Comments 3,145

Re: Xbox Studios 'Player Numbers' Graphic Provides Interesting Look At Microsoft's Most-Played Franchises


@MjJmediablogger I don't think it will be 'very' costly to Gamers if MS did some sort of PC Handheld 'Hybrid' solution. They have their Surface range already and it wouldn't be too much of a 'stretch' for MS to introduce a Surface Handheld PC to 'compete' with Asus (RoG Ally), Lenovo (Go) or MSi (Claw) for example.

As for a 'docking' system for TV/Monitor users, again they 'could' offer their own 'eGPU' with a HDMI output to TV - or just let you buy a third party 'eGPU' dock. I can dock my RoG Ally to my TV through an eGPU (although now that also won't require a 'bespoke' connection with the RoG Ally X). Saves them 'investing' in their own manufacturing and design and give Customers more choice - whether you want any eGPU, whether you want nVidia, AMD or intel and as long as it has the right Thunderbolt USB connection, and HDMI 2.1 output port, can use any '3rd' Party eGPU to 'dock'.

If they go the 'Handheld' PC route, you could see new iterations coming fairly regularly as 'new' generation Chips become available. Designing a 'Console' handheld to last 5yrs + is harder with Handheld PC's becoming cheaper and more powerful yearly as well as Mobile Phones becoming more powerful and maybe even able to run games natively that compete with handheld consoles inn terms of Visuals and Frame rates.

I think it makes more sense to 'merge' Surface and 'Xbox hardware' into one hardware division and release a Surface Handheld Gaming PC. Look at how 'cheap' you can find a RoG Ally for that plays 'Xbox' games anyway as well as offers Steam (Playstation games) and many other Gaming providers - not just 'Microsoft' like a Console does.

Re: Xbox Studios 'Player Numbers' Graphic Provides Interesting Look At Microsoft's Most-Played Franchises


@themightyant Its not bad for something that ONLY released less than 1 year ago, is a Single Player game (so no reason to jump in and try with friends/family) and ONLY released on Series S/X and PC hardware. State of Decay 2 can be played on XB1S/X as well but those gamers who haven't upgraded can only play Starfield if they Subscribe to Game Pass 'Ultimate' for Cloud streaming.

SoD2 has a lot more 'years' and of course potential hype for SoD3 to help attract players. Friends/Family who enjoy may also get players to 'try it' with them socially.

Considering that MSFS released in 2020 before coming to Series S/X consoles in 2021, it would seem to have attracted only 1m more for a 'truly' next gen game. That had a very high average rating from Critics - higher than Starfield and many thought Starfield was 'dated' in its design and game-play loop. Spider-Man2, regarded as the fastest selling PS game, had reached 11m in April.

Some AAA games celebrate reaching 1 or 2 million players...

Re: Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Multiplayer Open Beta Dates Revealed


@AccessibleDaydream Well its 'open' from the 6th-9th if you actually look at the image and the 'early access Beta' is shown as being (Aug30-Sept4th) for those with pre-orders etc.

We see games (like Starfield) have 'early access' for its 'full' release - yet all the record books will say it 'released' on the day it had 'full' release. I know it sounds 'odd' in the case of the 'Open Beta', which starts on the 6th September, but you can get 'earlier access' to the same 'Beta' earlier - so you are getting 'early access' to what will be the 'Open Beta' by pre-ordering - otherwise you can wait for the Beta to be Opened for all...

I do agree that it can seem somewhat odd - but if you have an 'Open Beta' for example that is offering some 'earlier' access for anyone who 'meets' certain criteria (like Pre-ordering and/or Game Pass Subscription) as a 'bonus', then that Bonus is 'earlier access' to what will be an 'Open Beta' in a similar way you could play Starfield 'earlier' by pre-ordering otherwise you'd have to wait for it to release for ALL.

So if I see 'early access' for an 'Open Beta', that tells me that I can still try the beta regardless of whether I pre-order, that the Beta will be 'opened' for everyone. Its not just a Beta for those who do 'pre-order'. The 'early access' part is more about it being part of the 'bonuses' for 'pre-ordering' otherwise you'll just get the 'Open Beta' which will be between 6th-9th September.

The English Language - especially in 'text' form does allow for a lot of misinterpretation. There is an 'OPEN' Beta, but if you can't wait until that 'OPEN' Beta, there is a way to get 'earlier' access to that Beta before its OPEN to everyone - hence Early Access to the 'Open Beta'...

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@kuu_nousee I think the previous set up was more confusing. Game Pass Core (doesn't offer day 1 yet has Game Pass in the name), Game Pass Console (has the full library of Game Pass games inc Day 1, but many can't be played without Game Pass Core), Game Pass Ultimate (Combines everything in one). So that 'mid-tier' Console & a Gold (later GPC) subscription was 'as expensive' as Ultimate yet Ultimate offered EA Access, GP Cloud/PC and Perks.

Because no-one subbed to Console and the fact that it was more 'confusing' - a mid tier Sub package that doesn't offer Online access that the basic package does, so is ALSO required is more confusing for anyone. Now it's much simpler and more in line with every other Sub package. You expect to get 'more', the more you pay, not lose something from the 'basic' tier that's essential in higher tiers. You couldn't play 'everything' in Forza or BO6 with just Console tier, you'd have to get Game Pass Core as well - 2 subscriptions to play the Games in 'Game Pass'

So now its Tier 1 (Basic), Tier 2 (Basic + extras) and Tier 3 (Tier 2 + extras) - all just a single monthly payment.

NO-ONE likes Rising Costs and Price increases. That being said, the price structure itself is comparable to their Competition - Sony. Sony were one of the first to do $70 games, now its 'industry standard' whether we like it or not.

PS+/GPC - Officially $10 a month (Online + 24-36ish games)
Extra/Standard - Officially $15 a month (large library/no Day 1)
Premium/Ultimate - $18/$20 (MS a bit more here but do get Day1, play on PC/Cloud etc)

Sony's PS+ and now Game Pass are similarly priced. Xbox was 'cheaper', just like they were at the start of the Gen when 'some' publishers opted to increase prices to $70, now it's 'standard'.

I'm NOT justifying the Price increase, just trying to point out that its been brought up to the 'industry' Market Leaders pricing. Just like I won't pay $70 for Games Day 1, no game is worth that to me, people will have to make up their own mind whether GP is 'worth it' to them now - but the 'tier' structure makes more sense than 'upgrading' to higher mid-tier, but then losing 'online access' from the basic tier and having Game Pass Core didn't grant 'Day 1' despite having 'Game Pass' and people understood that straight away...

