Comments 3,145

Re: Here's Everything That Was Revealed At The Xbox Games Showcase 2024


I couldn't care less if some of these do come to Sony Playstation - either day/date (CoD, Doom) or release 'eventually' in a year or more. It won't affect my ability to play Day/Date at NO extra cost to myself thanks to Game Pass.

The 'cost' to play CoD, Stalker 2 and Indiana Jones for example is more than I pay for a year of Game Pass Ultimate and if they all released on PS5 day/date, I'm still better off playing on my Xbox or PC. I won't be spending '£70' on PS5 to play BO3, I'll play it on Xbox for free - same with Doom too.

With all the Games coming in 2025 as well, I don't see any reason to cancel my Subscription. I really don't see what all the fuss is - yes others can and will be enjoying a MS owned IP bringing in 'Revenue' from their closest Competitor's platform which will be 'invested' into MS's ecosystem and being a Subscriber in that 'ecosystem', I benefit from that...

I'd rather MS sort to extract 'money' from Customers outside their ecosystem than tried to extract 'more' from their own Customers by raising prices or not putting games day 1 into game pass.

The best value to play these games will be on Xbox - it would cost you 'more' to play on Playstation. To me, the value of Game Pass for the next 18months is not in question....

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Xbox Games Showcase 2024?


Had to give it an A despite a lot of 2025 games and not too many with actual release dates. That being said, we only have 6/7 months left of 2024 with games like BO6, Stalker 2, Indiana Jones, MSFS 24, Avowed etc coming in 2024 and 2025 is looking to keep the games coming...

Hardware makes no difference to me, I have my Series X so not interested in 'digital' Series S/X or the new Series X.

The fact that most will also be available on Game Pass - even games I wouldn't be 'excited' for at £70 were interesting enough to be excited to try. Gears of War returning to the 'WAR' was a personal highlight for me as I wasn't that 'excited' by 5 and where they would go with '6', so glad they are returning to the War aspect.

Re: Poll: How Would You Grade The Summer Game Fest 2024 Showcase?


From an Xbox perspective, it was somewhat lacking, as expected really and Sony isn't doing anything themselves during this week.

Overall I thought mediocre at best after a 'decent' start.

With MS having their own Show and no doubt 3rd party 'partners' too, and Ubisoft as well to come, I just hope this was all that was 'left' as all the 'exciting' games that we'll all be talking about are still to come...

Re: Xbox 'Cross-Gen Face-Off' Shows The Benefits Of Series S Ownership


For the many that don't have or care about 4k Resolution, its a fantastic Console outperforming ANY Console from last gen - inc PS4 Pro and XB1X.

Yes a few games may run at 'higher' resolution on a 1X but you sacrifice fluidity and responsiveness at the very least as the XSS targets 2x the Frame Rate. Not only that, the Series S often offers higher visual settings - more medium -> high+ settings where X1X often is Low to medium at best.

Yes compared to XSX/PS5 hardware running on the SAME 4K display, the Series S is somewhat softer and maybe lacking some 'modes/features', but the exact same can be said for the 1S vs 1X. You didn't get the High Res or 60fps Performance mode on 1S and XSS is similar.

The release of the Pro/X last gen certainly didn't mean everyone rushed out to buy. In fact, despite these both offering 'enhancements' over base Hardware, they still didn't 'outsell' the cheaper option. The 'majority' were happy to spend less and still get to play ALL the games...

And as this proves, its still an upgrade over the XB1 S/X and has a bigger library of playable games - as it plays all the same games as the 1S/X, but also the same games as the Series X.

Re: Here's The Complete List Of Xbox 360 Exclusives Disappearing This July


@smoreon exactly! There may only have been 1m Cartridges of a specific N64 game produced and 25yrs later, how many remain in working order to 'buy and play' today. Some Cartridges are crazy money today too.

Those 'Physical' copies are also locked to their specific hardware and, I believe, downloads the BC Digital 'version' if Backwards Compatible. Since the release of the XB1/PS4 gen, no 'game' runs from the Disc - its just a delivery method to get the 'basic' Software installed (often requiring online downloads to patch and/or deliver the 'rest' of the game). It's nothing more than your 'licence key' to access the Software installed on your Hardware - but a Digital key can't be 'sold' on.

Digital at least can preserve the 'best' version of a Game - the latest updated, patched version. PC tends to have the 'best' preservation as Games are not locked to a specific 'generation' and its been a predominantly Digital platform for years. Console gamers seem more concerned - but that's probably down to the Generational refresh....

Re: Report: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Lost $200 Million For Warner Bros


@GamingFan4Lyf I know that the head of the new Studio are ex Rocksteady Devs but how many other staff left is not 'officially' known although its claimed that 20 or so of the 100+ staff are 'ex-Rocksteady'

I was trying not to be so 'Factual' as I don't really know if they ALL left because of 'Live Service' and/or being pushed to develop LS games. I was also trying to allude that Arkane Austin too could have been in a Similar position after Redfall and that it may not be 'possible' to recruit and/or make the games that Studio is known for because the 'talent' left.

MS, unlike WB, may have decided to close Arkane Austin knowing that they would have to invest 'huge' amounts to build that Studio back up to its former Glory, making games its 'known' for. That could take 5+ years to pay off whereas that money could be better spent on building up Studio's with 'games' already in development, Helping/supporting other Studio's to get their games out in more timely fashion or whatever other 'Projects' that will benefit MS/Xbox Customers in the 'near' future. Keeping Arkane Austin for example may not pay off for 5-6yrs - maybe longer, yet investing in Bethesda may pay off in a year or two with a 'new' Fallout (even remastered older games) instead.

Whether WB close Rocksteady in the same way MS did with Arkane Austin or not, I don't know. I would think that if they want to keep making Games - even if just Live Service, they'll need Studios. Even if a 'shell' of the Studio they once were, it still has 'pedigree'. They can still say 'from the Studio that made Arkham Asylum' even if no Developer, none of the creative talent behind that remain...

