Comments 434

Re: Xbox Is Delivering Some Of Its 'Biggest Updates Ever' As Forza & Age Move To PS5


@themightyant - probably safe to say it will be a little bit sharper than Series X (2160p vs Series X’s 1800p). If there’s anymore headroom still available then likely it’ll just be an adjustment to the Ray-tracing and shadows. Still a fine looking game on Series X regardless.

Personally, I’d be more interested to see how Starfield might run on a Pro. If it could get to a smooth 60fps then I might be tempted to double dip if it got ported.

Unrelated question….if you buy a Microsoft game on PS5 does that give you a free PC version of the game (as per many Series X/S purchases)? If it does then that would be a brilliant way of subtly bringing gamers towards the Xbox ecosystem (assuming the next generation Xbox is a PC/Xbox hybrid).

Re: Talking Point: Which Xbox Games Would You Love To See Relisted This Year?


@Cakefish - you may know this already but just in case you don’t - there’s a ‘hack’ to run all The Orange Box games at 60fps on Series consoles (do a Google to find the YouTube video). You will need access to an XB360 and the game on disc, but if you have got that it is definitely worth the bother. I played through Half Life 2 on Series X at 4K60fps last year and it still holds up superbly. Wish they would just patch and re-release the game digitally and I’d buy on day 1.

Re: Here's A Look At The Updated Xbox Studios Roadmap For 2025 & Beyond


@FraserG - thanks Fraser. I was hoping there would be but couldn’t remember if they’d said they were skipping a year.

Gamepass really is ridiculously good value - back in the day I’d have bought Avowed, Doom TDA, Fable and CoD2025 on release and may well have been tempted by South of Midnight and Outer Worlds 2 - and that’s without all the third party stuff like Sniper Elite, Atomfall, Wuchang Fallen Feathers, etc.

Re: South Of Midnight Preview (Xbox) - A Compulsion We're Desperate To Indulge


Looks like it needs more polish, lots of screen tearing and the framerate isn’t always smooth (not just the stop motion bits) in the footage shown. Still two months until release, so hopefully there’s enough time.

I don’t mind the stop motion animation just so long as it is restricted to cut scenes, and the opening video looks really well done.

Looking forward to trying on Gamepass.

Re: Talking Point: It's Been A Year Since Phil Spencer Announced The 'Xbox Business Update' Event


@IOI - that’s very interesting. I’m not particularly bothered about what games are playable where but I do hope Xbox continues as a platform. It is pretty odd if there’s a shortage of Xbox hardware worldwide as seems to be the case.

If Microsoft do want to exit hardware and go third-party then I can’t fathom what the plan is with Gamepass or everyone’s (Xbox) digital libraries? Got to be something else on Microsoft’s agenda, I just can’t work out what.

Re: Far Cry New Dawn Now Live On Xbox Game Pass, 60FPS Gameplay Revealed


Nice upgrade. I’ve been playing on Series X this morning and to my eye it looks sharper than it was (with FPS boost) and no frame drops. Not sure if it is 4K or 4K with dynamic res - although it looks fine it is obviously an older title so some of the details are not as good as you’d see in a new release.

Gameplay - yep, there will be the usual copy & paste criticism of Ubisoft games being copy and paste (there’s something beautifully ironic about that) but this is a decent FPS. If you like FC5 then consider this a smaller but enjoyable (and standalone) expansion.

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (February 1-2)


Series X - I’ve got to stop playing AoE4 - I can’t seem to go 24hrs without it drawing me back for yet another skirmish. Also playing some Sniper Elite Resistance- enjoyed the first level but finding it tough going on the second (I’m new to this so any gameplay tips welcomed, thanks)

PS5 pro - God of War. Didn’t think this would be my thing but I’ve enjoyed it so far. Still a very long way to go. Also dipping in and out of WRC Generations.

Re: Far Cry New Dawn Getting 60FPS Patch Ahead Of Its Arrival On Xbox Game Pass


@themightyant - spot on mate, they always seem to get it in the neck from gamers but you have to hand it to them for ongoing support - they’ve upgraded AC Odyssey, Origins, Syndicate, FC5 and now FC New Dawn without charging us a penny for the privilege. Some would say that’s what should happen, but there are plenty of examples (Rockstar anyone?) where it simply doesn’t work like that.