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@datamonkey Was it confusing when 'Gold' became Game Pass Core a year ago? NO!!!

Did it having the Game Pass in it mean that Core Subscribers expect Day 1? NO

Did Console gamers subscribe to Game Pass Console with Day 1 - NO (because it needed Game Pass Core as well for online causing more Confusion!!!)

So Console gamers either Subbed to Game Pass Core (no Day 1) or Game Pass Ultimate to get Day 1 games and Online access in one convenient package - they didn't sub to Game Pass Console (for Day) AND Game Pass Core for Online

NOW its much simpler

Tier 1 - Game Pass Core - Online Access and 30ish Games
Tier 2 - Game Pass Standard - Tier 1 + 100's of Games
Tier 3 - Game Pass Ultimate - Tier 2 + Day 1, Game Pass for PC and Cloud, EA Access and perks.

Compared to
Tier 1 - online access
tier 2 - Day 1 games and 100's of titles to play - but NO tier 1 online access so tier 1 and tier 2 required to play games like BO6 or Forza online
Tier 3 - everything....

Nothing has CHANGED! (apart from pricing) for 99.999% of Console gamers as they either Subbed to Core or Ultimate - they never Subbed to 'Console' and the ONLY tier that has effectively changed for Console gamers is that 'Console' tier (now Standard) and instead of requiring Core to play every game in Game Pass, now they've switched out Day 1 and replaced it with Core so its a single payment enabling gamers to play EVERY game offered in that tier.

Its more like they have 'expanded' on their Game Pass Core which never included Day 1 (NO armchair warriors were 'Angry' that MS said Game Pass will have Day 1 when that changed) to include a much larger Library of games and create a 'new' tier for Console owners that maybe a LOT more appealing than 'Game Pass Console' when half the games in it were behind another Sub Pay Wall (Gold then Game Pass Core)

Its what I like to call fake anger just because its 'Microsoft'. If ALL those whingers about this were actually Subscribers of Game Pass Console, then maybe I'd understand it. If Sony adds any game Day 1, would you be Angry after Sony has stated many times its NOT Sustainable so they won't do it? Things CHANGE!!!

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


I really don't see what the issue is - And NO I'm not being a MS shill. Yes I know they said that EVERY game would come to Game Pass Day/date years ago and reiterated it over the years - but now have decided to 'change'. Netflix once said no adverts too but then introduced Packages with Ads - things change!!!

It's clear that Day 1 wasn't working for their 'Game Pass Console' tier. That tier still required Gold (which became Game Pass Core) and then didn't include the 'benefits' of the lowest tier. People on Console were either Subbing to Gold/Core OR Ultimate - neither of which are changing. Game Pass Core, when introduced a year ago was a 'Game Pass' Subscription too that didn't offer Day 1 but no-one complained about that...

As no one was really subbing to Game Pass Console, they had to make it more appealing and fit in 'better' into their Game Pass Tier system. By including the 'benefits' of the Basic Tier, MS has chosen to replace it with Day 1 - so maybe Core subscribers will be 'tempted' to increase to Standard without needing to take out 2 Subs (like they had to with the previous system) to play online.

Game Pass Core - Online Access and around 30 games to play
Game Pass Standard - GPC + a large Library (like PS+ Extra)
GP Ultimate - GP Standard + PC & Cloud, Day 1 releases & EA Access

No I'm not thrilled at a £2 a month Price Hike for GPU, but I am not angry at them changing a 'tier' that literally no one is impacted by. Those on 'Game Pass' Core never got Day 1, only those on Ultimate as no-one was subbing just to Game Pass Console (and Gold/Game Pass Core). I bet the majority of 'armchair' warriors didn't even know there was a 'Console' tier - it was either Core (without Day 1) or Ultimate (with Day 1)...

Re: Talking Point: Do You Ever Pre-Order Xbox Games Anymore?


I only pre-order if there is a good reason (for me) to pre-order - whether its getting to play the game Early (like with Starfield) or it comes with some 'extras' for pre-ordering.

I haven't pre-ordered anything Physically for years now and I refuse to pay £70 for any game. So the games I have 'pre-ordered' were on Game Pass - Starfield and now BO6. The reason for 'pre-ordering' was because of the Shattered Space DLC/early access with Starfield - and BO6 Vault edition too has 'pre-order' bonuses and comes with the Season Pass too - which I'd likely buy anyway...

So unless I feel I have a good reason, I won't pre-order.. Certainly won't pre-order for a 'Base' game that has the exact same content whether I pre-order, buy day 1 or wait for a sale. I certainly wouldn't pre-order ANY game I know is coming to Game Pass either...

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@GuyinPA75 Nope - but that's just being 'pedantic' and the reality is that circumstances and situations change. I amn ot saying they are 'copying' Sony exactly but that there are Parallels that no-one ever brings up when Sony do the 'SAME' thing.

I've never had Sony fans demand to know what games will come to Extra and exactly when? How long after Launch? When will they come to PC etc etc - its a Case by Case basis depending on many factors that are completely unknown at the time. I don't know how many times Netflix has changed over the years - both in terms of tier structure and Pricing.

The point I was trying to make is that Game Pass Console at $15 is the Same type of Service with the SAME unknowns and Pricing, yet no-one is having a go at Sony for their 'extra' tier not telling you when Wolverine will come to that service, how many 'months' or years they have to wait.

People obviously weren't buying Game Pass Console - perhaps because it also required Game Pass Core to make the most of it. Now it comes with Game Pass Core, but no longer gets Day 1 - so that 'tier' has a lot more utility. Game Pass Ultimate hasn't 'changed' and if you subbed to GPU before, other than a price increase, nothing has changed. Same with GPC so you are 'complaining' that a service tier no-one used has been 'tweaked' to the same thing that WORKS on PS, yet somehow that is Wrong....

Again an 'optional' tier that you do NOT need/require. Its not going to stop you from being able to play Day 1 releases on Xbox if you don't Subscribe, just like it doesn't on Sony's hardware either - those games will still be Sold. If you 'choose' to have an extended Library of games you can play 'whilst' subscribed, for $15 a month, PS+ Extra/Game Pass both offer games that are 6m+ old and ONLY Game Pass Ultimate tier on Console gets you Day1 games as a 'Premium' tier Subscription package.

Its more about ditching the stuff that 'isn't' working and finding something that does - and its working for Sony - Sony had to change up PSNow as that wasn't working for them too but if Sony do something its OK, but if MS do anything, its always wrong/bad despite it being the 'same' as the Market Leader - Sony.

