After multiple delays, and the somewhat controversial decision to launch on current-gen consoles at a locked 30FPS, Arkane Studios has finally managed to get Redfall out the door and into the hands of Xbox Game Pass players. This is a game we’ve been really digging the style of from what we’ve seen in pre-release footage, with its Stranger Things/suburban gothic vibes and the same unique look to characters and landscapes that runs through all of this studio’s previous releases. But now that we’ve spent a bunch of time blasting through its campaign, how does it actually play?

Well, as an experiment in melding genre types, Redfall is certainly a bit of a mixed bag. Arkane is renowned for its exquisite world-building; for its ability to flesh out characters and scenarios through environmental storytelling and the endless lore scattered throughout its carefully crafted worlds. That stuff is here — present and correct — if slightly watered down from what you’ll find in the studio’s usual single player fare. It’s obvious and expected that a balance needed to be struck to successfully introduce the co-op looter shooter side of proceedings - the side of proceedings we’d wager most players are excited to dive into with Redfall.
And so this game finds itself in a balancing act which isn’t always successful, as it tries to give you Arkane's world-building, story beats and fleshed out characterisations, whilst also ensuring that there’s no major downtime or slowing of the pace as up to four players dive into combat against an array of vampiric and human foes.
It’s in the first half of the campaign’s roughly 20-hour running time that the struggle to maintain this balance is most keenly felt. That's especially true if you’re playing solo, where the opening hours can feel strangely quiet and rather unchallenging as you deal with small groups of enemies and a smattering of mini-bosses in between ransacking locations and exploring the open world for loot and scraps of lore. It was in these opening hours that we were least convinced that what Arkane was attempting had panned out. However, stick with it; beat the game’s first proper boss and graduate to the second area in the game – yes, there’s more than one world map here – and things pick up considerably, with tougher enemy types, larger groups of foes and more in the way of a challenge to give you and your pals a workout in co-op.

But let’s rewind a little here. Redfall gives you a roster of four heroes to tool around with at launch, each one roughly adhering to a co-operative shooter stereotype. You’ve got Jacob and his raven who can mark out enemies, cloak the entire squad in camouflage and take to rooftops to ping enemies from range with his ghostly sniper rifle. Devinder brings the technical gizmos with a teleportation device, lightning javelins that react with water to create obstacles for foes and a UV Blacklight ultra that petrifies vamps for easy takedowns.
You’ve also got Layla, with her vampire ex-boyfriend who can be called in for assistance when her ultra gauge is filled (by killing baddies) and a handy telekinetic umbrella that acts as a shield. Layla can also summon psychic lifts that the entire team can use to traverse environments. Finally, we’ve got Remi, the support build who’s able to draw the attention of enemies, throw down C4 charges and create a healing space for the group to rally at as they battle.
All in all, they’re a fairly standard bunch, providing plenty of fun banter with no real surprises in terms of their abilities, but Redfall’s main focus isn’t really on exacting teamwork anyway. Sure, you can mix things up by combining powers in some fun ways — like using Layla’s lifts to boost Jacob to a sniping point or utilising Jacob's camo to hide the entire squad — but honestly, the co-op here feels like it’s mostly for the vibes, for the banter and the camaraderie of just experiencing its open world and story with friends in tow. Indeed, playing with a couple of friends sees you earn trust between characters, which in turn opens up further dialogue and gives you more backstory into each of the available heroes, and there’s no limitation on having multiples of any hero in a party, giving the fusing of powers a further push into the background.

With regards to weapons, there’s a decent enough array of pistols, shotguns, assault and sniper rifles to tool around with and these are joined by UV guns and stake launchers that make for fun ways to dispatch your undead foes. As per usual, guns come in various rarities from common to legendary and the most powerful pistols and rifles can even straight-up kill a vamp, saving you from needing to down them then drive a stake through their heart – although we do still prefer this method when we’ve got the time for it. This pool of weapons is the same for every character with no restrictions on who can use what, again feeding into that laid back vibe that’s focused much more on the fun of rampaging and exploring together rather than who’s got which gun, exact positioning or timed recharging and deployment of skills. Forget all that - Redfall's about chilled co-op shooty shenanigans more than anything else.
You’ve also got a nice big skill tree to unlock for each character with boosts for reviving teammates, longer lasting skills, quicker cooldowns and all the sort of stuff that you’ll be well used to from other shooters by now. You can also equip various trinkets in the form of blood and vampire god remnants that give you different perks and boosts. There’s nothing surprising in any of this and, honestly, it’s in the loot, and particularly in the guns that you’ll find scattered around environments and after big boss battles, that we were most dissatisfied with Redfall. They’re not a bad mix of weapon types; punchy enough to use and satisfying in the heat of the moment, it’s just that it’s all a bit pedestrian, and there’s nothing you’ll find, certainly in your first run through the game, that stands out as a really special gun that's worth the hassle.
This is a looter shooter that shifts away from the careful micro-management and weapon fetishization you’ll find in Destiny or The Division to a more laid-back approach, it also sits well away from the full-on horde rampages of the likes of Left 4 Dead. You’ve got space to breathe here, to explore and take in the many delightful sights of a surprisingly weird and warped world that feels very much like a mix of Deathloop’s Blackreef, Dishonored’s Dunwall and Prey’s Talos 1 blitzed with Buffy and Stranger Things. If that sounds like a tasty combination to you, well, you’re likely to have a good enough time here.
In terms of enemies and activities, Redfall again doesn’t really fit the mould of previous looter shooters as it attempts to meld its storytelling and exploration with action. You’ve got a decent variety of vampires to battle - with Shrouds who plunge the world into darkness as you fight them, Anglers who can reel you into their arms for huge damage, exploding Bloodbags, plenty of vampire god mini bosses and a handful of showpiece bosses who make up the main villains that drive the narrative forward. However, these foes are thrown at you in a relatively restrained way. You won’t be constantly overrun, you can choose to sneak around fights or get busy causing chaos with the game's many environmental tricks and traps – gasoline slicks, exploding cannisters, pools of water and the like. There are also multiple human enemies, with several cultist groups and the security forces of Bellweather to take on, and it’s nice to see these various groups fighting each other in dynamic battles as you skulk around and manoeuvre to your next objective.

Besides main missions that see you work to piece together the motives of the game’s main vampire villains before taking them on in battle, you’ll also indulge in fairly bog-standard side missions that see you retrieve items, destroy enemy encampments and so on. You’ll need to scour the entire map to find and unlock safe rooms and historical monuments that act as fast travel points, and safe rooms come with their own missions to keep you busy as well.
More interesting than the vanilla side missions are vampire nests which see you enter twisted psychic spaces where you’ll need to venture forward and destroy a central heart before nabbing a bunch of loot and escaping before the nest collapses. It’s in these activities that Redfall feels most confident, when it gets trippy and lets the atmosphere and artistry of its world overtake the action. And herein lies the game’s biggest issue. It tells a decent tale, it’s got decent action and it’ll provide you and your pals with a decent time as you jump in to discover its many secrets, collect all of its trinkets, discover its lore and defeat its vampire lords. However, in fusing its FPS shooter action with slow paced exploration and story-telling, both sides of the equation lose out slightly.

Redfall isn’t laser-focused on any one thing and so its narrative falls short of the likes of Deathloop or Prey. Its shooting and powers, tricks and traps can’t match those found in Dishonored, and you’re left with a game that sits in a space that’s really most successful when you approach it as intended, in an almost chilled out manner. Take in the sights, revel in the atmosphere, take the time to play the story in solo first so you can drink in the details before introducing friends to the mix and there’s a decent time to be had here. However, hardcore, strategic-minded shooter fans will be left wanting, as too will solo players who’re mentally prepared for Arkane’s usual narrative majesty.
Of course, we can’t end this review without some discussion with regards to the controversial decision to deploy the game without a 60FPS performance mode and, well, in the end we didn’t find the locked 30FPS experience to be a huge problem. The action here feels slick and punchy for the most part, certainly not held back in any huge way by its frame rate, and although we’d prefer to play at 60FPS this will do nicely until that patch arrives. This isn't going to appease the 60FPS diehards, we realise that, but if you can make peace with it, the quality mode does a reasonably solid job for now.

We say "reasonably" because there are a handful of occasions when that 30FPS struggles a little. These issues didn’t arise often for us, but in a few bigger encounters the stuttering did become noticeable. We also had other technical issues, with characters running on the spot when we were stood still, and we even had to reload our game at one point as our crouch button decided to stop working, so there are rough edges and bugs to be ironed out down the line for sure.
More egregious than any of this stuff, however, are weaknesses with the game's AI. You’ll spot human enemies getting caught up in a loop of trying to find cover which sees them running around with their back to you rather than fighting, and they sometimes take far too long to notice your presence. For a game that starts off by detailing how you'll need to stealth carefully through environments, this stuff is a bit disappointing. Overall the AI does do a decent job in battles — it's serviceable — but there's no shortage of incidents of confusion, non-interaction and moments that see multiple foes lost in scenery or unable to keep up with your use of camo tactics or simple flanking manoeuvres. Vampires fare much better, but there's work to be done here overall.