Re: Report: Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Lost $200 Million For Warner Bros


Hogwarts - one of the best selling games of the year - a single player experience but Warner Bros would rather push another Live service failure after Gotham Knights and now Suicide Squad in the 'hope' that one of these will 'work' and people spend 'Hundreds' to play - not just buying the game, but buying Season Passes, MTX's in-game Currencies etc etc.

WB also doesn't seem to have learned from Square Enix's 'failed' Marvels Avengers either - it seems they look at CoD, Fortnite or Apex and think they can turn their games into 'successful' live service to get their 'cash cow' - forgetting that MANY fail leading to closures. Few last more than a few years as the stragglers aren't spending enough to keep developing more content for...

By all accounts, it seems that Rocksteady aren't the same Studio anymore anyway. We heard recently that MS will be Publishing a new game made by ex-Rocksteady staff who worked on the Arkham games so maybe don't have the staff now to 'revert' back. Forcing a Studio known for SP experiences into Live Service developers maybe kills it and even recruiting maybe difficult despite their history. They may not be able to make 'another' Arkham type game as the 'talent' behind those left...

Re: Here's The Complete List Of Xbox 360 Exclusives Disappearing This July


Considering ALL these games require an Xbox 360 to 'run' and the Xbox 360 has been discontinued for years, then it makes sense that sales will have dried up as fewer and fewer people buy games for 'obsolete' hardware.

Even if you do 'buy', able to download and play 'indefinitely', there is no guarantee you'll still be able to 'play' them in a few years time - if your 360 dies for example, you may struggle to find a working replacement - after all, MS hasn't made the 360 for the past 8yrs at least so all 'old'.

Personally, I'd rather spend money on 'newer' games I can play on the newest hardware. My 360 isn't even set up anymore and I haven't played on my 360 since the XB1 released in 2013 so I haven't finished some games I own, let alone adding more to that Backlog - especially as I can't play on my XB1X or Series X that are both set-up.

Many games - not just MS, but Sony too for example, have delisted games or made some content 'unplayable' today. You can't play Killzone online anymore at all and some games are gone completely (Driveclub). Other Publishers too have delisted games - good luck playing Titanfall or Overwatch today (not the Sequels).

All this talk about 'preservation' is ridiculous - you can't really buy Xbox 360 games anymore - you have to hunt around for used copies and these are 'limited' in number. N64 games aren't 'preserved' just because of Cartridges - again, it comes down to hunting for 'used' Hardware and used Cartridges that 'still' work over 20yrs later...

Re: New Xbox Showcase Rumour Hints At Plenty Of Surprises This Sunday


@Kooky_Geezer I still think that Xbox will at least keep Single Player games 'Exclusive' (unless they are smaller games that don't shift Consoles/Game Pass) much the same way Sony seem to be doing.

The Only 'difference' is that Sony, at least so far, have 'refused' to sell ANY games unless really pressured to or lose a Licence (MLB), on Xbox Consoles. They are bringing their MP games day/date to 'another' platform (PC) but intend to keep SP games as 'Exclusive' to get people into their Console. Spider-Man or God of War isn't really selling PS5 now, its the newest game(s) and/or upcoming Exclusives.

Online multiplayer games will benefit by having the largest Community playing they can possibly attract - it helps for Matchmaking, for ping etc. With Cross-play too, friends/family can play together regardless of what Platforms they all own. It stops being about the 'Hardware' and more about the IP. They are not ALL Sony or MS fanboys, they are fans of CoD or Minecraft - games 'owned' by MS and 'contributing' to the overall strength and reach of a Microsoft owned IP's, their 'growth'.

You also get to play 'Xbox' games for 'Free' via Game Pass on Xbox but on Playstation, you have to buy to play.

Would timed Exclusives really make much difference over Permanent Exclusives? Sony certainly believes in Timed Exclusivity as they pay many Publishers for that - Deathloop and Ghostwire are examples. Not only that, they are releasing many of their own games now on PC, meaning they can be played on another 'Console' - SteamDeck - so not 'Console exclusive' either...

Re: Rumour: Xbox Showcase To Feature First-Party Shadow Drop, Details On Portable Console


@NEStalgia I think that MS, with their Surface experience too, would go the Handheld PC route but unlike Ally, could actually bring the Xbox Dashboard (or create a version for PC's) that makes it 'easy' for Console gamers to transition.

The Ally is getting a new Armoury Crate and MS has mentioned maybe addressing their Windows footprint on these devices for Gaming/Touchscreens - which can be a pain without a Keyboard/mouse. So if MS can bring 'Xbox' Dash instead of Armoury Crate or whatever Lenovo/MSi etc have to create, that does give them that 'edge' in bridging the Console and PC ecosystems.

MS too could make it just as comfortable as their own Controllers too with their proper 'Xbox' button. As Xbox gamers are 'familiar' with the Xbox Dash, Steam, Epic etc could be added as Apps, like Game Pass and its Library in the 'Games/Apps' section.

I think the big 'problem' could be getting Publishers on board to support 'Direct Storage' to allow Gamers to buy games and get the 'version' for their Hardware. So if you buy a game, its playable on 'PC' or 'Xbox Console'. It works with some Xbox games, but if I buy an Ubisoft game on Xbox, I can't play that on RoG Ally like you can with Xbox Play Anywhere games bought through MS store.

That to me is the 'biggest' hurdle to overcome - make it like their 'Locked' Consoles, then your Xbox Library is easily accessible, make it more like a PC, some games may be playable, but most won't unless you rebuy. Some way to get 'Xbox' on PC to ensure Xbox gamers can bring their Xbox library with them, and its instantly more appealing than Current handhelds for Xbox.

I do think it would have limited appeal if its just a Handheld Series S - locked to Xbox, requiring Game Pass Core (min) for Online, limited to 'Series S' frame rates/settings and not offering the range of games handheld PC's offer, that maybe as tough to sell as Xbox Consoles are now. Some may buy instead of upgrading to a Series S/X and others will opt to buy PC's so not really increasing their 'Console' user base.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Showcase To Feature First-Party Shadow Drop, Details On Portable Console


@ElectricCity If they went with the first option, the Handheld PC, that still gives them the option to Sell Game Pass and play games over the network direct from MS servers.

