Comments 541

Re: Indie Dev Prefers Selling Games Outright Despite 'A Pretty Good Deal' With Xbox Game Pass


I’ve played games on Game Pass I never thought I will because they surprised me. Norco for instance. Wouldn’t have bought it, but it clicked instantly.

Then there’s games I try, and definitely see what’s good about them, but stop playing because it isn’t my cup of tea - like Genesis Noir.

Somerville, however, was just too much of the same. I already played Inside and had zero feeling that the new game would do something different. This one is on you, developer…

Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (May 13-14)


After finishing the story, I may do remaining sidequests in Jedi Survivor, and someone convinced me to give Ravenlok another try, so I may do that as well. Finally, let’s fire up The Last of Benedict Fox once more to see if I can move on in the story somewhere. It seems like you’re (well at least, I’m) stuck in that game all the time.

Re: These 10+ Games Are Coming To Xbox Next Week (May 15-19)


Incredible to see Chasm The Rift making a return on consoles now, 25 years later. I enjoyed the demo back in the days.

I’m keeping my eye open for the reviews on Lego 2K Drive, as I love the concept, but the racing itself seems a bit random and chaotic in gameplay so far.

Otherwise, I’ll just pick up the new Trackmania.

Re: EA Details Next Major Star Wars Jedi: Survivor Update, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


@BRT15 I enjoyed Fallen Order on Game Pass so much that I immediately wanted to have this full price upon release - for the first time for a game in ten years or so.

And I loved every minute of it, 41 hours in. It runs mostly great on Quality mode and oh boy, the story, the characters, the action, sense of discovery and platforming are awesome.

To me, the hatehypetrain is incredibly overrated. It’s an awesome game.

Re: Happy New Year!


Happy New Year - the year in which Atomic Heart will surprise everyone. I just sense greatness in that game.

Re: Happy New Year!


Happy new year!

My two gaming predictions for 2023:

  • Hogwarts Legacy will be the biggest letdown of the year; lifeless, stiff and boring - averaging around 77/100 on Metacritic
  • Atomic Heart will rank up 10/10’s and will be contender for GOTY