These issues aside though, and if you come at it looking for a stylish and uniquely chilled bit of vampire slaying with pals, we reckon Redfall just about succeeds more than it fails. It’s not a fully successful experiment by any means, but it’s a fun enough one; one we've enjoyed playing through solo and in brief excursions of co-op. We look forward to jumping into it all over again with a few pals for a nice chat and a bit of vampire hunting in the unlockable hardest difficulty over the coming weeks, and, with more characters and content due to be added down the line, this feels like a solid base for Arkane to add to and work from in the future.
Redfall sees Arkane experiment with melding genres, to mixed results. There's plenty of flashes of the style and narrative flair we've come to expect from this incredible studio as you explore the town and face off with its undead inhabitants. However, the mixing of FPS action and story beats with open world exploration and a relatively relaxed pace leads to a balancing act that may leave hardcore shooter aficionados and Arkane super fans alike wanting more. If you come at it looking for a chilled out bit of vampire hunting there's still plenty to enjoy here, but some irksome AI issues and a lack of clarity over what it really wants to be leave it feeling a little lost in a limbo of its own making.
Comments 203
Ouch, got to admit, even with my negativity I did not expect such a low reception.
Edit, been reading other reviews and watching videos, and this is a thing I feared: this game is a remnant of pre-acquisition Zenimax. Yet another attempt at making a service game with repetitive play and little dept, likely with the original intent of monetizing it, an aspect that might had been scrapped Post acquisition.
This, at the end of the day, is Arkane’s Fallout 76. With any luck, after many DLC and patches, it might turn to become a decent game, as I hear has happened with 76.
I noticed there's a lot of Sony fans bombing this game everywhere
I trust PJ's reviews. Unless he's reviewing High on Life. Then he's just plain silly 😜. I kid I kid. I probably won't check out too many reviews and just go in with an open mind tomorrow. I'll check out this review once I put in 5 or so hours.
You can't help but wonder if Bethesda wanted to delay the game again but Microsoft basically said no more delays. The amount of videos of bugs and graphical glitches going around on social media is quite concerning as well.
If starfield is also in this state then hopefully the bad reception this game is getting means Microsoft are more open minded to delaying starfield again instead of forcing it out.
@CenturianShark that’s one of the most frustrating sides of this obviously rushed release. 😔
@UltimateOtaku91 If it's anything like Halo Infinite, then no one at Xbox even bothered to see what the game looked like. After all, that's how Craig was born.
I saw a clip where the car props looked tiny compared to the size of your character. Reminded me of State of Decay 2 where all the toilets look tiny, like you'd have to flush after dropping one 💩 and a wipe tiny.
@UltimateOtaku91 historically, Bethesda is not fond of delaying games and just ship them as they stand, patch later. So I would not be shocked if this was more of a:
MS: you guys sure you don’t want more time?
Bethesda: nah, we shipping like this, and patch later.
@Tharsman Phil: "Todd, this game is broken."
Todd: "It just works."
Phil: "Well, you convinced me. Ship it."
@Tharsman You may be right, just done a quick search on google and Redfall and Starfield are their first delayed games, which coincidentally are their first big releases under Microsoft, so maybe it's the other way round.
Good job its on Gamepass as i feel this would be dead on arrival otherwise.
IGN's review on progress is also a stinker, but what is quite worrying is this part of their review.
"Redfall doesn’t save progression for any player but the host in co-op games"
Reviews are ALL OVER the place for this. From a "fun time" to "the worst game of 2023". Damn it. It's like Xbox can't catch a break...
I'll play and decide for myself but yeah, shame we got yet another dud. Hopefully Starfield doesn't disappoint!
I played a little bit of it, and it’s not good. It’s janky, the graphics are subpar, the gunplay doesn’t feel good, and it doesn’t seem to have that Arkane charm and love that prior games have. This is one of the most disappointing games in a long time, and Xbox better pray and make sure Starfield is a success because if it’s a failure then Xbox will not recover, in my opinion.
So, I guess Bethesdas plan is to cock up their releases before Starfield comes out so that it looks unbelievably good by comparison? Gotcha! 🫣
All the hype for this game seemed to boil down to "it's Arkane!" But it always looked so generic. I can't say I'm surprised reception is pretty middling.
I'm on PC and holy crap. There's like... No settings whatsoever. It's basically a single slider for low, med, high, epic.. and nothing else. I guess at least it's 4K and 60fps... This opening scene is so outrageously bad. I'm literally sitting in my chair laughing at how stupid this is. 😂
I'm playing now on my SX and it is rough, 30 fps for a game that runs and looks like this is not acceptable. There's alot wrong with this game. It's almost like early access wtf Bethesda
So by this point in most other companies there would be heads on chopping blocks no? Someone inside the company approved this for release....who? They delayed it and didn't have to launch it this year but they chose to...but why? What state was this in last year?
They really need to get more help to overlook the studios and/or fire some of the current folks doing this cuz they clearly just suck at their job lol. I imagine arcane wanted more time? Could they have thought this would be ready and they screwed up? Bit again before a date was given i would have thought booty or his equivalent would have gone out to see the product and should have said no, more time in the oven.
Fighting the vampires is really cool but I feel like I didn't download the hi-res textures
Oooh a ‘not bad’. That’s a shame, you were so close to being able to use ‘it sucks’ in the heading.
This game sounds like it’s dead on arrival though. With its whole ‘Jack of all trades master of none’ slow start, and unresponsive AI. I feel even if it does get better in later hours the catch of being on a sub like gamepass is that gamers feel they can quickly move on having not directly paid for it. Games coming out polished day 1 are more important now than ever…unfortunately they also seem further away than ever.
Most disappointing is learning that the different abilities in co op don’t really make enough of a difference to the gameplay.
This review just confirmed everything I felt when it was first shown…which is a shame as Arkane used to be such a good studio.
I honestly can’t believe they haven’t given any idea when the 60fps patch is coming either…people won’t wait on that long with everything else seemingly going against it.
I’ll try it tomorrow cause it’s on gamepass. But I can only hope MS hears the current noise around this, takes notice of the feedback…rather than just focus on the day 1 player count - because, like me, they’ll be there mostly through curiosity than hype. And likely won’t stick around
@UltimateOtaku91 MS would have been fine for a delay. I say this because MS delayed Forza and Starfield again.
This is very disappointing. I don’t know what’s happening with management of studios under MS but they need to make some changes. Phil seems like a decent guy but they have struggled mightily under him to get games out and have them be good. Thank goodness I’m playing these on GamePass and not paying full price. Fingers crossed that Starfield is a banger.
As long as it keeps people subbed to GP till the next big game, that's all that matters.
It doesn't even need to be good, just hyped.
@SplooshDmg I'll never understand developers that don't give proper settings menus for PC games. It's not like this is the developer's first rodeo in that regard, either.
Well, we already got one great Bethesda game this year (Hi-Fi Rush, which is actually one of the best reviewed games of the year). Hopefully Starfield will make it two out of three.
You have got to be kidding me. I'm sorry, but real talk — this is getting old. What the heck is going on over at Xbox HQ? It's really frustrating that in 2.5 years the best AAA exclusive is the fifth Forza Horizon game. I'm disappointed that my Series X just feels like so much untapped potential still. It just bums me out.
@Ralizah Oh, I know. They somehow worked DLSS in here, so I've got that going for me. It still runs like arse. Barely 30% CPU utilization and only 50% on GPU and I'm dropping frames all over the place even with DLSS running on balanced. This is truly awful.
Maybe the Cma did us a favor ? Dang Xbox needs something
@EvenStephen7 given how this game is looking, I don’t think this is an Xbox issue, as much of a Bethesda issue. This looks to me as [hopefully] the last pre-acquisition Bethesda project to create a profitable service game, as they attempted with Fallout 76.
I just hope going forward they just focus on what they always been good at: single player campaigns, and leave the whole service stuff to ZeniMax Online.
Looks like sh*t on Series S.
Lowres textures, texture pop-in (if they pop-in at all), something seems wrong with the lighting, controls are kinda weird... I dunno, I really want to like this (cause Arkane), but that game was in no state for a release at this point.
Also some essential QoL features missing (removing backrounds from subs, downscale fonts, they're huge...)
@SplooshDmg Oof.
Really makes me wonder if Microsoft made them rush this out. Are Arkane games usually this poorly optimized on release?
In fairness, this will be just one in a long string of poorly optimized AAA releases this year.
@Tharsman Sure, but Microsoft chose to let it get published and they have had Zenimax for two years now. They knew the state of the game. But more than that it's another disappointing big Xbox exclusive. I'm not happy about this; even though Redfall never looked like my cup of tea I was hoping against hope for a banger. Maybe even something to get me to change my mind and try it. I guess on the upside I don't have to worry about clearing SSD space on the Series X.
But otherwise agree with your comment about single-player games going forward (the live aspect was part of why I wasn't super excited about Redfall).
I've played an hour of it so far and it's ok. Shooting is fun and characters are not annoying. Biggest issue is the AI is rubbish especially the cultists. I wouldn't call this the worst game of 2023 so far (that belongs to either Forspoken or Crime Boss Rockay City) but this is the weakest first party Series X/S exclusive.
Sigh, another crappy exclusive brought to you by Microsoft. Good Lord, this console is becoming completely useless.
