Ubisoft has announced that its 2019 shooter Far Cry New Dawn will be getting a 60FPS update in the coming days. Previously a part of Microsoft's FPS Boost program, that option has now been disabled as the team prepares a native performance patch for the title on current-gen platforms.
It appears that this announcement was supposed to coincide with New Dawn hitting Xbox Game Pass early next week, but the news made it out early - so Ubisoft decided to formally announce it. We're assuming the team's temporary FPS Boost removal caused them to spill the beans early.
This follows a very similar trajectory to Far Cry 5. That too was initially an FPS Boost title on Xbox platforms before Ubisoft put out a proper 60FPS patch for it. Not only does a native update benefit PS5 players here, it also makes for an improved experience on Xbox Series X, given that FPS Boost often drops resolution figures to hit a higher frame rate number.
We'll see what those final Far Cry New Dawn resolution figures turn out to be in the coming days, but either way, this native performance patch is great news all round. Ubisoft's Far Cry 5 successor hits Xbox Game Pass on February 4th, and you can find out why we think it's worth playing down below.
Excited for some 60FPS New Dawn, fellow Far Cry fans? Talk to us about this update down below.
Comments 24
good news, thanks for reporting ⭐️
This is great as fps boost dropped the resolution to 1080p on series x.
So hopefully with this game patch we will get 60fps at about full native 4K on SX.
As at 4K it is a very pretty looking game.
I’m hearing Avowed is now the following.
30, 40 & 60 fps on SX
30 & 40 fps on SS
Any confirmation on this, brilliant news if true.
Excellent news, really made a difference to FC5 when they bumped the resolution back up to 4K. Hopefully this is the same.
Thanks for that, so hopefully 4K.
@OldGamer999 We can't confirm or deny until closer to the time, sorry!
It’s cool, seems to come from someone that has the gamer maybe a reviewer.
Will be great news if it is.
@FraserG @OldGamer999 40 FPS? I thought they only did 30 and 60? Does the extra 10 (up from 30) make a huge difference? Not that I care. Most of the best games I've played in recent years have been at 30FPS and I've never had an issue with it.
On topic, I've never played this but someone told me it's actually not half bad.
@Kaloudz 40fps genuinely does feel like a huge bump over 30. If you do a quick Google for 40fps and digital foundry they explain it far better than I could.
In simplest terms you get an experience that feels a lot smother than 30 but doesn't need to cut back on the graphics side of things like a 60fps does.
The caveat being you need a TV capable of displaying in that mode. I have a C1 LG oled and it's a mode I use anytime it's available. Really does make a hefty difference over 30fps.
Edit: here you go. Apologies to any xbox folks offended that it's in relation to ratchet and clank, it was one of the first to do it and therefore gets a good explanation for it.
For all the grief Ubisoft gets I have to applaud how much they support their old games, updating many like Assasins Creed Syndicate or this to run better on newer hardware and for no extra cost. Credit where it’s due. Bravo 👏
Ubi really trying to turn a new leaf.
Much better than all the "crash and burn" comments I've read.
@Weebleman Thanks buddy!! I'll check that out. How would I go about knowing if my TV supports it? Is it a new thing? I'd have thought that a TV that can hit 60 can hit 40 😅 hopefully mine manages okay. I assume a TV that doesn't hit 40 will look weird if games run at 40 as apposed to 30?
No worries man. Only tv's that do 120fps can hit 40 (don't ask me why) so the best thing I could advise is Google your tv model and it should tell you.
If your tv isn't compatible it usually doesn't even offer the option in the game, I think at least.
Every game I have played with 60fps is definitely better than 30fps and even 40fps.
The gameplay is smoother and panning is a lot less blurry.
Of course also the higher the native resolution the better before any up scaling takes place.
Also 60fps with VRR on also helps.
Will be great if we get this game with 60fps and near to full native 4K as possible. Which I think we will.
Great but please add 4k/60 to Ghost Recon: Wildlands.
@OldGamer999 I've never been able to tell the difference myself but I reckon it's one of those things were you have to play it side by side (for me at least) to see the improvements? Either way, I wonder if 40 will eventually be the new 30?
Amazed you cannot tell the difference between 30 to 60fps
It’s so different when panning around the game world, so less blurry especially at lower speeds.
I don’t think I would play a game at 30fps now.
Of all the things like DF go on about the 30 to 60fps is the only one I agree with and can tell the difference.
@themightyant - spot on mate, they always seem to get it in the neck from gamers but you have to hand it to them for ongoing support - they’ve upgraded AC Odyssey, Origins, Syndicate, FC5 and now FC New Dawn without charging us a penny for the privilege. Some would say that’s what should happen, but there are plenty of examples (Rockstar anyone?) where it simply doesn’t work like that.
@OldGamer999 I never see it matey. Take RDR2, or Plague Tale for instance. Never had an issue with them and they played wonderfully. I've played 60FPS games before, but I honestly don't see it. I do sometimes wonder if it's because of my seizures.
Some games and RDR2 being one of them can hold their own at 30fps really well.
All to do with resolution and upscaling and tricks of the trade.
@Weebleman @Kaloudz A regular 60Hz TV and console always have to update 60 times per second. If you're playing a 30fps game, the console just sends every frame twice to keep that 60Hz signal going, and it will look consistent. If your game is (shudder) 20fps, each frame will display three times.
But if the game is running at 40fps, it doesn't fit evenly into 60. You'll see half of the frames once, and half of the frames twice, leading to uneven pacing. This is why some people can tell when a game drops to 59fps, as it causes a noticeable stutter in the motion.
A 120 Hz TV doesn't have this issue with 40Hz, of course, since it can simply display each frame thrice! Or even better, a VRR TV actually changes its refresh speed to match the game. If the game is running at 51fps, then the TV will also run at 51Hz, making it look perfectly even.
@Brigurugi THIS THIS THIS THIS. I’d go back to that game in a heartbeat! Hahah.
On topic, I never played this so it’s a good time to try it out since it’s coming to gamepasss with the 60fps
@smoreon See, most of that just went over my head lol. Thank you though, I think you helped me to understand compatibility, but understanding the intricacies of it just went to the wayside in my mind.
@OldGamer999 RDR2 was exceptional. I know there was some chatter about crunch around the time of its release, but for me, that was quite possibly game of the gen.
This new patch now makes Far Cry New Dawn a series Xbox game on series Xbox consoles.
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