HBO's 'The Last of Us' TV show is proving incredibly popular right now, as PlayStation brings its exclusive post-apocalyptic game series to the TV network. While we can't play the games themselves on Xbox, we can of course watch the show there, and Microsoft & HBO seem to be taking advantage of that fact.
Adverts for The Last of Us have begun appearing on the Xbox dashboard to coincide with the show's recent arrival. We know that these ads are purely for a platform-agnostic TV series, but still, it's just odd to see The Last Of Us on Xbox to be honest - in any fashion!
We have to admit, Naughty Dog's game series is probably the top PlayStation franchise we'd love to be able to play on Xbox. Oh well, the TV show will have to do!
Having said that, if you play on PC as well as Xbox, the series is about to make its debut on the PC platform. The Last of Us Part 1 is heading to PC storefronts, including Steam, on March 3rd.
Have you seen this dashboard ad yet? Tempted to watch the show? Let us know.
Comments 42
Great show, but yeah, a little weird!
As for the above comment PlayStation home screen doesn't have adds? I've not seen Halo on it, but it would be no big deal if we did. As you say, adds are just adds
good, tlou show on xbox is a welcome free ad from microsoft for playstation
@Kaloudz Yes, probably. If Sony didn't pay to keep them off there. lol.
But ads aren't so prominent. PS4 and PS5 have Media in a separate tab, they don't have any ads on the homepage.
@mrpunisher It's not a free ad from MS, it's a paid ad from HBO.
Big Phil probably demanded it. Rumour has it Playstation logos are gonna be added to the Xbox home screen with a love heart. 😂😂😂😂
@Kaloudz playstation doesn't have ads on the home screen.
@Kaloudz well no cause ps doesn't have ads on the home screen
funny as it is, people shouldnt really be using console to stream
Well, in all honesty, it is a damn good show everybody should watch.
It might make few people think about getting PS5, but hey.. what can you do. Phil plays his best games there too 🤣
Very good first episode
@uptownsoul LOL
To be fair it COULD be a deal with Sony not HBO, just less likely
@stvevan Why shouldn't people use consoles to stream? Multimedia functionality has been standard functionality on consoles for 3 generations now ("It only does everything", "TV TV TV SPORTS TV", through present.)
Not to mention streaming games via cloud is a key function of Xbox as well.
Rubbing that salt in the wound. 😂
"Hey guys, remember how bad Halo was? Here's something actually good."
TLoU shows how good a TV adaptation can be when it actually, you know, actually the games.
@stvevan My consoles are the ONLY thing I use to stream. I don't allow any devices that aren't consoles, PCs, or phones, or our VR headsets on my network. TVs are only allowed to connect intermittently for feature updates
@InterceptorAlpha I thought TLoU shows how easy a TV adaptation can be when the game itself is already a TV show with a complete script and principal photography and scene direction in hand?
I like to think of TLoU TV show as less of a TV adaption of a video game and more of a "director's cut" with real-time lighting and improved character models.
@NEStalgia because most tvs are smart tvs, running an extra device to watch tv is inefficient and more costly in times of ever increasing prices. (of course if it is your only way thats different)
@stvevan Ah, I get it, fair point. Yeah, my TV is from 2006 Though I do have a Roku on it for streaming. But more times than not I watch on my gaming monitor than firing up the rear projection monster (I want that thing to last the rest of my life, lol, and the color wheel motor goes on the fritz at times.) I do use my XSX for streaming on the monitors there really due to the number of inputs etc, that's what's hooked up.
Edit: Though 90% of the time I'm playing on my consoles, so streaming video on the XSX is lower cost than usual
@NEStalgia Even if they just did live action of the Halo cinematic and segued between them, regardless of how bad they did it, would have been better than the dumpster fire that was Paramount's Halo. Something even less watchable than Eragon.
I personally felt they should have started Season 1 with the assault on the PoA. Then after the bumblebee crash, Chief gets knocked out, and the rest of season 1beibg Fall of Reach.
Instead they wrote characters that were not even remotely similar to what we know. While TLoU keeps them similar if not nearly identical.
At the end of the day the show runners for Halo weren't fans. Those for TLoU were. And the results show.
Everyone should own both consoles! I really feel sorry for absolute fanboys who miss games like The Last of Us. The PS5 version is mind blowing! Playstation fanboys are the same. Why not play everything!!???