When Sony shifted top $70, it was defended as 'Sony' are infallible but as the rest of the industry eventually felt they had to (or could) raise prices too, that was Wrong. Sony get their 'PS+' tiers and no-one questions when their games will be on their service - its a case by case basis, and now MS has a similar 'mid' tier offering, essentially dropping Day 1 in favour of Game Pass Core to be 'more' attractive to some consumers and much easier than needing Game Pass Console and Game Pass Core to get the same as Ultimate (albeit without EA Access and PC/Cloud Game Pass), somehow that's now Wrong/worse...

It's more the hypocrisy. If its 'OK' and 'Works', why not 'borrow/copy'. Sony certainly have in the past with built in Hard-drives after MS put one in the OG Xbox - at the time everyone whinged about that too - how big and heavy the console was etc, but its now 'Standard' for any Console! Things evolve and change - otherwise we'd all have to buy Storage cards for game saves for example.

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@Kevw2006 I doubt they bothered at all on Console as that would likely limit the range of games they can play - even some Day 1 games required Game Pass Core to play. I'd bet the vast majority (if not all) Game Pass subscribers on Console either had Core (for gaming online) or Ultimate for Games (inc EA Access) and a single monthly Sub.

@tho_mi and yet Sony's PS+ Extra tier or PC release Policy is on a 'Case by Case' basis. Sony have evolved their Sub services too Starting with PSNow and adding PS+ for PS4, merging them together now for PS+ with games coming to 'Extra' on a case by case basis - maybe 6m, maybe 1 or 2 yrs later, same as when they 'choose' to bring games to PC

Core hasn't really changed - but Gold needed to change as people weren't happy with the games with gold. People weren't subscribing to Game Pass for Console either and now its the 'same' situation as PS+ Extra on PS5 - you never know when 'new' releases will be available on their $15 a month tier, just like MS - however you'll complain about MS doing the same in order to make that tier potentially more appealing if its 'failing' to get the audience.

Its now 'simple' Core gives around 30ish games you can play but its mostly for 'online' access. Standard offers all the same as the Core tier, but now have a much larger library to play. Ultimate offers all the benefits of Standard + Day 1, Game Pass PC/Cloud and EA access.

No-one knows when Sony will 'choose' to bring their games to PC or to PS+ Extra - could be 6months, could be a year - yet if MS don't stipulate exactly what games in the next 20yrs will come and when, they are the bad guys. Same with 'Price' increases despite it being much cheaper than the market leader (Sony).

Again though, if you can't handle that, you do have a choice not to Subscribe at all - All the games will still be available to buy if you want, maybe will be on sale too by the time they come to 'Standard'...

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@tho_mi And the world is changing too - what may have been 'right' 8yrs ago when GP started may not be right today and as its a 'service', its likely to 'evolve' as well. Netflix isn't the same as it was 5yrs ago and has 'changed' its service plans, pricing etc too.

Neither Standard or Ultimate are required at all, both are purely optional and if you don't Subscribe, its not as if you can't play games like BO6 or Fable or Indiana Jones the day they release.

If the Service (whatever 'tier') or its 'Price' is no longer worth it to 'you' as its going to be different for everyone, then cancel. The games will still release day 1, only you'll need to buy first to play. Its not as if those 'Day 1' releases are 'ONLY' available through Game Pass Ultimate nd unless you pay for that 'tier', you can't play those games.

Who'd have thought 5yrs ago, you'd have a Gaming 'PC' in a Handheld Format but we do for around the same cost as a Premium Console. Who'd have thought MS would now own Zenimax & ABK, own all those IP's and have 'more' games now coming to Game Pass Day 1.

Just a few years ago, people were talking about a 'lack' of Games in Game Pass with just Pentiment and Grounded (plus Deathloop) in 2022. So now they have a lot more Studios, a LOT more games coming in a year, things have 'Changed' and no doubt will Change as ABK become more 'productive' for Xbox

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@armondo36 I'd argue they've created a Tier to rival PS Extra and with the same Cost per month too. Their Standard/Console Game Pass Tier would give you access to ALL the games in Game Pass on Console - inc Day 1, the same as 'Ultimate' - but of course you didn't get 'Gold' (before renamed to Core) or Game Pass for PC, for Cloud or EA Access - therefore I bet no-one really subbed to Console as a LOT of Content in Game Pass requires Gold/Core. It was a obsolete 'tier' - but offered like Game Pass PC (which never requires a sub for playing online and MS can't charge them either) and Cloud for that Platform - all of which are 'combined' in the Ultimate tier.

Now, there is some utility to Game Pass Standard - it does combine Core and like PS+ Extra, offers a large Library of older (6m+) games. Like Extra too, you do not know exactly how long some games will be out for before they come to Extra, it seems a Case by Case basis there too. but its just a single Sub per month and ALL content is accessible - inc Online Content.

If they added BO6 to Game Pass Console (before this change) you'd still need to Subscribe to Core as well to play MP/Zombies - otherwise all you'd get was whatever 'offline' content was available. Now if they add 'MW3' as an 'older' game to Game Pass Standard for example, you can play everything with a single Sub.

Re: Rumour: Day One Releases Delayed On A 'Case-By-Case Basis' For Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


How many were using Game Pass Console 'before' they changed the way this tier functions? If you had Game Pass for Console (with Day 1 games), then you'd still need to add Gold which became Game Pass Core to play online. Whilst you may have got BO6, you'd still need Game Pass Core to play everything.

Now they've 'swapped' Day 1 for Game Pass Core. This brings it more inline with Sony's PS+ 'Extra' tier - both cost $14.99 a month, both include the 'Basic tier' (PS+ Essential or GP Core) and offer a range of old and 'newer' titles but no BIG 1st Party releases Day/Date. And now Game Pass Standard also means that every game and mode can be played with a 'single' Subscription.

Of course the vast majority of Console gamers either went for GP Core for online access or Ultimate as it offered a large library of games (inc Day1 releases) and online access, EA Access etc in 'one' Subscription - I doubt many even bothered with Game Pass 'Console' for Day 1 games with or without GPCore so that tier was basically redundant.

PS+ Essential/Core is both $10 a month - although Core is now $75 a year whilst Essential is $80. Extra/Standard offers the same as the basic tier and a large range of games from 6m ago and older titles at $15 so very similar pricing and structure. Its only the Premium/Ultimate tier that 'differs' as Sony offer PS1-PS3 era games whilst MS offer Day 1 releases but is $20 compared to Sony's $18.

I can understand People's annoyance at changing messaging, changing policies and holding what someone said 'years' ago to still be relevant when so many other factors (Global economy, Consumer spending, Staff wages etc) as well as an ever evolving technological landscape, but I always try to look at things from 'beyond' my own personal situation.