2 and 3 are likely very similar devices and could stream games you 'own' from your Console (like PS Portal) as well as Stream games from Game Pass on MS servers.

Game Pass Cloud is limited to just those Games in Game Pass that are available via Cloud. Most are not so a 'Game Pass Cloud' only device is extremely limited on what games anyone could play and that list is forever changing - games you may want to play can be removed so no access on your Streaming only device...

I'm sure MS would let other 3rd Party manufacturers make Streaming only handhelds as they can still sell Game Pass to those who buy. But their main 'Gaming' audience will want something they can download and play locally games - especially as wifi/internet access on the 'go' can be limited at best. That device will still sell Game Pass Subs, but also 'sell' games/content to play.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Showcase To Feature First-Party Shadow Drop, Details On Portable Console


With MS talking about 'opening' up Xbox to other gaming services (like Steam or Epic), as well as their Surface line of Tablets/Laptops, I do wonder whether or not MS will make a Handheld Console or Handheld PC (to compete with Asus, Lenovo, MSI etc).

If they make it more a 'console' and its around the same price as Handheld PC's, I do wonder whether it would be 'competitive' as it's locked to 'just' Xbox, may require an Online Subscription (Game Pass Core minimum) and 'locked' to Xbox store only. Where as Handheld PCs have access to Steam, Epic etc, don't require a Sub for Online access and of course have significantly larger Game Library - inc Sony's PC releases and Emulation.

Microsoft have both Console and PC hardware and their 'Surface' PC's in particular are built for Portability - Tablets and Laptops. They 'could' make a Surface 'Xbox' handheld PC that merges their 'hardware' PC/Console division....

Re: Hellblade 2's First Xbox Update Now Available, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


@Tecinthehead Whether or not you find it 'boring' was perhaps not the point. I'd believe that the intention to 'change' the Combat from the first was to make it 'more' accessible to a wider range of 'gamers'.

Some may have felt the Combat was too difficult, frustrating - being hit by 2nd or 3rd enemies whilst trying to focus on the first, being hit in the back by unseen enemies etc - and thus never reached the Climax. Same with some puzzles, spending time trying to find the exact point which lines up but can't find the 'puzzle' to open the way to that point so gave up.

As I said, the Combat and Puzzles are more about the Psychosis those situations are impacting Senua, how she has to 'fight' and/or struggle to progress along the path. The Combat still wants to make you 'feel' Surrounded but now its just 1v1, Wants you to feel like its 'not' over as soon as you can get passed that enemy, no time to 'relax'.

If Combat or puzzles get in the way of the Story, prevent the majority of players from reaching the Conclusion, then it may not be fit for purpose. If the Purpose is to 'challenge' the player with increasingly more 'difficult' Combat/Puzzles so only the most hardcore/dedicated gamers can reach the 'end', then most will never reach the end. The Purpose was to demonstrate what living with Psychosis is like, how difficult situations manifest that Psychosis and the 'Combat/Puzzles' are 'representative' of Difficult situations for Senua.

Re: Hellblade 2's First Xbox Update Now Available, Here Are The Full Patch Notes


The more I see peoples comments about Hellblade, the more I think they missed the point of this 'Game'. It was never about the Combat, the challenge of mastering some 'complex' system to overcome enemies. It was never about challenging the player to solve complex puzzles etc...

It was always about Senua and her Mental Health, those 'voices' in her head. I swear they are 'dynamic' in that they are reacting to the Combat (whether you are getting hit or doing well) and the puzzles, its how those situations are 'impacting' on Senuas Mental Health.

If the Combat is too 'Dark Souls', then that will stop people progressing, stop people 'experiencing' what living with Psychosis and how the circumstances, not always 'life threatening' as Combat is, can still impact Senua. Hence the importance of playing with 'Headphones'.

I think that some people don't understand what the main objective was with both Hellblade and now this - to represent what living with Psychosis can be like. Its not about 'challenging' players to master complex Combat Mechanics or Solve the most obscure/complex puzzles, its much more about what those situations do to Senuas Psychosis.

Whether that's what 'gamers' want, expect etc or not, it's what Ninja Theory wanted to create - a Narrative that also helps you to experience what living with Psychosis can be like...

Re: Rumour: Rocksteady Founders Sign New Studio Game Deal With Xbox


Sounds a similar situation to the Avalanche made 'Contraband' game. MS, as a 'Publisher' is also there to help 3rd Party Studio's get the funding and support to release 'their' games. Its no different from Sunset Overdrive or Ori in essence.

You can talk about the closures of Tango or Arkane Austin for example, but why not also talk about the 'new' Studio's opened in the last 6months or so. Infinity Ward (Activision) opened a new Studio in Austin and Activision also opened a new Studio in Poland - Elsewhere Studios.

We don't know what state Tango or Arkane was in when acquired - but we do know Arkane lost a lot of Staff over Redfall and Tango lost its 'creator' of games like the Evil Within. Both may have needed 'huge' investment over the next 5+ yrs to get them up to a standard to produce AAA games - and 'neither' had anything in the pipeline, nothing yet started.

Still its more 'games' for Xbox that won't be on Playstation Day/Date so a 'reason' to buy Xbox Hardware....

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@NEStalgia Consoles are a 'cheap' but consistent platform for gamers who either can't afford or don't want the hassle of PC and the 'Exclusives' are to sell that Hardware over another Box.

With how powerful chips are these days with 'built-in' gpus, inc AI too, maybe a 'handheld' PC that has EVERY Xbox game + all the PC games inc Sony's PC releases for a Console price that maybe can sync to your 4k TV and still deliver 60fps+ is better? Would you also buy an Xbox just because its a MS console or see it as just an 'alternative' for those that maybe prefer that? Especially plug/play with 'static' hardware you know devs will 'optimise' for where PC require Operators to Optimise. Both are still in the Xbox Ecosystem and get you into Game Pass too to spend time/money through for MS's gaming growth

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@NEStalgia If you look at 'Minecraft', whilst that is a very different game, it does have parallels. No-one buys Xbox because the 'biggest' selling Game in the world is on Game Pass/Xbox - its available wherever you play and its making MS money from its worldwide accessibility on every platform. Yes they may 'lose' some money to Sony to sell the game on that platform, but they get money from that Platform too.

