Have we ever told you how much we love The Outer Worlds? There was a little pushback when it launched; some folk thought it was too short, too lightweight and wishy-washy, but we loved everything about it.
Obsidian seemed to actively decide to remove itself from what felt like bit of a race circa 2019, to make the most pointlessly enormous open world in the biz. It was also around this time that we (or this writer at least), had sort of given up on spending hundreds of hours collecting everything across gigantic, and oftentimes boring, video-game expanses. Pretty - and historically accurate - expanses, for sure, but also rather empty and tedious.

In comparison, The Outer Worlds felt immediate and exciting for its smaller world and tight running time. The companion characters are amongst our favourites of all time (Parvati, we miss u), and the whole thing felt like a challenge that was actually surmountable, highly replayable, and well worth returning to.
Avowed follows in much the same footprints, thankfully. The Eora presented here is split into bespoke regions, each one relatively small in comparison to most modern offerings (still quite big, then), and it's a downsizing that's a fair trade-off for locations that're packed to bursting point with smartly designed environs housing all the secrets, caves and off-kilter NPC conversations you could hope for. There's no wandering around bored in this game, we can't think of a single moment where we weren't doing something that felt somewhat important, and when you don't even get a horse to ride around quickly on... that takes some doing.
Kicking off in Dawnshore, Avowed presents the story of yet another Chosen One protagonist, which as much as we're sort of bored with the conceit, it does just allow us to get on with accepting that everyone speaks to us for some reason. This time you've got a god's voice in your head, and that voice wants you to go do a bunch of stuff and kill a bunch of people in order to free it from its otherworldly prison. Should you trust the voice? Should you follow its commands and do its bidding, or should you strike out against it and believe in what you can see with your own eyes?

A very short summary, but that's the spoiler-free gist of proceedings. Having now completed one run of the campaign (clocking in at around 50 hours with a smattering of side quests), we can say that the story works well enough to serve what is primarily an action-centric experience. And this faint praise will be the first stumbling block for some, as the narrative here is quite surprisingly straightforward and fairly light overall.
There's nothing here we haven't seen before in a fantasy drama of this kind, essentially, and although Pillars fans will be made happier with a ton of lore presented throughout the world, and some amazing representations of locations, there's undoubtedly gonna be some ruffled feathers with just how very light the actual conversational and choice side of things is. Your four party companions, too, although likeable enough, never really raise the bar in any striking way, remaining loyal, doing their bit in battle and sharing the odd joke along the way. Would we need to look up their names if we were to try to put them down here right now? Yes, yes we would for one or two. And that tells you all you need to know. Parvati et al, they are not, as this is just not really that sort of thing.

Avowed, you see, is chiefly about getting down and dirty with the enemy in combat that absolutely sings, if you dig its vibe. We played around 90% of the game in the 1st person view, although the 3rd person will get a run for our second character build, and it's just a delightful system to engage with. Again, incredibly light in what it does - there's no synergies of team abilities or deep strategy to think on - it just feels really good, it's fast, it's flashy and moreish. It makes us think of words like "spunky". Avowed is very spunky.
A lack of strategy doesn't equal a lack of fun, either, as the dual-wielding, quick-switching, double-loadout gimmick at the heart of the fighting has a surprising amount of variety to it. This variety melds with skill trees that are open to breezy experimentation, allowing you to quickly build and rebuild, creating powerful wizards who're also a dab hand with a spear, shadow-master stealth assassins, and everything in-between.
Swapping between weapon loadouts is quick - and can be made quicker as you progress - allowing you access to four slots where you can place swords, spears, shields, grimoires, wands, axes and so on in any combo you like. Mix and match, see what works best for you and then build out your trees to max that playstyle. By the end of our first run we could waltz through entire areas without being seen, one-hit kill lesser foes from range and rain down powerful fire spells. You don't even have to stick to one type of magic, as the grimoire system allows you to seek out and utilise all-manner of arcane arts just by equipping any grimoire you find and getting stuck in. Hooray.

Speaking of finding stuff, by the way, the loot in this game is just kinda great. It's unfussy, fancy-looking gear, all big fiery swords, important looking shields and exquisite arquebus rifles that can pop a plague-infected bear's head like a melon from range. We stuck to light outfits, bows, grimoires and guns, but there are tons of spears, axes, heavy armour and so on. In fact, with regards to both combat and loot, the only problem that we personally had, was that grenades feel like an afterthought for the most part in comparison to the devastation wrought by a simple spell.
