Comments 3,145

Re: Xbox Teams Up With Meta Quest To Create Limited Edition VR Headset


I have Zero interest in VR gaming. The only use for a headset I feel I have is to act as an alternative screen if I can't use the TV for whatever reason.

@Techno92LFC If you can't connect to a TV, for example the wife is watching something, then you have an alternative. Not only that, you could have a much larger, albeit Virtual display. You may have a 55" or 65" TV, but you could have a 120"+ screen in VR.

Re: Xbox Talks Sustainability Efforts As Rare's New 'Solar-Powered Studio' Is Unveiled


This commitment to Sustainability is what I think will leave Physical media and potentially even physical 'boxes' relegated to the annals of history.

Physical media is plastics as well as all the Distribution emissions from shipping these globally. Digital supply cuts out all those and won't end up in a Landfill.

The Hardware too is Plastics and other Raw materials like Silicon. These have a 'shelf' life and become dated/obsolete. Many will end up in Landfill or sent overseas for dismantling and/or recovery/recycling of raw materials. If they can get more people playing on '3rd Party' Hardware - from streaming to a Display to downloading and playing on a PC for example, then its beneficial to MS's environmental push.

Fewer/No Physical media or their 'own' dedicated Hardware, better Sustainability and Carbon footprint. Sell 100m Consoles, that will have a MUCH larger 'negative' impact on Environment, Sustainability etc than 20m - as long as you still have those '100m' in your ecosystem still spending money on your games, services etc.

Re: Poll: What Do You Think Of Harold Halibut On Xbox So Far?


To me, it looked like it was a case of Style over Substance - All the effort going to create a great looking game with an impressive Artstyle but didn't bother to build a 'Game'.

A great story or great writing isn't enough on its own in a 'Game' for me, neither is Great artstyle or graphics. Its the Game-play that matters most to me. I've played enjoyable games where the story or writing is generic or even 'non-existent', but the Game-play is Solid and fun but don't finish games where the Story or Graphics are great, but the game-play is 'dull'.

I think I'd rather watch this as a CGI TV/Film than play it - if the Story is that good because the Game-play itself doesn't make me want to try it...

Re: Xbox One Call Of Duty Title Shows Up As Cloud Gaming Compatible


@AccessibleDaydream Nacht der Toten was the first and simplest Zombie Map - although with Black Ops 3, they added newer features to the Map but its the most 'basic' round based Zombies map. In fact, the W@W maps gradually introduced new things - like turning the power on, Perk-a-cola and Pack-a-punch that became staples of the mode.

All Maps after these get more complex and added Easter Eggs, buildables etc but can be played just to see how many rounds you can survive.

I'd recommend starting at the beginning - although Der Riese was always a Fan Favourite and quite an easy map to learn as well...

Re: Xbox One Call Of Duty Title Shows Up As Cloud Gaming Compatible


With so many CoD games, as well as all those modes, DLC/MTX's etc over the years, I can understand why they may want to test aspects on their Cloud servers.

I never expected them to drop 'every' ABK game straight into Game Pass or onto their Cloud either. I am sure they have contracts in place that mean they can't just remove games to add others and/or certain licences to consider as well.

Black Ops 3 was one of my most played CoD games of the XB1+ era and loved its Zombies - especially the 'Old' Zombie maps.

Re: Xbox's Sea Of Thieves Reaches 40 Million Players Prior To PS5 Launch


That means they have had 40m separate people at least 'start' this - whether they played an 'hour' an gave up, or played 1000's of hours over a few years, but don't play now - that's still an impressive number of unique Players to have 'reached'.

It's also been 'well' supported over the years, something that can really only happen with 'enough' players willing to keep buying 'extras' that keep them working on it. Selling it on PS5 not only brings in 'new' blood to liven up the seas, it brings in 'more' revenue. It opens it up for 'more' players to become part of the 'Sea of Thieves' (A Microsoft Owned IP) Community.

If It didn't have a decent 'online' player base playing the DLC and 'buying' stuff, the game would have been 'dead' years ago and I think its made a LOT more money, reached a LOT more people, been a 'big' success, thanks to it being on Game Pass rather than 'selling' it as a 'Console ONLY' Exclusive - Something Rare really 'needed' after their Previous records...

Re: Pocketpair CEO On Devs Copying Palworld: 'These Are Incredible Times'


Ever since Gaming started, there has been many developers making their 'version' of anothers game. Sometimes they may 'borrow' aspects from a couple of games that create a 'new' genre entirely or evolve a genre, but many were Clones.

Call of Duty was Activision wanting their 'own' Medal of Honor/Battlefield game for example or look at all the 3D Platformers that Mario64 inspired. Mario64 could be considered as the Grandfather of ALL modern 3D games as the 'collectathon' aspect (some still have 'collectables' still but far less) reduced with more emphasis on Story and missions/activities took over. AC2 had 100 'feathers' to collect for example. But you have a LOT of the core movement mechanics that basically all 3D games use today - just 'finessed' or 'evolved' into the 3D games we play today. The Extra analogue paving the way to better Camera control - but a lineage exists and many tried to take their 2D icons into the 3D realm and how many were Mario 64 inspired?

I think its somewhat ridiculous to criticise Palworld for being 'inspired' by Pokemon and other games that they borrowed ideas from to put into their game. You wouldn't criticise Sony for making their 'Tomb Raider' inspired Uncharted games, who were also inspired by Gears of War too. From the early days of countless Space Invaders or Pac-Man clones to today when MOST games are borrowing ideas from others to create their own game, unless its literally a 'copy' or using another's code/assets etc in an attempt to mislead customers.

Re: Talking Point: Do You Actively Avoid Xbox Games With Massive Download Sizes?