Played for about an hour. Was planning on holding off but had nothing better to play so I gave it a go. It's not terrible, feels very Far Cry-ish so far. Dunno how long it'll keep my attention but seems decent so far.
@Ralizah I really don't know. This game was probably bad before development even started. I think a 6 is being generous here. I mentioned earlier to someone else that Arkane's previous attempt at co-op game was Wolfenstein Young Blood, with Machine Games, and it was pretty rubbish. Two established devs came together and just somehow made one giant disgusting stew of mismatched ideas and inadequacy. It seems Arkane has achieved that on their own this time. There are very few redeeming qualities here. It's truly a game probably best played when drunk, because you'd surely have some great laughs. An hour was enough for me to know that it's high time to scoot back on over to Atelier Sophie DX. This was truly the cherry on top of the single worst month in the history of Xbox.
So way worse than Ghostwire. LOL.
Arkane aren't a studio known for this type of game. They have to work around that structure. May have 2 studios but maybe aren't as big or skilled (for this type of game clearly their previous projects show what they are good at or continue to refine) as other studios making this type of game yet they make a game to compete with third parties while 'having freedom' but they have a deadline still. I assume a good game is in there but many issues and a structure Arkane aren't used to making can be hit and miss with some devs similar experiences and it kind of sounds like it.
Comparisons to other devs work on what they are good at, aren't but surprise and systems that aren't justified to have depth:
Control showed what was more of Remedy than Quantum Break trying but having some moments that weren't great while having it's own good ups and personality while some of it's downs and that was with 505 a AA publisher with less budget to offer. Some can use their budget well, others can have the vision in there still, others play to their strengths then 180 to something they aren't able to make and it shows.
I've seen enough games from devs where their past games make it clear what their good at and others like Hogwarts Legacy make me go oh they made licensed games, had 6 months for Cars 3 after the Disney killing them off part, Warner Bros gave them 5 years and they worked around what they could surprisingly well enough and with a world many loved, others didn't and tolerated.
So some devs can pull of things they aren't familiar with but others can't because clearly they have to copy paste things and it doesn't work, others not having the time/changing it too much due to I assume what each staff member says and lets pass and the project gets into a particular state at launch with whatever cut/planned later. Even Jedi Survivor has more platforming then combat.
TItanfall 2, Uncharted and Tomb Raider balance combat (pilot and titan to just regular play in the other two), puzzles, secrets, reasons to tie to other systems not just cosmetics but skill points, gear (upgrades, loadouts, whatever planned around the maps smartly), marking on walls you can tell the different of when platforming and more. A lot of little details that make a game good and clear to the player.
Jedi Survivor has gardening that adds nothing to the game (rule of game development, if it's unfinished or adds nothing to the game why keep it in, you cut it for time or scrap the idea and make way for others. Are they going to expand on it? Did they have time no idea but it does nothing).
Most optional things are cosmetics. Why not a stim, or stance enhancement stat item or damage output, or something. Give reason for your systems. Why have gardening because an employee likes gardening as a hobby then why is it even here if it adds NOTHING.
Bayonetta Origins saying we solved our character control issue. Really because it didn't take mochi splitting to come up with how to solve it developers because players likely took a look at A Tale of Two Brothers with two analogue sticks 1 per character, or separating character movement and control over 1 character, the other being invisible/in a bubble or something/maybe even AI controlled to fight/get out of the way, just smarter game design and than how bad Bayonetta 3 and DMC5 were for having summons (fine idea) and the controls not working well with either of their implementations (beside Bayonetta 3 playing catch up for the same idea of a summon/skill trees which to me is disappointing why just why bother do something different and existing then summons, skill trees and a multiverse story). I expect better from Platinum.
End of that part
Minecraft Legends came out recently. Age of Empires 2 Definitive Edition came out however long ago this year. Whatever else came out.
Deadloop came to Xbox. Ghostwire I assume is still coming or did?
They have enough releases for the year I think and yet some aren't in the best condition.
Let alone some having the same appeal as the ones it's competing with.
Third parties are on any platform so if people have those to play, have played ones like it making it clear what they will or won't like of the depth and less copy pasted to side missions, AI is better than lacking (The Club it's arcadey and justified enemies running at you to get to the end of the obstacle course no exception for other games) and less personality with corners cut it makes Redfall look kind of sad to see and a developer pushed to their limits because Microsoft makes the calls or Arkane went well we have to release something and do the updates later and disappoint players but we have to work with it I guess.
Arkane may have come up with the ideas for the setting and such but it's structure being what it is later and what's in the launch and people going 'check on gamepass or hear about it and drop it/maybe have a small audience' yeah that's not worth the years it took to work on it really to rent it and move on.
Sony has 3 games per year at least with however much appeal to audiences. I don't care for them so I'm not a fan I look at all platforms and what they offer. My PS4 and Xbox One are mostly third party machines right now picking up the odd first party exclusives of old currently as a collector the ones I do have particular niche interest in of gameplay structure.
Microsoft trying to match that makes sense and they are trying while Starfield is taking it's time and some clearly aren't working out due to certain things.
Yikes. Embarrassing for Xbox. How could they release a game in such a sorry state? Is this like Fallout 76 again?
Should be deducting another point just for requiring those stupid accounts. Publisher accounts are ridiculous on console to begin with, but they're owned by MS now!!! WHY are they still annoying us with their own accounts???
Wow, I absolutely love this game! I loved it when I play tested (even got to keep my character progress) and I am loving it now!
Even at 30fps it feels smooth and responsive - unlike Ghostwire: Tokyo which is just torture at 30fps.
There is like 0 load time (on Series X).
I like the way it does pockets of enemy encounters with vampires sprinkled throughout the area.
I also like that encounters change (i.e. running down the same street at different times may warrant different enemies - or no enemies at all).
The Safehouse Missions are engaging (at least in the first area).
The only thing I don't like is that Jacob's bird still feels useless.
I guess Redfall just clicks with me. It's a shame it sounds like it's not being well-received.
Tried playing for a couple of hours but really didn't click with me. Gameplay and graphics looks and feel dated, the world seems kind of empty and lifeless. It seems to have elements of other games like Dead Island 2 and Far Cry 6 - but not as good versions and less polished. A shame but not a suprise. On the plus side I have saved 40gb on my series S,
Won't be on my game of the year list but the first 3 hours have been fun. I would put it in the upper 70s maybe low 80s based on this limited gameplay session. The Far Cry comparison is on the nose, it is way more far cry than anything else. AI is weak and it doesn't seem to have any options for controls (looking for an aim sensitivity slider). Both are very fixable issues.
I don't really see the difficulty issue that some reviews pointed out. Playing solo as Jacob on the 2nd of 4 difficulties. If anything I regret not choosing the 3rd difficulty.
I am entertained and enjoying it. Can't really complain too much
@FenIsMightier Lol haha. Yeah i don't know if i can be bothered now, i would have to delete some stuff for it and i don't know if i want to do that.
It's not terrible. But not amazing either. Grabbed it as one of my only two focused Xbox purchases for the year. How do I have two legendary weapons in the first 2 hours? Wtf is with the always online bull-crap? I was expecting a modern spin on L4D and this is somehow...boring? Took on 5 Vamps at once and no issues. I've ever thought a single bad thing of Arkane Studios prior to this. Good lord, it's like an early beta.
I do like the story-telling aspect. Reminds me a little of State of Decay. But without the sandbox, or necessary caution. Or survival aspect. Or offline playable single player mode.
Lol redflop incoming
Just watched MrMatty's review and wow. That dude is a dyed-in-the-wool Arkane and Xbox cheerleader but when Matty gives a don't even bother, even on Game Pass verdict then you know something is seriously wrong!
Another missed opportunity from xbox, poor game release again , I am disappinted by the videogame industry right now, big budget games that don't deliver, I have to search for great indie game to have some fun, and I go back switch low fi but great Games, it's sad to see that a company like Microsoft with all the money they have, all the studio they bought, but somehow they kill créativité, leaving us with pourly executed Games with no soul and no fun . Redfal wasn't on my wishlist, .But it's sad to see all the bad reviews. I hope that Starfield Will not be like this...
It currently has the same Metacritic score as Forspoken.
The crap cherry on top is the fact they added Achievements that don't end in a 0 or 5, which I can only assume was done last minute out of spite.
a 6 is bad . we gotta be real here .
@munstahunta i feel it’s that way for gaming in general and not just MS. i hate that gaming went mainstream and became another sector of hollywood and entertainment because it overshadows the people that used to make games for nerds and the niche audience gaming used to have
a lot of games now just feel way too samey and like manufactured products checking off cliche boxes. no more really new , creative , original games anymore .
Mixed results my a**.
Giving this a 6 is you guys selling out on it hard. The PC version is terrible, and console versions dont load in certain assets, simple and half a** mission dont equate to a 6.
Microsoft took another L AGAIN, again, and again.
Fans deserve better from Microsoft and this game is dead in 2 weeks. The content is going to be light too because it will die.
@CenturianShark are you sure or is this just some tinfoil accusations ?
@nomither6 #56 preach it!
That's exactly it. All of it. It used to be games for nerds which is why nerds liked it. Hollywood.....I haven't watched a movie in like 18 years? I don't really plan to ever. You know, time extension has that article on the E.T. games and had the original trailer for the film and it reminded me of how magical film once was, too. That lost it's magic in the 00s. Games now have too.
