Comments 3,231

Re: YouTuber Breaks Down Xbox's 'Almost Perfect' New Ad Campaign


I stated when this ad first came out that I thought it was strengthening the 'Xbox' brand - which is Microsoft's 'Brand' for the whole of their Gaming side - not 'just' the Console. It's reiterating that Xbox is everywhere, everything is (or has the potential) to be 'Xbox'.

The fact that 'everything' is XBOX is reinforcing that Brand. If you 'want' to game on Console, then yes Microsoft has an 'Xbox' Hardware and is still releasing games 'exclusively' on their own Console - even if they 'choose' to release some games later on PS. Some may also release Day 1 on PS too, but you can't play them 'free' on Game Pass, can't Stream them to ANY device etc. Also won't be sold as 'Play Anywhere' so you get the PC version as well.

Xbox is not just the Console - it maybe your primary hardware choice for gaming, but if you also game on PC (inc Handhelds like the RoG Ally), Mobiles, tablets etc, then your options to play your Xbox games is expanded. If you Prefer to game on PC, you don't need an Xbox console - why spend money on hardware to play Xbox games when they already have Hardware to play those games.

Xbox Hardware has been more of a Consumer choice - its not 'necessary' - but it is still the only Console Hardware to offer Certain games and Game Pass. Indy may release on PS, but Xbox is the ONLY console this Christmas you can play it on - and its a lot cheaper to buy a Console than an equivalent spec PC.

Streaming isn't 'great', but it maybe good enough for the mobile/tablet gamers that maybe wouldn't or can't justify buying Consoles. Just because they didn't buy/upgrade to a Series S/X doesn't mean they aren't playing on 'virtual' Xbox hardware in the Cloud and therefore are part of the Xbox ecosystem...

Re: Four More Call Of Duty Titles Seemingly Being Prepared For Xbox Game Pass


@Tasuki That too - World at War was notoriously broken with hackers even on Console and I doubt that was ever fixed.

I doubt that some Game Modes will have enough players in the Lobbies to actually 'matchmake' in any case. Also with those games, they sold the extra Maps and that affected Matchmaking too. In W@W, if you didn't own the map, it would just boot you from the Lobby.

People complain that CoD's 'Anti-Cheat' isn't 100% guaranteed to stop ANY cheater from playing, but compared to the early days, its certainly better and I doubt any can be 100%.

These '4' that are mentioned though also happen to be from the XB1/PS4 era. I know Ghosts launched on the 360/PS3, but the XB1/PS4 consoles launched weeks after and were launch titles on the new Hardware - something that 'split' the Community even more as there was NO crossplay - not even between last and new gen consoles in the same family. Therefore, you had the community split between PS3, PS4, 360, XB1 and PC hardware. I enjoyed it though and thought the Campaign was fun.

Strange Infinite Warfare, the last of the 'Advanced' Exo-Movement Games isn't mentioned, otherwise this would be the first 5 years of CoD on the XB1/PS4. Black Ops 3 out of these was my Favourite, but that also had a LOT to do with Zombies Chronicles and Treyarch's Zombies in general....

Re: Four More Call Of Duty Titles Seemingly Being Prepared For Xbox Game Pass


The difference with Call of Duty vs the rest of ABK's IP's is that CoD has an Active and relatively new game out - BO6. Releasing 'old' games into Game Pass could 'hurt' BO6 player numbers on PC/Xbox and/or impact on their 'revenue' - fewer people in BO6, fewer sales of Bundles, CoD Points and/or Battle Passes.

It would be cool to have the Old Games, Old Maps etc all available and playable but I think that some games/modes would likely be unplayable due to lack of enough players. I think it would more likely split the Community and impact on the Matchmaking...

Re: Xbox Has Reportedly Delayed 'A Big Game' Into 2026


Perfect Dark would make sense as the reporter also stated that the game had not been OFFICIALLY given a 2025 date but all those so far stated for 2025 (in public) are still on track for 2025.

They may have hoped PD for example would be ready in 2025 - after all, the initiative were formed in 2018 and have yet to produce a game. It could be State of Decay 3 too - although we have seen less of that than PD.

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Brings Home Multiple Awards At TGA 2024


@StonyKL The voices are 'dynamic' which may not be so apparent on one playthrough. If you are 'struggling' in game, the voices are more negative in general for example but unless you play it a second time, you may not notice how dynamic it is.

As a 'game', I wouldn't say its great at all. It's not something I'd recommend if someone was focused purely on the Game-play. Other games certainly have better Combat and Puzzles, but this isn't about Challenging the 'player' to beat these - its more about how those situations impact Senua and her Psychosis.

I'm sure that the Puzzle sections and Enemy encounters of the first Hellblade stopped some gamers from progressing, and therefore stopped them from 'experiencing' the impact of Psychosis on Senua - which was the main purpose of both games in a 'more' immersive way than film/TV can deliver.

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Brings Home Multiple Awards At TGA 2024


The Audio is the most important part of Hellblade to deliver the experience of Psychosis and how that affects Senua. The performance of Melina was also very important to that too - more so than the Game-play which was more to add 'interactivity' and situational context to the Audio (especially the voices in Senuas head). To me, the Game-play is 'functional' at best, but also to be accessible to more people, not be too complex/difficult/challenging that people get stuck and never 'progress' through to the end. However it seems some still don't get that the 'purpose' is more to 'experience' what living with Psychosis is like and couldn't care less about the audio, maybe find the voices annoying or don't play on a headset, and expect it to be 'Dark Souls' instead...

