I think I'm still getting nightmares about that whole Activision Blizzard saga in 2023. Don't get me wrong, it was great for engagement here at Pure Xbox and was somewhat fun to discuss with everyone at the time, but it dragged on forever and undoubtedly caused controversy even within the Xbox fan community itself, which was a drain on all of us.
We're finally past those days now, and I feel like 2024 was a year where nothing crazy was ever going to happen in regards to the Xbox and Activision Blizzard partnership, aside from a few additions to Xbox Game Pass (perhaps less than expected in the end) alongside any previously-planned releases such as Call of Duty: Black Ops 6.
2025 could be a different story though. We're mostly in the dark about what Activision is preparing as things stand, and that means some surprises are hopefully in the works. The first one that excites me is whatever's going on with the Tony Hawk series right now, as the Birdman himself has confirmed that he's working on "something". Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 1+2 was so good a few years ago, and I'm desperate for some kind of sequel or a brand-new entry entirely.
Crash Bandicoot and Spyro immediately come to mind as well. We know that Xbox is planning to publish the next game from Toys for Bob, which has worked on both of these series' in the past, and here's hoping Phil Spencer and his team think the two franchises are still worth sticking with. Crash Team Rumble was a good game, but it never felt it was going to achieve great sales, so how about new platformers for Crash and Spyro? Make it happen, Phil!
There's so much more that could be mentioned. A new Call of Duty (along with all the classics being added to Xbox Game Pass) is probably on many people's wishlists, although it's not really my kind of series to be honest. World of Warcraft isn't particularly my thing either, but I absolutely think it should get a console version at some point, and surely Xbox and Blizzard are looking into that possibility as we speak. That would be a huge announcement for 2025!
Whatever happens, I think there's a lot to be excited about here. We've all been so focused on the Xbox first-party slate that's been announced already (and for good reason - the likes of Fable and DOOM: The Dark Ages look excellent), but who knows what's waiting in the wings from Activision Blizzard? This is the first year where I feel like Xbox's creative vision could sneak into whatever's being worked on behind the scenes at ActiBlizz, and although the games might not be ready just yet, I'm still hoping for some exciting reveals at least.
What do you think we'll see from Activision (and Blizzard) in 2025? Tell us down in the comments below.
Comments 28
WoW on XBox would be WoW! 🤞🏻
More new and original IPs please. Spyro and crash had there time, can we please get some more new things from the 21st century and 2020's for current 9th gen gaming.
yea theres been some flops for trying something new, but keep trying. everything was new at one point.
Not a whole helluva lot if they keep the status quo going. A great place to start would be reviving the old Transformers games, Deadpool and Marvel Alliance titles for either back compat or refreshes. I'm amazed how little they've done so far.
I'd quite like A skylanders reboot.
Not the collectable toys necessarily but I quite liked the games.
It's been so long at this point I don't really care anymore. I love the Marvel and Transformers games, but without the online for games like War for Cybertron and Marvel Ultimate Alliance they'd just 'oh that's neat' rather than things that'd wow me.
I don't know ow what's stopping them from putting WoW console. Yeah I know they couldn't put current retail WoW on console due to 20 years of coding and all that but a version of WoW Classic or even WoW Remix would be great. They actually have mods on PC now that make it so you can use a controller so I know that's not stopping them besides I don't know about PS5 but Series X there are some games that you can use keyboard and mouse. So what's the hold up Blizz, make it happen.
Activision Anthology please. I don't care if its the original Xbox/PS2 version or DLC for Atari 50. So many good memories from those games.
I'm hoping with Disney (reportedly) super happy with Indy and with Blade coming I'm hoping they let Microsoft bring back the Activision Marvel games, either as BC or Remaster (it'd be insane if there was a remaster of Spider-Man 2 GC).
THPS 3-4 remastered needs to happen!
Unless the produce something within the THPS, Crash or Spyro series’ this means nothing to me. And if they do create a new entry in those iconic series, I will only buy-to-own on disc—and I’m more than happy to go elsewhere, if left with no choice.
