We officially know about Microsoft's plans for Indiana Jones and the Great Circle, with Xbox bringing the game's launch date details to Gamescom Opening Night Live. The upcoming Indiana Jones adventure hits Xbox and PC on December 9th, and yes, a PS5 version has been confirmed as well.
That PS5 port then lands in Spring 2025 - although Xbox hasn't given us an official date for the PlayStation launch beyond that window. It's a small gap though, with PS fans only having to wait a few months to go hands-on with MachineGames' new title.
Still, here on Xbox we are of course getting the game day one on Game Pass, and despite the controversial PS5 news, we're incredibly excited for the new title. In fact, we just got done watching a preview from the development team - we'll drop our thoughts on all of that down below.
What do you make of this, PS5 news included? Whip your thoughts into shape down in the comments.
Comments 85
I'm in total shock they announced the PS5 release simultaneously.
For the love of all that is good in this world, stop perpetuating timed exclusivity
I personally think it’s a good thing. Having games removed from another platform due to timed exclusives, exclusivity deals and buying up entire publishers is not good for anyone. The more people play games, the better!
Horrible move on MS' part. Why not try to lock in Wolverine or Spider-Man if you're going to allow your games on competing platforms?
Xbox could not give its remaining fans just one win could they lmao 😂 just had to give PlayStation fans the news as soon as possible.
Xbox finally got into a position where they will be able to release exclusives on a constant basis ...and it's like some mong from higher up who is clueless when it comes to gaming decided to take the reigns and say yeah now we are in a position to compete on the exclusive front after years trying to get here .. all our games our going to playstation.......I own both consoles and prefer Xbox but seems pretty pointless to get any future xbox consoles
Doom and gloom comments on 3...2...1...
@IronMan30 not how it works bud
Just afraid those few months will be used to optimize the game and it will actually be better on PS5 leaving the XBOX version to be the inferior version to be patched to somewhat make it comparable later.
@IronMan30 Is how Microsoft rolls apparently, give competing platforms everything and receive nothing in return! I still laugh at the historic Microsoft and Nintendo partnership where they get absolutely nothing 🤦
More consoles means more people get to enjoy games and Microsoft gets paid so win/win
Will be strange if the we get a PS5 Pro and the optimum way to play is on PS5 Pro in the spring 2025 4K 60fps etc.
@Tecinthehead Microsoft aren’t getting nothing though, they’re going to make more money than Sony with this strategy.
Do I agree with it? Nah, I think they’re slowly killing off the Xbox brand but at least I’ll only have to buy one console next gen.
Also if I was a PlayStation only guy, I wouldn’t be cheering just yet, once they see how much money there is to be made ditching exclusivity, they’ll follow.
I Totally get you they are almost making getting an Xbox console a little pointless.
I only play big quality new AAA games, so if those once Xbox console exclusives are coming to PS5 there is little point me having my series x and GPU once it runs out March 2025.
I can just pick up the odd worth it Xbox studio game up on the PS5 or PS5 Pro for the best experience.
"It's 4 games. Not Starfield, Not Indiana Jones. Oh wait, yes, yes it is. "
Welcome to Pure Ex-Box.
I totally agree I don’t like I liked Xbox with the most powerful console and exclusives.
But unfortunately we are where we are.
Xbox may as well give up. Indy will now release on PS5 Pro. Xbox has just thrown in the towel but will still make mega money. Looks like Microsoft gaming is the future.
Honestly am more upset about Towerborne going F2P than I am about this going to PS5.
Yep especially if we get a PS5 PRO, then that will probably be the ultimate way to play the game.
And also with all bugs fixed.
Perhaps the Xbox console is becoming part of quality control, for the later PS5 version to be released with no bugs.
And yet, I still prefer playing on Xbox. I don’t give a stuff that Indy is heading to PS5, in fact I think it’s great for the devs that more people get to play their game.
I’m a gamer that loves playing games, and if there is indeed an Xbox, next-gen, I’ll almost certainly buy it, cos that’s how I prefer to game.
Trying it on Game Pass Day One but DEFINITELY would buy it only on PS5.
Tbh I don’t think I’ll ever straight up buy games on Xbox anymore, doesn’t make sense to invest in a platform not even its parent company believes in.
By the next gen it could reasonably be the last console for both companies at this rate. MS is just killing the Xbox brand quicker for profit. Don't be under any illusion that Sony will do the same when the time and money is right.