Re: Soapbox: As A Huge Forza Fan, I'm Fine With Horizon 5 Going To PS5


I own Series X and PlayStation 5Pro so I’m fine with it (and the inevitable arrival of Starfield, Gears and Halo on ‘rival’ platforms). Im just still not sure what the end game is.

Short term it is easy to see the logic, more ££s. Longer term I’m not so sure - maybe 1.they’ve given up on consoles and beyond this gen will become a third party publisher (gradually winding down console support and Gamepass); or 2. They are confident that next-gen their ‘console’ is 100% PC compatible and they have a plan to transfer game libraries and Gamepass subscriptions to it.

Re: These 13 Games Are Coming To Xbox Game Pass (January 22 - February 4)


@FraserG - thanks for clarifying Fraser. My comment wasn’t a dig at you (or Pure Xbox) - I just think that it isn’t necessarily clear messaging (and presumably you are repeating the way Microsoft themselves make the announcements).

If you think about it logically you can see why Joe Public would be baffled -

Microsoft: “Game A is coming to Gamepass for Series X/S”
Microsoft: “Game B is coming to Gamepass for Console”

Gamer: “I have Gamepass and an Xbox console, does that mean I get the game to play Game A and Game B?”

Microsoft: “That depends, which console do you have?”
Gamer: “I have a Series X. Does that mean I get both games because it’s a bit weird you mention Series X/S specifically with Game A, but mention ‘Console’ with Game B - does that mean Game B is only available for last-gen consoles or is it on all consoles?”

Microsoft: “Er, no. Perhaps we should spell it out a bit more clearly.”
Gamer: “Oh, believe me, you should.”

Microsoft: “Well first of all, when we say Console we actually mean ‘all Xbox consoles, well more specifically all Xbox One consoles and all Xbox Series consoles, but not original Xbox consoles or Xbox 360 consoles’ - hope that’s clear?”
Gamer: “Much better. As I have a Series X I’m assuming I get both game A and game B?”

Microsoft: “Well that depends…”
Gamer: “On what?”
Microsoft: “Which level of Gamepass do you have?”
Gamer: “Gamepass Standard”
Microsoft: “Well no then, you get neither but on another occasion it could mean you get one, or both”
Gamer: “Clear As Mud, & Thanks - For Nothing!”

Re: Talking Point: Will Microsoft Fully Reveal Its Next-Gen Xbox This Year?


I’m fascinated to see what they do next. I have Xbox and PlayStation but can not for the life of me understand what Microsoft are trying to achieve.

If someone had set out to destroy third party sales on their own store, reduce sales of their own consoles and erode the c30M customers signed up to Gamepass then I can’t imagine a better strategy than the one they’ve been employing in the past 12 months.

Re: Soapbox: Paying Tribute To The Best Map In Forza Horizon History


Brilliant game, still play it every week and love the changing seasons. The condensed mini-map merging the Cotswolds, Lakes and Edinburgh is inspired, as are the changing seasons. Stayed near Windermere and Ambleside in September and the resemblance is uncanny.

Can’t beat the progressive, mid-race, weather changes and gorgeous lighting (golden sunsets reflecting on snow and ice) -better than any other race game out there - and that includes FH5, Forza Motorsport and GT7.

Hope it stays back-compat for decades to come.

Re: Review: Indiana Jones And The Great Circle (Xbox) - A MachineGames Misfire


Blimey, this turned into a sh1t-storm didn’t it?

Opinions vary, each to their own - no harm in that. But not good to see readers (and staff!) sniping at each other. In fairness to @Banjo he’s always pretty positive and his original comment doesn’t outright accuse anyone of anything - it’s so easy to draw the wrong inference from a sentence. Texts and emails can often be misinterpreted, so a comment on a gaming site is hardly a hanging offence!

Anyway, looking forward to playing Indy next week. I find stealth games a bit marmite - loved Splinter Cell back in the day but never much of a fan of Metal Gear. Cautiously optimistic about Indy but I guess we’ll all have our own opinions by this time next week.

Re: Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Dev Explains Why The Game Can't Be Downloaded In Full


I think there needs to be some sort of halfway house for Xbox consoles - well at least for those of us with less than perfect broadband speeds.

After the patches I can finally play it but it’s nowhere near as smooth or detailed as the previous game - so I’m uninstalling again.

Maybe add an option to install data by continent, or country, to keep the data needed to something manageable.

We could then delete and download another area when ready.