@Nic-Noc20th-C Yeah! I loved Skylanders, they were great Diablo-likes with fun couch co-op
I don't know how likely any of these would be but they'd get me excited:
1. A Crash/Spyro/Banjo kart racer. They've got all these family-friendly mascot franchises, why not leverage them all? Hell, throw in Psychonauts and Viva Piñata and it'd be a blast! Get Sumo Digital behind it since they made all those Sonic Racing games that were really good.
2. A Blizzard crossover fighter. What if they made a VS fighter a la Marvel vs Capcom featuring WarCraft, StarCraft, Diablo and Overwatch characters? The roster alone would sell the game. Get someone like Arc System Works on it and you've got an Evo headliner.
3. Guitar Hero but (good) live service. If a new Guitar Hero were free-to-play and could be played entirely on a controller, that'd be pretty cool. That way, people who want to buy a plastic guitar can while everyone else can enjoy a more traditional rhythm game. And people can just buy the songs they like instead of '80 new songs but I only play 6 of them!' which was my experience with past GH and Rock Band games. Maybe have a rotation of free songs available to everyone. And maybe even provide a subscription (higher Game Pass tier?) that gives you access to all songs. And besides, Microsoft has the money to license all that music
More new ip like Indy please. Let them create fresh new thing. I never played WoW so would like that to be console
Xbox has not managed a lot of its studios very well, so while the prospect is nice, history doesn't necessarily indicate that we'll get a ton of new games from ActiBlizz (obviously outside of the annual COD) for a while. I'd love to be proven wrong, of course.
Do something with warcraft that isn't WoW. Its a cool IP that could be used in something like an action rpg, return to RTS, etc.
Call of duty is on a really high note right now. Hopefully that continues this year with the follow up. I really enjoyed diving back into the multiplayer for the first time in like 10 years.
To be honest there won't do anything (besides old PC games only on the Xbox PC app, not even on Xbox console).
Likely the only thing coming is another Call of Duty ..maybe.
I sincerely doubt an Xbox version of World of Warcraft would be done. The game runs on a staggering amount of legacy code that they delicately have to work around. The one thing I can appreciate about WoW is how much is actively going on at all times, even if there are no players around, and the constant building on top of previous content endlessly. And I can't imagine they could get something like WoW running on a new system without it being a Fallout 76 tier nightmare at release.
The closest I could truly see is it getting a cloud version, with some Xbox/Bnet link.
Sometimes I forget that Microsoft got these when they went after and acquired King.
What Wii Xbox do with Activision this year? Spoiler Alert : Nothing new…
We're still going to be going through growing pains for a long while, so don't get too hyped. Zenimax (Bethesda) is still being integrated and only started proper at the end of 2023 when they folded into Xbox leadership. Just saying to keep expectations in check. I don't think it's often realized just how long it takes to incorporate a new acquisition especially when that is so big it had already acquired three massive companies itself.
That out of the way, I'm interested in Battle. Net incorporation myself. Avowed dropping day one on the launcher AND allowing players to play it through Game Pass seems huge. I also expect to see Doom Dark Ages join the Battle Net launcher too. Based on what has been said the overall goal is to bring Battle Net into the Xbox ecosystem including Xbox cloud saves and play anywhere and that'd be amazing. It does make me wonder what they'll do for future releases. Will every 1st party game be listed on both the Xbox PC store and Battle Net? Just ones that suit a certain image (like they said Avowed was chosen due to it being a fantasy RPG and similarly I think Doom Dark Ages would fit perfectly as a dark fantasy FPS, but then what about South of Midnight or Towerborne or the Outer Worlds 2)? Battle Net integration also needs to feel more seamless on PC. That or they should bring native Microsoft Store versions of games so you don't have to go through the battle net launcher.
Other than that and what most people are saying, I'd really like the Legend of Spyro Dawn of the Dragon to pop back up. I don't even know why it isn't currently backwards compatible. It's not exactly a licensed title and the third entry isn't that old (and I'd be okay with ignoring the other two for now).
@Elbow If you really want to you can already play WOW on console with Nvidia GFN on the Edge app on Xbox. I suspect that we will soon see a native GFN app on Xbox consoles. Of course that is a separate subscription for the best quality streaming (though there is a much more limited free option), still it's "a" way to play WOW on console.