CoD is such a big IP, its one they want to use to get you into on whatever Platform you choose to play because it will make money there - its too much money to ignore or pull away from, its better to think about how you can 'grow' that fanbase not shrink/limit it.

You have great Single Player experiences that are Unique to MS - that's what you use to bring people into your 'ecosystem' and Windows PC is the Open version of their Windows Xbox Console - its the same 'Family'

That's why I mentioned Games like Avowed, Flight Sim 24, Stalker 2, Fable, Indiana Jones, Starfield Expansion, these 'Exclusives' will make a bigger difference and that continues with other Games, some may well release on PS if they have a reason (likely Online Community based game-play so 'friends/family' can play together 'regardless' of platform) Doom or better served to bring Players in - Fable, Perfect Dark, Clockwork Revolution.

Next gen - even if MS release 'most' games on PS6, you can still play them on Xbox (or ANYWHERE) via Game Pass - maybe you prefer the latest handheld PC or have a great PC rig, maybe phones are so powerful by then or TV's can play games on their built in Chips that you only buy a PS6 for the 'few' exclusives that has but you are still in the 'MS Gaming' (Xbox/Game Pass) ecosystem.

If you are going to spend your time on PS6 playing a Microsoft owned IP, buying their games and content, that's still benefiting MS - all the CoD Merchandise, the pulling power of that IP all benefits Microsoft. You may choose to buy an Xbox next, choose to play on PC or whatever other device they'll sell it on, but you'll still be in a MS game, still making MS money etc - just 'different' ways of getting you into a Microsoft owned IP and therefore contributing to their growth/revenue. They don't see PC as different to 'Console' as its the same family...

If those that have both hardware jump to Xbox to play via Game Pass they already Sub to, that may well be a 'LOST' sale, but they've also converted all the 'extras' they buy into 100% money for them instead of 70% with 30% going to Sony. Over time that adds up...

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@Kloppo Game Pass Ultimate went up a few months ago here - an extra £1 a month for me. I think its $15 now in the US. Its 'required' for CoD on Xbox Console - Otherwise you'll have to pay the $70 for Base Game + your monthly 'Online' Access Sub (PS+ Essential or Game Pass Core) just to play all the content.

Anyway, a $1 increase for 35m Subscribers is an extra $35m a month or $420m a year. As Subscriber numbers grow, that monthly increase grows. Another 5m Subs, an extra $5m a month ($60m a year) from just that $1 increase earlier this year will bring.

I doubt they'll raise the price this year and we will see what CoD, along with games like MSFS24, Avowed, Indiana Jones, Stalker 2 etc releasing this year has on 'Xbox' and 'Subscriber' numbers it's not just those 'releases' either, Its the 'long term' prospects to not only get people to want to Subscribe, but then stay Subscribed - Games like Fable, Perfect Dark, Outer Worlds 2, Clockwork Revolution etc as well as whatever games they reveal at the Showcase like Doom, Gears of War or Banjo Kazooie...

If you 'just' play CoD, its not worth it to save '$70' to play for just 1yr until the next CoD comes out. Its better to buy the game, you'll likely buy MTX/Season Passes too so no 'lost' sale to MS

Some may think its 'worth' signing up to Game Pass now CoD is in it, thus increase their Monthly revenue, and you'll still buy Season Passes etc

Some may sign up for a month just to play the campaign - but those people never bought CoD at full price and more likely buy used too. They may not have had a sale from these anyway but now got 'something'

No doubt, this will have a 'Premium' Edition with the first 'Season Pass' included and/or maybe 'early access' too for 'pre-orders' (inc Physical and Playstation versions) so that will be a 'paid for' upgrade (like they did with Starfield where you got Early Access and the Expansion) but other Game Pass owners who didn't 'pay' will now have to buy the Expansion if they want to play it. Those 'Game Pass' gamers who get the 'Base' game through Game Pass will still have to buy Season Passes, CoD Points and/or Cosmetic Bundles to get the most out of MP. So they will still make 'money' whether you play via Game Pass or bought the Game on Xbox, money is coming in 'monthly' with 'new' content for sale across 'Paid' (MW3) and 'Free Access' CoD (Warzone) - both linked too so going to be 'very' difficult to say that Player's are not making 'Xbox' more money because its on Game Pass through 'lost' sales when maybe it has 10x the player 'numbers' than last years for example on Day 1. They weren't 'all' sales as the game doesn't sell that many over its lifetime on Xbox let alone Day so 'not' lost sales, more new eyes.

But it could lead to 3x the Season Passes sold because more decide to keep playing through Game Pass with their friends who also have Game Pass. People that gave up on CoD years ago coming back, having fun and staying for the friendships...

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@NEStalgia Short of making the Game Exclusive, this is unlikely to move the needle for 'Xbox' specifically. At best, it will be the 'next' generation where people will decide where to play next.

Those on Playstation are 'unlikely' to swap consoles just to play CoD on Xbox, let alone on Game Pass. It 'may' help sell a few more Subscriptions on PC/Console as its a 'game' that people who already have the Hardware may enjoy playing, but others will 'buy' as they always have.

The fact is that CoD is NOT being pulled from Playstation, may even be released and sold on more Hardware and will have 'parity', no bonus content to make you play on Xbox specifically, its not likely to 'move' the needle.

It may end up making MS 'more' money - just because it reaches more gamers and as such, sells more Season Passes and more MTX's etc that is 're-invested' into the Xbox Ecosystem. The 'only' advantage for CoD Gamers on PC/Xbox is the option to 'rent' the base game Day/Date - much cheaper if you only play the Campaign and/or maybe better than waiting for a sale or buying used. CoD also has Warzone and that too will make Money - maybe even bring more in via CoD on Game Pass.