So when all those leakers were saying Xbox games going to PS5 announcements it wasn't Forza or Gears or anything it was Indy. So, wrong. Unless there's other upcoming news we don't know about in the pipeline.
@Fenbops Playstation already saw how much money there is to be made by ditching exclusivity and are now going to PC and Nintendo. They won't bother going to Xbox, while Xbox kills off its own market, why would Sony spend money porting to a console that's actively killing itself?
The reason PS fans shouldn't rejoice though is once XB is irrelevant in the US and Sony rules the market, they will make owning a PS a miserable experience too. PS not FULLY sucking is dependent on XB surviving.
The end of exclusives is great. If you're a PC gamer. Soooooo glad I started making the move back after the last round of doom and gloom.
When do the new Gamepass ‘tiers’ kick in? Will this be on the top tier only, then release on the standard tier when it comes out on PS5? Is this how Microsoft gaming are going to operate going forward I wonder.
Not a bad move release on Xbox first and then PS5 at a later date. End of the day most 1st party games should release first on Xbox.
Whilst I understand what you are getting at, @TrevorP86, herein lies the problem; next generation, at the point in deciding which of the two consoles you're going to buy, which one has the most games? It'll be PlayStation as they will have all their own exclusives, and all the Xbox games (either with, or without a period of exclusivity).
You then get the but it's on Game Pass crowd chime in, and that is true, but then you have to factor in the cost. If the next consoles are $600/£600, then is it more cost effective to buy an Xbox, and pay for Game Pass Ultimate on top of that, or is it better to buy a PS6, and get all their exclusives, and buy those Xbox games you are interested in as they release on the PlayStation? It all depends on just how many big games you are going to play on the Game Pass, and also how interested in those games that can only be played on the PlayStation.
Some of us buy both consoles, so that would cost $1200/£1200, that really does then beg the question of whether it is actually worth getting an Xbox and GPU too, as well as a PS6 when I could just buy a PS6 and play those same games that release on the Xbox, plus the PlayStation exclusives too. Personally, I do buy both consoles on release, and I'm sat here thinking that I probably won't get an Xbox next time round, and will instead have the PlayStation as my main console (the Xbox is my main console at present, indeed I haven't turned by PS5 on for months now).
So, if enough people think like I do, and decided to abandon Xbox next time round, then Game Pass numbers will suffer too because owning an Xbox and having Game Pass usually go hand in hand. If enough people cease subscribing to Game Pass, then that service will become unviable, and potentially could cease altogether because we have already see Microsoft putting their boot down following the ABK acquisition, and so I really cannot see them wanting to prop up a failing subscription service (if that is what happens). The process of demise of Game Pass may take a couple of years, but it is a genuine prospect. Microsoft will go where money is, and if that is fully third-party and no subscription then so be it.
So, yes, more people get to play Indiana, and that is good for Microsoft. However, I don't think it will be good for Xbox. This is just another self-inflicted wound as Microsoft kills off Xbox by means of a thousand cuts...
I actually have wanted for a while including Sony, Xbox and Nintendo.
Just one console all games, end of.
But that is a big dream for the future, probably when I’m dead and gone, especially including Nintendo.
@Fenbops I think people forget even Sony answers to its shareholders. If that is deemed the way to make money then it will happen. But Xbox has really screwed itself. Weirdly though I feel better about the official announcement than I do all the “insiders” spreading the news themselves.
It’s all such a shame and it’s not going to lead anywhere good for the industry in my opinion. Despite the media trying desperately to tell me it is.
@NEStalgia Sony will even be able to dictate the dev payout ratio so they can increase their own cut; which would impact Microsoft as a third party publisher.
And don’t forget @everyone that this will be the end of sites like PureXbox.
@NEStalgia you are correct, it does make less sense for them to release on Xbox. I still wouldn’t rule it out entirely just yet though and I think we’ll see release times fall between PS5 and their ports on PC and Nintendo. Interesting times ahead.
You have a massive point with Gamepass, especially as over 50% of GP subs are on Xbox consoles.
So if they turn people off buying an Xbox console then GP subs will get lower in the end to the point of GP not being viable.
I mean it is not like GP is doing well on all the other millions of device out there.
@Fiendish-Beaver It seems like they are about to get Indiana Jones and Doom The Dark Ages very close together. Which is around £120 for 2 games. But I genuinely think they will pay it rather than getting Gamepass.
