It's been really disappointing in general (I play on Xbox and Switch), almost every game I'm waiting for is coming on the second half of the year so looking forward to them (Starfield DLC, Indiana Jones, Black Ops 6, Flight Sim 2024, Dragon Age, Metal Slug Tactics, Life is Strange).
So I've been enjoying a lot playing the same things, playing a ton of Forza Motorsport and Fallout 76. As for new releases, loved Balatro and Still Wakes the Deep
I finished it on saturday, it's an incredible game, easily one of the best of the year, the puzzles are great, simple mechanics yet complex executions, difficult but not at all frustrating, a must play if you have gamepass
I have Starfield third. Dredge first and Hifi Rush second, the top 5 is completed by Tears of the Kingdom in 4th and Oxenfree 2 in 5th. Probably Forza Motorsport enters the top 3 for me or even first but we'll see.
Bought the Series S and one month later the 1TB expansion card, it's great, now that's going to last me for the entire generation. I have 1.2TB total nd 200GB free
Never played GTA V before, my friends gifted me the game for my Series S in August for my birthday, it's a great game and it was an awesome experience, can't complain here
@Rafie maybe that's why? He's the chief of marketing on Xbox and does nothing, wasting time on dumb fridges instead of putting out trailers for the games, you never see a commercial for Xbox while PS put their ads everywhere
The speed of the system, my Series S making absolutely no noise, the non existant loading times, Quick Resume that I can't live without now, FPS Boost, Gamepass and the Dashboard, can't wait for the new Dashboard though, that one looks even better
Can't wait for Season 1, that's a ton of content. MW2 is my first ever CoD and I'm having a lot of fun with the game, it looks and plays great on the Series S. Now I understand why these games sell so much each year, they are stupidly fun to play
For the better. The third one was an embarrassment to the brand. Clearly the top guys at SMS know no better. It doesn't change much for the employees because they are going to get moved to Codemasters' various studios
@Nightcrawler71 The Division 2 is an open world 4 coop game that runs at 4K60 on the big ones and 1080p60 on the SS and looks better than GK that's only 2 player coop, they don't have any excuse
@Stoned_Patrol people wishlisting the game on steam means nothing because only 60 play it per day, look at the steam charts. You cant sustain an online shooter with those numbers. Clearly no one wants to pay for this
The game looks fun but it's so dumb to see the devs openly begging Xbox money for a GP deal on twitter, like they are admitting they don't have any hopes on the game being a hit and they only want fast and easy GP money, the game's dead on steam and switch so why would Xbox hand over free money for a game no one would buy?
@Sakisa wow, what a dumb argument, that's basically saying, "yeah, I'm on the right and everybody else is wrong because i saw that Matt Mcmuscles video", really? Defending a guy like Kamiya that let MS had all the fault back in the day and years later when no one else cared he finally man up and said that they had the fault about it. Just move on dude
@Sakisa all those games are awful, specially Nier. And we get the impression you're just a Platinum fanboy that believes those devs can't do wrong, hoping they give the IP to a more competent studio
Damn Kamiya is getting really dense with this, why would Xbox give them more money for them to stole? Besides, the only good Platinum Games are the Bayonetta series, the rest of their portfolio is rubbish
Easy Deathloop, game's a masterpiece like any Arkane game since the first Dishonored, it made me finally finish the Dishonored saga, finished 2 yesterday and today Death of the Outsider, both are great
Funny thing is that they don't actually have the same name, the new one is Modern Warfare II, the old one is Modern Warfare 2, arabic vs roman numbers lol
Love all of them, D1, D2, Prey and Wolfenstein Youngblood, idk why everyone hates on that last one, the weapon customization and perks personalization on it is awesome, it has the Arkane DNA all over it, can't wait for Deathloop and Redfall. Love all Bethesda Studios and Arkane, MachineGames and Tango in particular
Game is intriguing and interesting, but sadly very boring and frustrating to play, i stopped after 2 hours and enjoyed it way more by watching a let's play after
This is great, I have been using for a couple of months and works great, would be nice to allow us to stream the gameplay in the discord rooms, my friends on PC do that a lot
It runs great now, on my 43" 1080p TV it looks almost the same to the quality Mode. And the awful input lag disappeared too. Now it's really good to play
I preorder games for my Series S all the time, did it with Elden Ring, Evil Dead, The Quarry, Cult of the Lamb, Temtem, Dakar Desert Rally, Ghostbusters, CoD MW2, Gotham Knights, Callisto Protocol, Devil In Me and Dead Island 2, i was going to buy all those games on release day regardless so i get the preorder bonus for free.