Re: Xbox's Matt Booty Talks PS5 Ports, Explains How The Scheduling Works


@Millionski I bet Avowed and Fable will be Exclusive to Xbox in the Console space - whether they remain 'exclusive' or at some point do get released on Playstation, that's irrelevant as by then, these will not be 'selling' much, likely been on sale several times and certainly people aren't likely to be buying a Console or joining Game Pass for an 'old' game. Its more about getting 'money' from the Gamers who aren't going to buy an Xbox or Subscribe to Game Pass than taking 'exclusivity' away.

If you want to play games like Flight Sim, Starfield, Fable, Perfect Dark, Gears: E-Day, Forza etc etc - the ONLY console these are guaranteed to release on will be Xbox - and the ONLY Subscription you can play them on Day 1 is Game Pass, also ONLY available on Xbox.

Therefore the ONLY hardware you can guarantee to play those games Day 1, as well as play games like CoD, Doom, Minecraft etc Day 1 or play 'free' with Subscription is Xbox. If you buy a PS5, some games maybe released with very few actually 'Day 1' and the ONLY choice is to buy. That makes Xbox and/or Game Pass the 'better' value option as well as the fact that most, if not all will be playable Day 1 - before everything is spoiled, whilst the hype is at its peak and everyone is talking about it.

Its no different to Sony paying 3rd Parties for timed Exclusivity - a year later and that game doesn't have the impact, its not selling 'Xbox' hardware a year later as everyone that wanted to play would want/buy a Playstation. Deathloop, despite being an 'Xbox' owned IP at release, made by an Xbox owned Studio didn't sell Xbox hardware as anybody needing to buy hardware to play would have bought a Playstation. Its only being Sold to those who refused to or couldn't justify buying another Console when they know its coming to their hardware at some point.

Playstation owners aren't buying an Xbox to play Indy this Christmas and Xbox owners already have the Hardware so Exclusives are only there to sell Hardware. The fact that they are 'exclusives' at launch will sell Hardware and could make a difference 'next' gen when gamers decide on their 'next' hardware. CoD gamers may 'choose' Xbox because Game Pass even if it has 'no' exclusivity as well as ALL those IP's in Game Pass and games increasing in price.

Exclusives are NOT really for their die-hard fans who would buy their hardware regardless. They are their to SELL hardware, get you 'into' their ecosystem at or near release. The ONLY console with Indiana Jones on it this Christmas is Xbox so the ONLY console to buy if you want to play is Xbox. Buying a PS5 won't get you Indiana Jones until maybe April/May time at the earliest - by which time Xbox owners have 'finished' with that and moved on to Avowed or whatever other big 'new' releases are out...

Re: Xbox's Matt Booty Talks PS5 Ports, Explains How The Scheduling Works


As I said back when MS announced games like Sea of Thieves and Hifi Rush, it really doesn't 'hurt' Xbox - just like Sony releasing games on 'PC', the principal is the same, sell it elsewhere when its 'not' selling Hardware, software etc in their own ecosystem.

By the time Indiana Jones releases on PS5, its likely to not be selling 'much' on Xbox/PC or selling Xbox Hardware as those that would buy already have - I doubt people would be signing up to Game Pass specifically for a game that's been on that service for 6months+ already too. Therefore its 'revenue' has dried up and/or exhausted on Xbox/PC so selling it 'elsewhere' is the ONLY option.

MS only has a couple of options - Nintendo and Sony Consoles as they have Game Pass available 'everywhere' else and release on their Windows hardware (PC/Console). So the 'Only' Gamers that MS can 'target/reach' once they have exhausted their own ecosystem, is that of Sonys PS5 and/or Nintendo Switch.

From a Gamers perspective, yes you could wait until MS decides which games to release and wait months, maybe years to buy and play, all whilst those games have been available and playable for 'free' via a Subscription. When Deathloop, an award winning, highly rated game finally released on Xbox a year later, it seemed to lack any hype/impact because it was 'old' news etc

With Indiana Jones and Blade too, these maybe made by Xbox owned Studios but they do NOT own the IP. Like Sony may own the Studio, but don't own the MLB IP/license, they may not have the final say on 'exclusivity'. MLB wanted more 'reach' so either Sony had to go multi-platform or they'd find another Studio/Publisher to get the license. Indiana Jones was also announced before MS acquired Zenimax so getting ANY exclusivity period maybe more than some should have expected.

CoD and lets not forget Minecraft which was acquired over a decade ago will not get ANY exclusivity - and I doubt Doom will either as its had a LONG history of being on EVERY Platform. Selling these on Sony's Platform won't 'hurt' MS - they get more revenue from Sony's gamers than Sony - maybe earn more from Sony than they do from Xbox and PC combined - all of which will also make MS one of the 'biggest' Gaming Publisher, bigger than Sony. They may only get 70% on Sony's platform but Sony Gamers are helpling Microsoft's Gaming Revenue. If 30% is worth $3bn to Sony, MS earned $7bn...

Re: Xbox Delays Major New Features For Android, Google Responds In Frustration


Epic Games successfully argued that Google operated an illegal monopoly via its smartphone app store. Last month, a judge ruled that Google would now have to allow third-party storefront apps in the US next year other than the Google Play Store, and that Android users be able to pay via alternate means, rather than just Google Play Billing.

Google are appealing that judges ruling so that 'appeal' is now delaying MS from bringing this to their Cloud service. Its not the same as selling games on Playstation as the game is NOT running on Google/Android, not using their 'Hardware' or using their trademarks etc - its running on Xbox hardware and 'streaming' over the internet. As I said, they could choose not to sell games through the 'Android' App but if you 'own' Xbox games bought on Console/PC, can stream to Android devices - although people would still need a Console/PC.

And Epic have responded too:
Google's statement is deceitful. Shame on them. They well know that the 30 percent cut they demand is far more than all of the profit from game streaming. They know this because they blew hundreds of millions of dollars building the failed Stadia game business themselves.