I have a couple of Expansion Cards and a large HDD storage so I don't really look at Download sizes, I download what I want to play and will move stuff around or plug in a different Storage card if there is 'no room' on either internal SSD or the plugged in Card. Sometimes its also a good reminder to move/delete games i've finished and/or don't own (Game Pass - reminds me to delete B4B as that's leaving/left)

Point is, I am not a person worried about download sizes - other than how long it takes to download and install before I can actually 'play' - and I always wait until it's finished, not when it says it's 'ready' to open...

If it's on GP Cloud, I'll certainly be more inclined to try larger file size games I wouldn't have bought/downloaded anyway there first than spend hours downloading to decide it really wasn't 'for me'. But really file size isn't the consideration, its more the game itself - without GP, I maybe wouldn't have bought at all...

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Is 'On Another Level' Says Digital Foundry, Despite Series S Concerns


@Jett And most (if not all) were built for Last gen Hardware too and were targeting at least 30fps on that hardware so at least 60fps is 'possible' on next gen. Not saying they aren't great or fun to play, but that they were 'built' to run on a PS4 (built on PS4 era 'engines' they built the Sequel on).

Those games may feature an RT 'effect' like Reflections, shadows etc but are also using 'traditional' methods of lighting but that's 'cheap' compared to Full Path Tracing and Global Illumination for example - but does 'tick' the RT box. Not saying there is an issue with that, but that's why they have games like that. Not one of these has the Physics and scale of Starfield or Flight Simulator for example.

Games like Death Stranding (again a PS4 era game) Looks great and plays at 60fps on a PS5 - no doubt, but that is not in the same league thanks to Nanite and Lumin - not traditional textures but actual geometry detail that UE5, a much more modern game engine offers.

Game-play, story etc - well that's only personal preference - Whether you like Forza (either) both have 60fps options, Gears (60fps and 120fps with RT GI on Series S/X - free upgrade instead of charging for it as a remaster or upgrade as Sony did for theirs), Starfield/Redfall (legacy from Zenimax but still built on Old engine and Redfall was really not MS at all - too 'hands off') etc is personal preference.

MS only 'supported' Bethesda in the last stages of development to ensure they had the 'help' required to optimise and minimise 'bugs' so they get 'Bethesda's' game out in a much better state than any 'prior' Bethesda game released - which they 'succeeded' in.

Its typical Bethesda because that's what Bethesda do, what they were deep into working on, nearly finished when MS took over....

We're yet to see what games their Studios were building 'specifically' with Series X in mind on Modern/Current Gen Engines like UE5, on ANY console - this is really one of the first. Whether you 'enjoy it' more/less than Sony's PS4/5 games, that's 'preference' and Subjective.

I, for example, enjoy some PS5 games for what they are - games! I often select the '30fps' 4k Quality mode than 1080-1440p 60fps mode as it looks so much better - but I do feel like I've played their games over and over again - just increasingly looking 'better' rather than bring something 'different' and/or 'ambitious'...

The fact that some thought they were looking at the Actress in Character dress, not the 'in-game' character we get is that step closer to realism, without those aspects that 'games' usually have that always makes them look like 'games'...

Re: Ubisoft's XDefiant Server Test Will Apparently Take Place This Weekend On Xbox


Not interested at all so won't bother. I don't think it will last with other well established options - many of which their Community has invested a lot of time/money into (Apex, Fortnite, PUBG, Warzone etc) and may not want to invest in yet another Live Service.

If they don't get enough 'Whales' buying Season Passes, MTX etc, then this will no doubt end up 'disappearing'.

Re: Former Xbox Exec Likes The Idea Of 'Tipping' Developers After Beating Their Games


The only time I think I would find that acceptable was if I got to play the Game 'free' or at most, an extremely low cost. The sheer cost of games these days is such that I feel they are way over-priced and I should be getting more for my Money, being 'tipped' by the Devs/Publishers (either with money or game content).

With Game Pass titles, If I feel like the Devs deserve a 'tip' for their game after I have played, I may buy it and/or buy extras like DLC but I have 'never' bought a game and thought the Devs deserve more money from me. The majority seem to 'owe' me something back, should tip/refund me for under-delivering, over-promising etc.

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Is 'On Another Level' Says Digital Foundry, Despite Series S Concerns


Look at the 'best' games of the PS3/360 era - those 30fps games often either had 60fps options on the next gen or pushed the visual Quality much higher than the last gen. At the start, you had 'cross' gen games that pushed much higher resolution and graphic settings on newer hardware, some games offering 60fps etc too

Tomb Raider, Uncharted Trilogy, Skyrim (to name a few) were all boosted by new Hardware. Uncharted was regarded as the best graphics of the Gen, yet Uncharted 4 was a graphical leap over U3 - and only 30fps (until PS4 Pro).

Hellblade was a 30fps game until Pro/XB1 hardware came along - and now on next gen, you can even have some Ray Tracing effects but have to settle for 30fps - so why expect this to be 60fps?

If this was built on the old engine, with the old assets, old animations etc just to hit '60fps' on Series X, It could release on XB1 at 30fps - not using 'next' gen things like Lumin or Nanite. It would look like a last gen game on modern hardware and that would be 'wrong' too for many.

Nothing else - not even the 'best' graphical games on last gen look as advanced, a generational leap up from anything we had last gen. That has always resulted in 30fps on Console because 30fps allows double the CPU/GPU cycles per frame over 60fps, double the amount of processing resources per frame...

Yes they maybe able to drop res, drop graphical settings to the lowest possible, reduce LoDs and Draw Distances etc to try and hit 60fps, but if it looks 'ugly/terrible' with so many upscaling artefacts detracting from its intended impact, Devs may not want that for their game - especially one like this.