Comments 206
Re: Talking Point: What Is Your Download Speed On Xbox These Days?
Never had any problem with my Series S, I have 300MB fiber and the download speeds are always between 280/290MB so can't complain.
Re: Talking Point: How Do You Feel About 2024 On Xbox So Far?
It's been really disappointing in general (I play on Xbox and Switch), almost every game I'm waiting for is coming on the second half of the year so looking forward to them (Starfield DLC, Indiana Jones, Black Ops 6, Flight Sim 2024, Dragon Age, Metal Slug Tactics, Life is Strange).
So I've been enjoying a lot playing the same things, playing a ton of Forza Motorsport and Fallout 76. As for new releases, loved Balatro and Still Wakes the Deep
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Series X|S Owners, How's Your Storage Looking In 2024?
Bought my Series S along with the 1TB expansion card, that way it will last me the entire generation
Re: Talking Point: What Do You Think Of Cocoon So Far On Xbox Game Pass?
I finished it on saturday, it's an incredible game, easily one of the best of the year, the puzzles are great, simple mechanics yet complex executions, difficult but not at all frustrating, a must play if you have gamepass
Re: Talking Point: Where Does Starfield Rank In Your Top Games Of 2023?
I have Starfield third. Dredge first and Hifi Rush second, the top 5 is completed by Tears of the Kingdom in 4th and Oxenfree 2 in 5th. Probably Forza Motorsport enters the top 3 for me or even first but we'll see.
Re: Xbox Congratulates Nintendo On The Release Of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom
I have a Series S and a Switch, best combo ever, with my GF we can play all the games we love, can't wait to buy Zelda next month
Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer 'Loving' New Spooky Indie Title
Game's awesome, easy best indie of the year with Oxenfree 2, everyone buy it, it's great
Re: Talking Point: Xbox Series X|S Owners, How's Your Storage Looking In 2023?
Bought the Series S and one month later the 1TB expansion card, it's great, now that's going to last me for the entire generation. I have 1.2TB total nd 200GB free
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (April 1-2)
Dredge on Switch, Forza Rally Adventure on XSS, both are awesome
Re: Talking Point: One Year Later, What Do You Think Of GTA 5's Xbox Series X|S Upgrade?
Never played GTA V before, my friends gifted me the game for my Series S in August for my birthday, it's a great game and it was an awesome experience, can't complain here
Re: The Callisto Protocol Version 3.01 Adds New Game+, Here Are The Full Patch Notes
Great game, can't wait for the DLC
Re: Outer Wilds Is Getting A Lot Of Attention Before It Leaves Xbox Game Pass
The story is interesting but the game is a chore to play, I enjoyed it way more by watching it on YouTube
Re: Xbox Fans Left Disappointed With Lack Of First-Party Reveals At The Game Awards 2022
@Rafie maybe that's why? He's the chief of marketing on Xbox and does nothing, wasting time on dumb fridges instead of putting out trailers for the games, you never see a commercial for Xbox while PS put their ads everywhere
Re: Xbox Fans Left Disappointed With Lack Of First-Party Reveals At The Game Awards 2022
Xbox as always letting down their fans, can't wait for Aaron Greenberg to get fired
Re: Talking Point: What Are You Playing This Weekend? (December 3-4)
Callisto Protocol, the game is great
Re: 'Evil West' Runs At 1080P & 30FPS On Xbox Series S, 4K On Xbox One X
Damn, the game runs the same on a One X or Series X, or One S and Series S, talk about lazy devs
Re: Talking Point: What's Your Favourite Thing About Xbox Series X|S After Two Years?