Re: Xbox Delays Major New Features For Android, Google Responds In Frustration


Also, in case anyone brings up a £10 game sold on PS5 for example that MS would also only get £7 back from. The difference is that Game is running on Sonys Hardware, using Sony's trademarks and is using their OS etc.

With the cloud, its not running on Android, its running on Xbox servers, its not built for Android/Google and not using any of their trademarks etc.

It also means that 3rd Party Publishers would get even less too - that £10 game they get 70% (£7) back from on PC/Console now is 70% of 70% (£4.90).

Re: Xbox Delays Major New Features For Android, Google Responds In Frustration


We remain focused on supporting an ecosystem that works for everyone, not just two of the largest game companies.

In other words, makes Google a LOT of money from those game companies too - take a LOT of their Profit margin. Google wants to take a cut from every 'purchase' made in the Xbox App on Android. Therefore they'd either have to charge 'more' to get the same revenue back on Android, accept less money per game or not sell through Android, get people to buy on PC/Console to play on Smartphones.

If a game is £10 on PC, they get £10 per sale, but on Android would only get £7 back despite it costing the same. In other words, MS would lose £3 per sale on Android compared to PC/Console - inc their OWN software. So to get £10 per game, they either have to raise the price or not sell on Google.

That's what Epic and Microsoft are fighting against - the right to Compete and not have to 'raise' prices or 'lose' money - its their App, their software etc and you aren't 'buying' from Google so why should they get 30%? Its 'in-app' purchases, not the Google Store...

Re: Stalker 2's Lower Review Scores Are 'Unfair & Misleading', Says Arkane Founder


Having watched DF about this too, especially as the Day Zero patch seemingly made quite a big difference, I can see their perspective that the reviews are 'misleading' and not representative of the 'Day 1' experience.

However, I also believe that they shouldn't have sent out review codes if the game was in that bad a state. Its not the reviewers fault the game was in that state and I see it more as a Dev/Publisher issue to ensure the reviewer has the 'Day 1' code at the very least to give a 'fair' review. It's their fault the reviews are 'misleading' if they don't ensure the game is up to standard before shipping (and I include to reviewers too). The reviewers cannot assume the Patch will come Day 1 and/or that it will fix issues so its a 'fair' reflection of the Game at the time.

If they had a Day Zero Patch, maybe they should have released it sooner or not released the Game to reviewers until it was patched for a 'fairer' review that better reflects the Launch state.

Re: Poll: Which Is Your Favourite Xbox Title From Bethesda Developer MachineGames?


The two main Wolfenstein games were great and even the Standalone DLC (the Old Blood) was good too - however Youngblood was a big disappointment for me.

I'd easily recommend playing these in order and stopping after W2. I could easily have voted for the first Wolfenstein on this list but I do think 2 has the edge. The Standalone DLC is also worth playing but its clearly two DLC packs merged together to create a standalone game.

Re: Black Ops 6 Biggest Ever Call Of Duty Launch Month, According To Activision


@OldGamer999 As I get told EVERY time I say 'Free' with Game Pass, that they are NOT Free but cost $10-20 a month so if '5m' decide to stop paying $70 to buy the game and pay $20 a month on Game Pass on Xbox console, that's still $100m in revenue instead of $350m from 'sales', but then if they play next month too, that's another $100m etc.

Plus of course this being a Live Service game, there is the Season Battle Pass, the Cosmetic Bundles, CoD points etc that are also sold. With more people playing and having fun, chances are more 'sales' of these. They aren't just for the Free to Play Warzone mode!

Base sales of the game may well not be the 'highest' ever for a CoD game, but I also expect that the sales of Battle Passes, Bundles etc to be higher which is where a LOT of money is made. In 2021, 61% of ABK's revenue came from Microtransactions and in 2022, Microtransactions generated nearly $6bn worth of sales in the US.

Call of Duty these days generates more income from the sales of Battle Passes, CoD Points and/or Cosmetic bundles than from sales of the Base Game. In other words, the more people you get in, the more people you can sell those too, the more money these make.

I find it funny though that when its 'Call of Duty', its all about the loss of 'Sales' of the base game with MS giving the game away 'FREE' despite making more from Microtransactions, but talk about Game Pass in general, and NOTHING is FREE if you have to spend $20 a month.

Re: Xbox Game Pass Didn't Hurt Overall Black Ops 6 Sales, Says Analyst


@Millionski Whilst enough people want a 'low cost' PC in a Console format to enable people to game without the 'cost' of a high end PC system required to play them, Microsoft will no doubt continue to make Hardware.

The reason they built the OG Xbox was to bring 'PC' Gaming to the masses - hence internal HDD, Internet etc that is 'Standard' today. The Xbox is called Xbox because its 'DirectX' in a 'Box'.

They make Surface Laptops - Windows Tablets with their Software in mind - even though you can buy 'alternatives' so they don't really 'need' to make them, compete in sales or require them to run their Software - yet they obviously sell enough to keep making them when they have far more Competition.

Lets be honest here, Until Cloud can surpass what 'cheap' Hardware can offer, there will be a need for an Xbox Console. If you had to spend $1k/£1k+ on Console Hardware just to play the 'newest' releases (at 30fps and/or 1080p with FSR) when Cloud can stream 1080/60 with much higher quality Visuals and RT because its running in the cloud, maybe MS will pull out of the 'Console' Space as Dedicated Gamers will build their own Hardware - like Audiophiles build their own music systems and Film buffs their own Cinema Room...