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Is 'On Another Level' Says Digital Foundry, Despite Series S Concerns


@JaffeGaffe Your choice of course but you'll end up not playing MANY new games. Even those with '60fps' modes aren't delivering a LOCKED 60fps with 'internal' resolutions below 720p - but hey, your choice...

30fps can feel more 'weighty' than laggy/sluggish - it really does depend on the game. Its not a fast paced twitch shooter like Call of Duty - Even the fights only ever pit you against one 'enemy' at a time.

As you say, your wallet, your choice - so I guess you won't be playing many of the 'great' UE5 games coming out that take advantage of Nanite, Lumin, meta Humans etc on Consoles - you may have to buy a PC or wait until 'next' gen when these games could be '60fps' - much like all the 'Last-gen' games released/updated etc on Current Gen hardware.

If you wanted to play Hellblade at 60fps, you had to play on PC or 'wait' for more powerful hardware - like PS4 Pro/XB1X - but even the Pro was a 'softer' image and couldn't deliver a consistent '60fps'. So like last gen games pushing the limits of 'aging' relatively low cost hardware as the Consoles ARE, you either play at 30fps OR wait until new Hardware releases enabling higher frame rates.

As for 'wallet', well it won't cost me anything to play as I have Game Pass Ultimate - enabling me to play on my Series X or 3080ti PC. I know GPU has a 'cost' but I not paying that just for HBii so its essentially Free...

Re: If Q1 Is Anything To Go By, 2024 Should Be Another Fantastic Year On Xbox


We're into April now and so far, I have not bought or played any 'new' for 2024 games. None of those games actually appeal to me and wouldn't play most of them at all - even if free.

That doesn't mean they are 'terrible', just that I'd rather play older games with the type of Game-play loop, story etc I enjoy. By this time last year, we had Hifi Rush, Goldeneye and AoE 2 and I can't think of any 1st Party release in 2024.

I prefer to look back in hindsight and whilst I'm not playing the latest games, I am still enjoying gaming and more 'optimistic' about the rest of the year than I was in 2022 for example, but whether it will be better than 2023, time will tell.

Re: Xbox's Hellblade 2 Is 'On Another Level' Says Digital Foundry, Despite Series S Concerns


And they also reference games like Robocop which can drop below 720p to 'hit' 60fps...

I think its a Catch 22 - Gamers seem to expect Graphics to be significantly advanced and first impressions count a LOT, but then expect significant 'frame rate' improvements too. If they made HB2 with the 'same' assets, same lighting etc, then maybe it would be a 60fps game, but then people would complain that it 'looks' like a last gen game...

It is, however, releasing at 30fps - just like the Original did to great success. This is on another level graphically and 'nothing' comes close to the facial animation and realism in game before. Is it really any different from games that 'pushed' the graphical limits of last gen, limiting games to '30fps' and represented a 'leap' up from the visuals on 360 era hardware.

Its only when 'old' games become playable on improved Hardware (like Pro/X or next gen hardware) that these '30fps' Console games can now be enhanced to 60fps. Most, if not all '60fps' releases this gen have also released '30fps' versions on last gen.

Re: Star Wars Outlaws Sparks Criticism Over Games With $100+ 'Ultimate' Editions


The last time I paid £70-80 for a game was when it included the FULL game, A year Season Pass including ALL DLC and bonus Cosmetics, a steelbook case and/or artbooks...

That was basically 'EVERYTHING' in a one off up front payment when the Game was £45, the Season Pass £40 or each pack £12 - plus 'extras' for buying the 'complete' edition up front...

Now I won't pay more than that for a Complete edition today, about 4/5yrs later because 'next-gen' hardware Tax? It will be on Game Pass or other sub services in a year or two and certainly on sale in a few months, wait long enough and it will be 'pocket money' like all Ubisoft games end up....

Re: Saber Interactive CEO Reckons $70 Game Prices Will Go Away


Of course its not sustainable in a world where you are paying a 'Premium' to play the game as close to release as possible. Its not competing just with other 'new' releases for your time and money, but ALL the games you can play on your hardware.

Why spend £70 on a 'new' release - often when the game has the 'least' content (as content is often added post launch) and of course when its at its 'weakest' with the worst performance and/or most bugs/glitches. I can buy 2 or 3 games - often less than a year old so not even last gen Backwards Compatible games - for the same price. I don't need to spend £70 to play 'day/date' with some games due to Game Pass. Its not as if I can't find 'something' similar to play for a LOT less money until these games are on sale or in some Sub service.

I'd rather play the 100's of games in my backlog or maybe buy several games in a sale than spend £70 on something I know will be on Sale and a potential buy instead of whatever 'new' £70 release comes out a few months later. Its not as if I am struggling to find something to play and 'must' play the latest game as soon as it releases, I have hundreds of games available to play at 'no' cost.

I stopped going to the Cinema when I could buy VHS/DVD's a few months later for less cost. I stopped buying Physical media for films when I have many options for films - inc options to watch 'new' cinema releases if I wanted.

Games can be a success with selling a million or two copies and in my opinion, I'd rather they made 'games' people want to buy at £35 for example and sell double the amount to be as successful. Not charge more because they want to sell 'less' and still make money...

Re: Time Is Running Out For Hundreds Of Games On The Xbox 360 Store


@GrandValkyrie Preserving antique hardware or games 'locked' to antique hardware is NOT preserving Games. To 'keep' those games working, MS would need to keep producing 360 hardware so the games 'locked' to it remain playable. You can't play your N64 games without a working N64 which is 'obsolete' hardware.

Game 'preservation' is more like PC where you buy a Game and it remains 'playable' regardless of Hardware - you don't 'lose' access to games you bought 10yrs ago on PC despite upgrading. Storing the game on a server you can download and/or play anywhere is.

Not every Publisher wants or can 'preserve' their game forever - some had licences that expired after a set time (think about Spider-Man made by Treyarch for example) so don't have the 'right' to sell that game anymore. Games like Fifa or Madden may want you to upgrade to the latest version - not have the entire History of that franchise available to buy...