The speed of the system, my Series S making absolutely no noise, the non existant loading times, Quick Resume that I can't live without now, FPS Boost, Gamepass and the Dashboard, can't wait for the new Dashboard though, that one looks even better
Re: Call Of Duty 'Season 1' Roadmap Revealed For Modern Warfare 2 & Warzone 2.0
Can't wait for Season 1, that's a ton of content. MW2 is my first ever CoD and I'm having a lot of fun with the game, it looks and plays great on the Series S. Now I understand why these games sell so much each year, they are stupidly fun to play
Re: EA Kills Project CARS As Part Of 'An Update To Our Racing Portfolio'
For the better. The third one was an embarrassment to the brand. Clearly the top guys at SMS know no better. It doesn't change much for the employees because they are going to get moved to Codemasters' various studios
Re: Poll: What Score Would You Give 'A Plague Tale: Requiem' On Xbox Game Pass?
It's an incredible game, better than the first one in every category, easy Game of the Year for me, what a masterpiece
Re: Pick One: What Was Your Favourite Xbox Game Pass Game In October?
Easily A Plague Tale Requiem, game is a masterpiece and other than that, all the other games in the month were trash
Re: Many Studios Are Struggling With Xbox Series S Requirements, Claims Developer
Yeah, sure man, the opinion of the maker of an indie game that runs like trash even on the Series X is so valuable /s
Re: 'Amnesia: Rebirth' Makes Its Xbox Debut In A Spooky Week For Game Pass
Yeah, finally I can play Rebirth. And people, you need to play SOMA, it's absolutely incredible
Re: Warner Bros Reveals Why Gotham Knights Will Be 30FPS On Xbox Series X|S
@BlackMayge yeah the game will flop hard and come to gamepass in less than 6 months like Guardians of the Galaxy, at least that one is damn good
Re: Warner Bros Reveals Why Gotham Knights Will Be 30FPS On Xbox Series X|S
@Nightcrawler71 The Division 2 is an open world 4 coop game that runs at 4K60 on the big ones and 1080p60 on the SS and looks better than GK that's only 2 player coop, they don't have any excuse
Re: Warner Bros Reveals Why Gotham Knights Will Be 30FPS On Xbox Series X|S
@BlackMayge this games looks like it will be on gamepass in 4 months tops
Re: PlatinumGames Explains Why Its New Releases Never Come To Xbox Anymore
We got the trash Nier games but no Bayonetta or Astral Chain, it sucks for Xbox but at least i played those on my switch
Re: Hypercharge: Unboxed Dev Is The Latest Pushing For An Xbox Game Pass Launch
@Stoned_Patrol people wishlisting the game on steam means nothing because only 60 play it per day, look at the steam charts. You cant sustain an online shooter with those numbers. Clearly no one wants to pay for this
Re: Talking Point: Which 'Bad' Games Have Had The Best Comeback Stories?
@ironcrow86 yeah, the game runs fine and without issues now but still is mediocre on every aspect except graphics I guess
Re: Hypercharge: Unboxed Dev Is The Latest Pushing For An Xbox Game Pass Launch
The game looks fun but it's so dumb to see the devs openly begging Xbox money for a GP deal on twitter, like they are admitting they don't have any hopes on the game being a hit and they only want fast and easy GP money, the game's dead on steam and switch so why would Xbox hand over free money for a game no one would buy?
Re: PlatinumGames Would Still Be 'Very Happy' To Work With Xbox On Scalebound
@Sakisa wow, what a dumb argument, that's basically saying, "yeah, I'm on the right and everybody else is wrong because i saw that Matt Mcmuscles video", really? Defending a guy like Kamiya that let MS had all the fault back in the day and years later when no one else cared he finally man up and said that they had the fault about it. Just move on dude
Re: PlatinumGames Would Still Be 'Very Happy' To Work With Xbox On Scalebound
@Sakisa all those games are awful, specially Nier. And we get the impression you're just a Platinum fanboy that believes those devs can't do wrong, hoping they give the IP to a more competent studio
Re: PlatinumGames Would Still Be 'Very Happy' To Work With Xbox On Scalebound
Damn Kamiya is getting really dense with this, why would Xbox give them more money for them to stole? Besides, the only good Platinum Games are the Bayonetta series, the rest of their portfolio is rubbish
Re: Need For Speed Unbound Brings Stylized Street Racing To Xbox This December
I was hyped about the return of Criterion to the franchise but this anime hideous style aint it, hard pass
Re: Pick One: What Was Your Favourite Xbox Game Pass Game In September?