@NEStalgia games haven’t lost their magic. I just think people forgot the most important part about games being good- the gameplay.
The triple A industry needs a big wake up call. Maybe this year does it with some many broken games launching left and right. Maybe not.
But I do know there is bunch of titles I’m looking forward to and a bunch I’ve played. None in the triple A space and yet I’m satisfied.
Another developer trying its hand at 4 player co op game and trying to do to many things ....despite the fact they release great single player games....and that's all most of us want
The very concept of the game was flawed. It was clearly intended as a soulless live service from the onset, I don’t think any amount of tweaking and reneging on that idea could save it.
Wonder if Phil’s future now hinges on Starfield. He’s isn’t exactly doing great as the top man is he? But I assume as always it will be the little guys who pay
@UltimateOtaku91 Story progression? Yes. That was announced a while back. The situation is explained on the "Play Game" screen. Your co-op partners only get character progression and loot.
It says it all when I'm not interested in seeing this train wreck "for free" on gp just for the lulz when there's a dozen better games waiting for me there.
@mousieone "games haven’t lost their magic. I just think people forgot the most important part about games being good- the gameplay."
Isn't that like saying movies haven't lost their magic, they just forgot about storytelling and frame composition?
I mean I agree "AAA" is the real problem but that's really the gaming industry anyone really means at this level.. not really AAA itself but the total of the "very prominent, important games".
Another flop. I'm sure next year will be Xbox's year though... again...
Starfield will probably be 30FPS and I'm not sure Fable will be any good made by a racing game studio in a racing game engine.
Given up, it's obvious Microsoft want Xbox to be a service, not platform. Game Pass and X Cloud are its future now along with mobile. I'll be surprised if they make another console after the next one.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner No way. Who would replace him? If you buy a large publisher, you have to take the good with the bad. Just like buying a big movie studio. Some of their projects will bomb.
Sony picks & chooses and still landed on Forspoken and Godfall. There no guarantees.
@theduckofdeath delayed games, failed games, No games, mismanagement of studios, potentially not getting ABK, hardware sales down, not hitting GP growth target (admittedly growing).
How long does he get? I know he gets a pass with most because he’s a ‘gamer’, but he currently isn’t really doing great in his day job.
Personally I think Xbox owners deserve better.
@NEStalgia unfortunately. Thing is I knew this game was going to be broken at launch. I knew they should have delayed it longer. How does anyone not see that! Yet I have to assume some where the metrics show it doesn’t matter. People still bought Cyberpunk Broken and Pokémon still not fixed. But you know details.
I am sure i will take flake for this and be labeled a Xbox whatever name I’ll be called. But i am really liking this game, i will start with yes i wish it was 60fps, yes it has some technical issues that will get sorted on a patch and at times the AI is dumber than a group of meth heads. Etc etc that can and will be fixed, that out of the way, i played 5 hours and couldn’t stop playing it, i love the gameplay and roaming around, i think the art style is fun and nice to look at, i love looter shooter and while borderlands is a “better” game, i am having more fun with this. I got it for my play style as a 8/10 and once they patch the heck out of it i think it will have more staying power in my rotation than i once thought. Granted Diablo 4 will eat monster amounts of my time for the next 3-4 years easily but RedFall is fun to me and i can’t wait to see what they have planned for it outside of the obvious improvement patches.
Another Xbox disaster. Xbox fans deserve better.
@mousieone “ I just think people forgot the most important part about games being good- the gameplay.”
and that’s where you lost me; people just don’t get it . Gameplay may be the most “important” but it’s also not all that matters and can’t single-handedly carry a game. As much as there are “bad games” there’s also the games that do have good gameplay or are programmed well with minimum or no bugs but still suck and is a stale and uninspired experience
@NEStalgia netflix does have some good stuff to be fair, but i understand you about the movies . But yea man , it was around the early 2010s when gaming shifted from being a great experience by nerds for nerds into mainstream garbage that lost its soul in the process . as a whole with all gaming included - id say 2012 was the last hoorah . 8th gen was ok but it relied so heavily on 7th generation and didn’t do much of its own.
this generation ? forget about it . give me back 6th and 7th gen
A real shame. Arkane are one of my favourite studios and it’s currently 64 on Metacritic. I will still play it, after the 60fps patch, and will likely enjoy it more than most as I like their stuff.
But it really isn’t what Xbox needs right now. With 2022 being devoid of first party AAA games and most 2023 AAA titles being pushed back to later in the year, the same old rhetoric that “xbox hasn’t got (good exclusive) games” is rearing it’s ugly head again. While it’s not completely true it is baffling that, with all their limitless resources and investment, their output can’t get close to Nintendo or Sony’s finer efforts consistently. The wait continues.
Will give this a blast as I'm playing nothing at the moment until Zelda. Looks like there's fun to be had with this one despite the negativity online.
Chaudy wrote:
It’s worth keeping in mind some people enjoyed Forspoken, just as some people (probably me) will enjoy this. We all like different things.
But it will be interesting to see how the platform warriors treat Redfall after being so critical of Forspoken.
@UltimateOtaku91 This was how Back4Blood’s campaign worked. I had run many missions with players only to realise when finished that I had actually made no progress and had to run my own lobby. Wasn’t happy.
@themightyant that's exactly what I wrote on previous posts but was attacked. Its funny how the same people have now gone into hiding now that Redfall and Forspoken have practically the same reviews. I always said it was about personal preference.
Removed - flaming/arguing
@Sebatrox logic, Forspoken = Trash because sony
Redfall = Masterpiece because Xbox.
@Chaudy As if to prove the point....
@UndyingInsurgent95 if Microsoft put as much time, effort and money into competently managing and funding its studios as it has into the ABK acquisition, Xbox would be able to catch a break.
@Sebatrox lol its just a joke 🤣
@themightyant I know right, anyway mate hope you enjoy Redfall 👍like we both say its all about personal preference and here's to hoping Starfield is still a Masterpiece
@Chaudy @Sebatrox
@Markatron84 hahaha nah we're not arguing 🤣🤣 it's just fun banter.
I felt like Redfall was not going to be for me from the initial announcement, so no surprise here. My only regret is that it shall become a permanent stain on Arkane's portfolio.
One thing to point out, Arkane was very capable of producing polished and entertaining experiences rather consistently in the past. I would look for a culprit in the circumstances that changed since their last success (hint: MS management) on how to right the ship in the future..
Yo @Sebatrox be honest man, Console war rubbish aside. Are you actually liking Redfall? What about the technical issues? Is that not ruining the exprience?
Anyone else get motion sickness from this game?
I had to stop about 30 seconds into the gameplay to turn the motion blur off... didn't really help, so not sure I can play this game at all
Maybe if/when it upgrades to 60 FPS the motion sickness might be less of an issue for me? 🤷♂️
@Sebatrox they will probably fix majority of the bugs soon. So more updates probably on the way. Yh I guess account creation could be a little annoying.
@Sebatrox I think they eventually make it 60fps right? Isn't that what they said? Post launch?
Cheers, I'll give it a go later (I'm busy pretending to work at the moment 😆).
@antstephenson Same for me, got motion sick of the game.
Redfall is Xbox’s Forspoken. Both turd.
Another day one game rushed and clogged up with live service style elements. To be fair we were warned. It’s a shame. We need a certified 8/9 on GPU very soon.
We know Forza will be. Forza Horizon was too. But I feel like a good solo player campaign needs to get 8/9 across the board.
Sounds rough, with so many games coming out round the corner, it's easy to pass and move on. The "hey it's on gamepass thing so I'll try it anyway" only goes so far. AI issues in an Arkane game is so much bigger than not getting a performance mode. It's a triple A release, day one on gamepass and I'm not sure i will even download it and worse, if i do it will be to check out how busted it actually is!!! Thats grim!! I hope there is enjoyment for some folks and I feel sorry for the devs, who probably had to crunch and will see their game getting dragged everywhere (though in fairness, a decent chunk of that might be justified).
Based on this review, and that it's free on Game Pass, I'll likely give it 10 minutes on solo and then move on. Live service games do nothing for me and, even for those who love them, if this has basic flaws like poor AI, most people will move on very quickly. Add to that the performance issues and that it's clearly a rush job, this may well be dead on arrival.
That game have low texture when i was looking on the ground it was blurry super disapointing it's not fun you are locked behind a key that is locked behind another key behind another key to find, the rpg aspects are slow and uninspired.
@Tharsman I wonder if Bethesda was in more trouble than what we were lead to believe. So signing exclusive deals with Sony & forcing Arkane to build a sort of multi player/ live service game was to get cash in between Starfield & beyond. But I agree hopefully Microsoft & Bethesda sit & agree to stick to what they are good at. But to be fair I played an hour so far & enjoying it. It has potential if Arkane listen to feedback & fix it like Fallout 76.
Absolutely nailed on this would happen!! Starfield will be the same. Xbox devs just aren’t that good at makin games!! Playstation exclusives are always on another level. I’ll still give it a go wen i get in.
I feel like this game will become good. Now, the question is who is the main culprit for the release model of "release it now, fix it later" mentality. At least in this instance.