Re: Xbox Game Pass Didn't Hurt Overall Black Ops 6 Sales, Says Analyst


No-one was going to ditch their PS5 and spend money on an Xbox just to play CoD via Game Pass - therefore you'd expect the people that 'buy' CoD every year on PS5 would still buy CoD this year too - but as SOME on Xbox may choose to buy, others may already have Game Pass so decided not to buy (but also no extra Sub) and some may choose to Subscribe instead so drop in sales - If Xbox sells 'fewer' as well as PC may sell 'fewer' too because of Game Pass, then PS5 will have a higher percentage of 'SALES'

However, that does not mean they have the highest number of players because they have over 50% of sales (they could) - its just not the 'ONLY' metric. Some don't count Digital for example and Xbox Gamers are more likely to buy Digitally than Playstation in general.

All that matters is the Game is Successful and reaches the people however they 'Choose' to play and/or access their games - whether they choose to play on Cloud, Console or PC.

Re: Xbox 1TB Expansion Card Drops To Below $100 In Excellent New Deal


@themightyant At the time, anything bigger than 2TB would have been impossible due to the cost - and that includes PS5 storage. That's the difference I was trying to make - with Xbox, I can expand my storage as and when I want/need - don't need to save up or try and estimate in advance how much Storage I'll want/need. I can spread that out over years too - not buy 6TB's worth all at once but buy that over its 'lifetime' as my Game Collection grows. 4TB's were over £100 per TB so prohibitive to buy all at once but buying 1 or 2 TB's that can easily be swapped over - in a very Similar way to Gamers swapping Cartridges (inc those Memory Cartridges for game saves). Its as easy as swapping a disc - so you could 'swap' an Expansion Card with 10-12 games on it for another Card with different games instead of swapping 'discs/Cartridges' every game - its no 'different' in reality - at least in this Digital era where Games must run from Internal SSD storage. I think Xbox also caters more to the Masses with its Simplicity and its 'design' which includes 'Cooling' built into it - but Sony, you have to dismantle and may need to add a Heatsink too

Again not saying one is specifically or even significantly 'better' as they both effectively do the same thing - but I think the Xbox solution is a great design that if anything, the lack of Competition to Seagate was the only real 'negative' and artificially kept the cost at a Premium.

When Sony's PS5 first allowed NVME drives, they weren't available at launch, the first were slightly more per TB than the Xbox equivalent - keeping to a 'branded' (Seagate for example) card - not an AliExpress imitation so it certainly wasn't a Financially viable option to buy a big (4TB+ card) and its much easier to pick up an extra 1 or 2TB Xbox card every year or two in a Black Friday sale - grow your storage with your growing Game Collection.

No-one really needs 'extra' storage as the vast majority only play a Handful of games they can keep on their internal. If you really want, you can also buy a 8TB HDD for 'storage' that will run last gen games and keepo the 'internal' just for the current Gen games you are currently playing, So there are gamers who won't buy SSD's anyway but I still think the Xbox design is more flexible...

Re: Xbox 1TB Expansion Card Drops To Below $100 In Excellent New Deal


@themightyant Not really - I do have a couple of Expansion cards I've bought in Black Friday Sales - not as 'cheap' as £100 per TB - but I do have more than 1 and didn't buy both in the same year. When the 1TB and 'internal' were getting full, I happened to see the 2TB at a 'bargain' price so effectively 'doubled' my capacity instantly.

You can basically make your own 'Compilation' (like Rare Replay) - Maybe have one with RPGs or FPS games, maybe have one with just Ubisoft or EA games - and if you bought digitally, all you need to do is swap the Expansion card, which takes no more time than swapping a disc/Cartridge or those Memory cards (before Games would save on a Hard Drive). And within a minute, you can be playing games that otherwise would require a lot of time moving, redownloading and/or reinstalling before you can play - especially with all the 'Free' games from Game Pass (not just games you bought/own) - You could even have a Card just for Game Pass Games you don't own so they don't take up the space of the games you do own...

Then you can use your 'Xbox' more like the Cartridge Consoles of yesteryear. Simply swap the expansion card and change your library of games. Its also easy to move or take your Library with you - should you have friends/family with Xbox consoles - just plug it into their Xbox and sign in with your account and those games are instantly playable on another console.

I have a 1TB and 2TB card and can easily expand my SSD storage by buying another 1TB card (if I needed) for example. That gives me 'unlimited' potential where as with Sony, its not so easy to swap and feels more 'limited'. Yes you could buy a 1TB and 2TB card, but its a hassle to swap them.

Re: Xbox 1TB Expansion Card Drops To Below $100 In Excellent New Deal


@UserTK-421 They charged the SAME as Sony did for their PS5 hardware but Sony had a smaller internal SSD to begin with. Yes you can buy a SSD to expand the Storage but if you 'priced' it at the time, 1TB was more expensive and you probably needed one with a Heatsink on PS5 - if you didn't and it damaged the PS5, you had no warranty protection - but you could get 'cheaper' SSD's on AliExpress that would 'work'.

Both Systems also came with a Wireless Controller too so for the SAME Price as a Series X with 1TB SSD as Standard with a Wireless Controller, you could buy a PS5 with 825GB (less storage) and a Wireless Controller.

Also with the Expansion cards, you don't need to power down to remove or swap cards. That means you can easily swap a card in seconds and be playing the games stored on it - much like swapping a Cartridge on an N64 if the games were bought digitally so you don't need to swap 'discs' either. You could have one card with all the Forza games, another with Halo or FPS games and just swap them like you would a Cartridge.

With Sony, you have to unplug and dismantle aspects and its not as easy or as quick as Xbox. You wouldn't want to be swapping those. Therefore with Xbox, you have unlimited Storage too - so if you wanted 20TB's for ALL your games, you can and at worst, its no different to swapping a Cartridge to play different games.

