Comments 524

Re: SEGA Is Reportedly Considering Its Own Gaming Subscription Service


This actually has potential. Get the likes of Daytona, Outrun 2006/Online, Afterburner Climax and Jet Set Radio back on there and I’m listening.

Make it cross platform with the Ages games on the Switch and I’m taking notes.

Offer it with working Saturn and System 3/Model 3 emulators and I’m throwing money at you, Sega

Re: Microsoft CEO: 'We Are Redefining What It Means To Be An Xbox Fan'



The 360 was a very long time ago in a different industry. It isn’t 2007. Long past time to move on.

Of course I care more about games than brand loyalty. Only a fool would think differently. Brand loyalty is marketing BS perpetuated by multinationals who only exist to take your money.

The only way Xbox can continue to exist is with Consoles as part of a multiplatform strategy. Sorry if that doesn’t fit with Console Warrior nonsense but it’s reality. That’s the only future for the ‘brand.’

Re: Xbox Reporter Says That Microsoft 'Won't Have Exclusives Going Forward'


Doesn’t mean a lot really. We know most Xbox games in the future will be on other formats eventually. Launching first and into GP then taking full price sales on other platforms is likely to be very profitable.

Timed exclusive could mean launching on other Consoles three months after Xbox, or 6 months, or 3 years depending on the game. Hardware may drop off a bit but it’s still a $10 billion annual business for them, plus third party licensing fees, peripherals etc.It isn’t going anywhere.

Re: Yes, The Outer Worlds 2 Is Another Xbox-Developed Game Heading To PS5


Multi platform game gets multiplatform sequel. No big surprise there. I don’t care what platforms it’s on, my enjoyment or otherwise of this game or any other will not be affected by whether people with different game systems can play it or not. I actually struggle to believe that any functioning adult gets worked up about exclusivity in 2024.

Re: Rumour: Xbox May Be Gearing Up To Reveal Handheld Device In 2025


Not sure a pure handheld system would be a great idea but a Switch competitor would. Nintendo have hit the sweet spot of practicality that’s allowed them to appeal to all age groups, especially adults (where the money is) who relish being able to jump between handheld and home usage. If they can get a Series S into that form factor with decent battery life and pricing it could be a real winner.

Re: Xbox Series X|S Console Sales Estimated At Under Half Of PS5 In New Report



Sony IIRC reported that they weren’t making a loss on PS5 hardware but it wasn’t clear whether that was just related to hardware or the overall cost including distribution, marketing R&D etc. When Spencer talked about Xbox taking a loss he was including all that (though it’s hard to see them spending much on marketing).

That’s standard though and has been through the history of the industry. The platform holder takes a loss but looks to make it back on game sales, third party licensing fees, peripheral sales, subscriptions etc. Even losing money on hardware, having 50-60 million people in the ecosystem is a massive business.

Re: The Xbox Game Pass Conversion Ratios Have Gotten Worse This Week



I’m same as you, I’ve been around since the 8-bit Computer days and see Game Pass as great value. People are always going to be disappointed at price rises and getting less return for their spend but it’s still a very good deal. The variety is brilliant, it has loads of big hitters and a smattering of interesting Indie games too. As someone who jumps around (in recent months I’ve played some Jedi Survivor, Doom Eternal, Hellblade 2, Forza, FC 24, Yakuza and Starfield) it’s a great value proposition.

Re: Reaction: PS5 Pro's Extortionate Price Justifies Xbox's Lack Of A New Console


The whole thing is very odd. The current systems don’t feel anywhere near maxed out yet they’re trying to sell a high ended option without seemingly a clear understanding of what it will offer.

The upgrades last gen made perfect sense given the uptake of 4K TVs at that time and the XB1 especially being pretty weak-XB1X was a brilliant upgrade.

Sony don’t exactly have Xbox snapping at their heels either so it’s not like they have market share to protect.

I just don’t get it.

Re: Rumour: Xbox To Announce 'Big' Game For PS5 Next Week



Keeping making Consoles isn’t a difficult decision for them at all. That’s why they’ve been very clear that they’re carrying on making hardware. They’re a key part of their strategy. They pull in Game Pass subscribers, they facilitate licensing fees from third parties which is a big revenue stream, they generate peripheral sales, they tie people into the ecosystem through Online play. Absolute no brainier.