I am not happy about having to pay £2 extra a month for Ultimate, but 'ultimately' it still has a LOT of Value to me and I can see why they 'changed' Standard as the Previous option would require you to have BOTH Core and Console Subscriptions to get Day 1 AND Play online. It seems now more inline with Sony's Sub service and Pricing Structure - maybe NOT a Surprise after following Sony to $70 game pricing too...

Re: Rumour: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Is Joining Xbox Game Pass This Month


@rustyduck I wouldn't pay a Penny for the SP campaign in MW3.

MW3 was 'supposed' to be a DLC to MW2 but ended up as a rushed full price release with all MW2 guns/camos coming forward.

I'd think that the troubles with the CMA and delayed acquisition by MS forced Kotick to demand a 'full' release just in case the Deal didn't go through.

Therefore the campaign is more a continuation of MW2 but extremely short and padded out with a more 'open' nature to levels - but really underwhelming. MWZ isn't that great - its kind of Warzone/DMZ like - especially as its built on the Warzone map and MP doesn't feel particularly worth it as it included the OG MW2's maps despite being called MW3 (another sign it was DLC for MW2) imo

For 'free' because you are a Subscriber, its 'OK' I guess but I think its addition to Game Pass would be more to get people into the MP and buying Season Passes/MTX's etc in readiness for BO6. They'll hope Subscribers aren't just playing the 'offline' Campaign but actually get 'hooked' on playing with friends/family online together so spend 'money' for 'online' extras...

Re: Rumour: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Is Joining Xbox Game Pass This Month


@ANJB78 Whilst you may not be interested in CoD, there are 'millions' that CoD is their favourite and most played games. Old CoD games are not really worth going back to these days as the bulk of content is online and so may not have enough players to fill lobbies. That leaves an 8hr-ish Campaign

Whilst the 'new' Games are somewhat tied to CoD HQ where you can access various Single Player Campaigns, there MP's and/or co-op modes as well as Warzone - you can 'delete' some aspects to reduce the size - no longer play MW2 or MW, delete that content and its got a smaller footprint, don't need to install MW3's campaign...

@CaptainCapture I think that you are paying 'more' now because games like Call of Duty will be in Game Pass Day 1 'Starting' with BO6 and of course have the entire ABK back library and IP's they can also add into Game Pass - games you would never have got in GP before or in the future.

MS may have closed a couple of Studios (under the Zenimax group) but also opened 2 new Studios under ABK - Infinity Ward Austin and Elsewhere Studios whose games will be in Game Pass Ultimate Day 1.

That increase is also paying for More Studios making Games for Game Pass. ABK was bigger than both Xbox Game Studios and Zenimax Game Studios combined with many having multiple Studios. Blizzard isn't just '1' Studio, Infinity Ward isn't just 1 Studio. So that increase now adds ABK games - both old and 'new' to games you can expect in Game Pass. Before, it was just Xbox Studios, the Xbox & Zenimax, now Xbox, Zenimax and ABK...

Re: Rumour: Call Of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Is Joining Xbox Game Pass This Month


MW3 coming to Game Pass would not be a Day 1 release - so could come to the 'new' Standard tier as well. With BO6 coming in a few months day and date to Game Pass 'Ultimate' (at the very least having already announced its inclusion and offered pre-orders of its 'Vault' edition on GP), I think it would be odd for MW3 to be only available on the highest tier.

I could see MW3 come to Game Pass Core now its nearly at the end of its 'annual' cycle and getting people in now to buy the last 'seasonal' pass and/or Cosmetic bundles before BO6 comes. That may also encourage some to 'upgrade' for BO6 to Ultimate...

Re: Xbox Game Pass Changes Partly Because Microsoft 'Isn't Seeing Strong Growth', Claims Analyst


@OldGamer999 Xbox as a Brand is relatively strong - however Xbox hardware has suffered as a result of changes they implemented nearly a decade ago...

Around 2016 ish, MS announced that ALL their games would release Day/Date on PC starting with Forza Horizon 3 so that alone made the Console 'optional'. PC Gamers aren't buying an Xbox to play the same games they can on their PC but they are also 'Microsoft' customers too...

Now as Cloud 'improves' and can become an 'alternative' to buying a console, that too eliminates the need to buy a Series S/X - or upgrade from your XB1 so again, that undermines console sales as some won't see the need - either because 'Cloud' is sufficient or they prefer to play on PC. If anything, it just means that PC gamers won't waste money on an Xbox that doesn't have any games they can't play on PC but there is still incentive to buy Switch or Playstation instead.

Its still 'Xbox' as Xbox is Microsoft's gaming division and, like Sega, don't necessarily need 'Hardware' sales to grow Xbox as a Brand. 'Growth' is much more likely to be measured in Revenue than how many Xbox consoles there are.

Whilst I do agree that the Console has a 'place' and I'd be disappointed if MS pulled out of the Console market, I also don't know how sustainable that market can be 'long' term. Building at a 'loss' to get people and then make them pay for 'online' gaming to offset those and the monopoly the Platform holder has in terms of Digital storefronts...

Xbox though isn't just the Series S/X these days and doesn't offer some gamers any reason to buy 'hardware' - either because hardware they own lets them play games at much lower cost (Cloud) or they have hardware already that can play games natively at (or better than) console performance. I'd not buy a Series S/X to play at 30fps when my PC can play the same games at 60fps (or better) so why would others?

Re: Xbox Game Pass Changes Partly Because Microsoft 'Isn't Seeing Strong Growth', Claims Analyst


I think there is a fundamental difference between PC and Console in that Console has required an online Subscription for decades now whilst PC does not.

MS can't charge PC gamers for accessing online content so 'Game Pass Core' has no utility on PC. On Console, if Standard was the same as PC, customers would still need to Sub to Game Pass Core as well as Standard to get the 'online access'.

Therefore, on Console, it seems they have opted to make Standard a 'singular' Subscription for Console gamers by including 'Online Access' instead of Day 1 so they can play every game without requiring another Subscription for online access too...

If Customers don't see 'value', they'll drop whatever tier sub they are on. Console 'Ultimate' subscribers may downgrade to Standard or even Core now, choose to buy whatever games in sales instead of 'upgrading' to a higher tier or increasing their monthly Sub costs.

It could have the opposite effect of pushing Console gamers to downgrade or quit Game Pass on Console altogether...

Re: Microsoft Provides More Detail On Its New Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@Ooccoo_Jr I think most will not struggle - even if they are not gamers clued up.

For decades now, its known you need a Subscription for Online gaming on Console - PS+ Essential/Game Pass Core is that Sub service.