Easy Deathloop, game's a masterpiece like any Arkane game since the first Dishonored, it made me finally finish the Dishonored saga, finished 2 yesterday and today Death of the Outsider, both are great
Re: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Beta Ability Working Exactly As It Shouldn't
@Kezelpaso yeah, nice comment there, I was going that in every marketing that I saw they use the II and even that's how it appears on the xbox store
Re: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 Beta Ability Working Exactly As It Shouldn't
Funny thing is that they don't actually have the same name, the new one is Modern Warfare II, the old one is Modern Warfare 2, arabic vs roman numbers lol
Re: Once Again, Xbox Says 'No' To The Return Of The Xbox 360 Blades Dashboard
@Carck wow, that's disgusting, why people want that back?
Re: Once Again, Xbox Says 'No' To The Return Of The Xbox 360 Blades Dashboard
First, the blades are awful looking, and second, why people want them back while they cry that the actual dashboard blocks a lot of the wallpaper?
Re: Pick One: Which Of These Arkane Xbox Games Is Your Favourite?
Love all of them, D1, D2, Prey and Wolfenstein Youngblood, idk why everyone hates on that last one, the weapon customization and perks personalization on it is awesome, it has the Arkane DNA all over it, can't wait for Deathloop and Redfall. Love all Bethesda Studios and Arkane, MachineGames and Tango in particular
Re: Outer Wilds Blasts Off With Free Series X|S Upgrade On Xbox Game Pass
Game is intriguing and interesting, but sadly very boring and frustrating to play, i stopped after 2 hours and enjoyed it way more by watching a let's play after
Re: Here's Everything That Was Revealed At The Xbox Tokyo Game Show 2022 Event
@Kaloudz yeah, I don't play OW either but my GF is really hyped to play it next month, new character looks cool
Re: Here's Everything That Was Revealed At The Xbox Tokyo Game Show 2022 Event
Finally Deathloop, I don't care much about Japanese games but was a great showing for people into those games
Re: Here's Everything That Was Revealed At The Xbox Tokyo Game Show 2022 Event
@Kaloudz I assume they just had marketing deals like Sony with Callisto Protocol or Hogwarts Legacy or Xbox with BF 2042 and AC Valhalla in the past
Re: Discord Voice Chat Is Now Available On Xbox One, Series X|S
This is great, I have been using for a couple of months and works great, would be nice to allow us to stream the gameplay in the discord rooms, my friends on PC do that a lot
Re: Here's Your First Look At Xbox's New Home UI In Motion
Looks great, can't wait, even better than the one we have now
Re: PlayStation Boss Heavily Criticises Xbox For 'Inadquate' Call Of Duty Offer
Dude crying that without the franchise they won't survive and Nintendo over there selling more than Xbox and PS combined without CoD lol
Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Gets Brand-New Performance Mode On Xbox Series S
It runs great now, on my 43" 1080p TV it looks almost the same to the quality Mode. And the awful input lag disappeared too. Now it's really good to play
Re: Poll: Are You Happy With September 2022's Xbox Games With Gold?
Terrible as always
Re: Talking Point: How Often Do You Pre-Order Games For Xbox?
I preorder games for my Series S all the time, did it with Elden Ring, Evil Dead, The Quarry, Cult of the Lamb, Temtem, Dakar Desert Rally, Ghostbusters, CoD MW2, Gotham Knights, Callisto Protocol, Devil In Me and Dead Island 2, i was going to buy all those games on release day regardless so i get the preorder bonus for free.