As it won't be on 'Game Pass' or on Xbox 'exclusively', there is 'little' incentive to buy an Xbox if you prefer Playstation. Its 'cheaper' to spend $70 to buy that same game on PS5 (although MS only get about 70%) than buy a Series X for the same quality and spend $180 for a year of Game Pass. Therefore I doubt you'll see a seismic shift.

The only Gamers this will really impact to 'move the needle' are those who still play on last gen Console Hardware who aren't bothered about 'Digital' libraries and will likely play 2 or more 'Game Pass games' to consider the Game Pass route. That way they may 'choose' to buy a Series Console and GPU to play CoD. Few (compared to PS5) buy CoD on Xbox and a portion of those would still 'buy' CoD on Xbox because its their favourite Franchise or don't play enough other games to warrant Game Pass. They aren't moving the 'needle' anyway as they are already on 'Xbox'...

Any 'increase' in Hardware sold or even Game Pass Subscriptions cannot be directly attributed to CoD as a 'measuring' stick as other games (like Avowed, Fable, Stalker 2, Doom, Fallout etc) or even 'old' games (like MW2, BO2, Diablo 3, Prototype etc) coming to GP may also 'boost' sales of Hardware/Subs as MS finally get the 'games' out. Is it CoD that saw people buy Xbox/GP or was Exclusives like Stalker 2 and Avowed?

Therefore I don't think this is 'make or break'. If it makes money across all platforms then its helping MS - they are getting a 'huge' chunk of money from Playstation/Steam gamers, maybe even Nintendo gamers too and would be far more 'detrimental' to MS to release CoD day/date into Game Pass exclusively to try and boost Console/Subscription sales.

Also they'd rather you bought Season Passes, MTX's on 'Xbox' over PS5 because MSs get 100% of the revenue - but 70% from Sony customers is still a big chunk. So giving away a game knowing you'll get 100% of all the money that person spends on MTX, maybe even on buying the game later down the line as Game Pass Customers can purchase Game Pass Games too with a 'discount'. All of which will make it 'impossible' to assess whether CoD into GP has moved the 'needle' in the short term because there are too many 'factors' that are also in play. CoD may not 'move' the needle because its not Exclusive but maybe MSFS24, Stalker 2, Avowed and/or Indiana Jones (expected before Christmas) help MS shift more Consoles/Subs along 'with' CoD but CoD itself won't

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Live Action Trailer Lands Following Xbox Game Pass Confirmation


@Nexozi I'm sure a few will and with MS making 100% of money from sales of Season Passes on Xbox compared to just 70% on PS5 (30% going to Sony), it could be more lucrative for them.

Yes you'll get the 'base' game free, but the Premium Edition with the first Season Pass and/or 'early access' will be a Paid upgrade. If you only play the Campaign, you can get to do that now Day 1 instead of waiting for a Sale or buying used...

It will be nice for change that the WHOLE CoD community will get the SAME content etc on the SAME day - even if you can get the Base game on Game Pass now. Wonder if it will come to Nintendo Switch this year (or maybe wait for Switch 2)...

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


I really don't see this as a make or break situation.

Since the Series S/X released, CoD has been much stronger linked to Playstation with the games from 2020-2023 all releasing with 'bonuses' for Playstation gamers. MW3 had over 70% of its 'sales' on Playstation and those 70% are not likely to 'jump' to Xbox to play CoD on a Subscription service. $500 for a Series X (similar to the PS5 in terms of visuals/performance), then $180 a year on GPU to save '$70' on Playstation. Therefore we are unlikely to see a 'big' shift in Consoles sold.

PC gamers too won't buy an Xbox to play CoD on Game Pass, they can get Game Pass on PC - again whether they'd Subscribe and 'keep' subscribing for CoD or buy their favourite IP to play whenever they want without needing to keep a subscription.

Game Pass ONLY becomes beneficial if those 'CoD' gamers also want to play at least 1 or two other AAA games, otherwise its cheaper to buy CoD to play for 'years' if you want.

For those that may only play the Campaign, they aren't likely to spend $70 day 1 for that regardless. If they buy, its often in a sale several years later. Most that play MP will buy a Season Pass as that enhances their experience, enjoy earning and unlocking the seasonal rewards, the events.

MS may 'lose' some sales on Xbox, but Xbox was the weakest for Sales anyway. They also expressed releasing CoD on Nintendo which could sell 'more' than Xbox normally does as it has a much LARGER user base. Even if it doesn't sell to '10%' like on Xbox, selling to 5% could still sell more copies than Xbox loses and Switch 2 is expected soon...

When it may matter is when the 'next' gen Consoles arrive. If the majority of PS gamers 'jump' to Xbox because of Call of Duty on Game Pass, that is a massive chunk of 'sales' lost - although a big gain in Console and Subscription share. If they 'choose' to stick with PS because that's where their Digital Library is, MS make more in Sales of CoD.

Its a game that make 'billions' annually - mostly from MTX and most of that money is on PS where MS, like ABK will take 70%. On Xbox, MS now get 100% of ALL Sales and of course Subscription fees (it does require 'Game Pass Core' as a minimum) and money from Warzone on EVERY platform....

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Is Launching Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@Dimey Never 'formally' confirmed which has led to speculation - as people think MS would lose too much 'Sales' revenue. Its speculation that CoD on Game Pass would 'lose' MS too much money to consider it Day 1.

CoD doesn't sell that many on Xbox compared to PS and what people seem to forget about Game Pass is that you only ever get the 'base' game free. This won't be the 'Prestige' edition with the first 'Season Pass' with all those rewards to earn - Game Pass users will need to 'buy' that. CoD also has Bundles and CoD Points too to sell.