Microsoft can ONLY preserve the games they have the Rights, the Licences etc to 'preserve'. They cannot make other Publishers (Like EA, Ubisoft, Square Enix etc) keep their games available on ANY hardware, let alone obsolete (as in no longer in production) hardware as the 360 now is.

You can complain that you can't buy or play 100's of 360 games, but how many of them are actually Xbox first party, Xbox owned IP's? If certain games aren't playable/available on modern hardware, that is more down to the Publisher and/or expired licenses...

Re: Time Is Running Out For Hundreds Of Games On The Xbox 360 Store


I still have my 360 - its in a box packed away somewhere and hasn't been used since I got my XB1 (let alone the 1X or Series X). I still have my 360 discs too and the majority of Digital games I owned are available to download on my Series X via BC

I have 100's of games in my backlog as it is without worrying about games I missed over 10yrs ago that cannot be played on modern hardware.

Re: Xbox Could Be 'Gearing Up' For Call Of Duty Back Catalogue Announcement


It makes sense - after all, MS owns that Back Catalogue now. I do wonder whether or not it will be the 'latest' games (MW3 or MW2) with contracts to Sony and not knowing what they may have in those contracts that MS would honour. Black Ops 3 marked the first game in Sony's 'partnership' in 2015 so it will be interesting to see what games come and/or when. It could really depend on when exactly Sony's contract expires or what those contracts stipulated.

In anycase, we all expect news on ABK games coming to Game Pass and as CoD is their biggest console IP, its probably the IP most focus is on.

Re: Xbox Doubles Down On Highly Ambitious Plans For Next-Gen Hardware


Just doubling the Series X to 24Tflop for example would be the biggest leap as NO console hardware has jumped up by 12TF in a single generation. Even if you look at the XB1S with it's 1.4TF to 12TF in the Series X, that was only a 10.6TF jump so arguably would be beaten by a 12TF jump.

But if you look at the 360 to XB1, you had about a 7x jump up in GPU which in relative terms represents a 'bigger' leap up despite it only being a bit more than 1TF. Jumping from a XB1X to Series X had a 6TF 'jump', so despite being 7x larger than the 1TF jump from 360 to XB1S, that was only a 2x jump up despite jumping up by a much larger amount.

This could easily be misleading as NO console could have jumped up by 12TF+ in the past - therefore the 'biggest' leap. However, customers could expect a 7x or 8x jump (85-100TF) to get the biggest 'relative' jump up they believe this statement means. Largest jump could just mean that no other hardware has increased by such numbers (12TF+ for example) in the past rather than meaning a 8x or 10x 'leap' we maybe expecting...

Re: Xbox Establishes New Team Dedicated To 'Game Preservation And Forward Compatibility'


@ZYDIO That's the server keeping the Digital version up to date. The game, if installed on your internal storage, will be updated by being connected to the internet - but the version on 'disc' is still that Day 1 version, it doesn't get updated.

If you can't use a disc drive on the next gen hardware, its just a useless plastic disc. It's only use is on 'old/obsolete' hardware as a 'key' to access. The Software on the disc is 'useless'. The game is NOT the game Digital get and if the 'old' hardware loses access to internet servers, you'll have a hard job downloading the most up to date version that's 'Preserved' in digital.

All those '360' Digital Only games I owned were instantly available on my Series X - in MY Games - ready to download and play as soon as I signed in. All my XB1 Digital Purchases too of course. No need to find a disc to 'download' the digital version of a game to install on my Internal storage and use my 'disc' as my Licence key, my key to access and play the software as 'proof' of ownership...

Re: Xbox Establishes New Team Dedicated To 'Game Preservation And Forward Compatibility'


@ZYDIO Really does depend on where you end up playing in say 10yrs time and/or whether or not you can still buy some 'hardware' that you can use that disc to 'download' the most up to date and 'best' version.

If Xbox drops Physical on the 'next' gen machine, that could limit you to only playing on XB1 or Series X because you can't put a disc in to verify ownership or to 'download' the Software/patches on newer hardware. There are 360 games that are NOT playable without a 360 and the hardware is 'obsolete' - its not made anymore. It doesn't matter if I own a XB1 or Series X, those 360 discs are 'useless' with an Xbox 360.

My Cyberpunk Disc is nothing more than an Access key. The software that's included on it is completely useless and not worth playing - a LONG way from where the game is today so its NOT preserving the Game at all. Its technically locked to the Console it was released for and no guarantee that 'next' gen will have Bluray media players. It could be like those upgrading to Series S with no way to play their XB1 discs, like PS5 digital not allowing gamers to play their PS4 disc games via BC. However, their Digital Libraries are all there....

The discs are nothing more than a License Key to grant you 'access' to Software - the only thing you actually bought. You don't own the software.

Re: Xbox Establishes New Team Dedicated To 'Game Preservation And Forward Compatibility'


Disc or any Physical media is NOT Preservation of a Game. The fact that it is 'locked' to a specific platform is ultimately where its preservation falls down. Take Goldeneye on N64 - that Cartridge ONLY works on N64 hardware. Your OG Xbox games 'not' available via Backwards Compatibility only work on 'Obsolete' hardware too. Without a 'working' OG Xbox, your discs are just useless bits of Plastic...

Since the start of the XB1/PS4 era, Physical media has been nothing but a 'delivery' method to get the 'Software' to the customer but its most important function is as a Key to access that software, proof of ownership! Games don't run from Physical media these days, its all installed on the internal Storage.

Preservation is much easier in Digital formats - its not 'locked' to a specific console/hardware only, doesn't require you to 'store' hundreds of bits of Plastic as 'keys' to access your library and, like PC, don't lose access or require you to keep your old obsolete hardware if you upgrade. Your 'profile' is essentially a massive 'keyring' holding all the License Keys to 'access' games you bought...