As is my typical mantra, I'm glad Xbox is my third-party machine first. It has third-party games in spades.
@SplooshDmg does it least work well on pc? I didn't trust Arkane enough to try it on mine
@Cherip-the-Ripper Eh, it's so-so. It's not working my 3080ti to the max, and I'm still dropping a lot of frames at a 4K 60 target. I'm running DLSS on balanced, but turning the settings down doesn't really do much to help with all the load stuttering, etc. It's surely better than console, but it's a real shart of a game, so I don't recommend even installing it. Lol
@cragis0001 I thought it was obvious how much trouble Bethesda was on. They were assigning their best studios to work on terrible games like FO75, Wolfenstein New Blood, and this, plus that Elder scrolls mobile game. I think the worst thing that happened was when their Fallout Shelter game became a huge hit when it was (I think) just meant to help promote FO4. They realized that model could save them from their economic woes.
At the end of the day, a company, especially a privately held one, does not sell themselves out like that if they are not struggling.
@SplooshDmg damn you didn't pull any punches lmao
Ima try it anyway but not feelin good about it, will probably have to revisit in a month or so
@SuntannedDuck2 Let's not forget the driving simulator studio they have making a sequel to a cult comedy RPG on its driving simulator games engine too, I'm sure it'll be a success......
@Cherip-the-Ripper I calls em like I sees em.
Xbox can't win they release a game people complain they don't release a game people still complain they don't release a game
Another game from Microsoft (Bethesda) without Czech localization. That's seriously contempt 👎 If this doesn't change, customers in Europe will pay it back at sales 😉
@GamingFan4Lyf Sounds like our play tests went vastly different. Especially since you're able to discuss yours while mine have all been under NDA.
Not quite. People complain when Microsoft doesn't release good games. Then they continue the pattern with this.
@Peete Czech is spoken by like 0.1% of the population. I think they'll be fine.
As average as it looked. Moving on.
@SplooshDmg Is this why you were threatened with a cage?
This’ll be good to plug away at while listening to podcasts. I kinda figured it was gonna suck (wink). Won’t keep me from playing it though. I hope.
@FatalBubbles Nah. I like to randomly disappear for months at a time, and it upsets NES and Mousie because they tag me in stuff and realize I went AWOL again. So, I was threatened to be put into a cage so I can't just up and leave. Lol
@Tharsman I really don't think anyone realized JUST how bad a shape Bethesda was in. Back then it looked like MS swooped in and seized this fan favorite in gaming and "took games from PlayStation". Seeing into the future of what their pipeline looked like, we now see that if they had not been bought out, they'd probably have closed up by now. There's no way they'd still be in business with what they had planned, their best games were Sony exclusives that even flopped with full marketing, Starfield would have been out by now and a total train wreck, HiFi Rush wouldn't have been made, and this game was their MTX future more or less. Embracer would have owned TES by now and they'd be selling Morrowind remasters.
What really amazes me is how Deathloop and Ghostwire failed on PS as much as they did, with no other new PS5 games really, and Sony marketing full force. Returnal also flopped, and R&C didn't really do that great. Most of the time it seems like marketing is the difference that makes Sony's games so successful, but that doesn't even seem to be the case, it really does seem like one particular type of game, and only one particular type of game really sells like that, regardless of marketing.
@mousieone "Thing is I knew this game was going to be broken at launch."
You must be one of them "insiders"!!!
Well Pokemon sells on brand name alone because it's like the biggest toy and merch franchise in history next to Star Wars, and Cyberpunk sold on pure unadulterated breathtaking hype built up for years.
On the other hand this is "Red October" or "Red Autumn" or something. Someone might have heard of it once. On an ad next to a Doritos inspired controller design on their Xbox home dashboard.
Some might say it comes down to being Game Pass syndrome where quality doesn't matter, but I don't think it's quite that either. I'm not sure if they're just clueless how bad it is, or if it's that they new very well how bad it is and they had to ship it someday, so get it out in May,get this game that was never going to be good out the door, let the bad press run, then do the June showcase, talk about Starfield, and put it behind them. Like others said it's very obviously a pre-buyout game when Bethesda was circling the drain, it's very clearly another FO76 attempt at a live service, MTX ridden, canvas bag gate, to try to grab money wherever they can, and it collapsed badly.
Originally they planned the release to coincide with putting CoD and probably Diablo 4 on GP, no doubt so the bad news would be buried under the big news, because they never expected that would still be going nowhere, instead they got stuck pretending this is a big release. At least they can put Arkane back on something they know how to make rather than forever trying to save a game that was supposed to be a bland cash milker.
@SplooshDmg 😂😂😂
@nomither6 You can really see it in the change in the business. Most of the industry in that time went from privately held companies, still run mostly by the people who started them as garage companies, making products for their existing customers to the big Harvard MBA types, the spreadsheet guys, with everything becoming publicly traded, seeing the "sales potential" of the product by "expanding it's market" by just cloning other successful industries etc. Too much young talent entering that system because they'd rather be working in Hollywood, everything about visuals and VFX people rather than game design people leading the charge, not helped by AMD and nVidia pushing that in the PC world to move more GPUs, just a buildup of so much that went wrong, while being financially successful. Generally the worst businesses with the worst products and the prettiest presentation always win. Gaming, hollywood, food (it's always the place with the lousy reheated food and the million dollar entrance lobby that's the talk of town, not the hole in the wall with the best scratch food for the lowest price.)
And the classic problem: Still frame visuals are what makes a good game. Not the gameplay, performance, fun, or functionality, It's about how amazing computer rendered graphics are. That's what people pay money to see.
"Some people even play games to have fun"
@FatalBubbles The best part is when I delete my account, and NES just has walls of text tagging me and all my comments are gone. NES is filled with rage on a normal day, but remove the other side of the conversation and he just looks like a looney toon. 😂
@NEStalgia I think the issue is the hands off approach which I think works for say the Forza teams or Obsidian, and I think it works well. But this game always looked like something didn’t make sense. At first it was too much like Back for Blood, then it was the Co-op issues for a team who os not the best Co-op games. It’s not GP, it’s just no one ising their brains and saying yeah maybe not be co-op. Maybe be single player. Not to mention a lot of these feels like B projects that maybe should be cast in the spotlight.
Another issue is some studios have delivered games Tango, Obsidian, etc but they aren’t the brass ring games. Neither is Redfall, but I feel like everyone is acting like this was going to be when they always knew it wouldn’t be. I mean no expected it this broken but, let’s be real, again this was always a B project.
@SplooshDmg at least you remember my name.
@nomither6 and that’s where I disagree. I’ll give you a recent example FE: Engage really didn’t have a story, the characters were okay, but the core gameplay was solid. I really enjoyed the experience and yes the story was “uninspired”, but the gameplay loop was addictive. And as much as story is cool on top of the game I don’t need a good story for a platformer, fighting game, racing game, puzzle game, or even a rhythm game. I just want a fun experience in those cases. I can watch a movie or read a book for a good story, but I can’t play book.
However I will say the vast amount of general John Q players tend favor graphics and other things like frame rates. Buggy games are often overlooked for shiny
@mousieone Wait. Who are you? Have we met?
@SplooshDmg nope not at all. Don’t mind me mailing your feet to the floor. Just stay right where you are stranger.
@mousieone I've never been nailed to the floor before. I did however once shave off all my hair and glue my head to the ceiling.
I think the most worrying part of this game, is that someone has let it be released. Clearly was not in a ready state, but they green lit it. I honestly think someone here needs a good look at themselves and change their approach to how and when games should release. Even if a game is going on Gamepass, it shouldn't be released in this state.
@SplooshDmg that must have giving you and interesting view point.
The silence from Phil Spencer and the rest of the Xbox execs is concerning. If Redfall had been reviewing well they would have been all over Twitter but so far there has been nothing. They should at least be acknowledging the issues and assuring people they are being worked on. It really does feel like the game has just been sent out to die.
@mousieone It was about as interesting as Redfall. So, somewhere between kind of boring and utterly intolerable.
@SplooshDmg well I’m sure it was a aSploosh fall when you got down. So that makes sense.
@mousieone I like how today was supposed to be a day of joy, and instead it's some weird mixture of confusion, frustration and sadness. It's honestly kind of surreal.
@munstahunta get a Playstation 5. Some incredible games on that!!
@SplooshDmg personally or for Xbox?
@mousieone Oh, for Xbox. We've waited a year and a half for a new AAA 1st party title, and we got Redfall. The mood on Twitter is unique today. Lol
@SplooshDmg well I got my game which is t Triple A with Hifi Rush.I wasn’t exciting for this. But of course, I’m the minority not the majority. I had more fun with Slime Rancher 2. FPS games have to be solid 60 for me to really think about playing them and no lost much lunch ._.
@mousieone Don't get me wrong, I was never excited for this. However, a lot of people were. Hi-Fi Rush was some weird anomaly that they didn't even bother to market, and this whole thing just stinks of incompetence. They should have marketed HI-FI Rush and just shadow dropped Redfall as some early access thing. It's a classic tale of Microsoft proving that their worst critics are probably right about them.