You can pay more for faster Storage on PS5 for example, but it doesn't make a difference as the system can't use that extra speed. And if you buy 'branded' SSD's with built in Heatsink as 'recommended', chances are it will cost little different to the Expansion card 'per' TB but perhaps lacks some of the versatility and utility of the cards...

Whilst they may each have Advantages/Disadvantages, that also means that neither is a 'clear' winner. I much prefer the Xbox solution - I can buy additional cards as and when I want/need, can expand my storage far more than with Sony and its no hassle to swap them.

Re: Phil Spencer Explains Why 'This Is An Xbox' Will Be Beneficial To Console Owners


@x3King84 Its an introduction or a 'cheaper' way into the Xbox Ecosystem. Whether you play on Cloud over ANY of those devices (even if its only when you can't play natively) or not, that doesn't mean that ONLY Consoles matter - and those that choose to play (for whatever reason) via cloud or PC don't 'count'.

They have a 'multi-tiered' system - Cloud (entry tier), Series S (Standard $300 Console price point), Series X (Premium $500 Console price point) and PC (Variable to Expensive Tier price point). As long as there is still a 'market' for 'Xbox' specific Hardware - bare in mind 'Price' and 'benefits' (or 'limitations' that hardware may have - Storage capacity is certainly one and download/installation times on large games etc. It has to be cheap/affordable enough to sell but offer 'benefits' above the cloud, but games could get too big/complex to make hardware cheap enough to run them 'better' than streaming will so the likelihood of selling hardware won't make sense - it's why you don't see Bluray players or hifi systems being made by many companies today.

The whole thing is saying 'Xbox' so its still reaffirming their Console - but its also saying that EVERYONE has a choice of where they 'choose' to PLAY Xbox - Whether that is via Cloud for whatever reason (convenience, cost, situation etc - as that maybe on 'XB1' hardware and they can't afford to get a Series X yet so may have to play certain games on cloud) or on their super high end Gaming PC that it makes no sense to buy a Console to play at limited frame rates and/or graphical options and have to pay to play online...

Point is they are all still in the XBOX Ecosystem so welcome on in to the 'Xbox' family wherever you choose to play - even if 'consoles' are not for you/your lifestyle/situation, you can still be on Xbox (which again still makes average people think 'console' first)

Re: Xbox Boss Provides Multiple Reasons Why A 'PS5 Pro' Competitor Isn't Necessary


Most people that want the best graphics and/or frame rates will buy a PC and if they have a PC, certainly wouldn't buy an Xbox to play games that 'look' more like the PC version without having to tolerate 30fps game-play.

The point of Xbox was to make an 'affordable' way for people to play games. The market is 'limited' for Xbox as PC gamers aren't buying Xbox - even if they do an 'enhanced' refresh that now offers slightly better visuals. The Series X isn't as popular as the Series S and I can't see a 'better' Series X selling enough to warrant all the costs to bring one to market. If people weren't satisfied with their Series X, they'd likely be playing on PC instead anyway...

Re: Phil Spencer Explains Why 'This Is An Xbox' Will Be Beneficial To Console Owners


Whilst people want 'Hardware' to play games on Natively, I believe MS will continue to make 'Consoles' as a 'cheap' and/or 'simple' Plug & Play OPTION.

We all know that Cloud perhaps isn't going to appeal to hardcore gamers but its certainly good enough for the Casuals - for the ones that can't see the benefits or necessarily care enough to upgrade. The 'cheapest' way into Xbox was the XB1S - not everyone upgraded to the XB1X, maybe still haven't upgraded to a Series S/X but now, the cheapest is Cloud.

Even if MS do release games on Playstation, chances are that quite a few won't be Day 1 - similar to Sony's PC releases. Therefore the Xbox will have 'exclusives' if only timed - so Xbox gets them first and of course, can play on Game Pass too. Yes they maybe on PS at some point, but you'll get them 'last' and have to pay £70+...

If you want the 'best' graphics/frame rates, you can invest in a PC that will also have Game Pass and Sony's releases too - as well as 1000's of games not on PS or XBox Hardware - biggest Library with the highest Frame Rates and/or Visual Quality too. Not only do you not need 'both' consoles, you don't need to pay for Online gaming (PS+/Game Pass Core) which can save you nearly £150 a year as well. 5yrs of just the basic subscription is an extra £350-400 per console. You could invest that into a PC instead for example instead...

Re: Xbox Delayed Avowed Purely Because Of Its 2024 Game Pass Schedule


I know some will never be happy, but I see MS's point of view - they want at least 1 'big' thing a month and with Stalker 2 having been delayed for 'years' and already have CoD and Indy but nothing for February with Atomfall in March, its bringing something 'new' on a regular cadence and taking pressure off another team to maybe have something ready for that slot.

And those who maybe wouldn't check it out because of Stalker, Indy, CoD and/or Flight Sim, maybe will because their library isn't so full.

As I said, you can't please 'everyone', but at least I'd prefer to hear they had too many to release the end of this year than not have 'enough' or any...

Re: No Man's Sky Developer Explains Why The Xbox One X Is Still 'Very Capable' In 2024


I have no doubt that the XB1X is still a very capable console and can still offer a great gaming experience in 2024. With Game Pass Cloud, its possible to play some next-gen only released games too but even if it has the capability of running it natively, if it can't run on a XB1S, it won't be released for XB1X - so is still 'limited' by its weaker sibling.

I have mine hooked up in the bedroom these days...

Re: PSA: Our Microsoft Flight Simulator 2024 Review Will Be Delayed At Launch


@Dround87 I don't find that aspect particularly exciting or enjoyable. I can't think of anything more tedious than say a long haul flight, cruising at 30k feet for 8hrs before you have to 'land' after take-off.