Physical isn't 'better' - certainly not these days with Games often not 'complete' on Disc and worse, barely playable. I feel my Cyberpunk disc is 'useless' for long term preservation as the game is NO longer the same as the Game is today - the best and most playable version...

Re: Xbox Reportedly Testing The Waters With Sea Of Thieves PS5 Release


@abe_hikura You haven't 'needed' an Xbox Console since about 2017 as since Sea of Thieves, EVERY Xbox game has been on PC day/date and Game Pass too which is accessible on 'more' hardware than just the Xbox console.

Since about 2017, the Xbox Consoles have been a 'choice' for Gamers. If you already 'choose' to play on PC for example, often regarded as the highest 'tier' gaming you can get but also has the highest 'hardware' cost, then why buy an Xbox? You don't have to 'upgrade' to a Series Xbox either as Game Pass Cloud means you don't 'miss out' on games either.

The reason you 'buy' an Xbox for example is because you 'prefer' the Fixed Platform Console experience and/or offers the 'best' bang for buck way to play the games you want. Series 'S' isn't the 'entry tier to next gen gaming, its Game Pass Cloud. Series S is the 'entry' hardware tier, Series X the 'Premium' Console tier and PC the highest tier.

Games may well be 'available' on Playstation too - of course they won't be 'free' to play day/date on a PS sub service like on Xbox consoles and may well release months, if not years later. So not only do you get to play at much lower cost on Xbox (if you Sub), you also may get to play them first on Xbox. Sony release games on PC later so their 'exclusives' can be viewed as timed exclusives too as they'll soon be on a Steam Console.

Your 'digital' library may well be 'locked' to 'Sony' or 'MS' - which could limit you in the future. With Xbox, you can buy a game on XB1, get the Series X version if you upgrade and maybe the PC version too thanks to Smart Delivery and it all being in the same ecosystem. With Xbox, you can already play on the go, on whatever 'device' is most convenient for you - not force you to only play where your Console is situated. As a 'gamer' you have far more choice...

The fact is that 'Xbox' stopped being 'just' the Console many years ago now and it's been a choice. You chose to buy a Series S or X for example because you 'prefer' to play games on that type of hardware OR it suited your budget better than buying a Gaming PC - but you didn't buy it to play Xbox 'exclusives' because they weren't available on 'other' platforms day/date. Some games don't even come to Console first (Gears Tactics, MSFS, AoE....)

Re: Xbox Reportedly Testing The Waters With Sea Of Thieves PS5 Release


A game like Sea of Thieves (as well as Grounded) is the type of game that actually benefits from being Multi-platform - once some Gamers get over their 'console' war mentality.

These type of games are built up on the strength of their Community which would be 'limited' on just a single platform. The more gamers that have access, the more these games can grow, the more investment in etc.

The community they build up is more important than 'exclusivity' and actually benefits Xbox gamers - more players, better online experience. More players, more income to 'grow' the IP with additional content. More players that are part of a MS owned IP Community invested in their game(s).

That 'extra' money coming in from 'other' platforms is 're-invested into Xbox games, services etc - enabling them to fund 'Exclusives' and other NEW day/date on Game Pass releases

Re: Talking Point: 10 Years Later, Sunset Overdrive Still Remains A Beloved Xbox Exclusive


I played it and completed everything in the 'main' game and quite enjoyed it. I was initially put off by the description and its very cartoony aspects but once I started playing and got to grips with the Mechanics, I couldn't stop playing.

I wouldn't say it was 'Amazing', but I would say its probably one of, if not the most under-rated exclusive on the XB1. I also think its probably Insomniacs most creative game too...

Re: Talking Point: Do You Prefer Shorter Or Longer Games In General?


Too many variables beyond just length that determines whether its long enough or not. Price plays a factor, replayability, game-play etc also do - I wouldn't pay the 'launch' price for The Order:1886 because I didn't think it was worth the asking price - especially its short run-time...

But other games I've played hundreds if not thousands of hours wouldn't be my Game of the Year either despite occupying the majority of my playtime.

What this has in it's favour which 'negates' the price factor is Game Pass. I don't have to 'pay' the price and 'find out' if I think it does enough to 'justify' its price. It maybe the perfect length for this and not leave me feeling - is that it? Pretty Graphics and its length won't help if I get bored/fed-up after an hour anyway...

Re: Hellblade 2 Sounds Like A True Next-Gen Showcase In First Xbox Previews


@Tyrant_T103 Then you'd be aware that Graphics alone isn't the reason 'new' games can't do 60fps. Games like Goldeneye and Perfect Dark would often run at less than 20fps.

You want improved Physics, improved Enemy AI, improved and 'better' character models, facial animations etc, better Cloth/hair physics, better environments and detail, more realistic lighting/shadows/reflections etc etc - all of which wasn't possible on older gen hardware. If you want games that 'look' like they were made 30yrs ago, the same type of Character models as Goldeneye with 'texture wrapped' low polygon models instead of character models that look much more realistic in much more realistic looking environments with more realistic lighting, animations, physics, AI etc etc, then 60fps would be easy today.

I'd rather they pushed the limits on Consoles today, even if that means only 30fps on 'relatively' low cost and 'dated' Console hardware. These are next gens 60fps games - just like last gens 30fps games pushed last gen hardware beyond what the gen before could offer...

Like I said, Perfect Dark struggled on N64 and 30fps was extremely Rare (LOL) and maybe Mario 64 did deliver 60fps - but an N64 wouldn't play Skyrim at 30fps, let alone 60fps like a Series X can. Skyrim wasn't even a 'locked' 30fps on 360/PS3 and only got '60fps' when more powerful Consoles arrived...