It's definitely possible and even the devs have said as much. It would also definitely take a LOT of work and most likely any console launch would need to be a separate version entirely with a dedicated team and no cross play (so it'd need to succeed on its own) just because of how much well everything WOW is on PC.
What I think is more likely and much easier would be if they brought a WOW adjacent game to Xbox. For example, a permanent WOW plunderstorm game. The battleroyale already strips WOW of a lot and acts as a much more simplified gameplay experience. They could give it a full team and sell it as a standalone game (depending on size for $20 to $40) obviously as part of GP day one. WOW players can connect their account to earn extra cosmetics or rewards for WOW on PC, but unlike now you wouldn't need an existing account or WOW sub to play. It's bring WOW to console players in a way that doesn't require as much work (for gamers and devs), and could also encourage players to try it on PC if they want to. Additionally, it's not like they'd have to stop their console efforts there. They could 100% bring that one mode to console and build an audience on console while they keep working on expanding to develop and support a proper WOW Xbox port
I would love to see another Tony Hawk game....
THPS2 was a permanent resident in my Playstation back in 2000/2001 😁 I'd never been so addicted to a game like it before. Then 20 years on when Vicarious Visions rebooted THPS 1+2 the nostalgia kicked in and so did the addiction, but what surprised me most was the muscle memory. It was like my fingers had never left the controller 🤣🤣
@Tasuki As a WoW player of 20 years I would say the main thing stopping them is that the game is simply not designed for console. The biggest problem with WoW over the years is its been tuned up and up with every expansion from a relatively slow 1-2 button rotation, to high apm intensense encounters where gameplay almost mandates the use of Addons, Weak Aura and Macros. You can play with out them but frankly its going to be a miserable time, and you will be playing at a disadvantage for any competitive play . As @WildConcept6 has suggested I think any version of WoW on Xbox would have be altered quite a lot to exist as a console only version because I don't think MS would be happy allowing the addons that PC WoW requires. That would require such a monumental effort with its own team, and frankly Blizz are pretty poor at keeping up with what they already have going on.
Sure they could go the Classic route and just release classic WoW but players would want to advance and at that point you start hitting the problems that advanced WoW brough to the game.
EDIT: I should add even if they could do Classic I don't know how popular it would be outside of PC because Classic is so dated it relies heavily on nostalgia to make it decent.
FF14 gets around the WoW issue because from the get go it was designed with console in mind which is why it has a longer GCD, highly telegraphed boss fights that are repetative dances, rather than heavy RNG based encounters.
Its a great game but I just don't see it making its way to console any time soon if only for the work and cost required to make it work.
@Ilyn Nah that's a misconception that you need the add-ons to make WoW enjoyable. I have been playing WoW for off and on for 20 years and never used an add on and still enjoy the game to it's fullest. The idea that you have to have add-ons is just some B.S. that elitists use to scare away casual players and quite frankly is sickening. Anyone who believes that you need add ons just either can't play the game without having their hand held or are just a gatekeeper who are trying bully others.
@Tasuki I mean sure if you want to ignore the devs who themselves have admitted that heroic and mythic encounters are designed knowing that people use addons and they have to inflate difficulty inline with that to keep players interested or the game would be to easy. Its not gate keeping or elitist its just the way the game has evolved, because addons happened and the genie is out of the bottle now. Sure you can play the game using LFD/ LFR at the lowest difficulty levels without any extras but if you want to play at the higher end then, yes that stuff is basically mandatory.
Again this is something FF14 worked around by simply never allowing WoW style addons, but if you tried to take them out of WoW now players would simply leave.
Till I see back compat games, don't care what ABK do honestly.
Same IPs, DLCs, etc. Nothing of interest from them at the moment.
I'm excited for the new Doom. Been a fan for so long.
@Ilyn To be honest if those players left it wouldn't hurt my feelings at all. Truthfully the game needs to go back to what brought it to the dance, community, and exploration not min-maxing for raids and elitist raiders.
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