Comments 800

Re: Talking Point: Next Month, It'll Be 10 Years Since The Xbox One Reveal Event


I'd say Matrick's time as Xbox head was pretty commercially successful until this showcase. He got Netflix to offer streaming services on a console for the first time ever when streaming was primitive, he pushed the very successful connect device and the kept a good stream of first party and third party games coming in following on from Peter Moore. The Xbox one itself was a decent console. The problem was Matrick was thinking way too far into the future and got wrapped up in all the things this machine could do beyond gaming. The worst part was that his exec team (including Phil Spencer) and the marketing team let him push forward with awful messaging. In the end it lead to his demise. Since Phil Spencer has taken over his a done a good job of rebuilding positive mindshare from a hardware and consumer practice point of view.. but the gaming side.. he and Matt Booty have not been great at all.. Moore and Matrick delivered far better output in their tenures. The next head of Xbox needs to focus on game output - and the effective management of studios and deadlines.

Re: Xbox Announces Plans To Make New Dashboard Feel Less 'Crowded'


I hope players realise MS aren't ever going to remove the adverts. They could change everything, but the adverts will remain. Relevant ads would certainly improve things somewhat.

An easy fix, allow players to change the tile size on the main dashboard. Tile sizes could be amended by tile or by tile strip.

That way you cover accessibility for those that require larger tiles and those than don't can make them smaller to see more of their themes.

Re: Microsoft President Questions Whether Gaming Consoles Will Still Be Around In 10 Years


We are using our confirmation bias to assure ourselves that something we are invested in now will still be around in 10 years time because the past was wrong. One day consoles won't exisit - that day will come when they are no longer profitable to create/push software. Once cloud and internet tech improve, consoles are gone. Games will be digital and it will be all done through a much better looking screen than what we have today. Controllers and other accessories will be sold as needed.
The timelines is dertermined by progression. Could be 5 years or 15 years.

Re: Bethesda Is 'Still Sorting Stuff Out' For Xbox's Upcoming Starfield Showcase


Just a reminder that my so called "pessimism " is due to owning an xbox console for nearly a decade with nowhere near the sort of output it should be achiveing vs the insane investment MS has put into the Xbox gaming divison. The project management has been factually proven to be poor year after year with missed launch dates, delays and unfinished games at launch for AAA games. There are some good indie games coming out, but when you have great hardware, you want cutting edge software to enjoy it on also in the 3rd year of this generation. The last few months have really fatigued me and I can see a few others moving that way too. Hopefully Forza Motorsport can push the needle in the right direction again and then a strong finish to 2023 should shore a lot of that up.

Re: Hogwarts Legacy Release Date, Release Times & Preload Details On Xbox


I have this pre ordered on my PS5 due to the extra quest and features but If I did get it on my Series X I would 100% be flying to New Zealand on Monday and be playing the game at 11am UK time. I just couldn't justify to spend another £75 for 13 hours extra but if you aleady have it on Xbox thats a big bonus for deluxe edtion owners.

Re: Redfall Requires 'Persistent' Online Connection Even In Single-Player


@smoreon The fact i can't use quick resume or play a lot of my xbox without the internet is the real issue here, esp as the internet is very unstable in my area. I have no issues on my Switch or PS5 which are themselves very security heavy so no idea why MS can justify it to be honest.Not every has access to stable and afforable internet as I said before.