Every 'game or MTX sold, ABK would only receive 70% as 30% would go to the Platform holder, now MS will get 100% on their Platform whilst still getting that 70% from Sony sales too. Playstation owners aren't going to rush out to buy a Series X to play CoD on Game Pass when its cheaper to buy the game on PS5. Most 'CoD' fanboys are likely to 'buy' the game they intend to play ALL year instead of keep paying monthly.

Sell 5m and you can only sell up to 5m Season Passes every few months, only sell up to 5m of any bundle - limited market place for those. Get 30m in, and you have a much larger market to sell Season Passes, Bundles etc to. If they get more people into 'CoD' on Xbox because its now on Game Pass, they could make 'more' money on sales of 'extra' content. Its also expected to release on more platforms in the future - MS made a deal with Nintendo so with 140m Switch owners, they could sell 5m copies there to make up for the 5m 'lost' sales on Xbox for example too

Re: Talking Point: If Halo Infinite Is Finished, Where Should The Franchise Go From Here?


Personally I think they should whole heartedly focus on the Single Player aspect and let Halo Infinite remain as the 'Halo' Multi-player Suite rather than something 'tagged' on to the side to go with the MP.

I'd be OK with a Reboot and to be honest, the 'large' open world is what Halo had but it felt to Gamey/repetitive open world tropes to fill out the 'empty' spaces Halo had between 'pockets' of enemies to make it 'more' interesting - but it felt like we were missing the other 80% of different places to visit to carry on this 'epic' Halo story we all expected - especially as the MP was 'Free to Play' Anyway.

Halo:Infinite felt like it should have built out the rest of the campaign until it was like a Destiny-ish thing were you chase the enemy over different worlds until an epic final clash. It either needed a LOT more content, or a lot more story 'focus' and satisfying conclusion and less 'clutter' if necessary.

I'd be happy with a 'Spin-off' too so it's not Master Chief Focused - maybe could do with a break from trying to deliver a 'Halo' game that will PLEASE Everyone.

I've made it no secret that I think of all the Studio's that has 'consistently' underperformed, especially at Launch and requiring 'years' of ongoing work to get the game to a 'reasonable' if somewhat 'dated' game now compared to games like CoD, Doom, Wolfenstein or Battlefield - haven't evolved.

With id tech and the CoD engine, both of which have delivered amazing 'FPS' performance in great campaigns, but do so looking fantastic on Console Hardware - let alone the Studio's behind those IP's. I'd back id Software to do a better 'Halo' game than 343i, I'd think the Coalition would do a better Halo if they fancied doing a FPS in UE5 too for a change...

Re: Xbox Series S Seems To Do A Great Job At Handling Ninja Theory's Hellblade 2


@OldGamer999 OK that's fair enough - but to say it was 6yrs Wasted, I think that is a bit harsh.

Maybe try it again, with headphones, and instead of focusing on the Combat, try listening to the voices, how they change when you are struggling and shift 'focus' to how that, combined with the visuals add to the immersion and 'experience' of Psychosis.

Still a LOT of games coming too but I do think this is unique and a worthwhile experience - even if it's not for 'everyone', I'm also glad it exists...

Re: Xbox Series S Seems To Do A Great Job At Handling Ninja Theory's Hellblade 2


@OldGamer999 It's not about the complexity or challenge of the Combat, that is just there really to 'feed' the Psychosis, the 'voices' that some may say are 'too much' or 'too distracting'.

Its the back and forth of the voices, the conversations the combat is generating more than the Combat itself, the 'animations' and expressions on their faces during that fight, the Brutality of them etc all Contribute to Senua's Psychosis and why it's recommended to play on Headphones because those 'voices' are what the game is more about than 'Combat/Puzzles'

From a Narrative perspective, Senua is far more practiced and experienced in seeing these shapes etc and as such, are similar and perhaps easier than they were the first time. Again its not about the 'Game-play' of the Puzzles, its the voices in your head that those 'situations' Senua faces is creating for her Psychosis.

They want you to feel what having that Psychosis is like, What it's like for Senua and how those situations make her Psychosis react. They want you to 'experience' her Journey, not spend hours trying to work out a Puzzle or look up guidebooks, don't want people giving up because its too 'complex/frustrating', but still wanted to 'immerse' you in with such visual detail, such Audio clarity and detail, the 'interactivity' is what I would call 'functional' to present that 'Story' in a way a Movie can't.

I would NOT call this an 'Action' game at all, and I don't think they have ever referred to it as an 'Action' game, its an Interactive Narrative focused Experience that also has a Lead Character with MH issues front and centre, put's you in 'her' head from an Audio perspective suffering 'her' Psychosis with her.

Maybe not what some wanted or hoped would be different, but its the 'same' as the first in that respect too. Everyone I see complaining, generally hoped they focus on Combat this time, do something different with the puzzles, but the reality is, they still are 'consequences' of the Situation in BOTH, and BOTH were more about the 'Psychosis' and how those 'impacted' Senua...

Re: Digital Foundry Analyses 'Next-Level Visuals' Found In Hellblade 2 On Xbox


I know the Game-Play aspect is divisive - but that can get in the way of the Story. Its not a 'Hack N Slash' Action game, its a narrative driven interactive Story.

Combat and Puzzles feed into Senuas Psychosis. It's not about the 'Combat' as game-play, its about the Voices that the Combat triggers. Same with the Puzzles. That back and forth between the negative/positive voices the Combat/Puzzles trigger is more important than the 'complexity/challenge' to the player.

If the Combat or Puzzles get in the way, they can interrupt and even prevent players from reaching the end of the Story. I bet some gave up on HB1 because the Combat/Puzzles frustrated.

I also wonder if the 'lower' scores were by reviewers not playing on 'Headphones' either so they were not focussed on the 'right' aspect, the Audio inside their 'head' or at least so much closer, claustrophobic almost.

As a game, it probably does disappoint - but I would say it's a MASSIVE upgrade over the first. Ask what MS's money has 'helped' NT do, well its a massive leap up in Graphical presentation, in Animations, in performances and bringing the expression, emotion etc to the game. Audio too is more impressive and as its very similar in structure to the 1st, its easy to compare and see the difference MS 'support/money' has enabled NT to make such an 'Experience' that puts players in Senuas head to experience Psychosis...