@SplooshDmg I don’t disagree. They always seem so focused on the wrong things. I mean I get good co-op games probably generate more engagement. But that’s going to be word of mouth. Single player games need more marketing it. Also you know physicals.
You have a great game from studio ready to take it to the next level and MS investing in them more, but their game wasn’t marketing nor properly sold in stores.
Then you have a b-tier game from a household name studio, and it terrible. What little marketing MS has gets thrown there o_O
And the image of shooter box continues despite the last few shooters being lack luster.
@mousieone Right, Hi-Fi was a high point for Tango and... Crickets. Redfall is a low point for Arkane, but I'm seeing ads for it. It's like nobody at Xbox has any clue what they're doing or looking at, and it never really seems to improve. It's so beyond frustrating.
@SplooshDmg I can’t add anything that hasn’t been said it’s just disgusting at this point. Like people question HiFi success, and it’s clear they were because they get to expand. But you know why the question even exists? Because MS didn’t come out and show how well that game did for them.
But hey I know you can buy a Redfall controller. No HiFi one. And trust I’ve seen how well controllers sell for them 54k in one month. It’s worth it but why didn’t Hi Fi get one? At this point? Like they still could have shadow dropped then done what Nintendo did with Metroid Prime and ship a physical later.
After the total farce of Cyberpunk 2077, you really would have thought devs would wait to put games out when they are so clearly not finished.
There is an attitude now that games can get out out and then be fixed with patch after patch and that’s not acceptable. It’s downright lazy!
If it’s not ready, don’t release the bloody thing!
Removed - trolling/baiting
Exactly, if Starfield misses, xbox will never recover from that. Half of xbox existance (10 years) will have been horrible. 360 was soo good. Halo 3, reach and Gears of war 2 were awesome to me.
Both games are trash!!! Doodooo. Not even for free.
Arkane and bethesda needs to evolve and stop doing rpg looking games .. art direction is outdated
@Markatron84 I totally agree. I just want to know, what happened?! This game WAS supposed to launch last year, and I can't help but imagine the state of it back then, and even now, after a delay, it's still unfinished and buggy. Starfield better get critical acclaim, otherwise, I might reconsider switching back to PlayStation. I know I sound overdramatic, but I don't want to be constantly disrespected. Say what you will about Sony and their anti-consumer practices, but when it comes to exclusives, they always knock it out of the park.
@theduckofdeath Sony also didn't own those studios or publish those games. They paid for exclusivity, which means they wasted money on those games, but those games aren't going to harm their reputation as a game publisher.
Whoever is supposed to be in charge of Xbox studios is clearly asleep at the wheel. They thought Halo Infinite was fine to release until the public saw what they were going to put out, now another game gets delayed for nearly a year only to release in a shambolic state. It was exactly a year and a half ago that I stupidly bought into the hype and gave Xbox a 2nd chance by getting a Series S and 2 years of Gamepass. I feel like I got scammed. Once my GP time I paid for is up, I'm out.
You die hards that constantly make excuses for this company and say how great GP is with Indies, old AAA games, and B tier 3rd party exclusives are a big part of the reason Xbox 1st party games continue to underwhelm. You all need to quit paying MS money for mediocrity.
I agree this game is a 6 out of 10 and this is being generous. Totally average game at best, has flashes of inspiration, good story, buggy and feels very rough. Low production feel with the slides.
I’ll play through it as it’s on Game Pass but I’d be gutted if I paid for it. Saying that I’m enjoying it for what it is, exploring the environments and I really like the vampire thing, characters and enemies, however graphics are terrible in places and it looks like a generation or 2 behind. They really screwed the pooch with this one!
I feel this game is only the small tip of the problem iceberg currently floating towards good ship xbox;
Xbox need to get their game together and do it hard and fast, otherwise they’ll end up like Sega, disappearing from the console market all together.
I love xbox and all the console, I xbox to be as strong as possible and a real player.
When I think back about Microsoft and their fighting edge, confidence and swagger back in 2001 coming out the gate fighting, pumping out regular cutting edge high quality games and frequent hits every few months. They used to have the Rock promoting it, they had demo pods in pubs and nightclubs and edgy in your face advertising everywhere.
Over the years they’ve given us Halo, Gears of war, Forza, Fable, pushed and moulded call of duty and many other games into what they are today. They radicalised and set the template for online console gaming.
What has happened?
@UndyingInsurgent95 Sony's consistently good/great output this generation was one of the many factors then convinced me this year to switch to playing exclusively on PC. Since PS5 launched, Sony has put out Spider-Man: Miles Morales, Ratchet & Clank: Rift Apart, Horizon: Forbidden West, God of War: Ragnarok, Demon's Souls and Sackboy: A Big Adventure; all games that were either received warmly or universally acclaimed.
Microsoft hasn't come close that level or quality of output this gen. Forza Horizon 5 and Psychonauts 2 were both fantastic, as was Hi-Fi Rush by all accounts (I haven't gotten around to it yet). Everything else they've put out has been either an updated version of an Xbox One game, been buggy as hell or just underwhelmed. I mean, Jesus, it took them well over a year to add campaign co-op to Halo Infinite and even then it was online only, despite prior promises. Add to that the repeated delays, the complete radio silence on games that were announced years ago, constant reports on shifting or incompetent management. The general... aura, I guess?... around Xbox isn't positive at all at the moment.
@Tharsman I knew about Fallout 76 & Wolfenstein: New Blood. I had also heard the rumours that if Microsoft hadn't bought them there would be massive layoffs. But I took those rumours with a pinch of salt. Obviously something was going on though as signing exclusive deals with Sony for Deathloop, Ghostwire raised eyebrows. But the quality was there even with Hi Fi Rush. Even though I've had fun playing Redfall I get the feeling Arkane went out of there comfort zone due to desperation & im surprised that Microsoft would just release it on Games Pass & hope for the best that players stick around like Sea of Thieves rather than tell them to do what they do best & start the concept from scratch as the game has plenty of potential.
It a decent game you people really are you people here are so damn negative what do you want a game or a movie and no I'm not trolling that for kids or weirdo's
Ok, so I've spent 4 and a bit hours on redfall on series x and I gotta say................I like it
First of all the game is not in any way broken despite what all the major reviews say and has a few minor bugs but otherwise runs at a solid 30fps but I will admit that 60fps would be much better and that it fact that it looks like an Xbox one game does it no favors, but the game has a great art style and atmosphere that just about save it and makes up for the aforementioned shortcomings.
The environments are fun to explore with lots of side quests and notes to read through that flesh out the back story of the town. The combat is 50/50 taking down the human enemies feels boring, they don't pose any real threat and just get in the way, BUT the vampires are a blast to go up against and will swarm you and can be genuinely creepy at times and force you to think fast and try to out manoeuvre them.
Guns are also nice and varied with a particular highlight so far being the stake gun, stealth can also be used but reviews seem to say stealth is not an option or that it's broken but it seems to work for me so not sure what they're on about.
I dunno, everyone's different but this game ain't bad at all but then again I'm the kinda guy that would choose dead island 2 over elden ring and if that sounds like you then give redfall a go.
The very best thing I can say about it is that I was never bored and I can't say the same about horizon or God of war, just putting that out there.
@Sebatrox Good for you. I really don't care.
@Sebatrox I like it too it not perfect but it is a lot of fun people love to complain regardless if it had no problems
@SplooshDmg the usual suspects were bound to love it. I could have given a list before hand. Honestly Microsoft could ransom children and they would still say it’s great. Despite the overwhelming evidence.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner If people are genuinely enjoying the game then that's fair enough. Everyone has different tastes and there will always be people out there that like something that others don't. My question to anyone that is enjoying it though would be, would you pay full price for it if it wasn't on game pass?
@Kevw2006 of course, I just could have given a list of people who would enjoy it regardless of the state it’s been released in.
Sadly it’s fast becoming ‘it’s good enough for game pass’ with a lot of games.
I just think the people who spent £450 on an X are getting seriously short changed by Microsoft currently, and frankly they deserve better.
@NEStalgia “garage companies” - you hit the nail on the head with that one . let’s hope one day with M$ buying up everything that they can let those devs do their own thing without any interference and only fund and oversee their progress & of course keep their opinions to themselves . They should only speak if they genuinely see a poor quality product
@mousieone ok we got a misunderstanding when talking about gameplay; i thought you meant gameplay from a technical engineer aspect , and not the style/genre/uniqueness of the game itself . in that case i agree with you , of course gameplay can make a game good
…….but that’s all it’ll ever be is “good” anything more would’ve made it better than good (graphics , content , characters, etc)
@Serpentes420 Yes, Sony could have left those games be and saved money.
There are people genuinely disappointed and there are disingenuous people chirping up, taking every opportunity to dump this on MS. That is the internet for you.
There are multiple management levels before you get to Xbox. This game should not have gone this badly should have been caught early at the Bethesda-level or even the Zenimax-level.
You could argue that MS could watch these developers like a hawk and crack the whip; micromanage and constantly intervene. You need to be able to trust your studios more than that.
@theduckofdeath it’s nothing about disingenuous people, it’s about fed up Xbox owners, who once again get a poor game.
How can Microsoft trust bethesda when they only just bought them?! Of course they would put a team in there and see how they work etc. (not to mention this isn’t the first time there have been conversations over MS running their studios)
It is Xbox who decide when the game is released and state, even if Bethesda thought it was ok to release in this state…. Why has no one at Xbox gone ‘well err actually it isn’t ready?’