The next tier up gives them access to a Library of great games that have been out for a while they can play 'for free' whilst they remain subscribed to that tier - just won't get Day 1 releases.

The next tier up adds Cloud streaming & PC Gaming for playing ANYWHERE - not just on Xbox as well as EA Access and Day 1 releases. Its the 'Premium' tier and so Consumers will decide if they 'added' bonuses of 'Ultimate' are worth paying more a month for or whether Core or Standard tiers would suit them better - no different to deciding whether you want/need PS+ Premium or maybe PS+ Essential or Extra is sufficient....

Re: Microsoft Provides More Detail On Its New Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@PsBoxSwitchOwner some indies and online games that have other monetisation methods (Season Passes, MTX's etc) - but not their big AAA Games like Spider-Man, Wolverine, God of War, Horizon etc...

I know it has the odd game, but in general, its not offering their games Day/Date in the service like Game Pass Ultimate does. Nothing says MS won't put 'ANY' day 1 games at all into Game Pass Standard for example - they could still put the odd Indie/Online game if they thought it would benefit the game more...

Point is - its more akin now to PS+ 'Extra'

Re: Here's A Complete List Of All Price Increases Coming To Xbox Game Pass


An extra £2 a month for Day 1 releases, ability to play 'Anywhere' (inc my Gaming PC's, Samsung TV's etc ) & EA Access. I own more than 'just' an Xbox Series X where I game so Ultimate still makes sense and is still good value, even if it isn't quite the same Value it was.

I really don't know what the Confusion is though - its similar to Sony's tiered PS+

PS+ Essential - like GPCore is needed for Online Games and each offers a 'small' collection (24-36ish games a year) Sony giving 2-3 away each month, MS keeping that small collection available all year rotating games out as and when...

Game Pass Standard, like PS+ Extra offers a large collection of great games that have released over the years you may have missed but don't get Day 1 releases.

GPU is the Premium Tier offering Day 1 releases (unlike Sony's PS1-PS3 collection) as well as Game Pass PC/Cloud, EA Access etc so you can play Anywhere, not just on 'Series S/X' Consoles...

It's value will be different to everyone, but for me its still great value (if they get their games out at the quality we expect and on time). In the next 6 months, we have CoD, Avowed, Indiana Jones, MSFS24, Stalker 2 etc coming....

Re: Microsoft Provides More Detail On Its New Xbox Game Pass Standard Tier


@Ooccoo_Jr Its very similar to PS+ Essential, extra, Premium tiers.

Core, like Essential, offers around 24-36 games a year you can play - PS+ gives a few games 'monthly' where as Core has the range of games available all the time. Its the 'basic' Sub required for Online gaming.

Standard, like PS+ Extra offers a Large library of games you can play that maybe slightly 'older' but you won't get 'Day 1' releases (that's been 'substituted' for Game Pass Core). It includes everything you 'need' to play a large Library of games on Xbox Console only. Its very similar to the PS+ Extra tier.

Ultimate is their Premium Service - offering Day 1 games, combine Game Pass Standard, PC and Cloud into so can play 'anywhere', and also gives EA Access. Unlike Sony's Premium service which offers PS1-PS3 games, this offers Day 1 releases of NEW games...

The 'new' Standard is basically a way to 'simplify' - either you get Day 1 games - but still need to Sub to Game Pass Core for 'online' or you drop Day 1 but now can play every game offered inc online modes. PC doesn't have an 'online' fee so PC Game Pass (its direct equivalent) is offering Day 1 games instead...

It makes sense to me - Standard is specific for Xbox Console users and doesn't offer Day 1, EA Access, PC/Cloud Game Pass etc - equivalent to PS+ 'Extra'

Re: US Sales Figures Reveal Interesting Stats About Xbox Series X|S & Hellblade 2


Consoles have their place and for MS, its an optional piece of Hardware designed to play games at a certain 'price' point. The Series S is the 'entry' tier hardware for those that maybe aren't bothered about or need 'PS5' equivalent performance the Series X offers.

However, the 'entry' tier doesn't even require a Console - and now you can stream games directly to your TV/Fire Stick. Don't need a Series S/X 'upgrade' either if you have an XB1S/X as they can still use Cloud streaming to play games not natively released on their hardware - and in some cases may provide a 'better' experience - 60fps streamed over 30fps native, 1080p vs 720-900p etc...

But anyone with a gaming PC isn't likely to buy an Xbox when buying a Playstation/Switch has exclusives not on PC day 1 but Xbox games release day 1 on PC anyway. Unless it offers some situational advantage - like saves transferring, it maybe better to invest in a new GPU, CPU or RAM instead of buying an Xbox.

Some may just be happy to subscribe and play whatever games are in Game Pass Cloud - whether on PC/tablet/mobile, Xbox (last gen hardware) or Firestick for example so won't buy a Series S/X, others may have some Gaming PC set-up (Handheld, Laptop or Desktop) so don't need/want a console that has the same Day 1 'exclusives' as their PC..

That leaves a 'small' segment of Gamers that want the 'hardware' tier experience (above Cloud) in a simple 'plug/play' box so Series S/X makes sense. Its not like PS5 where you either buy the Console or 'miss out' on some Day 1 games that may come to PC in a year or 3, don't buy an Xbox, you can still play Starfield or Forza

Re: US Sales Figures Reveal Interesting Stats About Xbox Series X|S & Hellblade 2


Game Pass Games are more about getting people in, getting people playing and recommending to friends with maybe sales coming much later down the line when games become 'unavailable' on Game Pass.

IF MS wanted Sales, they could remove games from GP to encourage Gamers to buy (or risk losing access) but maybe GP won't be as attractive a subscription without 'big' games in it...

Re: Dead Rising's OG Voice Actor Has 'No Answer' For Why Capcom Didn't Bring Him Back


Makes no difference to me - a voice is a voice and I couldn't tell you what the character should/shouldn't sound like. If it suits the character, the game, the writing etc, I couldn't care less who voices a character.

All this talk about 'professional' voice actors and potentially being 'replaced' by AI, I couldn't care less. If I can't tell or it suits the game (because the voice is supposed to be AI like Cortana), I couldn't care less that it wasn't voiced by a 'human'. So why would I care if a voice isn't by an OG voice actor or even by a Human...

Re: Don't Get Your Hopes Up About Banjo-Kazooie, Suggests New Xbox Rumour


I don't know if they ever will bring back a Banjo Kazooie game - after all Yooka-Laylee wasn't 'massively' popular and the 3D platformer genre in general too isn't what it was 30yrs ago.

All the Banjo games are playable on Xbox today so its not as if Gamers don't have playable options.