Its not like I don't like or enjoy 'flying' based games - I just want something more - like Combat (AceCombat, Star Wars Rogue Squadron etc) or even just on rails shooters like Afterburner - but they have something more to do in Air than just 'fly' however much its more realistically simulated or not.

At least this seems to inject something more into just flying with actually objectives - like crop dusting, Mountain Rescue or firefighting - build your 'flying' career/business rather than just go sightseeing in planes...

Re: Blizzard Announces 'Overwatch: Classic' As A Limited-Time Event In Overwatch 2


I don't here any chatter about OW2 or know anyone that really plays it. Most of my friends that played Overwatch left with the changes - although that may have also been because it 'replaced' OW.

The Cynic in me seems like its an attempt to try and bring back players - maybe even see if it proves more 'popular' than 5 vs 5 and/or decide on the future of that IP. Whether an OW3 or maybe 'changing' OW2, whether its something to continue investing in or maybe time to move on from as 'Hero' Shooters don't seem in vogue at the moment either...

It almost seems like the last chance for Overwatch to me...

Re: Xbox Fans Ponder What 'Largest Technical Leap' Means For The Series X Successor


Largest Leap can mean Anything. From a purely Mathematical perspective, jumping from 360 to XB1 was a bigger leap than OG Xbox was to 360. The leap up from XB1 to Series X was even bigger as no Console as leaped up by over 10TF of GPU compute.

If they release a 24TF Next gen Xbox, that would be a bigger Leap up for example as that is a leap of 12TF - more than XB1 to XSX. However, that is only a 2x leap compared to a 8-9x leap from XB1 to XSX.

To me that is Marketing speak - you can't argue that a 12TF 'leap' up would be larger than a 10.6TF leap for example, but I doubt you'll get a 8-9x 'leap'...

Re: PlayStation's Call Of Duty Timed Exclusivity Deal Is Now Officially Over


It maybe a thing of the Past as far as CoD goes, but it will still exist with other games/IP's.

As for the change in getting Map Packs Early to Sony's Cosmetic, game modes and Bonus XP gains etc that was likely down to the change in Additional Maps. DLC Map packs made Matchmaking and/or value of those maps worse as more and more were added. It split the playerbase between those with and those without and/or would never see them in rotation to play.

@Fiendish-Beaver its the same with Games from Hogwarts Legacy, Assassins Creed 4, Watchdogs etc - exclusive missions/content not available on other Platforms yet the SAME cost - I refused to buy myself rather than 'buy' on Playstation or pay for less on Xbox...

Re: Talking Point: Where Are All The ActiBlizz Titles On Xbox Game Pass?


I don't know if we will get many, if any 'OLD' games being added to Game Pass. As it stands, the XB1 era onwards already has Back Compatibility with Current Xbox hardware - but apart from some remasters, all they really released was Call of Duty, Diablo and a new Crash game - all the latest are on Game Pass.

As for OLD CoD's, maybe they'll never be added to Game Pass. They'll likely want you playing the 'latest', not split the matchmaking across multiple games. They want more in the newest and hopefully spending money on Battle Passes, Cosmetics etc too.

Most of the 360 and older ABK games are also Licenced IP's - James Bond (Quantum of Solace for example) or Marvel (Spider-Man) and Transformers were delisted due to Licencing. That too maybe a factor as to why they haven't added games to either Game Pass or BC because they don't have the license or legal right to.

There are a few - like Prototype for example - that potentially 'could' come to Game Pass or Back Compat, but I doubt these would sell Hardware or Subscriptions. Who would Subscribe or now buy an Xbox just because a few OLD 360 games are now added to BC or Playable via Game Pass? Maybe for Transformers or Spider-Man but these are not ABK (Or MS's now they own ABK) IP's to have any say over...

Also the 360 era was over 10yrs ago now so who knows if they even have the Game Code anymore...

Re: South Of Midnight Previews Seemingly Being Prepared By Team Xbox


@Balaam_ @BIG3 I couldn't care less if its a 'design choice', that it is intentional and meant to resemble that style of Animation, I find it completely jarring and I'm sure that it will be even more so when playing - going from the 'smooth' game-play style to the janky Stop Animation. It makes it look like its stuttering, having issues with the 'cut-scenes'.

Just because its 'intentional' and designed to look that way, doesn't mean that I 'agree' with their decision to opt for that 'style' in a video game - its like deciding to go for 21:9 cinematic style with big Black bars top and bottom or deciding to make their game look like it was 'designed' and/or made for decades old Hardware - doesn't mean that I would prefer it if they made different choices - the option to play in Full Screen for example.

It maybe designed that way, but it still looks 'clunky/janky', still looks like its 'struggling' to run properly, still looks like it 'needs' patching or 'optimising' to get it running 'smoothly'. Its bad and jarring enough when games swap between 30fps for Cut-scenes to 60fps game-play.

I can't deny the 'art-style' looks interesting and appealing, but the animation/motion for those Cut-scenes was almost 'painful' for me to watch - it might be trying to 'mimic' that animation style, but it looks like a 'novice/beginner' attempt - Aardman Animations don't look that Janky and bad....

Re: South Of Midnight Previews Seemingly Being Prepared By Team Xbox


This looked very interesting - but also had me concerned. The Cinematics looked very janky, low frame rates which left me thinking the game was a LONG way from being optimised and running well - but then the game-play looked a lot smoother by comparison. It almost has that stop/go animation style but I found it uncomfortable to watch and seemed more jarring with the smoother game-play

Re: Xbox Employees Are Testing 10 Non-Game Pass Titles On The Cloud Right Now


How will it work if you own the Disc version? For example. I own GotG on Disc, therefore I can't prove I have bought it and still own it to have a license to play it on Xbox... Is this just another disadvantage or the nail in the coffin for physical?