30fps is the 'minimum' I expect on Console and often dumbed down graphically from what a '4090' can offer at 60fps with much higher RT for example - because its a 'budget' or 'entry hardware' tier for these type of games...

Re: Rumour: Gears 6 Could Appear At The Xbox Showcase This Summer


I wouldn't be surprised if we got some teaser for Gears 6, but I also wouldn't be surprised if we got something else from the Coalition too - maybe a Gears Trilogy UE5 remaster that will release sooner whilst they 'work' on the upcoming Gears 6.

Both a Trilogy remaster and a 'new' IP have been rumoured for years too. They did a UE5 demo and worked on the Matrix Demo too and back then, they were 'rumoured' to be working on 'Gears 6' but that that would likely release after their next project which maybe a Gears Trilogy or New IP...

Re: Xbox & PlayStation's Most-Played Games In 2023 Were Averaging Seven Years Old


It would also indicate that people aren't rushing out and paying $70 for 'New' games - opting to engage with 'older' and/or 'cheaper' games. A Lot of NEW games aren't exactly at their best and/or most playable either until months, sometimes years later (look at Cyberpunk for example).

Its often a lot safer (financially) to play an older game than risk buying something 'new' at launch. With modern consoles, even if they are a few years old now, you have so much choice thanks to Backwards Compatibility adding 1000's to the Library with MANY bargains and of course Sub services too offering many games 'free'.

Therefore you can play all these 'older' games whilst waiting for new games to be worth playing and prices to drop too...

Re: Hellblade 2 Sounds Like A True Next-Gen Showcase In First Xbox Previews


@Tyrant_T103 Well don't buy a Console. They have 'limited' hardware and built to a budget to sell. If you want 60fps, invest in Hardware - a decent CPU will cost more than PS5/Series X.

Every 'new' generation of Console with games built to push that generation 'forward' have been 30fps. Its not until the 'next' gen arrives that the 'new' hardware can offer those old last gen games at 60fps due to significant Hardware upgrades. All the games that were built for and also 'release' on Last gen are 'releasing' on Current gen with the option of 60fps - but that's because they had to designed for Last gen hardware too...

Over the decades, the vast majority of Game of the Year contenders and winners have been 30fps on Console - and only '60fps' if they go a remaster or some 'update' post release for 'newer' hardware. Games like Uncharted, Assassins Creed, Hellblade, Skyrim, Fallout etc were 30fps on release or at least 30fps ONLY on Last gen hardware indicating they were 'built' to run on much weaker systems so enable 60fps on 'better' newer systems.

There maybe a LOT more 60fps games in general this gen - partly because so many releases are Cross-generational and partly because of many remasters and/or updates/patches etc on last gen games to enable '60fps' on New gen hardware.

Therefore, if you want to play Hellblade 2 at 60fps, you may need a PC to play at launch or 'wait' until MS release a NEW more powerful Console and update HB2 to run at 60fps on more powerful Hardware - just like Hellblade...

Re: Hellblade 2 Sounds Like A True Next-Gen Showcase In First Xbox Previews


30fps won't mean the Standards have dropped - in fact the Original WAS 30fps too at Launch and it was newer Hardware that enabled an 'OLDER' game Built to run on 'weaker' hardware was able to be updated to run at 60fps.

Maybe on 'next' gen Hardware, this will get updated to run at 60fps on 'budget' Hardware like a Console - like many older gen games now running on much newer and more powerful hardware to offer 60fps.

Believe it or not, most 'next' gen games on PS4/XB1 (after the PS3/X360 era) ran at 30fps too - unless they were PS3/360 era games 'remastered' for 60fps because 'next-gen' hardware had more power to run them. Even the PS4 Pro or XB1X often wouldn't run games at 60fps that are now '60fps' on Series/PS5 hardware.

Point is, Games built to really push 'next-gen' hardware will likely be 30fps as they have 'always' been on Console. They'll still have 60fps games and maybe some dumbed down graphically 'Performance' modes too but may have to wait until the 'next-gen' arrives to enable now older gen games to run at 60fps.

As for Standards, I'd say this is looking on a different Level - a much higher standard than its predecessor in so many areas....

Re: Xbox Graces Cover Of PlayStation Magazine For Possibly The First Time Ever


@TheGameThrifter The attraction is Game Pass and literally able to play on ANY device - even if Console is your Primary device. Yes, you might get to play the 'same' games Xbox Game Pass customers get to play on ANY device, inc Xbox Consoles, for FREE Day and date. Maybe you'd like to game on a handheld and Console, maybe play on a PC too occasionally - well Xbox is there for you...

Then, when we think the time is right, or they 'need' to grow the Online Community and open games up to allow more family, friends etc to play together or they want to generate income as 'sales' are not as high as expected (especially with GP customers playing for FREE) sell it on as many OTHER platforms as Possible to get some 'extra' revenue....

In both cases, we as customers win - we get great games day/date on a great console for 'free' essentially, along with great 3rd Party games too and online Communities are filled with players enjoying playing games together....

So what if you can play 'some/all' games on Sony's system. I doubt that they'll ALL arrive day/date and certainly will cost more than Game Pass would cost (let alone other great games on the service too).

Phil Spencer isn't 'head' of Xbox - he is head of the entire Gaming Division - the Studios, the games, the Hardware etc and Xbox is just 1 'part' of that Hardware line and Gaming on Windows PC is just as important as on Console or whatever other device you can which currently is virtually EVERY device, except Sony/Nintendo devices. It's hasn't released an 'Exclusive' since Sea of Thieves launched and every game since was on PC day/date too...

By stepping outside of that 'limited' console box and market, they are looking at bringing gamers EVERYWHERE and 'getting' them into the Xbox 'ecosystem' and why the invested 8bn on Zenimax and 70bn on ABK - not for an extra '10m' or so Consoles or to sell more consoles than Sony for example to appease some 'fanboy' war....