Companions, too, have their own unlockable and upgradeable skills that they'll utilise automatically, and these can be directed by you using LB, pausing proceedings to pick exact skills and then the enemies to use them on. Skills work on cooldown timers, and this makes up the little real strategy meat that's here. This isn't the sort of pause screen you'll spend aeons tinkering in, or working out killer synergies of elemental damage through. It's not really that kinda gig, mate.
The flashy, colourful and fast-paced action on offer is the beating heart of Avowed, for better or worse, then, and the (relatively) bite-sized nature of the regions, alongside that breezy narrative only serve to make the whole thing much more replayable, which kinda feels like the point. As the story progresses there are still "big" choices to be made, various endings to see, and you'll no doubt already know that each class has its own selection of responses to individual scenarios, so there's still some of that DNA in there - but as far as the main campaign goes, most of this stuff feels a little shoe-horned into the ending, without spoiling anything.

This is an issue that's resolved somewhat by indulging in all of the lovely side quests and bounty missions, slowing things down, exploring and meeting NPCs who flesh out the fun and give you much more to think on between the fisticuffs. It also helps that Obsidian has very obviously went to town in its environmental design efforts. The four main regions that you visit across the campaign (with a bunch of other smaller areas thrown in for good measure) are uniformly excellent, with just enough freedom and scale to indulge your parkour-fuelled exploration desires. Did we mention that the traversal in this game is surprisingly great? You can climb a surprising amount of stuff, dive off huge heights into water and really put yourself about some to find all the hidden caves and enemy lairs that await.
It's in these moments, and in that spunky combat, that Avowed sings most sweetly. However, of course, if you came here looking for depth to the narrative to match Pillars proper, you're gonna be disappointed. End of. It's an issue that can't be avoided, but it's also one that the game never intended to address in the first place. Think of this more as an action-accompaniment to those things, and you're gonna have a much better time with it out of the gate.
We do have a few other issues which are less easy to forgive; namely two bugs during our playthrough involving Yatzli's special ability that hindered our progress for quite some time and required restarting a dungeon from scratch on both occasions. There's also some notable FPS stutter in the game's quality mode during a few big encounters (we reviewed the game on Xbox Series X), so be aware of that if you are rocking graphics over framerate. In performance mode the drop in visuals, while definitely noticeable, is more than worth it for what feels mostly like a rock solid and very fluid 60FPS. Mostly. It also still looks fab.

Slightly more nit-picky, we also found, for our tastes, that the difficulty, even on hard mode, was fairly forgiving. Action veterans may want to consider this going in, as playing on normal (or the easy and story modes) definitely enables you to hit auto-pilot, and this takes a lot of the edge off combat which really comes alive when you're up against it.
So, in the end, Avowed arrives in pretty great shape overall, and presents a very moreish, highly replayable campaign that we will 100% be running multiple times as various classes over the coming months. Which really speaks to the fun we've had with this one. With more time on our hands we'd likely have spent double the amount of time just exploring every nook and cranny here, which is all the recommendation you could ask for, really. Just don't expect Pillars of Eternity. Or flippin' Skyrim. Have you not played enough Skyrim by now?
Avowed is a fantastic action-RPG that focuses on its combat and exploration first and foremost, which you'll either love the sound of, or not so much. Yes, Pillars fans looking for the sort of depth that comes with that series will need to adjust expectations accordingly, as this is a breezy, spunky, fight-fuelled affair that's more about creating cool loadouts and finding treasure than it is falling in love with an NPC or spending ten hours in your inventory at a time. Come for the fast-paced fights, colourful environs and excellent exploration, and you'll have a great time.
Comments 85
Nice review, happy it got a good score (this is the second review Im reading with a similar score) and it sounds fun, looking forward to it Hope it runs well on the Series S, my only remaining concern...
Looking really solid tbh, the aggregated score is already taking a hit as this is a heavily Xbox taxed game cause there’s no version for PS5 yet announced, currently sitting at 80 when it probably should be around 85 or even higher.
And for the ones that still claim there’s no such thing go read some “mixed” reviews, the downsides they list are a joke, some reviewer gave it 75/100 because “it’s a product of a subscription service” smh…
Anyways, I already have it installed and ready to go on Tuesday!