At least they are generally cheaper and can be sold after you've finished it, or sooner if not great...

However, all the games I own digitally all have a valid licence linked to my 'online' profile/account. That same account also has Game Pass Ultimate and Streaming .

That being said, I'm not likely to use 'streaming' - even if it maybe quicker than redownloading, moving etc I'd have to be quite desperate to play over cloud as I only game at home.

Re: Rumour: Xbox May Be Gearing Up To Reveal Handheld Device In 2025


I still think they could do something with their 'Windows' OS - especially for Handheld Gaming PC's. Have an Xbox Layer that can be switched to specifically for playing 'Xbox' versions and/or optimising its OS for gaming.

With a great UI and User settings - to enable frame rate locking for example - any Handheld PC could be a Xbox, just like SteamDeck can be a Windows Handheld PC with Game Pass - although its not 'Optimised' for gaming.

I'd love to be able to boot up my RoG Ally in Xbox mode for example and it 'feel' like a Handheld Xbox not a PC -but the compromise is its likely to be limited to 'Xbox' settings (whilst PC allows you to change settings) if it runs the Xbox version.

I think if they aim for 'SteamDeck' in Price point, then maybe it will sell - but if they aim for PC Handhelds - like RoG Ally, then maybe they should make a Surface Handheld gaming PC and have their 'Xbox' UI - like Asus, MSI and Lenovo have their gaming interface but Maybe MS could have an 'Xbox' boot mode so you can switch between PC and Xbox OS for their 'Xbox' Handheld that runs Xbox Versions. Switch to PC mode and you have Steam and Epic stores and their games too - if you want...

Re: Talking Point: Which Of Late 2024's Biggest Xbox Releases Are You Most Excited For?


I'd like to say Stalker 2 but I'm not sure the Game-play loop will be my thing but after what that Studio has had to go through whilst making this, I want to show them some love and support.

However, Indiana Jones is also out and I am really looking forward to this more. It seems to nail the Film character, just hope it 'plays' well and I want to keep playing through the Story....

Re: Xbox's Long-Running Strategy Series Could Be Next To Jump To PS5


I don't see the issue here - its not really an 'Xbox' game and its not exactly 'new' or even a day 1 release for both Xbox and Playstation simultaneously.

At the end of the day, even if they do eventually release 'most' games on Playstation, the Xbox is still the ONLY console you can play them 'free' on Game Pass. Indiana Jones isn't 'their' IP and was announced before Microsoft acquired MachineGames. I'm sure LucasArts want to maximise 'sales' as well as maximise its 'reach'.

ABK have really only released CoD, Diablo and a few remasters in recent years and its studios are (or were) in a mess - all working (it seems) on CoD or Diablo. Multi-player or online 'Community' games that I would expect to remain on most platforms - like Doom (which has been made to run on virtually every electronic device).

This isn't a game that would sell consoles - like Sea of Thieves or Grounded or Hifi Rush or Pentiment. They may be decent and great to play on Game Pass, but not going to 'sell' Subscriptions - like Call of Duty or Indiana Jones will despite not being 'exclusive'. Indiana Jones too might sell Hardware - inc any Custom Hardware like controllers - as Xbox is the ONLY console hardware its on this Christmas.

Yes they may come to Playstation - eventually, but Xbox is still the ONLY console to play 'First' and 'Free'. You could have to wait a year or more on PS and then have to pay $70 or more for an 'old' Game - like Xbox players had to wait for Deathloop or Ghostwire. When they finally came to Xbox, the games were 'old' news and weren't really counted as 'new' Xbox releases.

If MS decide o release 'everything' on Playstation Day 1 going forward, then I could understand the animosity but releasing a few 'old' or 'niche' games alongside their BIG and Traditionally multi-platform IP's - especially if they have ONLINE communities built up around that IP, it makes sense financially as well as for the strength of that IP to remain multi-platform. Xbox still lets you play Free with Game Pass....

Re: Three Games Are Available Today With Xbox Game Pass (November 5)


I loved Starcraft - although played it on Apple Macs as I worked in a Graphic Design studio and played it over LAN with my work colleagues or sometimes Solo. I think that was the last time I really played on a 'computer' with Keyboard & Mouse

However I don't have a mouse these days and would rather play on console so nothing I'll likely end up playing - but if Starcraft was on Xbox with great controller support, I'd maybe give it a go...

Re: Call Of Duty Unveils Three New Black Ops 6 Maps Ahead Of Season 01 On Xbox Game Pass


@Ricky-Spanish Yeah - you don't 'need' the BP - although it's not 'just' for Multi-player - its for Zombies and Warzone too. No doubt some of the rewards will be Gobblegums for Zombies and, if you play Warzone too, it maybe worthwhile.

There are often different tiers of the BP - the Blackcell edition being the most expensive but they do a version you can buy with CoD Points (and can earn most back) too.

I went for the Vault Edition upgrade so I will get the first 'Blackcell' Battle Pass and play Zombies and Warzone as well as MP so expect it will be something I'll enjoy completing.

Generally, there's more 'work' to do to get access to whatever new Weapons get added if you decide not to unlock them in the BP and/or unlikely to get Blueprints too. In the past, they may have some challenge or require you to pick-up someone elses gun to 'unlock' it for yourself. They may have some MW3 guns you couldn't use 'GS Magma' Pistol for example until you got X kills with a different pistol to unlock it - but BP users may have unlocked it via a BP blueprint.