Re: Xbox Graces Cover Of PlayStation Magazine For Possibly The First Time Ever


Why not Halo on Playstation - its 'Free to Play Multiplayer' anyway on PC/Xbox etc has a TV series and a Massive Icon of Microsoft Gaming as a whole and opening that up to MORE players will help that reach more gamers who bring in 'revenue' too....

Exclusivity is OK for some things,, but limiting in others - especially ONLINE based games where you want as many people to connect with to not only work, but grow...

I'd say Halo has reached 'everyone' it can reach in its ecosystem and needs more 'investment and injection of players' to grow

Re: Indie Devs Clarify Their 'Gold Rush Is Over' Comments In Relation To Xbox Game Pass


@Kalele When their customers are demanding they 'invest' in their own games, studios etc why would you 'invest' in indies that won't bring in Customers, won't sell Game Pass Subs etc.

Yes they do add to the service and can bring more variety, but then MS isn't going out of their way to fill Game Pass with Indies when the vast majority won't help them recoup that investment by bringing in more Subs, more sales etc.

If the projects look interesting enough, fill a 'hole' that they can't fill with their own studios or projects, then MS will invest - but with more choice and now a MUCH larger portfolio of their OWN studios and OWN projects (inc smaller games like Pentiment for example) to invest in, why invest in 3rd Party devs just for the sake of it?

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev: There's No Place For Microtransactions In Our Single-Player Games


@GuyinPA75 I don't disagree with you but I also don't think that Online focussed games necessarily are selling you back missing pieces and I have little issue with these selling 'Cosmetic Only' MTX to customise the 'look' of your Character.

That being said, I would still expect a 'Complete' suite of Cosmetic items in the game at launch - either tied to challenges, levelling up etc. As long as they are 'optional' and purely cosmetic, I don't see why they can't offer Cosmetic only options.

I can understand F2P offering 'Premium' XP bonus or other bonuses in MP for paying customers - as long as it doesn't affect the Game-play or is Pay to Win. But NOT in Paid for games so I think its 'fair' they can sell Cosmetics to keep the game going, keep paying their staff to keep supporting it etc.

A single player game has NO excuses to add Cosmetics or any MTX post launch. It should be complete and everything included for that asking price and ONLY if it was Successful enough, decide if DLC would be beneficial to the Gamers.

Re: Xbox & PlayStation's Most-Played Games In 2023 Were Averaging Seven Years Old


To me, that just confirms what I feel about Gaming (or more the Publishers). Games haven't really evolved in the past 10yrs - Graphics may have, but game-play, stories etc have not - maybe even regressed in some cases.

A LOT of the Big releases are sequels or remasters that don't really bring anything 'new'. The rest are either some Live Service template wrapped in a well known 'IP skin' to sell - Marvels Avengers, DC's Suicide Squad etc - or some unfinished, rushed to release game that seems sent out to die. Even new IP's seem to be 'generic' and predictable plots, generic/bland characters etc with a 'generic' game-play loop - where the only aspect that feels new/modern is the Graphics.

Many old games still stand up today as the Characters, the Story, the plot etc are better than many new games offer. Its not surprising to see many 'Online/MP' games as they do offer more 'hours' and certainly fun with friends/family.

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev: There's No Place For Microtransactions In Our Single-Player Games


@iplaygamesnstuff Because more and more Single Player games are adding MTX - such as Assassins Creed, Dragon's Dogma 2 etc and the article is about CDPR coming out and saying that Microtransactions have NO place in Single Player games.

If you read the article, its purely about Single Player ONLY games - and CDPR stating they would only consider MTX if they were making Multi-player games and that they don't belong in SP games...

The purpose of the Poll was to see if you 'agree' with CDPR or have some different opinion - maybe feel 'Cosmetic' only MTX is fine in SP games or even paying for extra save slots, Fast travel or buying in-game currency with real money is fine in Single Player.

As I said, I totally agree with CDPR on that - Single Player games should NOT have ANY MTX, even if they are 'Cosmetic' Only. Online MP games are 'different' and I have no issue with Cosmetic ONLY MTX so a separate 'Poll' would be required for MP games...

Re: Cyberpunk 2077 Dev: There's No Place For Microtransactions In Our Single-Player Games


@iplaygamesnstuff As this is focussed on Single Player games, I answered as such. I don't think 'Pay to Win' in MP is acceptable either but if this had been a Poll about MP MTX specifically, I'd vote differently.

In the Poll above, I voted that 'No, they don't have a place in Single Player' - I think all cosmetics should be available in-game for example. However, I would vote 'Some Cosmetic Stuff is OK - nothing Game Changing' for Online MP/Co-op modes as long as its Cosmetic only and gives gamers more choice on their 'look' in game.

This was just about Single Player games selling MTX not about MP games. Its separating those off and as I said, I'd vote differently if this was more 'general' to include MP too or just focussed on MP games

Re: Halo Support Studio Certain Affinity Axes 25 Jobs


@OldGamer999 In general, they are not for me either and I, like MANY others, likely have our favourite LS game we play with our friends/family. Whether that's a AAA release like CoD or Fifa or a F2P game like Fortnite or Apex.

However, the industry sees how much money these games are making on its 'Live Service' content and want their Copy, their 'easy' money and pushing Devs to create their 'Live Service' game wrapped in whatever IP skin they think will work. Hence Marvels Avengers or DC's Suicide Squad - both made by Devs with 'Single Player' historical success.

Sony had 10+ Live Service games in Development yet their Fanbase were not exactly 'excited' by this. Now we see Sony has cancelled several (inc Last of Us Factions) and lost 900 jobs. As far as we know, Sony only has 'Wolverine' in Development as a Single Player game whilst Marathon, FairGame$ etc are still expected..