Even if they don't make a Banjo game specifically, they could make a Kart racer, a Party Brawler or some other multi-IP type game. Characters like Banjo & Kazooie could race or fight with other 'MS owned' IP's and Characters - like Spyro, Crash Bandicoot, Conker, Psychonauts, Pip Boy, Doom Guy, Master Chief, Joanna Dark, Blinx etc etc.

If they had something like that in development, they aren't working on a new Banjo game, don't have a Banjo game in development, but does have an active project related to Banjo-Kazooie. 'Forza Karts' for example with Karts/characters from MS IP's like Banjo wouldn't be a Banjo game, but an active project that features Banjo...

Re: Digital Foundry Explores Why Some Games 'Run Better' On PS5 Than Xbox Series X


Either one has a slightly higher res or the other has a slightly better performance - but hardly enough that one is definitively 'better' - unlike the 360 or PS4 gen for example. Arguably the closest Playstation and Xbox gen ever.

If you have to only choose one or the other, can't have 'both', then multi-platform games shouldn't really factor in. Its not like the 360 era when buying a Playstation meant worse multi-platform experiences or the PS4 era when XB1S couldn't offer 'parity'. Now its 'minor' differences that pretty much seem to even out...

Re: Strange New Xbox Dashboard Shows Up In The Unlikeliest Of Places


@Yousef- Rimac are a 'new' brand after starting up as an Electric Drivetrain maker, converting Petrol cars to Electric. They became the 'best' and were supplying their technology to other Car Brands before developing their own Car and going on to 'own' Bugatti

Anyway, on topic, It could well be some revision or the UI of that vehicle - like the Armoury Crate on a RoG Ally to get the 'gaming dashboard'. It makes sense as its still just a display with an online connection that 'streaming' games could be an option. If it can stream Netflix, it can basically stream games, so MS Cloud 'could' work. Most have Bluetooth (to connect your Phone), so why not have bluetooth for a controller too...

Re: Ubisoft Is Making Multiple Assassin's Creed Remakes Alongside New Series Entries


On the one hand, I think its great that a Franchise is playable for everyone on 'newer' hardware, it's perhaps disappointing for those wanting 'new' games.

As far as I am concerned, I am not likely to re-buy games (anymore) that I already own and/or played unless they have good reason to replay. One such reason could be to make the game the way they 'envisioned' but were unable to, had to compromise on that vision because the hardware was limiting - and I don't just mean limited the 'resolution' or the 'performance'.

I'd rather see a Reboot or a complete remake than a remaster. Some remasters seem nothing more than a 'port' with the same assets, character models etc - like playing in BC with Frame Rate and/or Resolutions boosts instead of adding any 'meaningful' changes (like improved Character Models, textures, assets etc built from Scratch, Improved Lighting, maybe RT GI) or even returning things that were 'cut' due to Hardware limitations too..

Re: Xbox Remains The Controller Of Choice For Steam Users, Unsurprisingly


The offset design is the most comfortable and feels most 'natural' for playing games over a long period. The left Thumbstick is in the most optimum place and as you don't often take you thumb off to access the D-Pad its the most comfortable for extended play.

With the right Thumbstick, you are constantly required to press one of the buttons - A to jump, B to crouch or melee, Y to reload or swap weapons, X to interact for example and some games don't require the left thumbstick at all so it never feels uncomfortable over long periods.

I also think the Grip is very important. The old PS1-PS3 controllers were 'small' and the grip was not very bulbous and more pointy so I found it very uncomfortable. The angle of the triggers too felt off - maybe why most Shooters used the Shoulder buttons as 'aim/fire' instead with 'triggers' for grenades and stuns.

However, the DS4 was much better designed with more Bulbous grips that stopped your hands slipping off and much better trigger angle. That for me made the DS4 far more usable - especially in racing games. The DS5 is an extension of that but whilst it is far more comfortable/usable over the PS3 and earlier controllers, its still not as comfortable/usable for me as the Xbox controller...

Re: Xbox Remains The Controller Of Choice For Steam Users, Unsurprisingly


My favourite and 'best' controller I have ever used is my Elite V2 Xbox controller and the controller I use across PC and Xbox gaming.

I do notice when streamers are using a Controller on steam as their button prompts are very different and I do notice far more with the Xbox prompts - which would make sense if more than double are using the Xbox over a Sony controller - although I do see quite a bit of 'love' for Sony's DS5 'Edge' controller in discussions.

Personally I prefer the Elite as I can easily change the height of thumbsticks as well as tension and Trigger Stops (great for FPS games, but not great if you like the adaptive trigger functions on Edge/DS5) as well as 4 paddles to assign in the most comfortable and robust controller so it's also my preferred choice on PC too...

Re: Xbox Patent Reveals What 'Keystone' Streaming Device Might Have Looked Like


@TheSimulator With the latest Samsung TV's, you have Game Pass App built in and can hard-wire to a router too if wifi isn't great. TV's have Bluetooth too so can connect a Controller and play all without needing to connect that 'box' to a display.

That would be a solution for older TV's and other brands that perhaps can't/won't allow Game Pass (Sony TV's perhaps), but with modern Displays connected to internet and with Bluetooth to connect a controller, they may not need to release any 'streaming' only box.

Re: Hellblade 2 Apparently Failed To Crack Top 100 Game Sales In Europe Last Month


Difference between a Game like Starfield for example is that is 100's of hours worth of playability, replayability too with different specs and options to try etc compared to a very short game with 'little' replayability and arguably not much 'game-play' at all.

Without Game-Pass, I'd not buy Hellblade 2 at all - despite its 'lower' cost. It would seem to be a LOT of money for less than 10hrs and at best, the type of game I'd pick up in a sale for under £5 if I bothered at all. With Game Pass, it just means that I don't have to purchase at all or wait for the inevitable sales. If I really wanted to play, I'd jump in, play through it all and move on, no Purchase...

It's just not a 'Mainstream' game and is much more an experience than a 'game' too. The Combat and Puzzles aren't there to serve the Game-play, they are there to feed into the Psychosis, the voices, to create that dynamic back and forth between those voices - so it's not for 'everyone', even though 'everyone' could play.

That's before you consider the fact this game had no 'Physical' release and a lot of 'charts' are only factoring Physical sales.

Re: Forza Horizon 4 To Be Delisted On Xbox And PC In December 2024


Always likely to happen with so many Licenced vehicles across so many different brands such as this. All those armchair warriors going on about delisting a game like FH4, the whole reason they have short-ish life cycles is because they have to pay a Licence to EVERY brand that costs money but the game is no longer making money as everyone that would buy, has bought.