"but as far as the main campaign goes, most of this stuff feels a little shoe-horned into the ending, without spoiling anything."
So it's an Obsidian game then. lol.
On a serious note, this seems to be largely where I expected it to fall, some weird middle space where it's not Skyrim, It's not Pillars, and it's not Outer Worlds.
Excited to play.
Not read it in full depth as I don’t want to spoil too much.
But glad it’s turned out well! Look forward to playing it.
50ish hours is more than enough for me, especially as I usually take at least twice as long as ‘normal’ to complete most games. Sounds like a very solid release from Obsidian, this is the fourth review I’ve read in the 8-9 range of scores.
Roll on next Tuesday!
It's currently sitting about where I expected 83 on Opencritic from 58 reviews. I skimmed the review just to check performance, because like @PsBoxSwitchOwner I want to go in as blind as possible.
Seems like a fun go. I'll give it a shot next week on Game Pass.
I might actually buy this one.
Sounds like it will be decent enough to play I look forward to the proper release 👏
Apologies to everybody on this website doing their job conscientiously (if they find this offensive), but online video game reviews have really became a laughing stock.
I'd say about 50/50 split as of now, switching these pros and cons points from one category to the other. How is one supposed to get the feel for the game reading these?
Is it just reviewers complaining for the sake of it?
@IOI Again with the ‘Tax’. Playstation has had many low scoring games. And Xbox have had high scoring games. Heck even this site gave it an 8/10 and this is a Xbox centric site. So an average of 80 on metacritic seems about right.
And you say it should have gotten a 85, but you havent even played the game so how would you know? Tin foiled hats are not a good look, bro
@LogicStrikesAgain Xbox tax or PlayStation bias, wherever you want to call it, the fact is some reviewers are not objective and they scrutinize things they ignore in other games, go read Gamespot 6/10 review and tell me there isn’t a bias of any kind lol
Can’t wait to play this. Short(er) and breezy(er) are what I need right now. Looks like a great experience.
Thanks for the review.
This has been been my most wanted on Xbox for some time now and I'm a little worried that early reports I've read have stated that the combat is actually boring with 'bullet sponge' bosses. I hope I disagree with them and have more like the experience described here, but I'm preparing myself to be dissapointed.
Just watched Electric Playgrounds youtube review (6.5) and I'm even more concerned. I'm not going to watch anymore and go in on day 6 with an open mind.
@themightyant I always try and go in as blind as possible, just skim reviews if it’s a game I know is for me
yeah I expected around 80-85. Might only be an 80, but for me it will be more enjoyable than Indy that scored (deservedly) high.
I don’t understand why people were expecting higher, the dev openly admitted it had jank etc, it was never going to get huge scores. But obviously it’s the Xbox tax and Sony have paid for these scores!
Wow, I thought this was going to launch with a 30fps cap, which would've kept me away from its first-person mode due to motion sickness - finding out that it runs at 60fps is a dream come true! Going to play ASAP.
It looks good and apparently it is possible to do a playthrough in about 30 hours, which gives good scope for replayability, as by all accounts there’s a lot hidden in what is a quite small world.
Amazing. Can't wait to get stuck in. Knew Obsidian would nail it again. They're easily one of MS best. Thanks for the rev PJ!!
Looks great. Can't wait to play. Unfortunately it will have to wait as I am knee deep in the Witcher 3 which I have never played before.
@cburg I envy you! The witcher 3 was such a brilliant experience I wish I could erase my memory of playing it and do it all over again. 😊
One I'll certainly check out but I'm usually more interested in the stories and exploration in this type of game as opposed to the combat.
That's why I'm enjoying Indiana Jones so much, I've just got to the Himalayas and think I've fired my gun once
I'll just leave this here:
Did they use AI, to write the dialogue? And the character designs... ugh...
The world doesn't look very impressive either.
The animations and lip-sync, feels very...PS2 era?
Forgettable companions in an rpg game is a red flag for me, but I’ll check it out nevertheless. My hype level dropped significantly.
To be honest, I don't remember any companion from New Vegas.
.i don't remember any character from Skyrim and it was still a decent game.
Looking forward to try it.