I find the BP fun if you play CoD - it maybe less attractive if you don't play it a lot or only 1 mode from its 3 (Warzone, MP or Zombies) - who wants Gobblegums or other Zombie rewards if you only play MP or Warzone? Often there are 1100 CoD Points to 'earn' in the BP too, but not important if you don't want to buy Bundles. And its another thing to 'grind' which maybe too much if you don't play a lot - money 'wasted' if you don't complete it!

Re: Call Of Duty Unveils Three New Black Ops 6 Maps Ahead Of Season 01 On Xbox Game Pass


@Ricky-Spanish If its like previous games, they'll be free to all - its the new gear, cosmetics etc that will come with the Seasons Battle Pass that you won't get with Game Pass.

New maps are 'free', but that's not usually everything 'new' added to the game - you get new weapons too and specific Blueprints which will be 'permanent' unlocked - like the Blackcell Battle Pass versions and more operators/characters to select from.

Game Pass gives you just the $70 base game and everything that you'd expect to get with buying it. They did offer a 'Vault Edition' Upgrade which gave you the first Blackcell Battle Pass and some additional Cosmetics/blueprints - some were usable in MW3 too. However, if you didn't go for that, then you get the Standard edition which will get the same new Maps for Free, but not the Season Battle Pass or any content that offers.

Not sure how they'll handle the 'new' weapons, whether you'll need to complete some 'challenge' to unlock instead of getting them 'free' in the Battle Pass, whether they'll be 'locked' to a certain Level (like the AS Val is locked until Lvl 55) but 'permanently' unlocked if you get the BP Blueprint etc.

At the end of the day, Base game owners (inc those that have it via Game Pass) will get the 'SAME' Content and SAME Experience. Maps are universal for everyone so it doesn't split the Community and/or make matchmaking difficult. Therefore these are 'free' to all...

Re: Xbox Hardware Revenues Down Again Despite Content & Services Growth


Game Pass is the main focus for Microsoft - not the Console. The Xbox though is the ONLY console option for Game Pass.

The entry tier for gaming these days is not the Series S, its the Cloud. You can play games without hardware - but its not the highest image quality, Series S is the entry tier for 'Hardware' based games and offers a step up from Cloud. Series X is the 'Premium' Console with PC offering Customer choice on hardware spec - but ALL are optional ways to play Xbox games.

As a gamer with a 4k display, I would prefer to play on Series X over Cloud. But others may find the Series S is good enough for them. Some may prefer to play the 'few' games not released on their XB1 hardware via cloud rather than spend money to upgrade their hardware - it maybe 'better' than most 'native' games - especially on XB1S hardware that may not even be 1080p, let alone 60fps and/or offer 'performance' to XB1X users who maybe limited to 30fps.

With Saves in the cloud, it means you can pick up your progress wherever you play - you are not limited to playing on just your Xbox hardware - if you switch to PC or choose some handheld option, you can play your 'Xbox' game anywhere...

Re: Xbox Hardware Revenues Down Again Despite Content & Services Growth


They also don't need to be the best selling, they just need to sell enough to justify the research/development and obvious support for its lifetime, that also includes supporting 3rd Party devs and all their SDK's too...

As Long as its popular enough that its still profitable - and they still have customers that want to play Xbox games that way, then they'll make one. Its not about selling more Consoles than Sony, its about having a bigger 'reach', more gamers in your 'ecosystem' and/or playing your games. Its just the entry point for 'hardware' based gaming and entry price point too - with high end being more 'custom' build PC based on your budget and preference.

Point is, as long as there is demand big enough for a entry hardware in a console format for Microsoft Games, they'll make one - not necessarily to outsell Sony/Nintendo - but sell enough to justify making it. Their 'playerbase' isn't just the console like others.

Re: Xbox Hardware Revenues Down Again Despite Content & Services Growth


@TheEstablishment exactly - so that's why the Console sales are not going to be 'high' when Gamers havre alternatives - some of which are 'cheaper' because its hardware they already own- whether that's PC or Last gen Xbox - let alone all the other range of devices that Cloud gaming enables.

Some may prefer to spend their 'console' money on a Handheld console PC and use Game Pass and its option if performance is better....

Re: Arkane Founder Says Xbox Shutting Austin Studio Was 'Stupid' And 'Not A Good Decision'


It is what it is - They bought Arkane Austin in a Bundle deal and we don't really know how bad a shape that Studio was in - and only as good as your last game. 'Talent' also moved on and Arkane Austin reportedly lost 'Talent' due to 'Redfall' - It was a 'Different' game to what Zenimax demanded - and what was 'left', even after a 'year' and more 'delays', delivered that and thought it was 'good enough'...

I've seen many of the people who worked on Dishonored or Prey now working at different studios and projects, so for all I know, the Talent (or most of it) left - same with Tango and they lost they 'creative' direction - which is the 'horror' and now its 'Hifi Rush' - which won't make money - and that's according to its new 'owners'

If you can't invest billions in rebuilding those Studios or know they won't make money for you, but 'inherited' them when buying Zenimax, or want to invest what money they can into getting the games they have in development actually over the finishing line and making money back from them

Re: Croc's Upcoming Remaster Is Getting A Physical Version, But Not On Xbox


Probably not worth all the manufacturing costs for the limited number of Xbox Gamers that would buy it Physically these days when Series S is the bigger seller and that doesn't have a Disc Drive.

Fewer and fewer Xbox Gamers are buying Physical and if they don't think it will sell enough to warrant the cost etc. These days, it would have to be something 'special' for me to want to buy on disc. The vast majority of games I've bought in recent years are digital - on sale through their store. My disc drive is more for the games I can play via Backwards Compatibility to XB1 and older Consoles.