Today marks the arrival of Razer's new wireless 'Wolverine V3 Pro' controller for Xbox Series X|S and PC. It'll set you back $199.99 / £199.99 (or the regional equivalent) and comes with four mouse click back paddles, two claw grip bumpers, pro hypertriggers and hall effect precision thumbsticks.
If you're wondering how this one handles, the first batch of reviews have now gone live. So here's a round up of the impressions so far, starting off with Windows Central which summed it up as the closet thing to "perfection" and gave it 4 and a half stars out of 5:
"Razer has finally made a wireless controller for the Xbox and overall it's absolutely brilliant. Combining the best aspects of previous Wolverine controllers, Razer has updated it for the present day with its excellent mouse switch technology, hall effect sticks and an ergonomic design that I would argue is better even than Microsoft's own."
GameSpot thought it was better than the previous Wolverine Xbox controllers and performed better in certain areas compared to the Elite Series 2:
"The Razer Wolverine V3 Pro is a competitive controller that's difficult to knock in any area. The Elite Series 2 has more physical customization options, Bluetooth support, better battery life, and remains unrivaled when it comes to general feel--there's just something about the weightiness of the Elite Series 2 that makes it hard to beat. That said, the V3 Pro has superior analog sticks, buttons, remappable rear triggers, and comparable software customization features."
CGMagazine also had high praise, awarding it 9 out of 10:
"The Razer Wolverine V3 Pro is an excellent update to the Pro controller line. Responding to much of the critique given the V2 Pro release, Razer has taken the feedback seriously and created an excellent Controller in the Wolverine V3 Pro."
COG Connected labelled it the new "Gold Standard", awarding it a perfect 100:
"The inputs are responsive, the buttons feel amazing, and the weight is basically perfect. Plus, it’s got a proper rechargeable battery and a host of pro-friendly features...If you’re looking for your next top-tier gaming controller, Razer’s Wolverine V3 Pro should be first on your list."
And TechRadar Gaming said it was a "must-have premium Xbox controller", giving it 5 out of 5 stars:
"The Razer Wolverine V3 Pro is easily one of the best Xbox controllers (and best PC controllers) on the market right now."
Any interest in this controller? Let us know in the comments.
Comments 34
Does anyone know if they gunna get stick drift? My elite 2 got it after 3 months 😢
@Decimateh not with hall effect thumbsticks. Sad that the Elite controllers are so great yet built so poorly…my right bumper is already dying on me after a year, my elite 1 lost the grip + broken bumper + stick drift after 4 years
I'm waiting for the Elite 3 to be announced, but the truth is that this one looks very good.
I have an older (wired) Wolverine and it's excellent. Best of all is that you can normally pick up Razer controllers for a fraction of their original price at some point in the not too distant future.
Looks nice, but not £200 nice.
Still waiting on a gyro.
Welp I would hope it's a good controller for that price. Don't see me ever buying one though the standard controller is perfectly fine for my gaming requirements.
Whats wrong with normal controllers 200 quid for a controller not for me thanks 👍
All I know about their controllers is I got one for Xbox 360 and it's got the worst stick drift I have ever experienced. Hopefully they're better now. I do like their keyboards though.
@Decimateh Yeah, drift is a plague nowadays. I've never had problems with controllers in the past, but I just got drift on the controller I got with my series X. This wasn't as bad for me, the controller "only" lasted just under two years.
That said, I feel these things should last longer than just a couple of years, they definitely did back in te day (yeah old dino grumpy mode activated).
Anyway, with Hall effect stuff we shouldn't have drift problems anymore (or so they say)
Now 200 quid is too much for me to spend on a controller, too many other things can be bought with that kind of money, but for those willing to pay the price this seems like a nice option.
As a side note, if you guys want something cheaper (i.e. £50), I've just bought a Gamesir g7 se. It also has Hall effect thumbstricks and triggers. Overall good reviews for this controller, feels good etc. obviously not an "elite" type controller, but still's got a couple of additional buttons, some customisation. The main drawback is that is corded, so if you can't live with that, not a good option.
looks tidy but £200 is insane.
I also love the Elite controllers, but both Series 1 and 2 lasted much less than I expected, with normal use tearing them apart: grips, thumbstick rubber, bumpers, paddle buttons... I would get a Series 3 if they make them more durable. They are wonderfully designed, though. The paddle buttons should be included in all Xbox controllers, even if the paddles would be sold separately, like the Elite Series 2 Core. I hope that the next-gen Xbox controller has paddles, motion controls (for those that care) and hall effect sticks. One understated thing about Xbox is the lower latency. It's the best platform for gaming (outside PC).