Well *****, some of those things shown will break the immersion for sure, just hope I can ignore it as reviews are still favourable despite that. I’ll find out next week I guess…
Looks like the extra dev time really paid off. I just saw a review that said during their 50 hour playthrough, they didn't have a single game crashing bug and that they could count the number of tiny issues they encountered (like poly clipping) on one hand. I can't wait for the full release!
Yeah, I'll still give it a try.
But damn, does it look janky.
Kinda like they took an unfinished RPG, from 2008, and just gave it a visual uplift. They should have kept it in the oven for another year or two.
@Titntin I started it a couple of years ago but never really dived in as was going through my Souls phase. I also just finished Dragon's Dogma II which was incredible. I thought, let's give it another try and after finally learning to play I am absolutely hooked. I can't put it down!!!
Stopped caring about all the scorings tbh. I played so many great games in low 80s or even high 70s and I did not like at all some of these 90+ GOTY must play ones (RDR2 or witcher never clicked with me for example).
Its all subjective in the end of the day.
What I see in this game looks good so far. Definitely playing on a release
This sounds good. I played the Outer Worlds, and really liked it. In part due to what you mention in the opening section. It was an RPG that got to the point, and didn't try and waste time and space building a gigantic world you walk right past.
Compared to when I was a kid I've got more disposable income (though not all that much these days), but less free time. So I don't need one game to last me from my birthday to Christmas.
I'm thinking about two big RPGs from last year: Baldur's Gate 3 and Starfield; both are massive games. The former with the broad scope of a TTRPG brought into a game, and the second with over 1600 massive planets to explore and build on. I've not finished either of them as I just don't have the time.
Still very interested in playing … some of the cons are not cons for me. Just give me a fun game…
@IOI Ah yes, my favorite argument. The "I haven't played it, but it should be a higher rating." Give it a rest. Reviews aren't that serious anyway. They are based off of one person's subjective experience. Nobody's going in looking to give it lower review scores because it's an Xbox game.
@Old_Man_Harper Defintely possible. But you'd really need to ruin the game and bang through it. I'd say 80-hrs is easily doable here.
You have as much evidence saying that as the comment you're complaining about to make his point.
@Lup The one making the accusation has to provide the proof, not the other way around. Yes, some bias might be present anywhere, from both sides, but accusing the integrity of reviewers(even reviewers from this website sometimes) without any proof is not cool.
And copying a small snippet from a bad review is not proof, as would copying from a great review not be proof that its objectively great. Since reviews are all just subjective opinions from the people who wrote it.
Scores may not always be in line with what you think they should be, but blaming people for being dishonest because you wanted it to have a higher score is not cool.
Fact is there have been many Playstation games that have had lower scores and Xbox games that have had high scores.
@Lup That's fair honestly lol. But hey, it's innocent until proven guilty, and ain't seen any proof yet.
@Steel76 Despite those few issues, some of them arguable, the game does look pretty damn solid and according to the vast majority of reviews, it's a great game.
I myself can hardly wait!
I don't think neither of those comments were accusing anyone from this website.
I don't see any evidence in any of those comments so I believe both in equal parts: that is to say, not really that much.
Just found it funny. Anyways, it's not a court of law. It's the internet. Everyone will believe everything or not believe anything at all.
Just messing around, man. Sorry if it sounded agressive.
@PJOReilly In regards to the difficulty you mention, how hard is hard? Is it like other RPG games' medium?
@Lup You’re right, but this “Tax” narrative has gone on for a long time. And people got real mad when PureXbox gave games like Indy and Stalker 2 low scores.
But you’re right though, neither said anything about this site per se, so just ignore that part 😅
I'll check this out eventually. Hopefully by the time I get to it, the bugs will be fixed.
” focuses on its combat and exploration first and foremost”
That’s all I really want from a game like this! 😀
@PJOReilly If you just did a main quest story run, what do you reckon the length of the game would be?
Edit: never mind, you sort of answered in another post that went through while I was distracted at work doing work. Novel concept, right?
@somnambulance Yeah I reckon 30ish would be very.quick, but doable. I'd rather relax into it all though and clear.each area as I go. Which I will be doing with a fresh character!
Selfishly, it's a little longer than I was hoping it would be. But other than that, it sounds like exactly what I was expecting it to be, so that's awesome.
This sounds like a great GamePass (or heavily discounted) game.
Just trying to finish visions of mana so I can start this.
So worthy exploration, great combat and no meandering social nonsense with your party? Sign me up.