People keep telling me Phil is a gamer, surely even he then would realise the state it’s in and it’s not fit for public release?
This is Xbox very first £70 game. Just because it’s on GP doesn’t give it a free ride. Where is Xbox quality control? Where’s the management? There’s no leadership right now.
Where’s the statement at least acknowledging it’s a piece of s*** and they will fix it asap?
@PsBoxSwitchOwner You are putting things on Phil that are beyond his control. Why would you suggest removing Spencer if unless you want to add to your little negative event list? Talk about damaging perception.
First of all — all games get delayed these days. Zenimax is a large publisher. It is a false narrative to pretend all games will be good and no games will be rushed or broken. TLOU1 PC, Jedi Survivor, Redfall, Forspoken...How many times have we seen this since January alone?
The ABK deal is in jeopardy because multiple parties are conspiring against it. They don't have a leg to stand on, however, the CMA does not have appear to have oversight. They can make self-interested decisions and publish justifications that are testament to their ignorance of the industry.
I don't know what is happening with the hardware pipeline — none of us do. We are not MS insiders or in that realm of the electronics industry. Speculating is a waste of time.
@theduckofdeath because under Phil’s management Xbox just isn’t improving. He has been there long enough. Clearly what he is doing isn’t working. For me they need a reset.
But like I said nothing will happen, just a few little guys will lose their jobs.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner There very well may be smaller guys that should lose their jobs. Spencer wasn't managing Redfall. The game received 9-10 extra months and released in a poor state. What state was it in last summer?
@theduckofdeath clearly one where Microsoft said wait take longer, then decided to release it in this state is acceptable.
What else would you spend £70 on to get it in this state on day of release. I’d wager not much.
@theduckofdeath We don't really know what the exact setup is with Bethesda/ZeniMax. While it seems like they do work with a degree of independence, how do you know for sure that Phil, or someone else under his watch hasn't signed off on Redfall as good to go? They were happy to accept it when Hifi Rush got unanimous praise so they should rightly accept some of the blame when something isn't up to standard.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner The game is broken and poorly designed overall. The bugs can be fixed over time. A 60-fps mode can be added. Maybe the AI will be improved, and more enemy encounters can be added. All that takes time and money.
There would still be issues. For instance, you can't lean in ADS (ala Deathloop and others). You have a stake on your gun, and you melee attack is...a punch? Fix those things doesn't mean many would like the game.
@Kevw2006 I do think Spencer, Booty, and Bond are aware of the state of Redfall and someone high up could delay it. They are not involved in the day to day. Arkane has managers and producers. Besthesda studios has managers. Zenimax has managers.
I just think it is absurd that people act like when a game is bad (Redfall) all those levels between Spencer and the developer evaporate. He gave them more time twice. The studio blew it. They had struggled and did not reveal their troubles early enough.
MS acquisition or no MS acquisition, Redfall would have been bad. Maybe it would have been cancelled.
@PsBoxSwitchOwner There is no shortage of disingenuous people jumping on this situation right now. Yes, there are disappointed Xbox customers and people that were genuinely interested in Redfall as well.
"People keep telling me Phil is a gamer, surely even he then would realise the state it’s in and it’s not fit for public release?"
1) Arkane spent too much time & money on Redfall.
2) Xbox can't trust the team to salvage it in a timely manner
3) Arkane lead Xbox to believe the game would be ready; it was not ready; the release was in motion
"Where’s the statement at least acknowledging it’s a piece of s*** and they will fix it asap?"
Redfall has been available less than 24 hours.
@CenturianShark No, the game just isn't very good. Poor graphics and terrible A.I., all at 30fps with plenty of bugs and glitches to boot.
Redfall should’ve dropped in October or late September and starfield week before Christmas or newyears
@TheSimulator Dropping this on Halloween would have done wonders for it. It would be in a better state, would be 60fps and the timing would mean way more would check it out looking for a "horror" fix.
Anyone else finding the save system on this game useless? Quick resume just brings you back to the menu system after returning (presumably the always online responsible for that), and what saves it does do returns you to a safe house away from where you were (with all enemies returned if starting from the load, or not if haven't returned to main menu I.e after dying)..not ideal...
@Chaudy well officially Redfall is now worse than forspoken, Redfall is sitting at 63 metacritic for xbox and 59 for PC, Forspoken is higher on both. So yes you was right with your logic.
SeriesX: Fps are terrible, Controlls are okey, buy (accelerated i dont like it) not good, get a huge annoying latency, GFX is okey but sometimes its terrible looking, looting is mehh.
Overall experinece its 3-5 years back behind, compared to Dead Island 2 and Dying Light 2 experience.
Everybody need to wait a huge patch to fix every issues.... coz i feel this game can be awesome fun, but not this stage
User score here is 7.3…. And one of the first comments is about “review bombing” 😂
What’s the opposite of that???
Farcical 🤣
@DKGXX85 I’m enjoying it too mate, personally I think it’s a bit buggy (mainly textures and graphics) - not broken and there have been much worse offenders of late - it’s a bit average and with a bit of polish it could be amazing. As it stands it’s fun and an ok game. Fine game pass game. After it’s been patched up, if the bugs get ironed out and it’s at the right price I would maybe buy it. Feels just a bit unfinished. Like I say I am enjoying it, love the world and setting. It’s always nice to have a new IP and something different too
@LordFunkalot spot on, couldn't put it better myself
@PsBoxSwitchOwner I agree where’s the quality control?!?!
I’m enjoying it for what it is (see my previous) but it’s clearly not the game we wanted or deserved. Not the game Xbox needed.
Re the bugs they are not game breaking but seriously they show what a sad state of affairs things are in. For example in the fire house I saw a square stool map itself in and become round in front of me, pixilated blood on the floor map in to blood streaks, pixilated writing on signs and mop buckets - but it’s just pixelated and doesn’t bump in.
It’s the pre release build we are playing
It’s ok and fun to play but it’s not finished, they should have delayed it.
Regardless I’ve just finished RE4 remake, this is a massive drop in quality but it’s fine to play through, like a blockbuster rental. It’ll keep me busy until Street Fighter 6 or Jedi Survivor (when they suitably patch it…lol, oh the irony).
Ooof, cant cant say I'm suprised,another dud from xbox game studios 🙄 so all those previews saying goty material ,where lying or paid by ms.oh you gotta laugh
@DKGXX85 It really could have been amazing or GOTY with more time in the oven, but as it stands it’s a solid 6, there’s nothing wrong with games like that.
I think as long as you know what you’re walking into there’s still lots of fun to be had.
I’m not defending the bugs but I really think the masses are overly critical towards Redfall. It’s an ok fun game. It’s not terrible or worst game of the year etc.
Other games have been buggy or had game breaking bugs that the masses have lapped up. Like Pokémon scarlet/violet, Jedi Survivor doesn’t even boot up for many PC players. . .
@Chaudy @themightyant I loved Forspoken! People just hate on Luminous because they were different in their approach and style. Forspoken’s a unique, quick joyride of a title and that’s a wonderful thing, but I also loved FFXV. I also loved Sonic Frontiers and Pokémon Violet too, for the record. I will play games of my own intuition, regardless of reviews, even if I read them. I did NOT enjoy Redfall last night. It joins that Cyberpunk and Atomic Heart tier of games that deserve the negative criticism, in my opinion.
The wife said to me, while we tried it out, “you know, I think Skyrim sort of had better visuals, don’t you? These characters are ugly. And I hate to be mean to you about this one, but it’s sort of boring to play.” My wife isn’t much of a gamer, but, I mean, she got it right… That said, Redfall isn’t the worst game I’ve played this year, but it’s certainly the most disappointing. It’s a significant failure of a title that was supposed to be the first big $70 Xbox title. I’ve been skeptical for a while now, but now I’ve lost most of my confidence in the brand and Xbox’s influence on it. Still looking forward to Starfield, but I’m not feeling confident that it’ll be the next Skyrim and am instead feeling concerned we’re all waiting for another potential Fallout 76, for all we know. Hope MS hires QC in the next couple months.
@somnambulance Yeah we all like different things. I suspect I will like this more than most but am waiting, as I was before the reviews, for patches and 60fps.
Sadly this is a view repeated on many xbox podcasts I listened to yesterday. Disappointment is often the worst. A shame.
Hopefully the person who decided it was a good call to release Redfall is now looking for new employment. I still can’t get my head around why they think this is acceptable to release something that is half-cooked (on many levels, not just the frame rate). The game is getting hammered, pretty much everywhere you look.
Redfall was never going to appeal to everyone but it has turned into a complete embarrassment for Xbox. If they felt another delay would be unacceptable then as suggested above why didn’t they just release a beta version and delay until Halloween? That would have given Arcane another 5-6 months to iron out the problems.
You also have to ask what impact this will have on the studio. Arcane have made some brilliant games so how are the team going to feel when they read the reviews and feedback aimed at this? It’s going to be tough for the staff to shrug off the reviews and negative feedback- especially if the team wanted the project delayed so that it could be finished/polished to their usual standard.
