Comments 995

Re: Xbox Dev Confirms Backwards Compatibility Issue, Provides Temporary Workaround


@vrubayka Most big companies like Microsoft don't see the value in funding smaller projects - they don't care if it made a massive profit for what it was because the profit wasn't AS big as the AAA games. Which is especially stupid for Microsoft of all companies, who have a subscription service that could really use those smaller releases that can be made at a faster rate.

Re: Xbox's New 'Standard' Game Pass Tier Is Now Available To Everyone


The 'perks' really should be with Standard or Core. Core's equivalent of PS+ Essential is the one they give perks with, and they're not only more plentiful but better overall. If things like the P3R Pass aren't going to be the standard instead of the very rare exception, I don't see a reason to try and pass it as justification for paying more for Ultimate.

Re: Soapbox: 12 Months Later, I Definitely Still Miss Xbox Games With Gold


It would be one thing if GWG was gone but they put the money into GP in some way, but they didn't. Core's line up is a bunch of games you could buy on sale for almost the same price as a year of the service, we didn't see an increase of quantity or quality of GP games, and the Perks w/ Ultimate are the same if arguably worse than they were when GWG was around, the Persona 3 Reload Pass being the single exception.

Re: Reaction: Xbox Focusing On 'Blockbuster Games' Should Be No Surprise After The Failure Of Concord


Concord is an exception to the rule because it literally did everything wrong from the get go. You can make a new IP and have it grow to potentially become a franchise, but the ones that do it correctly take their time. Something like Yo-Kai Watch could've still been prominent now and been a lot of peoples' preference to Pokemon if they didn't blow all their momentum in a few years. But if you're not independent, you're also at the whims of idiots like the people at Microsoft, who almost killed Hi-Fi Rush before it potentially became more than a one-of. Personally I hope to see Bugsnax become a small franchise, with like a Slime Rancher spin-off.

Re: Microsoft Had Two Transformers Games Rated In Australia Last Month


@TheUnrestCure I doubt they'll go that far, for this specifically. Even if it's just making the old games backwards and or relisting the XBO/PS4 FoC port, RotDS, & Devastation, it's Microsoft doing what they can in the immediate short term while saying they know there's a demand for these old games. Hasbro's gonna be making toys based on WFC & FoC for a good while - if these games get dedicated Remasters with online in a reasonable time, both companies stand to profit massively.

Re: Microsoft Had Two Transformers Games Rated In Australia Last Month


@InterceptorAlpha Only Boss I had trouble with on Hard was Soundwave weirdly enough. Since it's such a cramped arena if one of you gets downed it snowballs quickly, so I ended up doing it and only it solo. The Trypticon fight has a good few factors that can make it very easy, like knowing you can get the healing weapons for it or that there's a spot in Phase 2 that completely blocks all but two of his attacks.

Re: Microsoft Had Two Transformers Games Rated In Australia Last Month


I could also see Hasbro being super cooperative with getting the Activision games back on peoples' radars and in their game libraries ASAP considering they started making very well done toys of the games and the movies with tie-in games. It'd be beneficial for Hasbro, Microsoft, gamers, and the IP itself alike, which could lead to full on remakes/remasters with servers again, along with similar revivals for the Marvel games.

Re: Microsoft Had Two Transformers Games Rated In Australia Last Month


Even if it's just making WFC & FoC backwards, without relisting them or bringing the servers back, it's a start and shows they intend to not just sit on all these games. I can see them slowly making the licensed games backwards while working on full-on remasters/collections for current consoles as a warm up for getting more interest.

Re: Talking Point: Does Microsoft Have A '30FPS' Problem With Its Xbox Series X|S Output?


Microsoft and Sony are the ones who created the issue, so I don't feel bad for them in the least. Since the Xbox One-PS4 Gen they've been talking about 1080-60 when most of their games a console Gen later can't do that, and NOW they promised 4K 60FPS this Gen as the standard.

Aside from specific genres where it's noticeable like FPS, I generally don't care as long as it's stable. But don't say you're going to do something as a company if you're not 110% sure you can do it, then complain about people complaining about the things you promised and they paid for.

Re: Xbox Boss Phil Spencer Comments On Indiana Jones PS5, And Microsoft's Plan Moving Forward


Seems my plan going forward is not bothering with Xbox again. Has the least amount of software across all consoles, even if we include the backwards titles that're on a timer and don't include the shovelware on everything but Xbox. Personally can't even say the hardware is reliable - pack-in controller got drift faster than my Joycons with less play and I constantly have random issues with the console itself compared to my 360 or One.

Re: Xbox Shows Off Extended Footage From Raven Software's Call Of Duty: Black Ops 6 Campaign


@Frmknst TBH I think Microsoft are the oblivious ones. The people who just buy the yearly CoD, yearly sports games, and one thing here or there aren't gonna care about Game Pass. If they cared about those other games, they probably had Game Pass before the Activision buy. And for those people just buying those games like they always did is the least complicated solution.

Re: Blizzard's Overwatch 2 Is Integrating With Xbox Game Pass Next Month


@Runex2121 And I can understand that perspective, but like I said, for me most of the GP games I play are either old or cheaper Indies. I've played two, maybe three max Day One games that're $60-70 in the few years I've had it so, just not for me. As for replaying games it's not that I do it often, but more just liking the option that I can long term, you know? Especially anything with Local Co-op I can throw out as an option when people come over.