That doesn't mean those that have bought will no longer be able to play - just that no 'new' players can buy after a certain date because MS cannot 'sell' and therefore make money from other peoples IP's/assets etc - like Ford or Ferrari badges, cars etc.

If you own this 6yr old game, whether Physical or Digital, you'll still be able to play for the foreseeable future beyond the game being 'delisted'

Re: The Coalition Continues To Hype Up Gears Of War: E-Day With New Message In Gears 5


As I've said, I am so happy that they are returning to the horror of 'WAR' that made Gears of War such a great trilogy. I can understand the annoyance of not 'concluding' Gears 5 in a satisfactory way, that it leaves Gears fans wanting a conclusion, but I don't think that would have been as 'exciting'.

In my opinion, I think they should probably of added a new Act or 2 as DLC to Gears 5 to 'conclude' that story, maybe instead of Hivebusters (although that was good too) and ideally, before Gears E-day releases. I think they could or should make two paths - a Dark and a Light Path depending on the decision you made as a 'free' DLC drop for 5. I think that ending though does make it very difficult to do '6' without at least a better conclusion to 5 so I think they ought to conclude that in a better way. Because that choice at the end really does affect any separate sequel - what decision is canon?

Re: Xbox's Avowed Is Fully Playable In Third-Person, Confirms Obsidian


I think I'm much more likely to play this in 3rd Person but I'll decide after trying both. In general, I don't tend to use both but try both and pick which I prefer. Often with shooting (like Fallout, Starfield) I prefer First person but if I'm swinging a sword and dodging in that CQC melee combat, I'm playing in 3rd Person.

There is something weird about swinging swords in First person, the view/animation just doesn't look 'right/natural' to me, as if the body is far too stiff - although that's more to keep the camera a lot more steady/static.

Re: Talking Point: 10 Years On From 'Rise Of The Dark Spark', Should Activision Bring Back Transformers?


Activision lost , or didn't renew the licence and I thought those games were delisted so can't be bought today (unless you can find a physical copy used somewhere). Therefore I really don't expect these to comeback or some 'special' deal being made to let the 'few' who still own a copy, still on Xbox and still going to play this game because they 'can't' sell new copies to new gamers in their store without a full licence...

They don't 'sell' Goldeneye - its part of 'Rare Replay' and can be played on Game Pass. That kind of gets around the 'making money' from anothers IP.

Re: It's Gone Quiet Lately, But Xbox's Towerborne Is Still Launching In 2024


@JustinSane The banner saga bit was another reason it doesn't appeal but the actual Game-play style has no appeal to me personally.

I have no desire to play but because its on Game Pass, I'd only play to make up the numbers if my friends all wanted to play. If it wasn't on Game Pass, I wouldn't buy it to play with friends, I'd play something else.

Re: Xbox Exec Talks Multiplatform Strategy, Team 'Really Pleased' With Sea Of Thieves On PS5


Instead of spending $500 on a PS and $500 on an Xbox, each requiring an Online Subscription to play most AAA games, spend that money (inc Sub fees for the lifetime you'll play) and you have Hardware that not only beats the Consoles in Graphics and performance, but also has the largest Game library of all, that will get EVERY MS game and Sony's Live Service releases Day 1 with Sony's Single Player games coming later but also get EVERY game on PC (Steam, Epic, Emulated Nintendo/sega/playstation game) all cheaper than Console and without having to pay a Sub fee for 'online' gaming.

A PS5 day 1 costs $500 and if you pay for online through Sony's store over 5yrs, that's $600 before you consider buying games too. That's enough to buy a decent PC that will be better than a PS5 and because you didn't buy an Xbox or need to pay online for that too, can save that money to 'upgrade' your PC so it remains 'better' than console.

Sony are releasing EVERYTHING on PC so why buy a Playstation? Xbox is on PC too so why buy a Console at all? In fact you can buy a RoG Ally for the same priced as just 1 console and that has Every Xbox release and will have every Sony release as well as all the PC and 'old' games games too. If its just about where the games 'are' you are better off on PC than Playstation! Even if Playstation does eventually get 'some' Xbox games, Xbox still has them first and buying an Xbox will enable you to play Indiana Jones, Avowed, Fable, Gears, Halo, Forza etc etc etc Day 1 on that Console - whether you also want to play 'Free' with Game Pass or buy the game to own. Buying a Playstation 5 won't get you access at all to those games.

As Sony are releasing everything on PC now, as is MS too, you might as well buy the next Steam Deck or a PC - no need to buy a Playstation at all and be 'locked' in to Sony's controlled and censored ecosystem, held to ransom over Online gaming - pay PS+ fee or you can't play the full content of games you paid money to play. Stop paying PS+ Essential and half the games are 'unplayable' or extremely limited in what you can play.

You can build a decent PC to 'beat' current 'Premium' consoles for the price of owning both and save money on ANY Sub fees

Game Pass Ultimate (the ability to play those games ''Free' across any hardware) is effectively £7 a month if you consider you 'have' to spend money on Game Pass Core just for 'online' gaming on Xbox which is included in GPU.

Re: Xbox Exec Talks Multiplatform Strategy, Team 'Really Pleased' With Sea Of Thieves On PS5


@Jenkinss Who says its a given? Who say's that they'll even launch Day q on Playstation?

At the moment, you have very little 'confirmed' for Playstation and really, the only game that 'succeeded' was Sea of Thieves - an online Community based game. A game that was '6yrs' old on Xbox and 'exhausted' the Xbox/PC community so the 'ONLY' way to grow was to release on PS5.

Other than CoD, which we knew would release Day 1 on Playstation and Doom - an IP that's been on basically every platform, you've got Minecraft too - another Multi-platform online community based IP.

Playstation doesn't have Halo, Gears, Forza, Starfield, Hellblade 2 and won't be getting Avowed, Indiana Jones, Fable, Perfect Dark, Flight Sim, Gears E-Day, South of Midnight, Clockwork Revolution or State of Decay 3 - certainly not at launch so those are ALL Exclusive to Xbox. Maybe Hellblade 2 or Starfield could release on PS5 eventually, but you still get them first on Xbox and can play 'FREE' with Game Pass Ultimate on ANY compatible hardware - inc PC and Xbox Consoles - or even Stream on even more Hardware. My TV has Xbox Game Pass built in to stream games without a Console so I can play BO6 or Doom 'free' via Game Pass Ultimate on my TV, on my 3080ti Laptop, on my Series X or RoG Ally.

