A 'Gears of War collection' of some sort has been a hot topic for a number of years at this point, with lots of rumours and reports pointing towards it becoming a reality some day. We've never heard anything official from Xbox on the matter, but a recent comment from Phil Spencer has reignited some theories on such a collection possibly happening soon.
So, we decided to load up some good old Gears of War 3 here in a new Let's Play video to reminisce about the good times, and to talk about that comment from the Xbox boss. Again, we're not sure if any sort of collection is in the works, but after playing Gears 3 again for the first time in a good while, we really do hope it's real.
We know the first game was essentially remade with Gears of War: Ultimate Edition, but Gears 2 and 3 are still Xbox 360 games these days (albeit with great current-gen enhancements) and a proper Xbox Series X|S version of all three games would do wonders for the Gears community as it patiently awaits Gears 6.
We reckon Gears 2 could benefit the most from a new remaster or remake, but Gears 3 would certainly be improved as well - even if new, actual dedicated servers would be the biggest win for the third game!
Having said all that, which Gears of War game would you play first if a 'Gears Collection' launched sometime soon? Vote in the poll down below and let us know your pick!
Which Of The Original Gears Trilogy Would You Play First? (1,012 votes)
- Gears of War
- Gears of War 2
- Gears of War 3
Comments 45
Please not, after waiting for far too long I just decided to replay the original games.
But yeah, in general it would (have been) awesome to get a collection.
Hopefully it's real, my excitement for Xbox is really low (lowest it's been since E3 2013) but something like a Gears collection would convince me to consider re-subscribing to Gold.
It would be a good thing. These games are old and in need of being re-introduced to newer audiences. I myself have never played the series, other than some minor dabbling back when the second one was released.
Remasters and collections also seem to have worked very well for PlayStation to pad their yearly offerings, so why not?
After Gears of War being chosen for April's game club I ended playing the full trilogy. However I would like to have a physical copy with it regardless.
The entire collection is already at 4K/60fps on Series X so unless its on the scale of the Gears 1 remake i don't see the point.
I’d rather have a collection of remastered fallouts or elder scrolls personally but that’s probably asking too much.
@Balta666 ooft, a physical Gears collection would be gorgeous!
I'd love a UE5 remake of the Gears Trilogy myself and I'd start at the 'beginning' again - even though I beat it on 360 and again on XB1 with the Remastered version. Gears 2 and 3 were 'better' - 2 is probably my favourite from a Narrative perspective, I'd still start at the beginning and play through the lot in sequence.
I'd like a MCC style collection - inc all the MP/Co-Op modes - I enjoyed Horde/Beast modes the most in terms of Online so a 'complete' collection of the MP too would be great and would bring all those to modern hardware inc PC.
Gears of War is my Favorite XBOX franchise. I want this collection for myself of course but also for the newer younger players to get into it before the show launches. The first 3 are my favorite so these in true next gen form would be insane fun. Plus give me multiplayer to them again. This would be a great July August release if it’s ready and then drop Starfield in September and then Forza, that is a strong back half release lineup.
@BBB wouldn’t say overrated and it catapulted the 3rd person cover genre. Sony admitted to making Uncharted cause of Gears. Many games used a lot of the ideas and tech from Epic’s Gears of War games. I understand they aren’t your thing tho, I respect that. But they were for their time cutting edge in lot’s of ways more than just HD graphics.
Would love a Gears collection or a Forza Horizon 1-3 Collection
I don't really see the point considering how well they still hold up. Gears is still the the pinnacle of cover-based TPS games. To me the 360/PS3 generation isn't as unplayable as some people make it out to be but that's just me. I know remakes are hot right now so I wouldn't blame them for doing one.
@Green-Bandit Not just Gears, but RE4 and Tomb Raider. All of those titles inspired Uncharted. Context is important. 😁
I'd be more interested in a re-invention of the series. But first they ought to close the current story for those that have enjoyed it.
For Gears 6 I'd have a dying old Marcus trying get JD and Kait back on track before he passes. A nice change of tone, Gears fans are all older now.
Then they can go wild for the third trilogy with completely new places, enemies, characters, conflicts and themes.
@BBB yeah totally agree if a game ain’t for you it just ain’t got you. I have many games i don’t care for that are considered legendary games. I don’t play them older versions no more hence i would love a UE5 upgraded collection. I would play them all over and for 100’s of hours on multiplayer. Time will tell, but i hope the rumors have largely been accurate and we see this at the June Showcase.
@Rafie from a 3rd person perspective yes, i didn’t include them cause they didn’t have a cover system. So i concur context is important.
Would be a complete waste of resources. The old games still hold up so well. Not to mention that Gears of War 1 already has a updated version. Gears 2 & 3 look great as they are. It would be better to focus and work on Gears 6.
I wouldn’t mind it but would prefer something new since the older titles are all playable on the Series systems with enhancements.
On one hand, I do want it to be real. On the other, I don't want it to be, because that'll mean the older games get delisted and shut down like the Halo games. And for some Microsoft couldn't do what they did with GoldenEye and just give digital copies of the old games to people with the Collection and keep them on Game Pass for the single player.
No more Gears, please. Investing in new IPs would be better.
I wouldn't mind if it were true. Moved to Xbox as main about 6 months ago and been playing some of the old ones. Played gears 1 recently, so I'm actually giving a bit of time before going for 2, to see if this is true.
First one was good fun, liked the atmosphere, repeated some missions coop, was surprised to see some people playing still.