The point is that Publishers have been trying to push devs into making online Live Service games and then the Players are not buying into their money grabs leading to less money coming in to 're-invest', Job losses/Studio Closures/Game Cancellations etc.

Re: Talking Point: Xbox Fans, Are You Still Enjoying Halo Infinite In 2024?


I bought the OG Xbox because I was impressed by the look of Halo:CE's Campaign and that was its major selling point - not some tacked on MP only playable by a 'select' few with Xbox Gold.

Halo 2 may well have popularised its MP more, but I still bought ALL the Halo games purely for their Campaign and hated the MP - and that includes Halo Infinite too.

Having completed the Campaign on Legendary, Collecting EVERY Skull and completing everything in the Open World, then as far as I am Concerned, I have NO reason to return. Unless they add some additional Campaign content, I doubt I will be playing H:I again...

Re: Halo Support Studio Certain Affinity Axes 25 Jobs


@OldGamer999 @Pigrotto Whilst that article is great, I also think it misses some other aspects that we have seen in recent years that I think are also contributing.

How many games have we seen launch before they were actually in a fit state to release? How many devs have been 'forced' to make a game a certain way - whether that's make their 'IP' open world with some online 'live service' or online Single Player? How many games didn't really sell which then has a knock-on effect to how much 'budget' they have to reinvest.

That's before you consider any cancelled Projects these Publishers may have 'invested' money in. Sony for example announced they had 10+ 'Live Service' games in development - which didn't 'excite' their user base and no doubt impacted their financial 'projections'. Then we hear they cancelled 'several' including LoU Factions which had been in development for years. All that investment wasted with no product to recuperate.

In a cost of living crisis, especially as Games are much more expensive on Consoles and require a 'Sub' to play online, the games themselves aren't often 'good enough' at launch to justify the price. Arguably, they are 'no' better than last gen or the gen before games - just 'look' better. So many are Sequels that are just more of the 'same'. There are also 'remasters' of OLD games that now cost more than the SAME game basically via BC.

Forcing devs to wrap their IP into a 'Live Service' format to milk the Fans of those IP's for every bit of cash they have I think has had an impact too - how many games are no longer playable at all due to 'failed' live services - Marvels Avengers is probably the most high profile but no doubt lost money....

Re: Phil Spencer Would Like To See Other Digital Storefronts Appear On Xbox


@Vaako007 and there you go again making wild claims about Game Pass and how its detrimental to the GREEDY and completely money focussed industry.

An industry that pushes out broken, unfinished games filled with MTX, Season Passes that are designed to extract money from gamers. They expect to charge more money for 'less' of a game - cut and paste boring filler missions, mediocre predictable stories that will somehow keep players giving them money through some Live Service Structure.

Then when games vote with their wallet that they don't want Gotham Knights or Suicide Squad, don't want 'Sequels' that don't evolve the IP, instead get repetitive and boring, don't want remakes/remasters that somehow cost more than the version you can play via BC etc etc...

The GREED in the industry itself is the problem. Look at the 360 era and ALL the new IP's that came out during that time. So many New IP's - nowadays, its mostly Familiar IP's because publishers want to milk them dry rather than 'create' something new.

The 'Xbox' future is enabling Devs to 'create' their own games - not what some Publishers force their Devs to make their IP's into 'Live Service' games, make their Single Player IP's into Online games etc. The fact that they can self-publish is a GREAT thing for the industry.

The industry has to evolve too - just like Film and Music have evolved. Publishers controlled who or what 'music' you would hear until Artists can 'self' produce, self Publish etc and get their music out on Spotify, Youtube, Instagram, etc etc. Just like I can listen to an Album for 'free' on Youtube or 'buy' the Album 'digitally/Physically', that is Consumer choice. Physical may 'limit' you to only listening on specific Hardware (CD/Record Player), digital may allow you to listen on many more devices anywhere. Games are moving in that direction too.

So where is your evidence that Game Pass specifically is detrimental to the industry when others are 'copying' - Ubisoft and EA have their own Sub services too as does Sony and Nintendo. Maybe the future is more like TV where you 'Sub' to the Publishers to play their Games - Ubisoft for AC, FC, PoP etc, EA for FC, Madden, BF, ME etc just like you may Sub to Disney, HBO and/or Paramount for the TV/Film IP's you want to watch...

Re: Phil Spencer On Porting Exclusives: 'Every Decision We Make Is To Make Xbox Stronger'


I am sure that there will be incentives for Xbox customers - whether that's access to games on Game Pass day/date, timed or permanent Exclusivity or whatever other 'incentives' may exists.

Take Call of Duty which we already know won't be 'exclusive' but the 'incentive' to play on Xbox as opposed to PS5 may well be its available to play day/date on Game Pass or $70 to buy and play on PS5. Its NOT exclusive or differ from the PS5 version, but you can play on Xbox for 'free' essentially.

Games like the 4 'ported' games were released first on Xbox so benefitted Xbox customers. The fact that now 'others' get to play doesn't stop the fact that as an Xbox customer, you got the opportunity to play. Games like Grounded and Sea of Thieves will 'benefit' from growing the Community of players in those games giving them more income revenue, more longevity and allowing 'friends/family' to play together regardless of their 'preferred' hardware.

CoD was extremely lucrative for ABK on Sony's hardware so why cut off that revenue stream for some pathetic 'Console' fanboy war. It doesn't benefit MS or Xbox.

Games like ES6, a Single Player game, may well suit MS best to release on Xbox first - much like Sony released Spider-Man on PS first - and once its 'old' news, no longer 'selling' consoles/Sub services, release it on other Platform(s) to extract whatever Revenue they can which then helps strengthen MS/Xbox financially too...