Series S having issues with yet another game? Say it isn't so.
Really no surprise. Series S still the console that should not only never been made, but never released.
@Cikajovazmaj People complain if a game is not 60 FPS. Something about their eyes melt and skull explodes at anything less than 60 FPS. Yet same people had ZERO issues playing Mario cart at like 20 FPS for 8 hours a day, every day, all thru middle school
Nothing will surprise me in what people complain about anymore. Sad time we live in.
@cburg Witcher 3 will keep you going for long, long, long time. Had lot fun with what played of it.
Congrads on eagles winning. Loved seeing chiefs get destroyed!
Okay, cool. But reviews have been sort of middling.
The game is live now in the US (Eastern).
@GuyinPA75 Thanks about the Eagles. Love the Chiefs losing. Witcher 3 is so good.
Glad to see it get an 8 from PJ! That means it's at least as good as Suicide Squad! 😜
@IronMan30 An 82 average is middling? That’s pretty good in my eyes.
This is getting better reviews than the new Trails game.
Not supporting this game. Ridiculous 'code in a box' release, far too expensive and I don't think it would be my cup of tea.
Can anyone enlighten me about what people are talking about when they refer to “x box tax” please?
I keep reading it and don’t have a clue what it’s about..
@Hurblyburbly basically some folks think games get a review scores lowered because it's on xbox/gamepass.
Utter nonsense.
@Hurblyburbly It's a conspiracy theory-esque coping mechanism whereby any and all criticism of Xbox games is invalid due to inherent negative bias of reviewers and the media.
@Hurblyburbly Some people think that there are websites who purposefully lower their review scores because they are biased and don't want Xbox games to get high scores. I don’t know if there’s an exact definition lol, but that’s how it comes across to me.
@Weebleman yet none of them ever complain when ‘nobody’ reviewers give everything 10s regardless.
After I finish Indy this will be the next game on my list.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner it's weird that games getting an average of 70's or 80's are classed as bad games. Just silly logic. These folks must miss out on so many good games because another person's opinion doesn't match their own.
I watched some playthroughs earlier and the animations looked very stilted/clunky. I wanted to like it but found it hard to watch TBH.
I liked (not loved) The Outer Worlds, but man I couldn't disagree more about the companions. I disliked them all and Pavarati or whatever her name was by far the most. Really bizarre crap to put in a video game.
So happy it has a super easy mode for us busy folk. Gonna have to give this a spin when it comes out.
Dual wielding, fair enough Outer World, Elder Scrolls, Pillars and Obisidian's own charm for a fantasy game to still stand out.
Sure the choices not surprised, but the world, character it has, companions could be hit or miss but even still. I think this is the design I want to see games go not companies making action adventure RPG lites and struggling with the trend/studios dying over it.
Not surprised some stiffness in there/some unpolished/good enough, but I think enough covers it up or enough is present for things to still work. But will see.
Or a bunch of average RPG even as a non RPG fan (unless tactics games) many seem very disappointing besides CRPGs it seems. Or however some JRPGs turn out.
Is it a game for me no, do I respect it, absolutely.
It doesn't have the kind of world design/quests/abilities/movesets (even besides dual wielding in a modern era game woo, I miss it from PS3/360 IPs) I care for but that doesn't make it a bad game.
For those claiming "Xbox tax" isn't real, just watch the Starfield and Indiana Jones soar when they're on PlayStation.
@SMJ You mean like:
All higher scores on Xbox. Did they forget to pay their taxes? 😅
Were these games exempted from the ‘Xbox tax’?
Meanwhile PS games also get lower scores. Think Concord and Lego Horizon for example.
But if you want to keep telling yourself that the “Tax” is real, be my guest.
"All higher scores on Xbox. Did they forget to pay their taxes?"
No, they run better on Xbox.
@LogicStrikesAgain I like the way you have clearly missed the point I was making (or have chosen to ignore it).
Are you actually kidding? I hope this is parody because you brought Concord into the conversation.
The ratings for Starfield and Indiana Jones will spike when they release on PlayStation. I'm glad you refused to mention those, even though I mentioned them specifically.
Concord is the biggest £400 million Sony have ever spunked into a wall. Nobody wanted it. Nobody liked it. Nobody bought it. Nobody played it.