You are missing the fact that Game Pass Ultimate doesn't 'require' you to spend $500 on a console. It works on that hardware of course and gives a specific tier - Series X is 'equivalent' to PS5 tier in that its targeting 4k visuals where Series S is 1440p and less likely to offer 'performance' modes and streaming is tier below Series S. However, if you have a decent Gaming PC you can play ALL those Xbox games for 'Free' with your Game Pass Subscription too.

Its NO different from Playstation with their PS+ Subscriptions - you can play their games in PS+ Extra for 'Free' too - just that their games in their service are not DAY 1 releases. You can 'wait' to play 'free' with your PS+ subscription too or not Subscribe and just 'buy' the games as and when you want - same with Game Pass too - except they add 'brand new' releases Day 1 into their Sub service and Ultimate means you don't 'need' to buy an Xbox at all because you can play on PC/Cloud too...

Re: It's Gone Quiet Lately, But Xbox's Towerborne Is Still Launching In 2024


@RBRTMNZ Not really - just because I don't have 'interest' in a game doesn't mean I can't participate or comment on threads about it. Also doesn't mean that I can't change my mind if I see/read something that does change my mind.

The Poll has options for those who aren't 'excited' and if ONLY those that are excited, click on the article, vote and/or comment, that is going to produce a very 1 sided perspective.

If you are excited for it, great! I am certainly not saying this game shouldn't be made or 'exist' just because it isn't appealing to me, and certainly won't try and tell people what they should/shouldn't do for having a different perspective as you seem to think you can...

Re: It's Gone Quiet Lately, But Xbox's Towerborne Is Still Launching In 2024


This isn't on my wishlist - I don't think its 'my thing' at all and I certainly am not excited for Towerborne. I've never had any interest in the Banner Saga either.

With games like Indiana Jones, Stalker 2 and BO6 coming to Game Pass, let alone games like AC: Shadows and Star Wars: Outlaws, I cannot see myself even wanting to 'try' this...

Re: Xbox's Acquisition Of Obsidian Helped The Team Stick To Single-Player For Avowed


Can't say I'm excited to play Avowed, but that's more because I don't know if I'll want or have the time to put in to an RPG and also I have never played a Pillars of Eternity game either.

With games like Stalker 2, Indiana Jones and even BO6 coming this year, those single player games appeal more at the moment but I'd have had far less interest in Avowed had they gone the MP route...

Re: Xbox Exec Talks Multiplatform Strategy, Team 'Really Pleased' With Sea Of Thieves On PS5


As I clearly stated, the games are 'FREE' on Game Pass meaning you have to have a GP subscription (which does cost) to be able to play those games 'FREE', at NO extra cost. Just like you can play Spider-Man or Ratchet & Clank 'FREE' on PS+ Extra or get PS1-PS3 games and streaming 'Free' on PS+ Premium tier. Game Pass Ultimate doesn't mean I have to play on Console either, it means I can play ANYWHERE on Game Pass for 'free' just like your Netflix or Disney+ subscription allows you to watch any Content they have 'free' on ANY platform that Netflix, Disney+ or Game Pass exists...

Because I have Game Pass Ultimate, I can play games like Avowed, Indiana Jones, MSFS, Stalker 2, Black Ops 6 etc as well as hundreds of other games on my Series X, 3080ti PC, RoG Ally or Samsung TV if I want. I'm not 'locked' to Xbox and only Xbox consoles.

Game Pass is a 'platform' like Netflix or Disney+ that allows you to access ALL the content they have for 'Free'. If you don't want to watch or play the Content they offer, you don't Subscribe to that 'platform'. I Subscribe to Game Pass Ultimate to be able to play the Games within for FREE on ANY platform I have, not just my Series X...

Re: Xbox Exec Talks Multiplatform Strategy, Team 'Really Pleased' With Sea Of Thieves On PS5


@TheGameThrifter Who said Game Pass was Free? I never did. It certainly doesn't cost that much - not if you shop around and/or earn rewards/points through MS to earn free months or exchange reward points for a month of GPU.

MS aren't releasing everything on Playstation and even if they did, the vast majority won't be Day/Date. Why buy a Playstation when all their games are on PC? MS also release on PC, so might as well buy a PC or SteamDeck instead - then you also don't have to pay $120 a year on PS+ Essential just to play games online. I know PS+ can be cheaper if you don't pay 'monthly' through Sony's Store, but its the same way you calculated the Game Pass Ultimate Cost.

Take Black Ops 6 as that is a game on Game Pass and on PS5. To play that - inc MP/Zombies for a year on PS5 would cost you $70 to buy the game + $120 for PS+ - so $190 (+ whatever Tax is required) a year. And that only lets me play on Playstation.With Game Pass Ultimate, I can play Black Ops 6 for the year, as well as hundreds of other games, inc Day 1 exclusives like Avowed, Indiana Jones, Stalker 2 and MSFS as well as Hellblade 2, Starfield, Gears, Forza, Halo etc on ANY compatible hardware, not just Xbox consoles.

Look ahead to 2025, Games like Doom, CoD and MLB will be on PS5 - and that's likely to be $210 before you add the $120 a year PS+ Essential and you can only play on Playstation. On Game Pass Ultimate, I can play those at no cost on whatever Platform I choose - whether its on my Series X or 3080ti PC, maybe my RoG Ally or Samsung TV. I'm not 'locked' to a Console...

Game Pass Ultimate combines Game Pass Console, GP for PC, GP for Cloud, EA Access and GP Core for online play on Xbox. So I can play BO6 on my Xbox Series X, on my 3080ti PC, on my Samsung TV/Mobile via Cloud, on my XB1X etc all at no EXTRA cost.

So in terms of differentiating between the two - you have Xbox with its Exclusives (Fable, Perfect Dark, Halo, Forza, Flight Sim, Hellblade 2, Indiana Jones, Avowed, Gears of War, South of Midnight, Clockwork Revolution etc etc) and Sony with theirs (God of War, Horizon, Uncharted, SpiderMan, Wolverine, Concorde, Helldivers etc).

As far as 'Subscription' services, BOTH require a Subscription for ONLINE gaming (inc some SP games these days) but MS's Ultimate tier gives you access to hundreds of games inc all theirs and some 3rd Party games day/date and lets you stream games to any compatible device, even last gen Xbox hardware if they can't 'run' the game. It also lets you play Locally on PC and if you have a 'decent' gaming PC, its going to beat playing on PS/Xbox hardware in terms of Frame Rates and/or Graphical settings. Sony's service gives access to some of their games and older multi-platform games but not day 1 unless its a live service or indie game. You have to subscribe to their highest tier to get their PS1-PS3 era games and streaming - if you want to ALSO play on PC, then you'll have to buy Spider-Man, God of War etc again.