“Windows Central which summed it up as the closet thing to "perfection" and gave it 4.5 out of 5 stars”
Wouldn’t that be 4.9 out of 5?
Crazy price for a controller.
All I want is that upcoming revision with gyro compatibility. That's the only major downside of the existing first-party controller to me.
If I still played competitive FPS games I’d probably look into this. Right now though I’m happy with my wired gamesir which has halls effect sticks.
Even if I was rich I would never pay that much money for a controller, ever.
I have not yet got controller drift on any joypads I have bought for my Xbox, maybe I have just been lucky.
@Stamnoso what are the face/shoulder buttons and d-pad like on the Gamesir G7 SE? I'm looking for something with buttons that are more clicky; I've been using the official Xbox controller, which is more than serviceable, but the one thing I've never liked is how mushy the buttons are.
If the G7 SE has clicky buttons, then £50 for those, hall effect sticks and back buttons is too good to pass up.
@Burnfeeling does hall effect stop drift then? Thnx For replying 🙂 and that's not that bad my elite series 2 last 3 months 🤣🤣😭 only seems bad this gen n last never had it on 360 n they got some hammer lol
@Stamnoso thnx for replying 🙂 and ye they were never so bad before never got it on. 360 n they got some hammer like used to play cod trickshotting so buttons got smashed n never had drift 🤣 guess there no paddle on the game sir? N ye it's pricey tbh think might try get one down line but with coupe replies IV had might see if there's one with paddle n hall effect 🙂
@Markatron84 There is a nice review here:
@Decimateh Hall effect uses a magnet to detect position. Traditional sticks use a carbon film layered potentiometer that rubs together to detect position. Hall effect can't develop drift the same ways traditional sticks can because theres no contact, it's just a magnetic field, however, the centering spring can always go bad or warp. But that's a much less common problem than the normal potentiometer film wear.
@Markatron84 If you're looking for PC and Switch only (not XB/PS without adapters) also check out Flydigi. Kind of a "no name" here, but they're the #1 brand in China, they have pretty nice stuff. Vaders and Apex's have Hall effect.
Been a fan of those hall tech driftless joysticks.
Only the Dpad? I want to know how that feels.
@NEStalgia thnx for replying il have to have a look at some hall effect controllers 🙂
@Decimateh Hall effect is anti drift
@PushButtons sounds good thnx for replying 🙂
Liking the sleek look.
Why can’t I just get an affordable, basic wireless series x controller? Is that too much to ask? The official one hurts my wrist, so I’ve been stuck with the last gen Xbox controller this whole time.
@Markatron84 Banjo shared a good review, so worth having a quick read.
I just had a go at comparing buttons in both (still got the drifty controller here) and this is my personal view, but I'd say:
The other thing I've noticed is the controller itself is perhaps a tiny bit bigger and slighly different shape. It's messing a bit with my mussle memory in a couple of minor things cause the central buttons are a bit further away and in a slightly different direction from/to the sticks and ABXY. Of course, this is a really minor thing cause my brain will get adjusted after a couple of hours. Not really a bad thing, simply a bit different, which I guess is to be expected.
Sorry, this turned out quite long in the end. Overall, I personally think the Gamesir controller feels better than the standard one + it's got some additional functions/buttons and customisations (as the review says) + hall effect stuff. Personally, if I had a fully functioning standard controller I wouldn't just change to this (but that's me not spending money perhaps) but if I was browsing the market for new controller and it was between the Gamesir and the standard one, I would definitely pick the former, I feel it gives you more for the same price. The only big thing you loose is wireless of course.
Not at all, thanks for the info.
@Banjo- @NEStalgia cheers guys 👍👍
Is anyone familiar with an Xbox controller that doesn’t have offset thumbsticks and preferably flatter ABXY buttons?
Mainly the flatter face buttons, the offset thumb sticks isn’t that big of a deal.
@electrolite77 Xbox started the $200 controller with the Elite, and it's boomed from there. Paid online, $200 for premium controllers.... How did we end up liking Xbox again?
I would buy it if it had gyro
😆 In my case, not buying a £200 Controller helped
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