Comments 995

Re: Microsoft Has Reportedly Discussed Acquiring IP From Ubisoft


Ubisoft's IPs are worth more than the company while costing less, which is why you hear companies talking about wanting to buy the IPs and not Ubisoft itself. I don't really care who gets Assassin's Creed as long as they change it back to what it used to be, instead of another generic Open World grind game. Rayman would be a good fit for Nintendo, because every game could be the wackiness of Mario Wonder and more difficult than Donkey Kong making it stand out from their other Platformers.

Re: Bethesda Provides Update On Starfield DLC & Future Plans For Xbox RPG


I'm still shocked they fumbled this game like they did... I'd be willing to ignore the vast amount of nothing, even on the main planets that should be covered in cities and only have one settlement. But the gameplay is so dumbed down and lacks any meaning that it's just not enjoyable. It just had to be Fallout 4 in space... but the only thing they learned from Fallout 4 was the voiced protag was a bad idea. So Fallout 4 was a bad Fallout game because it was made to be Starfield's prototype, but the prototype was better than the end product.

Re: Talking Point: Which Xbox Games Would You Love To See Relisted This Year?


I find it so bizarre they were willing to make a backwards compatibility program but not do anything to maintain the library of games it offers from being removed. By virtue of the sale licenses expiring and devs delisting their own games, within the next few years it'll get to the point where if you don't already have the games, it's not a feature you can use. To the point it'd likely be a waste of resources to make it work on the next Xbox console.

Aside from that, while I'd love the Activision games being added, I'd rather have the ability to play things like War for Cybertron of MUA online, even if it meant paying for a Remaster.

Re: Microsoft Rewards Appears To Be Increasing Its Prices For Xbox Game Pass


Stopped using Game Pass Ultimate since the first butchering of the rewards program and haven't missed it in the least. Won't pay for Core as it's a massive scam for someone who owns all the old and cheap games it offers, effectively making it $60 for online and nothing else. I'll gladly buy the MCC again on PS5 to play it online as PS Plus is amazing compared to Core.

Re: Talking Point: Five Years On, Would You Want To See A Gears Tactics 2?


I'm of the opinion we need more spin-offs of established IPs in gaming as a whole, it'd especially benefit Microsoft having their own subscription service. As an example, I feel a Halo: Spartan Assault sequel made for console instead of mobile would be a great addition. Have a 5 or 6 hour Campaign with Co-op, a Survival Mode, upgrades, Skulls, & in-game Challenges to unlock for replayability, and make it a budget release in the $20-30 range. I don't know why they're not making more smaller scale, XBLA-style games that'd really do well for filling out the Game Pass catalog.

Re: Halo PS5 Rumours Resurface Following Forza Horizon 5 Announcement


@K1LLEGAL I'd prefer to own games than infinitely rent them, and in addition to not caring about most of the GPU permeant games, the ones I do care about are old and cheap so I own them. Which is why GPC is so unappealing to me. For something like the MCC, I'd rather just buy it again on PS5 and not pay for an extra online service I see no value in.

Re: Talking Point: Next Year Marks A Decade Since Xbox's Genius Backwards Compatibility Program


I still call BS on them saying they 'reached the limit with what they could do' with the program, unless the original Xbox One was just that bad. If that's the case now that the XBO is out, maybe the program could be revived for Series consoles that should have no excuses, possibly starting with some Activision games. ... RIP the dream of the two 2024 Transformers projects though.

Although it says a lot about gaming from the XBO/PS4 to Series/PS5 when something that excites the most people is playing old games.

Re: Xbox User Insists Some Owned Games Are Being Hidden From Players' Libraries


@ZYDIO I can't speak for the DSi as I never bought anything digital with one, but you can still redownload anything purchased on the Wii, Wii U, & 3DS. A few years ago I connected my Wii to the internet for the first time since maybe 2010 and redownloaded a few demos and misc. things just because I had the space. They still give you access to the storefronts, but it limits you more or less to the Purchase History for redownloading. Although Nintendo is the only company so far I've had take away the ability to redownload a game I bought, that being DKC Tropical Freeze. Still not too happy about that.

Re: Review: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers: Rita's Rewind (Xbox) - 30 Years In The Making


I'll wait for this one. I thought Digital Eclipse would try to make the combat more complex in later updates, but it seems they want it to be pretty simple. Which is sad because these games are just as enjoyable even if you don't know half the attacks. I am glad to know they have six players after you beat the game, seemed really weird before when we only knew there'd be five.