@InterceptorAlpha The Halo Show is like the original Super Mario Bros movie. It's like they shopped it out to someone who had no idea what a halo even is that just wanted to make their own Star Wars clone thing, and this gave them a budget to do it. It's just bizarre. Except the Mario movie was so bizarre that it was so bad that it became good. This is just genericly bad.
Still, Halo was always lose on the script. The 343 scripts are worthless and the Bungie scripts are....terse. The novels really had most of the story. A Naughty Dog game is LITERALLY just a movie that you (kind of) play, I mean that's their selling point. So there's no way anyone really could mess that up because they pretty much just remaking an existing film into a TV show.
Well, ok, they'll have a hard time with Season 2 because then they just have to kill off the cast and then spend the rest of the season showing reruns of the Halo show.
Incredibly overrated game. Not sure about the show.
@UltimateOtaku91 which i really like that PS has no adds on the Home screen and makes a $2 trillion dollar company look even worse for having as many add’s as it has. I won’t lie and say i love the PS5 Ui, tho it’s growing on me and truthfully it’s less bloated than MS’s at the current moment. I have both the Series X and PS5 and lately, some of the things at first i didn’t care about on my PS5, have since not seem to bother me as bad and i am close to starting to buy 3rd party games on PS again. That is something I haven’t done since early PS3 days.
@jordan1992 i agree 100%, while Xbox has been my main platform for 99% of my 3rd party games since 360, i have bought a PS3-PS5 to play Sony exclusives. I got the Last of us Part 1 on PS5 for $50, and while $40 would have been the sweet spot, once i started playing it again and looking at the showcase it is, mind you i have a 65 inch LG oled C1 tv for my PS5 single player games, so the level of detail of that game made me not even care if i had bought it full price. GOWR same thing, i just couldn’t miss that. Truth told i have played a lot of my PS5 in 2022, more than I expected and starting to really like it more and more, even to the point of maybe buying 3rd party games on PS again. Which would be insane seeing as PS3, PS4 and PS5 have all been used 100% for Sony first party. Owning all 3 or at least two is just a requirement if you are really a gamer and passionate about the industry. Otherwise, they are missing out on just to much to fully appreciate the gaming industry in my opinion.
@Green-Bandit I prefer a simple and less bloated UI, but that's mainly because I only use my consoles for gaming. When I boot up my console all I want to see are my games and last played etc, same for the switch as well has a very simplistic UI and everyone likes it.
Its strange to me that xbox need these ads considering the wealth they have, you are already spending £450 for the series X, plus extra accessories, physical games and subscriptions costing you hundreds more possibly thousands depending on the gamer, so the last thing you want to see on the premium device you've bought is adverts as soon as it loads the home screen.
Imagine the uproar if there was adverts on your mobile phone home menu, or your PC desktop home screen.
@jordan1992 I can think of three reasons why people don't get both consoles.
1, Money - some people can't afford both consoles, especially those on benefits or low income, even more so with the current recession in certain counties.
2, Pride - some people are just pure fan boys towards one console, mainly because of sticking with brand loyalty to the first console they ever had and liked.
3, Nationalism - believe or not there are those who don't like products from other countries other than their own, they believe the products made from companies from their country are the superior version.
@UltimateOtaku91 The PC desktop start menu has ads for Xbox and Game Pass, though..... lol
But yeah, I died inside when the X360 update came out that added ads. That's one thing I really thought they'd have got rid of by now. I don't mind ads for gaming things, digital sales, even Game Pass, as it's all part of the gaming product. But when I see food and entertainment and.....Old Spice........I die a little more each time Now we get PlayStation ads basically!
Although I abhor the PS5 UI only slightly less. It forces social media garbage on me every time I resume a game and broke how the power menu works. Not cool.
For your 3rd reason, that could only apply to Chinese consumers considering all the consoles are made in China.
