Comments 162

Re: PSA: Don't Forget, There Are Ways To Save Money On Xbox Game Pass


And just One day later Microsoft has announced you’ll no longer be able to use Microsoft points to purchase Game Pass Ultimate.

Must have seen this article and had a panic attack lol.

Seriously Microsoft, enough with the middle finger at your fans, I know we were stupid to believe in Xbox in the first place but c’mon!

Re: Xbox Is Shutting Four Studios, Including Arkane Austin And Tango Gameworks


Microsoft, it seems, could not let Sony hog all the negative PR this week with Helldivers…

And so we get this today.

The death of Tango Works - I’m in utter disbelief. What a fine reward for making Microsoft one its most highly rated, highly respected games in some time. What a waste of a corporate purchase, what a waste of a much needed Japanese studio.

It’s really been nothing but disappointment after disappointment for near two years solid from Xbox. Really poured all the good vibes they had in 20/21 down the drain. Very disappointing Generation indeed. In a weird place now, I’m still a big fan of my series X, but can’t say I’m really an Xbox fan anymore.

My heartfelt sympathy goes out to all those people who had their jobs and livelihoods removed by Microsoft today. I truly hope they can find new opportunities quickly.

Re: Microsoft Rep Issues Statement In Response To MS Rewards Concerns


I agree utterly with your end conclusions Pure Xbox, as in I would have definitely appreciated Microsoft just being honest in saying people were earning too many points for it to remain sustainable or something along those lines.

Instead we get continued secrecy about their intended real plans and one very generic statement about feedback, user satisfaction and excitement for programs future. Well I’m sorry, how on Earth can Microsoft be excited for the programs future when they have spent the last year slashing it to the bone? Also as InterceptorAlpha points out, the cost of rewards has gone up and up over time too.

Yes it may have been too generous once, but it also put Microsoft head and shoulders over any rivals reward schemes. Now however it’s not swinging to the middle ground but to the complete opposite side - tightfisted, stingy. They are seemingly killing the rewards program bit by bit yet they want us to believe they are excited for its future? yeah, great joke Microsoft, I really needed the laugh.

Re: Talking Point: Remember When 'Project Milo' Was The Next Big Thing For Xbox?


It promised so much, but sadly the motion controls turned out very hit and miss most of the time. To me it was a needless addition to the 360, up there with the 32x on the mega drive.
I also tend to recall the Kinects arrival heralded a drop off in good Xbox exclusives at the tail end of the 360 gen. While PlayStation began smashing it with the Last of Us and Uncharted sequels, we got crap like Fable the Journey and other shovelware that, as I said, barely functioned at times with that damn sensor.

On very petty personal note, I hated that purple ‘better with kinetic’ banner slapped on so many of my late gen 360 game covers!

Yeah.. was not a fan.

Re: These Are The Top-Selling Games In The Xbox Black Friday Sale 2023



Indeed, and that’s what I was trying to point out in my earlier post. In 2013 so many people hated on Xbox and Microsoft for focusing so heavy on Call of Duty and sports games during the Xbox One reveal.

Yet here we are 10 years later in 2023, and what is dominating the above top 20 chart? That’s right, COD and sports games! Hence Microsoft knew its audience even if others wanted to hate on them for it.

Look how PlayStation fought tooth and nail to stop Microsoft making COD Xbox exclusive. People can hate all they want but COD really does remain one hell of an enduring and popular franchise, that actually does have some really great campaigns, even if some are on the shorter side.

Re: Team Green Reflects On 22 Years Since The Birth Of Xbox



Now that you mention it, I can not recall the last time I saw any Xbox advertisement in my area (Glasgow), be it TV or even posters and billboards in the city. Nintendo ads are always on TV and PlayStation has had massive billboards for exclusives - heck there was a huge Kratos and son looming over Glasgow Central Station last year when GoW Ragnarok was being released.

Xbox needs to step it up.

Re: Talking Point: Overall, How Successful Has 2023 Been For Xbox?


Hi-Fi rush was an amazing 1st party title this year.

But as for the rest…

Starfield was ok but not the addictive and wondrous game I thought it would be.
Forza is a gutted barebones shameful release that lasted only fives days on my hard drive before I deleted it.
RedFall… disaster.

I give Xbox a C, and only because of the amazing third party lineup this year and Hi-Fi rush.

Where is the quality control at Xbox? Should I begin to fear for Avowed, Fable and the next big 1st party releases all being a bit Meh, a bit average or outright ‘Redfalls’?

Re: Poll: Which Has Been The Best Generation Of Xbox So Far?


Never have enjoyed gaming as much as I did in the 360 era. Fable 2, Bioshock, Halo 3 and Assassins Creed 2 were my first games and gosh what a great first experience with Xbox with these games. Fable 2 especially was a favourite that gave me a lot of joy during an otherwise horrible point in my life.

So yeah, 360 gen gets my vote! 🙂

Re: Poll: Will You Stay Subscribed To Xbox Game Pass After The Price Hike?


For now… Yes all the way! Stacked to 2026!

As for after this, well who the heck knows what game pass will look like then. I’ll judge it on if all the first party stuff to come is actually good, if the pass is not majority stuffed with poor to average ‘filler’ titles by then and also see if the price rises further.

And I’m not thinking too far ahead, I remember being on this site in 2020 predicting the pass would be filled with tons of first party by mid ‘2022’, and here we are in mid 2023 still waiting for starfield. I was too optimistic then, not anymore.

Also time really does fly!