@GADG3Tx87 This time last year you and nobody had any idea Xbox bought a load of PS4/PS5 dev kits and was already months into porting 4 games to PlayStation and Switch consoles, that then launched in early 2024.
Of course there are more games in development RIGHT NOW, slimey Phil said it right there with the slimey IGN staff member in that slimey question controlled interview right after the showcase where he said "More games are going to other platforms."
Even before this was said, we knew it was happening. The floodgates opened officially in early Feb 2024 after the "business update".
Do you think if Forza Horizon 5 will be announced for other platforms tomorrow, that it will take 8 months to come out or will it be out in less than 8 weeks like those 4 other games? Time to accept that this is the current state of Xbox right now. As everyone said in Feb, now you have to wonder when anything is announced where it is actually going to be releasing.
Turns out, Indy may as well have been announced for PS5 way way WAY back in January 2021, back when it was announced.
Because by the time it finally got a day and date release date, the PS5 version was announced then anyway. They could have just did it at the showcase 2 months ago but we all know now why they didn't. Because it would have TOOK AWAY from that Xbox showcase......... nobody is going to admit this.
@OldGamer999 Gaming will be dead then too. Consolidation is NEVER the answer. Not only is competition a good thing but studios, game engines, genres, hardware advantages/uniqueness breeds competition too.
@NEStalgia Ex-Box. That’s cold.
Lol playstation fans having to wait like 3 months for Indy the same day Genshin Impact is announced for Xbox after like 5 years AND while FF 16 and 7 still aren't announced is the most xbox thing ever.
But surely the competition is then in selling subscription services and games on that one single console.
Like movies and music.
@BamBamBaklava89 obviously, it wouldn't have been a simple deal but with MS' money they could have gotten Disney to throw their weight around with Sony for their exclusives.
All these comments of "more people being able to play is good" are missing the point.
Without exclusives Xbox as hardware dies.
If Xbox as hardware dies, Playstation has no competition.
No competition for Playstation is going to be absolutely horrible. Especially when we've seen how they've behaved in the past just from being ahead of the competition. If there is no competition? RIP consoles games. And before someone mentions Nintendo, they have a totally different market, and even micro-conomy for their games.
@Fiendish-Beaver @OldGamer999 Standard Nadella playbook. Trade tomorrows growth for today's dividends. And the shareholders will vote him Emperor For Life because of it.
@x3King84 Indeed it is.... indeed it is.
@Fenbops Maybe but I think Lego Horizon was basically the litmus test. It's the all ages way of getting audiences on board their big franchise, and it's on "everything but Xbox."
At this point , I'm over Microsoft and their BS. I hope SEGA makes a console and just wipes the floor with Sony.
Seems Iike a lot of people believe xbox has control over the Indiana Jones IP. I imagine this will be the blueprint for Blade as well.
I also think more people playing this game is a great thing.
@InterceptorAlpha I agree. In terms of console numbers, Xbox aren’t a competition for Sony, but Sony have been poor this gen so without any competition it’s horrific to think what Sony might do…
Sony sell the consoles and Microsoft (imo) are starting to make the best games. Pretty good partnership.
So then where’s our Stellar Blade Xbox port after 6 months?
It took 3 long years to get Kena on Xbox and that wasn’t even published by Sony!
Will be interesting to see if Xbox games for PS5 use the dual sense speaker and haptic feed back and trigger tensions on the controller.
I look forward to playing Halo on Playstation!
With respect the console numbers are not probably worth porting the games over to xbox.
It depends if the developer thinks they can make money on the port to Xbox.
@Fenbops There is no reason for Sony to put games on Xbox. PC will make sense for them rather.
As for Nintendo, just because they put Lego Horizon on Switch doesn't mean much at all.
I can't wait for that new Blade game to come to PS5
@Zeldorf The new Blade game is gonna come to PS5. Mark my words.
fed up. I always buy the wrong thing haha. BSB squarial instead of Sky dish, betamax instead of VHS, Dreamcast... and now Xbox.
(yes I'm old)
They probably will lose money on it by releasing it day one on game pass. Maybe Microsoft needs to release it on PS5 to make a profit on it. I tried game pass, but I find that if I patiently wait a year or two, I can get the game on an Xbox or PS really dirt cheap. I realize that digital purchases can disappear at some point, but I prefer that option of owning over renting on game pass or on PS Plus. I know that first party games stay on forever but hate how third party games come and go on these services. It sometimes takes months or years for me to finally play a game that I purchased, but that's me.