Redfall is an absolute success and best game ever made compared to Concord! 😂
@SMJ I guess i don't know what your point is then lol.
What i thought you were saying is, “see how the same games will get higher scores on Playstation, because of the Xbox Tax.”
My point is there is no ‘Xbox Tax’, and therefore provided a list of games that are both on Playstation and Xbox, which got higher scores on Xbox.
And with Concord i’m pointing out that Playstation games also get low scores, proving there is no bias towards Playstation games, as they get dunked on as well if they’re bad.
And i cant mention those 2 games, cause they havent released yet, so i cant just fabricate some PS scores for them, who knows what their scores will be 🤷🏻♂️
Also find it ironic when you say Concord had such low scores because people didn’t like it (which is true), but when Xbox games get low scores it must be because of “Xbox tax”
@LogicStrikesAgain What did my original point say? It mentioned 2 games that I think will demonstrate scores will go higher when they release on PlayStation. Do you agree?
What about that do you disagree with? That is an example of Xbox tax.
You are the one who brought a ton of other games into the conversation. Concord in particular.
It's okay to only want to play games on PlayStation. But trying to start a boring console war is just stupid.
@SMJ Not starting a console war at all, just reacting to false claims being made about made up taxes.
I brought those games up to show you that the same games don't automatically get scored higher on Playstation.
And if those 2 games get scored higher on Playstation, still doesn't prove there’s a Xbox tax, i’m sorry.
Ironically, one of those games i listed went to Xbox recently and got scored higher there, is that Playstation tax? 😆
Honestly, you lost me with your last comment. I dont know what your point is anymore. But for everybodys sake, lets just stop arguing about this. You know what, i’ll even agree with you, the tax is real! 😁
@SMJ so if a game is higher on PS it’s because of the Xbox tax …. But if it’s higher on Xbox all is as it should be?
@GeeForce Ah yes, so if games score higher on Xbox it’s because they run better. And if they get scored higher on Playstation it’s because of Xbox tax, got it! Learning so much today.
I'm honestly surprised by the amount of enviornment interactivity. I guess I was just thinking this would be like Skyrim with only really being able to awkwardly jump and sidle around things by abusing physics.
While I am disappointed it is light on plot considering what it's based upon, I'm glad the gameplay at least is stellar. Just a lot of surprises washed over me while reading this review!
Good, everyday is a school day.
@Cikajovazmaj I don’t think anyone should take a critics review seriously at all. That is unless you know the critic has similar or exact tastes as you. I.e. I’d never take advice about beer from someone whom drinks beer I consider to be low tier. So it’s all relative to one’s tastes. So give the game a shot if you have subsidized gamepass. It won’t hurt to try.
You completely proved your point, but the foil hat brigade will not accept evidence that contradicts their belief system. That particular member has the 'blue' box and his hatred of it running through almost every comment posted and clearly living rent free in his head. A meaningful conversation could not be had unless you are simply agreeing with him or avoiding anything to do with another platform.
Meanwhile, I'm really looking forward to playing this game! Reviews appear to be inconsistent, but I know I resonate with PJ's reviews and his taste in games, so if its an 8 from him, then it's a good game well worth trying in my book! You gonna try this one? I'm going to take it slow and savour it....
@Vaako007 that's the thing, I don't have a GP sub currently. Also, I'd either be picking this up on PS (when inevitably it's released) or PC.
Maybe it will get a trial and I'll be able to get a taste... (and yes, with my gaming habits and how much I expect to get from an RPG, it makes sense to buy vs. get GP)
Based on what I've seen this looks like a poor man's Skyrim.
That's a loooooot of fair criticism for an 8/10 score. It looks like Skyrim Lite to me. This review brought to you by Microsoft? We still love you!
@Titntin Thanks man! Always appreciate seeing people with some common sense. I wasn’t even trying to console war, it’s just that i’m somewhat triggered when i see cognitive bias, and then i feel compelled to react to it 😅
Tbf, i should probably contain myself a bit when criticizing anything Xbox (tax) related on this site, i’m sure most here just want to enjoy their preffered platform in peace, and i respect that. Also, didn't want to derail the comment section with off topic stuff. I just cant help myself sometimes, when i see some weird stuff being said, from both sides btw.
Great to hear man, i hope you enjoy the game! I watched the Digital Foundry review and came away a bit more convinced. But i’m actually waiting to see more from Fable myself.
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