might have passed the 20 million mark.

The outlet is reporting that the two consoles have globally sold an estimated 20.26 million units combined so far, with PlayStation 5 slightly ahead at 28.26 million units, and Switch leading the pack with a massive 118.20 million units.

If these figures are correct (or at least somewhat correct), the Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S appear to have now sold around 2/5 as many units as the Xbox One did throughout its entire lifespan, which sounds pretty good to us — especially considering the stock shortages that have plagued the current-gen consoles since they first went on sale.

It'll be interesting to see how the 2022 sales of the Series X|S will fare in the UK specifically, as the two consoles have been discounted on various occasions, and it's been suggested that they could outsell the PS5 and Switch this year.

What do you make of this? Let us know your thoughts down in the comments section below.