@OldGamer999 Which is why I’m concerned about the future of Xbox.
PS5: Sony games, Xbox games (after a few months delay), and red carpet treatment from 3rd parties.
XSX: No Sony games and 3rd party games are either totally absent, notably delayed, and/or worse optimised.
I don’t see how this is sustainable.
Gonna be a great time to switch to PC at this point. Gamepass is on PC, same xbox games and PS has gone to PC as well.
Breaking news! Phil Spencer lied.
On one hand it makes perfect sense and it's something most of us could predict was coming. This is due to the fact this game is based off of a 40+ year old, worldwide recognized and beloved IP and really shouldn't be locked to just one console.
However, why wouldn't Microsoft and Xbox want to take advantage of the timed-exclusivity for this holiday season? Doesn't affect me as I'll be playing it on day 1 on Game Pass, just strange timing to "let the cat out of the bag" so to speak.
@Bionic-Spencer try telling that to Sony. Switch gets Lego horizon, Xbox gets nothing. Definitely doesn’t work both ways. If you own a PlayStation you benefit from Xbox’s new strategy if you own an Xbox…
Xbox players will be the beta testers while PS5 players will get the completed version that will also run better.
@MjJmediablogger see you later
So this is how it ends. A slow burn of exclusives just being timed, eating further into their poor hardware sales, only spurring them further into a rush to release more and more on rival hardware.
The ouroboros eats its own tail as it cries that good games don't sell hardware.
Ask how the exclusive strat is working out for Nintendo as you're gobbling down on your right ankle, Phil.
@Fenbops Most of couldn't care less about these xbox games. If we wanted them we would have bought xbox consoles to play them. This is just console war banter.
@Fiendish-Beaver I would argue this isn't death by a thousand cuts, today's news is a shotgun blast to the gut. And the only reason I'm not saying face is because I'll reserve that for when Halo goes to PS.
Today was literally the end. I knew it was coming, we were on the road, I just didn't know it was coming this fast. I now expect Halo to go in some form in 2025.
I have also been concerned about the future of Xbox, as far back as when the series x day one released without a single exclusive.
Then they went later on, another year without a single exclusive.
Then in 2023 released almost a trio of not that good Xbox exclusive games. Redfall etc.
The fact they have never really advertised or promoted Xbox consoles in the UK and Europe and now are putting games across to PS5.
If that is not the writing on the wall for a future with no Xbox consoles or a crazy company that is not sure what it is doing or wants to be, then I don’t know what is.
Microsoft is focused on short term profit over the longevity of the Xbox brand.
@SleeplessKnight I think it might be that they wanted day 1 on PS5 (like DOOM The Dark Ages) but the only way to achieve this would've been to delay the PC/Xbox version to Spring 2025, hence they settled for PC/Xbox timed exclusivity.
@IronMan30 may be it might not of been Ms n Disney/Marvel instead telling them. They give them the timed exclusive but have to put on muiltyplate consols to have it apart from Sony
@IronMan30 maybe it wasn't Ms n Disney /Marvel that forced them to do it
@Tecinthehead Get nothing? You mean like a ton of extra sales to nintendo fans? It's still super benficial to MS. Only heated fanboys care about this stuff.
Some of these comments are hilarious
Let’s wait until core Xbox games (Halo, Gears, Forza) are ported to other console platforms, before we pronounce Xbox exclusives dead, eh?
You can bet your arse that the IP owners for Indiana Jones pushed for their game to be multi-platform, and the same will go for any other similar license that Xbox will publish.
Get a grip people.
@Utena-mobile Phil has already lied about Indiana Jones being Xbox exclusive, so announcements in exclusivity are worthless. I'm personally not even upset about Indy going multiplat, I don't look at Bethesda or Activision and think they are Xbox. I'm just mad about how purely awful their marketing, messaging, and handling of this situation has been.
@GotRedOnMe73 Agreed. I just prefer Xbox. So as long as there is one, I'll get it.
@eastephens Absolutely. I have no issue with PlayStation consoles (Christ, I loved my PS2 and PS3), but the PS4 and PS5 just don’t do it for me like my Xbox does.