Re: Xbox's New 'Activision Blizzard Sale' Includes Lots Of Call Of Duty Discounts


Obviously these are likely to be coming to Game Pass in the very near future so makes sense to offer them for 'sale' prices before they are added.

It's been expected that these would come to Game Pass ever since MS announced their intention to buy and I doubt many would rush out to 'buy' in a Sale if they have Game Pass AND hoped to access these through that Subscription.

Those that don't Subscribe though could well be tempted and those who may prefer to 'own' their License too. I think I'll wait for the few games I don't own to come to GP and then decide whether to buy with the extra GP discount or not. Nothing I 'need' to buy right now...

Re: Mad Max Dev Takes Offense At 'Nonsense' Criticism Of The 2015 Video Game


It was OK - I wouldn't say it was essential or a Must Play. It had its moments and could be Fun, but also had some repetitive and dull activities/missions that a LOT of Open World games do. The usual requirement of getting 'resources' to level up added to the 'grind' as well.

It wasn't terrible either but it also never got any XB1X support so is stuck with the XB1 limitations. That being said, its certainly been on sale for very little money and I think its a good solid game (6 or 7/10) - just not an essential must play 10/10 game.

Re: After Hellblade 2, Here Are The 10 Highest-Rated Xbox Games Of 2024 So Far


My take on Hellblade 2 - regarding the Puzzles/Combat (game-play aspects). People are saying this is where it fails.

If I compare HB1 to HB2, its clearly a MASSIVE leap up in Visuals, in Audio, in Animations etc and potentially far more accessible too. You can see where the money went compared to the First.

I would imagine that many never finished Hellblade - either because the Puzzles were frustrating, the Combat annoying or even the 'Despair' making it 'tough' to keep playing. Being attacked/killed by an unseen enemy behind you over and over again maybe 'off putting' so they never finished the Story - now they still fight the same number of Enemies, but only ever face 1 at a time. Puzzles too maybe more of the same and/or easier, but Senua is more experienced from a Narrative perspective so maybe are easier.

All of which means that we have the essence of HB1 but now more accessible and significantly advanced in numerous Areas (inc Performances of Melina) to tell a more 'interactive' story than a Movie does. The 'interaction' may not be super difficult/complex etc but that can interrupt and even stop people from reaching the end of the Story...

Not everyone wants extremely complicated or very difficult Combat, Puzzles etc but its part of the setting, the story and/or impacts Senuas Psychosis. The Puzzle or Combat isn't as important as the 'voices' in Senuas head.

Of course, some will say the Combat or Puzzles should be the Focus of a 'Game', but Ninja Theory may have thought these were more about the Voices, the negative/positive back and forth is more important than the Activity and how those activities impact on her Psychosis.

Re: Microsoft CEO Comments On Xbox's New PlayStation Store Success


@cragis0001 Interesting future isn't it - when you see Benchmarks on the iPad M4 for example and how thin that is, see what the Ally and 'current' chips are doing in the RoG Ally (A whole 'gaming' PC in a Handheld - that is remarkable considering how 'powerful' it is compared to the massive PC's of 2010 that can't run 'modern' games.

By the time the 'next' Xbox releases, how 'powerful' could these handhelds be? A 1080/120hz screen so no need to waste 'power' on 4k resolution (maybe an eGPU dock for 4k TV's) and it 'could' offer better performance than a box built for '4k' TV's for the same sort of money.

Then it comes down to taking your games and being able to play 'anywhere' or only Games that the Platform holder 'allows' and/or won't release elsewhere - the 'console' exclusives!

Re: Review: Senua's Saga: Hellblade 2 (Xbox): An Incredible Spectacle That Lacks An Essential Hook


As with the first, this seems somewhat mixed. As I said about the first, the fact that it tackled Mental Health in such a considered way and with superb Audio, the Actual 'game-play' was mediocre at best. Combat and Puzzles were somewhat awkward and perhaps the part that the majority gave up playing the first.

The Combat has been tweaked so that you aren't being attacked from some unseen enemy as you try and fight another for example and its not so full of Despair that it can be off putting.

Eurogamer says this is how to do a Sequel right but another says they haven't really done enough. At the end of the day, we can all try it - no Obligation to BUY - thanks to Game Pass...

Re: Hellblade 2's Official Launch Trailer Shows Off Its Stunning Next-Gen Visuals


Marketing has been targeted at the gamers who would/should know about this game. Ninja Theory and Xbox have released videos leading up to this.

Once the Reviews are out and if 'Positive' enough, maybe then will use that for Big Ads costing money to attract people who still don't know its out. It's been talked about for years after it was part of the reveal trailer for Xbox Series X.

So I doubt many Gamers, especially Xbox gamers need massive Marketing, maybe a few months later, Xbox will use it and review scores as part of its 'overall' marketing to get people into Xbox/Game Pass...

Re: Xbox Game Pass Will See 'Changes' When Call Of Duty Arrives, Rumours Suggest


CoD hasn't been a 'major' seller on Xbox and Game Pass only ever offers the 'base' game for Free. CoD is also a game that often is played month after month after month.

No doubt there will be a 'Game Pass' upgrade option to get the 'Prestige' edition - maybe with the first Season Pass and extra cosmetics - maybe even some 'early access' for pre-orders too.

CoD makes so much money on Cosmetics, Season Passes, CoD Points etc - stuff that won't be 'free' on Game Pass. All you will get is the 'base' game. Maybe they will make more money on 'extras' on Xbox as more gamers are actually playing CoD on Xbox - sell 5m, that's only 5m Season Passes you can sell, get 30m in, and that's 6x more Season Passes, 6x more Cosmetic bundles etc that could be sold...

Its still being Sold on Playstation where the majority of CoD gamers play. Its also expected to come to 'more' platforms like Nintendo so that is a new avenue for Sales of both Base game and Extras.