@themightyant the best praise I can give it is that it’s at least better than Fallout 76 was at launch and less broken than Atomic Heart was for me. I would argue that Cyberpunk had a better launch, even if that one was jankier. It certainly makes the concern over Starfield’s quality grow as Xbox continues to release incomplete AAA titles and Bethesda has been wildly inconsistent in quality for roughly a console generation now. It’s hard to believe Arkane Austin went from Prey to this. It’s baffling.
The game and Xbox management have been destroyed on the Internet. People are furious and rightly so. Redfall was the final nail in the coffin for a lot of people It seems.
I Want to know how much that journalist at God is geek was paid for calling Refall an early GOTY contender
You know what I just realized that this game has the Anthem effect going on. Had a bad ass showing in videos of gameplay and had all the graphics looking good and gameplay looked fun. Then it's released and looks like ass and buggy. This is the exact same thing that happened with Anthem.
The expectation for this game was so high that after being highly dissappointed by it, I decided to cancel my gamepass subscription. I'll play my backlog and then maybe I'll resubscribe.
@DKGXX85 this is total nonsense. You clearly didn’t play the game. We just gave Sony fanboys a huge gift by releasing this garbage. Go walk up to a car and shoot it’s windows. Everything from the poor graphics to the explosion of the car mechanics FROM SHOOTING WINDOWS is a joke and half baked game.
Quit defending this trash. It makes our whole xbox community look ridiculous. The game should be pulled and put back into development for another year at least, or just cancel and refund everyone.
The game and Xbox management have been destroyed on the Internet. People are furious and rightly so
So much so that Microsoft are apparently considering the options to pull out of the console gaming market...
I'm personally on board with the irrational Sony cheerleaders on this one and look forward to a time when PlayStation is the only high spec console on the market, with Sony finding it appropriate to charge £150 for new game releases 😀🤦♂️🤦♂️.
@Sol4ris lol nice sarcasm but obviously it's not going to go that far for xbox to the point that they pull out of the industry all together certainly not after spending 7 odd billion on Bethesda but it is going to have long lasting implications as far associating quality is concerned with Xbox brand
@GiveMeMoney I haven't defended anything, I simply gave my opinion of the game. I don't care about playstation fanboys or Xbox fanboys all I'm saying is that I'm having fun with the game.
If you read the comment I didn't say the game was perfect and mentioned it's shortcomings but the game is NOT broken and there is fun to be had and (in my opinion) is getting more hate then it deserves. If your not happy with your Xbox then trade it in and get yourself a PS5 or switch?
@Sol4ris and they would too, they would run wild
but it is going to have long lasting implications as far associating quality is concerned with Xbox brand
From a rational perspective I find that very hard to believe but as always we are masters of our opinions...
@Sol4ris not saying I'm a master of anyone's opinion. It's freedom of speech. Say whatever you or I want. This is just an observation based on the player outcry.
The issue isn't just limited to Redfall having bugs or performance problems. It's more to do with bad game design. If it was limited to just bugs and performance then it wouldn't have been this bad, Jedi survivor launched with plenty of performance issues but still got great reviews and is doing well with players.
Redfall on the other hand has bad game design, the quests are bad, the story presentation is bad, the AI is bad, the combat doesn't feel good, these issues are beyond performance. If Xbox first party triple A games come out this bad then naturally the brand will be associated with bad quality games going forward. That's because first party triple A games have high expectations and are often on most anctipated game lists. It's a quality issue with Xbox.
@Sol4ris Sony with their prices
It's freedom of speech. Say whatever you or I want
Indeed, hence why I've said we are masters of our own opinions.
If Xbox first party triple A games come out this bad then naturally the brand will be associated with bad quality games going forward
Respectfully disagree. If you referring to individuals who have been blinded by rage regarding Redfall and its issues than yes, you have a point. But I suspect the majority of people (myself included) who look forward to future Xbox releases are not going to automatically associate them with Redfall.
It saddens me to see Redfall's problems because Arkane are one of my favourite developers but I'm not going to throw anyone under the bus just yet...
@Sol4ris fair point you make, heres to hoping Starfield is a master piece
45 minutes was about as long as my brother, my friend, and I could stomach the game. It was definitely....disappointing. I think the part where I was just walking on the water at one time really cemented for me early on how much work the game needed. That an the fact we ran a good chunk of the map with just no enemies. The broken animations. The utterly broken enemy AI.
I know other games are being compared but none of them was anywhere near as bad as this. Its my first real visible "ouch, this is a thing." i've seen on the xbox series.
Is this supposed to be a big Xbox exclusive?
@EvenStephen7 exactly the reason I haven’t bought one yet. There’s literally no reason to.
I think most of you are severely overreacting... Sure Redfall may not be the greatest but shiz happens. I'm sure it'll be patched over and play like it was intended. I'm not saying that should be the strategy with every AAA game or GP game or MS game but is what it is at this point. If it isn't the type of game for you, then okay, move on. I myself have been content with their exclusives lately. They may have been slow with the releases since the Series X/S released but they're coming. Forza Horizon 5, Pentient, Vampire Survivors, High on Life, Hi-fi Rush, Halo Infinite, Grounded (full game version), Golden Eye (I know it's old but it's great!), Psychonauts 2, 12 Minutes, As Dusk Falls, Scorn, Immortality, Minecraft Legends and Atomic Heart have all been released in the past year aside from Halo, 12 Minutes, Scorn and Psychonauts. They were 2021, I believe. Of course Redfall a couple days ago. Also want to point out Playstation studios MLB The Show continuing to show up in Game Pass on day one the past couple years. Which is awesome! I understand they aren't all everyone's genre and some may not be the best reviewed but dang they don't seem too bad to me. Several of the games I mentioned were great in my opinion and many others. I also feel like mentioning the list of games that are coming soon. Then you can complain that it's always a waiting game for the next good release for Xbox players. It's really not.. Of course we don't know when a lot of these will be released but there's enough to keep me happy that's for damn sure. I also use Xbox as my go to system for cross platform games (AC, GTA, Madden, etc) so there's never a shortage of great games to play all because they aren't exclusive to Xbox... So we have Starfield of course, Stalker 2, Hellblade 2, Avowed, Everwild, Forza Motorsport, Diablo 4, Outer Worlds 2, Ark 2, Warhammer Dark Tide, Perfect Dark, State of Decay 3, Elder Scrolls 6. Will also point out the inevitable with Fallout 5, sequel to Doom Eternal. Yeah, I don't feel like saying anything more. Saw a lot of complaining about the heads of Xbox and how dare they release a game this buggy. It'll be fine, relax.. if you can't relax, play another game, another console or watch TV or something.
"I noticed there's a lot of Sony fans bombing this game everywhere..."
Clearly their PS games aren't gripping enough either, that they find time just to post FANBOY nonsense.
Listened to a lot of podcasts before going into the game myself and was actually intrigued since there were some people enjoying it. Got about 4+ hours in nothing technically wrong happened so there is that. Arcane graphics, nothing out of the ordinary. No cutscenes that must saved them a lot of money but didn’t mind that. It’s nota’s bad as some say but it isn’t very good either. €70 is a bit steep too but I could play in on GPU. You can have fun with the game but it’s no AAA. Liked some missions but the AI is really dumb sometimes. It feels like, hey this what we already got, what could we add to make a more full blown game to charge it €70? Kind of had a feeling about this one but I don’t know Phil Spencer apologizing for it was necessary. Devs get too much wiggle room and need someone who keeps annoying them during development since the hands off here did not work. Not paying full price is a godsend.
@S1ayeR74 Yeah I don't know about that either. Playground may have a chance but who knows i don't think it will do good if they don't have the right mindset about it. I don't think they can recapture that magic Fable had. I'll like to be wrong and be surprised to see them do it like Avalanche did Hogwarts Legacy but if like Redfall of a studio not used to making thing yeah I expect similar results.
Then again Forza Horizon I've heard bad things from fans so no idea what to believe there for Horizon 3-5 and the comfortable spot they seem to have apparently.
Playing Forza Motorsport 5-7 I've seen how they tried but it doesn't have the same highs as 1-4 were. FM6 gives me the same disappointment as GT7 while FM7 is enjoyable enough on the right track again.
I hope 8/reboot actually tries as to me if the content isn't appealing I'm not interested and I'll stick to Grid if GT/Forza aren't doing it for me.
All the customisation and other things they really want to push even though many people knows it recycled assets the whole Xbox One gen doesn't sound very exciting.
But .. do they plan to patch this game or is it a "lost cause" ???
@UndyingInsurgent95 yea it's hard. I've played about 5 or 6 hours of it. I don't find it horrible. Even though it's wonky , has glitches and overall is NOT a good game. It's not good but I can get some very mild fun from it. I play solo and seem to die very easily surrounded my so many enemies that maybe co-op would help with. Everyone says the say is so dumb, which they are, but it's not translating into easy for me. I may still give it a few more tried but overall the game is poor and I'm probably done with it this month.
It has really lowered my expectations that xbox can ever deliver a 1st party amazing guy. I think it's going to be a system for indies, 3rd parties , and gamepass. Which is still fantastic in thise regards. However as far as releasing top their A+ first party games, I have no faith that will happen. I hope starfield is amazing but I don't think it will be after redfall.
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