@NEStalgia PlayStation isn’t ditching exclusivity. PC gamers aren’t a competitor to console gamers directly. The average gamer in the world isn’t tracking PC’s. Most families get consoles or other mobile devices to game. PC is still a niche market. With so many games that will never make it to consoles as they wouldn’t sell and would be inconvenient to play. So PC doesn’t hurt PlayStation nor Xbox. People keep saying exclusives don’t matter. Yet Sony and Nintendo manage their IPs more carefully as they need people to buy their hardware. Microsoft is a software company and has a different mindset/approach. To their suits, they only care about more coin. Just because Microsoft is liberal now with its IPs like a third party publisher doesn’t mean the Asian brands will be. No one is entitled to another firms IP. Of course Microsoft can do as they please.
It would have went to PlayStation anyways before the massive buyout so not that big of a deal. I still think it should only be on Xbox. So Xbox can have more leverage. But rich Microsoft’s suit types just want more coin and more coin. Even if DEIsney was behind the push Microsoft should have gave them more coin.
Not sure why anyone cares the game goes to another plastic box. I will still play the game on my device and ecosystem of choice.
Buying any Xbox Game Studios title on Xbox will mean the game is also playable on PC, giving me the maximum flexibility to play whatever way I prefer.
As far as exclusivity, I think its better to have timed exclusives than perpetual exclusives. Look how many fantastic titles are locked behind old hardware due to dumb exclusivity deals or first party stubbornness.
@Elbow Exactky. Phil Spencer is basically a liar
@K1LLEGAL The thing is that its will never be £120 as the average gamer has a huge backlog of games already, so unless they are super bothered about day 1 then its more likely to be anywhere between £40 and £60 for the pair down the line depending on how much you are waiting to play.
Having a PS5 and PC I still think I am unlikely to play this, but if I do it will be on the PC via steam because of the poor decision to make the game 1st person, which make mouse and keyboard more preferable. I think they are even aware about the backlash to 1st person which is why they tried to address it with some nonsense in that showcase.
Our thoughts?
Our thoughts are that we will buy a PS5 Pro when it gets out and officially we stop buying titles from xbox and buy them for ps5
@Flugen if you buy the game for ps5 you are still buying the game from xbox.
@Bionic-Spencer In this case, Microsoft is the publisher or the owner of the publisher and developer. The has a platform and that is selling at a 2:1 deficit to their nearest rival. The has a game streaming service whose growth is most closely tied to said platform. This is a bad thing for the Xbox and the people that support them for decades.
All I can say if that this is just a snapshot in time. We have to wait and see how things in the industry unfold. Maybe their plot is to engulf the entire gaming industry. Maybe the goal is to reach some optimal distribution of titles across the available hardware. Maybe it is in part to get the regulators off their backs.
@BacklogBrad Yup! And I will have also the PS games.
Xbox literally said we give up competing by shooting themselves at Gamescom. They should have embarassed not happy
Ex-Box. Ice cold lol
@Vaako007 Only partially true. PC has been growing rapidly, while consoles are sinking (including PS), and it's regional. Consoles were only ever the big thing in North America, Western Europe+UK, and Japan. Japan's out (other than Nintendo handhelds), and most of Asia, Eastern/Central Europe, and South America have always been primarily PC. I know Sony doesn't see PC as a competitor (yet), but at some point they have to face the music that their base is shrinking too, they already know this and aren't profiting enough from it on games. And that's why they're doing PC at all.
Similar to the theme of "PC is niche" is the Stellar Blade dev's comments that they expect higher sales on PC than on PS5. We can make fun of PC gamer stereotypes here of course, lol, but a lot of that is "Asia=PC." It's not the niche, the consoles are niche there. As we see console market share erode in the West, it's rewriting the theme.
Nintendo is Nintendo. IDK how long they can get away with it, but they do. I see them competing more with mobile. PS trying to coexist with PC. Xbox in all likelihood will become a PC.
@Cakefish The one problem is our expectations. We look at Nintendo, Sega, Sony, and formerly Xb and expect a certain business model. Software drives hardware drives software, install base = more software, and revenue is dependent on install base. For MS' new business model they're not building the model around hardware install base, or really software sales on the hardware. To us this means it's doomed. To them, I don't think they care, the console is just a box to buy subscriptions and software on. Just another revenue stream. It doesn't need to have a big footprint, it's just one stream among many. To us this looks disastrous. To them it's fine because it's not driving their profit line now. That means the console is in a better place than it seems because it's basically just a peripheral to them. Doesn't need to sell great. But it also means they can discontinue it to realign goals at any moment without notice, and it's a chaotic mishmash experience to own it. I do still think future Xboxen are PCs, built like laptops or mini-ITX or NUCs, with a custom UI/launcher. Might work out fine. Or not.
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