They should have just remastered all three instead of just the first game. Enough time has passed that they really just need to remake these in unreal 5.
Gears is my favourite series on Xbox, I played Gears 1-3 religously in the 360 days, so yes I would love a remake/remaster collection and I think the series needs it. It needs the same love Halo got with the Master Chief Collection.
Not really interested. Would rather get Gears 6 sooner.
Never played 2 or 3 not being a huge fan of the series...but I would probably play them this time round
@Green-Bandit Right. It was just the wording as if Uncharted was made because of Gears. Hence the context. We good though, Bandit. 🫡
Surprised there is so much support for this. Gears 3 was one of, if not the best BC enhanced game in the entire BC catalog. Will remaking these games really be necessary when Ultimate/2/3/4 all got 4K upgrades already?
@Rafie Yes Sir all good 😀 , i just watched a YouTube video a while back and it was talking about how taken back a lot of dev’s were by the cover system epic was using. Sony was one of the them that didn’t want to not have a cover shooter game. So the story went, Sony built Uncharted in response to Gears of War. I am the weird PS console owner, that just never cared for uncharted so some reason. I respect they are great made games, but the shooting and constant hanging off a ledge by a pinkie finger just didn’t do it for me. Thanks for the reply buddy 😀
I would definitely play a Gears collection it would be good to revisit 2 and 3 with better graphics like they did with 1 and the UE. I might just play 2 & 3 again via backwards compatibility at this point however.
New (good) games please Microsoft.
I have so many good memories playing gears 2 with my best friend back in high school. wouldn't mind taking a trip back now and again.
I recently played through gears ultimate edition & the QOL updates were definitely appreciated. I also decided to play through gears of war 2 on my series S & it was so much fun. Those games still hold up incredible well especially when the game boosts are considered. That being said a gears collection with fully remastered (better yet remade) gears trilogy would be absolutely phenomenal! I can't imagine it not performing well as gears of war constantly ranks among the BEST Xbox games ever made. I hope we get some sort of modern collection simply because the games are too damn good to let them just die with the Xbox 360. Happy gaming ✌️
Would it be nice yes. Do I own all Gears 1-3, Judgement, 4 and played via Gamepass but not tried Tactics. Don't own Ultimate Edition as have no need to.
Yes I own all the 360 entries and they had that Gears previous entries thing for Gears 4 or Ultimate Edition or something which was cool but eh I have my 360 copies happily on my shelf. I struggle to get excited to replay them but maybe just the mood I'm in.
Will I buy a collection on modern platforms no thanks. Do I think it's a good enough idea for fans/newcomers yeah I think it has a place.
Thing is I'd care for a OG Xbox games (heck even Blinx 2 would be nice to see as we always see Blinx 1) or certain particular 360 games collection instead. I mean having Rare Replay made some games easy to access in one place and happy with it. Or if I could play Motorsport 1 on Xbox One/Series instead (besides that it's the only entry I don't own currently but do 2-7 buying 6 in the last few weeks). Even a PGR collection of 1-4 would be nice. Sure I own all 4 right now but using a 360 for 1&2 can be annoying for BC (I don't own an OG Xbox) even if played them constantly in 2020 to make the most of it.
I know licensing of cars, music and other brands can be a challenge so I'd be more open to other IPs for old Xbox IPs first or third party instead but still anything will do.
I've owned my Xbox for around 9 months now and with amount of games I have to troll through I've only played a couple of hours of Gears Of War Ultimate Edition this would certainly be welcome before I get any further into the collection. Not that the 360 Games look bad via Backward Compatibility anyway.
I’d rather see Microsoft putting effort into brand new games.
Also, I feel that Gears of War overstayed its welcome. Judgement and 4 are dreadful.
eh Microsoft, got any new games there?
I don't care one way or the other. I've played Gears 1 so many times I couldn't possibly play it again
Almost certainly, it’s an easy win. But im more excited that Spencer said “Collections” plural. I’m hoping for Fallout, Elder Scrolls or Dishonored. (Finally get Dishonored 2 at 60fps on console). What else do people think it might be?
@themightyant If the focus is on closing the content gap between console and PC, Fable trilogy would fit. I recall someone on this site saying that Fable 3's no longer playable on PC so much like Gears you have a situation where only the first game is playable on PC from the pre-XB1 era.
Forza or Fable 1-3 collection please!
Aren't the Gears games all playable on Xbox One/Series consoles as is, though?
This seems sort of pointless to me.
@Ralizah All the Mass Effect games are playable via BC, we still got a remastered collection for that and a lot of other games, and it was much appreciated.
@Grumblevolcano GREAT shout. I didn’t even think of Fable. Though I’ll be honest last time I played Fable (first one) it had aged horribly in some aspects.
@ycshinobi Mass Effect wasn't b/c on Playstation. The older entries also didn't enjoy updates on more powerful hardware. And had aged more poorly in general.
I'm not saying you're not allowed to enjoy it, but I genuinely don't understand the appeal.
not only am i hoping is real, but i hope they dont screw it up like they most likely will.
Gears 1 remaster was absoutely fine, but i just seriously hated how they changed the games artstyle and made everything much brighter and more colorful, my memory is fuzzy but i think they even changed some cutscenes . i miss the gritty and dark look of gears dearly & if they remaster 2 and 3 its gonna look like playdoh gears 5.
they should do it like the MCC and let us toggle between original and remastered
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