@UltimateOtaku91 i mean you are spot on buddy. I agree 100%, it’s insane to have all those add’s and throw in the fact they block the wallpapers users are trying to use and see. Love the Switch Ui and am starting to appreciate the PS5 Ui more and more the more i use it. MS is reworking the Home Ui in 2023, and so far what has been shown from the insider program is awful and not much different. I am like you, i only turn on my Switch, PS5 and Series X to play games. I have Apple TV for all other things non gaming. So it’s the Series X that is far and away bloated compare to the other 2 consoles. If i really wanted to be picky i could include that PS5 Ui is 4K HDR and Xbox is only 4K. But at this point, i will just stick to bloat, add’s and a outdated menu system that makes you deep drive to get to options. It is insane how much work really needs to be done on Series consoles, and for those out there that say they don’t care about UI’s, they simply turn the console on and play games. Thats fair, I appreciate that. But others such as myself care a lot about the Ui and how it appears and performs. There is a reason outside of being a Apple household that i use the Apple TV on my 3 TV’s in the house and it isn’t cause it’s cheaper than chrome cast, its the clean Ui, simplicity of use, integration of use with my Phone, watch, speakers, ipad, mac and others. MS is lazy to think these things don’t matter to customers, and laughably they are a software company they claim. Yet lacking in that area and exceeding in the hardware.
@NEStalgia I despise most of PC, have to use one for work, cause i am in finance. But use Apple products at home exclusively. Xbox is the only thing i use and mostly like from Microsoft. I have Xbox stuff on my work laptop and we can’t even use it, as the agency shut’s all that off at the I.T level. I agree the old spice and McDonald’s add’s on my Xbox are a huge turn off. I used to not care for Sony UI’s much, but as of now, I think it is better in some ways compared to the Series consoles. If MS wants to GP and add to death in the store, so be it i suppose, but not on the Home Screen and with backgrounds being covered. That is just ugly and greedy.
It was good adaption Cuz let's be real even the game have more cinematic scenes than gameplay.
I played the games+dlc but the episode was so boring, the episode was so slow and the Closeup camera angle was too much like watching someone talking to NPC in fallout.
I know some players didn't loved Halo but I love it because they did something else in the same universe and for me it was nice to see this world form another angle.
Also the first person scenes were great.
@Green-Bandit I like windows well enough. Mac is bsd under the hood so I can't dislike it too much, but the proprietary, limited, child proof covered everything drives me crazy. I need control of the innards and apple wants me to be just a user. I'm not just a user. Don't treat me like a user. When I play games I just want to be a user, which is why I dropped pc and went Xbox, but if I'm computing... Apple feels like a padded cell for the "special" children
But I find it hysterical when I'm seeing a server for a major fortune 500 running windows enterprise in a highly secure environment, hit start and an Xbox icon, game pass, Halo, sea of thieves, and candy crush, and that was before ms was going to buy it, lol..... Imagine piloting a jumbo jet and the glass cockpit has little ads for animal crossing and star fox.... It's just bizarre
I don't hate the PS5 ui but I don't like it either. The Xbox ui is perfect as long as you never use the home screen... Home is useless and annoying but it doesn't matter because the whole ui is on guide, home doesn't need to exist at all. PS5 on the other hand tried to do that too but their version of guide sucks, is missing half the features (like settings, store, and games) and pushes social media on you. But they have an ok home screen so people give it a pass .
.....a home screen you have to long press to access and instead of getting a power menu get that...... 😡
Tbh I think xb should get rid of home entirely. It's a better ui without cluttering that useless home page.
And ps needs to get their guide to a useful state and fix the long press action.
@Lup Agreed.
@NEStalgia I’ll address apple vs PC first. You are not wrong in saying or feeling like a user on apple. But may i say that is mostly what i enjoy about it. Apple has taken the user and turned it into user experience for me. It has no care in being customizable to the level of PC, but more a fleshed out user experience and performance that is industry leading. Battery life, better screens, smashes PC in performance, load times, read and write speeds, i could go on and on, but the user experience is stream lined and normally precision grade, that when i get on a PC, i feel like the best thing it’s good at is not being Apple. MacBook Pro has dang near no competition and it does it on using half the wattage. Sure there is pro’s and con’s and certain things Windows does well, but it comes at a cost, and normally that is performance and user experience, throw in the fact windows 11 is looking like MacOS more than most users want to admit and it’s pretty clear MS knows windows is far to abstract than streamlined. In closing if you don’t like one vs the other, nothing mentioned changes that and OS’s and Ui are subjective to different needs. But i couldn’t live without my mac, windows pay’s my bills.