Yes they may get more gamers in on Xbox, but a LOT of those would probably not have bought CoD for £70+. A LOT of CoD gamers will likely buy to keep their Favourite IP indefinitely and its still cheaper to buy CoD and play all year than Subscribe to Game Pass for a year to keep playing CoD.

I think CoD could make more money than if it was Sold because they get FAR more people in buying 'extras'. It will still 'sell' on Xbox/PC because some CoD gamers only play CoD and/or not interested in 'renting'. So its not as if it won't sell at all. Playstation gamers aren't going to spend £500 on a Series X just to get CoD via Game Pass instead of buying it on PS.

Game Pass went up recently - albeit by a ~$1 per person, an extra $35m+ a month or $420m a year. It would seem wrong to go up again when CoD is the type of game that requires additional spending to get the 'most/best' from it.

Re: Talking Point: Rockstar Fans, How Hyped Are You For GTA 6?


To me, GTA has passed its sell-by date and I think Rockstar now focus so much more on the 'online' because that's where the longevity and money lie.

I have NO interest in GTA Online whatsoever but I know that most GTA fans these days only play it for Online and never finished the story...

I'm sure it will look impressive but I doubt it will be a game that I'd want to buy....

Re: Report: Call Of Duty 2024 Will Launch Day One On Xbox Game Pass


@cragis0001 And the extra money they'll make from more playing through Game Pass, selling on Nintendo etc, the more buying all the extra's - the extra season passes, cod points, cosmetic bundles etc...

I don't think the 'loss' of sales on Xbox, considering the Game Pass tradition of Premium editions with Season Passes, Cosmetics etc is an 'extra' upgrade so some will no doubt pay to upgrade for the 'Premium' CoD, not just the basic £70 CoD without access to all that 'seasonal' content.

Long term, I only see it as a Positive myself. if the game is 'good' and people want to stay. Also means a LOT more can play Day 1 and enjoy the game with Game Pass friends instead of waiting for them to buy it too...

Re: Report: Call Of Duty 2024 Will Launch Day One On Xbox Game Pass


I doubt this will mean a LOT more Xbox Consoles sold. It perhaps won't make sense for all those Playstation gamers who bought PS5 because of CoD and its benefits to PS gamers to suddenly rush out and buy a Series X and a Game Pass Subscription to 'save' buying it on a Platform they already had.

It may help a bit where those gamers that haven't yet upgraded to the current Console hardware, as CoD has been released on Last gen too, they may 'choose' to upgrade to Xbox now instead of Playstation, but it may depend on how many Digital games they own and would 'lose' by jumping from PS to Xbox.

MS stated ALL first Party games will be on Game Pass. The price went up recently - only a small amount, but with 35m, a $1 per person increase is an extra $35m a month, $420m a year - Game Pass 'income' is not something ABK had coming in. Also, every game sold on MS, they now get 100%, not just 30% as retailer on ALL digital content. You buy a season pass for say £20, in the past, ABK as Publisher would get £14, MS got £6 - now MS get all £20. Its not just 'Game' sales as Warzone, Free to Play anyway, also has numerous ways of bringing in money...

CoD has Season Passes, Cosmetic Bundles, CoD Points etc and those bring in a LOT of revenue. Whilst some of those on Game Pass may only play the Campaign and not buy 'anything' extra, they probably wouldn't have bought the game anyway. Some others that may not have bought may well end up buying extras too - And you have ALL the revenue from selling the Game on PS5, selling extras to those. They may make a LOT more money from 'Sony' console gamers as they have the larger install base and won't be getting the game for 'free'. MS also had a deal with Nintendo - which may well bring in 'extra' income to offset some of the lost sales from Game Pass users.

As we have seen from 'MS' and the way they have offered Games, you get the 'base' game ONLY. CoD (as well as many other games) usually offer a Prestige/Collectors edition - maybe with the first Season Pass, extra Cosmetics, maybe early 'Beta' access etc so will bring in 'money' from Game Pass as CoD gamers pay £35-£40 to 'upgrade' their Game Pass edition to a Prestige/Premium edition. Its still cheaper than the £100+ Premium edition on PS for example but £100+ is still cheaper than buying a Series X to get the same quality experience and a Game Pass Subscription just to get the base game 'free'...

MS may not make as much 'per person' playing on Xbox as they would if it was 'Sold', but they could make 'more' money overall because its being Sold on Nintendo and bringing in more revenue on 'extras' across MORE platforms as they have MORE people in that game/marketstore!

Re: Activision Is Opening A New Studio To Build 'Genre-Defining' Games At Microsoft


In case everyone missed it, Infinity Ward (Activision) opened a brand new Studio in Austin, Texas last November time - that was specifically to work on CoD tech and innovative 'new' CoD experiences. As its in Austin, maybe Arkane Austin staff were offered employment here instead...

Therefore, we have seen 2 'new' Studios added under ABK since they were Acquired.

Re: Rumour: Xbox Planning To Bring More Games To PS5, Despite Some 'Unease' At Microsoft


@GuyinPA75 Not the point - they are still releasing their games on a 'different' platform so no longer EXCLUSIVE to just Playstation and can be played on 'another' console (steam-deck).

Why buy a Playstation when their games are playable on Steam Deck, Handheld 'console' PC's (like RoG Ally) as well as the high end Gaming Rigs costing thousands? In fact, buy a Steam-deck for 'less' and get to play ALL the Xbox and most Sony games.

MS already has the PC market - you would argue that it affects sales of Xbox hardware because Xbox has 'no' exclusives but that's different for 'Sony' because PC doesn't count for them. Only Console versus Console matter to Sony fans.

The same principle applies - Sony doesn't have 'exclusives' because you can play them on another Console (steam-deck), letting 'more' gamers than just those locked into Sony's ecosystem/network and why they want to push 'PSN' onto PC.

Sony 'could' release their games on Xbox if they wanted to tap into those gamers - but choose not to. MS can choose 'not to' release games on PS too although that is just petty behaviour when there are Gamers on that platform, money to be made - just like Sony are tapping into the PC market to get those gamers money too, People who don't/won't buy their Console!