Xbox Ui is again a cluttered mess that takes learning, obviously that we both have, so it comes natural. Out of the box new users would learn and just know where to go on Sony’s Ui vs Xbox’s. Now don’t get me wrong, there are things about Xbox’s Ui i greatly miss on PS5, hence i still give the slight and i mean slight edge to the xbox Ui over PS5, with the Home Screen going to the PS5. It’s simply cleaner and more, dare i say gamer focused to me on PS5.
Sony is missing some refinements that would honestly but them over the top of Xbox is 4 out of every 5 categories across the board. Tho without off set sticks on their controller, not sure i could get passed that one, for my play style and games selection. I really hope MS get’s on the ball with the software of the Xbox, the hardware is outstanding to me, but for a software company, it’s the games and Ui lacking, and that is concerning to me. Steve Jobs once said, Microsoft has no culture and can’t buy it. That always stuck with me, as i don’t feel the same way towards Microsoft products due to a lack of direction and passion, and refinement of other brands. Without Gears of war and off set sticks, i am not even sure i am on this chat forum right now a Xbox owner and enthusiast. But after a long time of painful years, i spend most of my gaming hours on Xbox, due to Sony making some of the worst controllers my hands have had the pleasure of pain holding onto to play their AAA classics. I am sounding a bit negative tonight and i am sorry for that, i just think the lack of games and jaw dropping experiences on Series X has me down on the brand, i truly wish Xbox the biggest and brightest future as it has been my platform of choice for so long, i just know a 2 trillion dollar company could bring me more smiles than complaints.
@Lup tell me you never played TLOU without telling me ya never played TLOU. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️
@jordan1992 I feel incredibly sorry for anyone who plays the TLOU, then plays that dumpster fire TLOU2, what a let down they'll have..
@UltimateOtaku91 You forgot time, most people do not have the time to have multiple game consoles.
@jordan1992 Ah yes, of course. A different opinion can only mean that.
Fanboy much?
@NEStalgia Nobody should be using a console for streaming. Not anyone that cares about picture quality.
Only a dedicated streamer of your TV's built-in apps (with the exception of Sony) will deliver content in the correct frame rates. Via a console it's a choppy mismatched affair.
@Woogy Not every TV will have apps that stream all services, and of course, and of course not all TVs are "smart" tvs. Like I said above, my TV's from 2006 and I expect to keep it another 15 years! I do also have a front projector that will also never have "apps" in it. And my monitors I use for gaming and decent video play time also are monitors, and don't have apps.
I'd hope they don't discontinue streaming apps in consoles for a long while due to a falloff from smart TV app use, because it'll be a while before everyone has "smart" TVs, and in some cases, like my setup, my gaming screens are monitors, which of course will never have apps in them, they depend on the computer/console attached.
Plus I think there's a tendency in gaming circles to assume all TVs are $1500+ flagship TVs even if they're new. The average person picking up a TV at Walmart, I would not expect the streaming built in is in any way optimized like you suggest any more than a console's and often likely worse.
@Banjo- @Lup Agree with both of you, guys.
@S1ayeR74 yes, people like you is who i’m talkin about. 🤦♂️🤦♂️🤦♂️😂😂😂
@Lup @Lup @Lup not really a fanboy, i enjoy good games. I care not who makes them. To say TLOU is overhyped is wrong tho. You fon’t like it, that’s fine. But it smashed all records and sold over 34 million copies. Not likin it doesn’t make it a bad game or overhyped.
rated or valued too highly.
"an overrated player"
It needs to have general acceptance to be overrated, so of course it sold well.
The Twilight movie saga is in the top 20 of highest-grossing film franchises of all time. Are they good? Most people will tell you that they aren't. Still made a lot of money, so you can see that units/tickets sold not always equal quality.
Having said that, let me tell you I never said The Last of Us was a bad game. Incredibly overrated, yes, but not bad.
I could also say, in your own words "you liking it doesn't make it a good game" but I'm not trying to be a d#ck.
@Lup but you would have to assume 34 million sales, record breaking awards, word of mouth from 98% of gamers tells ya it lives up to the hype which it does. If it were an Xbox exclusive would ya say the same? I think not.
@themightyant my ps4 and ps5 have had ads numerous times. Granted not as much as xbox and usually playstation ecosystem centric but they are indeed there.
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